(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Re : Bumwear

I bought for my no.1 but i never use it till now, i used it as a training pants for her toilet training. Basically i find it very cumbersome to wear, its like so BULKY, the bumwear need to put inserts inside and looks heavy, was wondering if it be too hot for the bb, anyway i tried 1-2x for bb then decided not to use it. 1) u have to wash inserts & bumwear, don tik u can keep the outer bumwear cos it be wet as well. 2) alot of washing to do, once we got used to disposable diapers don tik we will use the bumwear at all.

Suggest if u prefer cloth diaper, start using it 1st, if u can tahan the washing then get bumwear but I wont advise buying bumwear, kinda waste money for me (maybe i too lazy, no maid at home = i am the maid) heheee.


Ange - I've just signed up for the parentcraft classes. Weekday rates are @$210, weekend rates @$246 for non FBI members (I can't remember the exact pricing). FBI members get about $25 off. There are 3 timings, and you can choose to attend at either AMK hub or opposite TMC

Thanks ladies hope more wld start to know the gender soon. Seems like the forum is down for quite a while today.

Ange: I think some insurer start insuring only when the bb is at least 3 mths old. But meanwhile no harm looking ard first to compare coverage n premiums.

Angel: i tell myself if 1st child is boy then I will try for a gal. But if 1st one is gal I'm most prob closing shop liao. ;) tiring to go thru child bearing for older mummies ;p wonder how my grandmama had 13 children. ;o

Anyone interested in joining inspiremum for Any of their classes? I have a $20 vouchers discount valid till end of the yr. I hav no use for it as I hav already signEd up for their pilates class. ;)

nana my fren hubby is great eastern ins agent. Can pass his contact to u.

Think tis few days forum like not stable.

pre-nat yoga

1st lesson is this sat! Hv fun, ladies. My son has chickenpox so in order to play safe n not to pass to the mtbs, i better skip this wk's class.

hi mummies!

Long time never log in,so much happening!

Been realli busy wif work..

Jus 2 share,im an insurance manager wif Prudential!

Prudential jus recently launched a plan specially for unborn babies and pregnant mummies like us,u can always PM me if u wish find out more info,hope can contribute some help to Nov mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] dun worry,i wun eat any of u up haha

also,wana check wif mummies here,have any bought baby cots already?where can we get the best deal? (free bedding sets,musical mobiles etc)?thk u in advance for any feedback n tips!have no idea where hubby and i can get the best deal :p

Hi mummy,

I have extra Enfapro 4 tins expiry date Nov 2011. Going to change to enfagrow soon so I am going to either return to supplier or sell it at cost $36.50.

PM me if you keen to buy at Sengkang area... Thanks

Koori - Hehe, thanks for the info about bumwear! Looks like I'll learn from your experience and go old-school with cloth diapers. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jewel - Wah, then just nice for u leh. One boy and now a girl. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Only child is very sad and will feel very bored de (like me, wana find someone to quarrel with at home also cannot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ). hehehehe

pibmummy - My hb & I will most likely get one from Mothercare. So far saw afew, and we like one model there. Think it's around $300 plus (excluding mobile, can't rem include mattress anot)

pibmummy - can also buy from dept stores or kiddy palace, just browse around and shortlist wat u prefer. Something to note is there's one cot tat has very big frame (the top frame border) is wider than HDB bedroom door, so if u intend to move the cot around then suggest do a measurement before buying cos that one cant get out of the room once u install it, need to dismantle then refix.

hmm this forum had been down since last afternoon...have been trying to post but not able to...so it was only up last evening...

Ching Ng/Jen: congrats and welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jewel: congrats on your 2nd bb is a girl and can close shop liao..just nice 1 boy 1 gal..envy envy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

seems we have more bb girls than boys at this nov thread.

yah i saw some really solid cots at mothercare and they cost more than $350 (not sure whether inclusive of accessories etc) but they look really nice...a friend of mine said that he managed to get cot at less than $200 (on sale) recently at mothercare but i cant find it at harbourfront mothercare guess only selected outlet will have cot on sales. next alternative is head to baby kindom /hypermark at kaki bukit, hearsay the cot there are cheap.

yes there seem more gals than boy in nov :p

Ya, I couldn't access they forum yest in late aftn and couldn't post anything this aftn.

Wrote an email to Bee Lee, hopefully the system will stabilise.


U r welcome!

Think you should try to cut back on maggie mee bec not so healthy bec of MSG content...

Like what Jo said, milk or yoghurt is better, at least you get calcium.

I'm trying to eat healthy too, but sometimes will give in to chocolates, etc. ;p

Jewel/Hammiebao/Mrs Lee:

Nice to see you all at 2nd Pilates lesson! Now can put a face to your nick.

But didn't get to see Nana in time, next lesson perhaps. =)

Oh I got sore butt when I woke up on Sunday morning, must be due to all the squeezing, hehe!

Did you all experience that? Or am I doing the steps wrongly? Muahahaha!!


You can try using lip balm on your lips in the day and also b4 you sleep. Works for me! ;)

Dry Skin:

I know I will have dry skin, esp on tummy, just haven't occur yet.

That's bec of growing tummy, and when skin stretches, it becomes itchy.

When I had #1, I scratched till bled! So now I plan to moisturise my tummy soon.

Clarins Body Treatment Oil:

Actually b4 I flew off in mid June, I had dinner at T3 and spoke to the sales assistant at Clarins counter.

The oil is selling at $74 whether it's at public area or departure transit area. So no difference.

And she said they are 20% cheaper than outside ie dept stores.

I called the T3 transit area shop and they confirmed it was $74 too. Too pricey, so didn't buy.

Thus, there's no need to go overseas to get into transit area to buy.

Ueno: Was it the same price you paid when you bought your 8 bottles?

Finally see some updates here..


I had sore shoulders the next day.. And my legs!! Haha

I always have sore bum when I walk too much.. And during my 1st trimester, and doc asked me to rest more..

Dry skin and lips,

I tried to put lip balm but I hate the smell after I got preg.. I used to put lip balm quite often before preg as my job always make my skin very dry, but after preg I tried a switching a few brand also cannot stand the smell even those with min smell.. I don't know why

Just some info on sterilizer and food warmer,

Today I found 2 very cheap sterilizer and warmer set

1) chicco sterilizer and warmer -$99 from isetan

2) lucky baby sterilizer and warmer - $79.90 from kiddy palace

But I did not compare the performance like how long it takes etc.. Will check out that when I got time..

My friends are using Pigeon and both say it's good..

Oh v good.... I finally can post!

Think the site was down for a while, I kept trying since Sunday.

Bam, you're back! I'll try and update the table (and hopefully be able to post it in table format).


I spoke with both a Prudential agent and NTUC Income. Basically, the prudential insurance that they recently launched is for expecting moms (and only expecting moms between wk 18-32, I think, can buy). I asked NTUC Income whether they have a similar product, but they don't. Their only female insurance does cover pregnancies but not current & existing ones, which means all of us are out.

I still owe someone maternity clothes review.... will update later in the day.

Bam, thank you for updating the table. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jollymummy, Hammiebao: For soothing dry skin and cracked lips, try vaseline, very effective. Apply a thin layer will do. Cheap and effective. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gals... Is it advisable to buy baby cot? Can e playpen work e same? I am planning to get 2 as 1 will b at my MIL's place since she'll b looking after e baby after my maternity leave and 1 at my own place. My colleague advised me not to get 2 baby cots as it will not b used for too long as baby grows fast. Any advice?

Irene : This is the only page they have as part of the TMC website. http://www.thomsonmedical.com/parentcraft_centre.htm

Cot Mobiles : I'm also interested to get a mobile for the cot. Will be getting cot from my SIL, so just need to get accessories. Any idea where to get cute ones? or maybe something that has lights. I saw one quite some time back at robinsons, but I think not cute enough.. haha

Leg Cramps : aaarrrggghhh... had leg cramp 3 times last night. How to get enough rest to last me the whole day at work?

Vividip - if u intend to get cot, suggest to get convertible type to Toddler bed. Playpen got many types, its best to get those that has 3 levels cos the bassinet can outgrow very fast as its quite shallow. If only 2 levels then the lowest level will be the base, thats very low cos alot of bending, its more for bigger bb when they can standup cos u can minimise bending.

Koori- thanks for e advice! Din know there r cots that can b convertible.. I shall keep a lookout on tat... Prob get a convertible cot and a playpen then. =)

Bluesoda: Yes, can eat. Just that the cholesterol level is high. Eat the cooked one if you are not comfortable with the preserved ones. I just ate! Now you made me crave for it! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Vividip: Graco has the convertible playpens cum cots. Stable and its movable in and out of bedroom without hassles. Also, the Babysafe mattress can fit the cot.

I'm also looking at using a playpen as the cot. Hopefully by the time we fly back home, we can put the baby (4 months old) onto a bed/full size mattress. Will this work? Am considering Graco and Fisher Price. Graco colours and patterns are so awful. Babysafe mattress is a local product huh? Any other brands of mattress that u gals would recommend?

Bluesoda, foie gras is ok. Just make sure it's not raw or semi-cooked. My antenatal class said that the ban of raw/semi-cooked food is to prevent food poisoning.

Baby cots/playpen, I'm also wondering what and how should I buy the baby's sleeping arrangements. My intended plan is to have a cot in my room so I take care of the baby during confinement or at night after confinement. But my MIL will take care of the baby during the day (hopefully! Haven't really asked how things will be during confinement). Does that mean I need to get 2 cots - one in my room and one in the living room/corridor (don't think her room is big enough to put a cot too)?

Another thing is that I want to go back to my parents' place aft confinement and stay there overnight occasionally. Does that mean I also need a baby cot for my mom's place?

Then I have to buy 3???

Any advice from experienced moms?


Normally what I see my friend did was she got a cot in her room, then the bouncer in the living room.. Which baby can sleep on too.. And another bouncer at her parents place..(but she nv sleep over at her parents place) The bouncer is those very simple kind.. Selling at ard 30+ at kiddy palace...

I also thinking how many cot I need to get, I will be having my confinement at my parents place that I sure need a cot, after confinement shd be moving back to hubby's parents place.. Then mid next year our HDB will be ready.. Headache..

the forum seems to be crazy..cant post yest.

Bluesoda, i ate foie gras durin my 3rd mth.. hehehe!!

Jollymummy, i didnt suffer much from achin,but ive finally manage to 'crack crack' my back now. so shiok! haha.. nice to see all of u last sat too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i dun tink u need 3 ba.. if u stay at ur mom place occasionally, think matteress on the floor will do? den as for ya house, perhaps like some mummy said, get one that can be push, n the width is enuff to push out of the room door. buyin 3 is madness, cos its not cheap..


i have 30% discount on the product, if any mummies wanna order or stock up..lemme know, cos am stockin up too..


I paid 50+ per btl, cAn't recAll actual price. One mummy feedback that it was that price too. Can't remember who, can look through the archives. Definitely not 74. The prices inside dep terminal is 7% cheaper cos no gst. So I don't know y they told u it's the same price.

Whim :

I'm thinking of getting a playpen that is adjustable for my mum's place and a cot for my home. For the first few months, baby will probably sleep on mattress next to my bed before we move her to the cot in the next room. My bedroom too small to fit a cot.

Mrs Lee :

I'm interested!! still considering if I should get Clarins or stretch mark cream from Gynae. Gynae mentioned that the cream she carries has some papers to proof that it is effective. Clarins is also slightly more exp even with 30%. What do you think?

ermmm, i didnt use other brands, so cant really compare. since ur gynae is using it, n seems to highly recommend it, why dont u try? if its not expensive. Im currently using Clarins cream, since 3rd mth, so far ok.. n its not very sticky. Am goin to stock up the oil this time, heard its better. If i remember correctly oil is afew dollar cheaper den cream too.

Yay!!! Can post at last! My gard!

Went for detail scan ystd. I've got a healthy baby boy! so happy! But my baby was turning round n round non stop for whole hour while doing the scan, and sucking his thumb occasionally. The nurse was trying to move my tummy a few times n asking me to cough for him to change position.

Btw, Is babysafe mattress good? It's doing a lot of advertisement in mag. Apart fr that, what mattress is recommended?

I have not gotten a cot, am on a lookout too.

Btw, when is GSS ending? Tangs n Metro no longer having sales. It ended early this yr or wat? I still havent buy any baby clothes.

Jollymummy: nice meeting u in person... & Mrs Lee & Hammiebao too.

I felt a muscle tighten at the thigh area after class but ok when I reached home... think next lesson you shld feel better after more stretching of the unused/idle muscles.

Clarins Oil: I still have 1 extra bottle at home havent use. I also bought 2 extra tube of elancyl cream for day use.. v fast finish. Clarins can use for long time. Anyone interested can get from me, think bought for $55+.

Bb cot, me using hand me down from fren [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so just need to buy mattress... bb can use it for a while oni i think, so no pt buy new one.

Finally know the gender of baby le, it’s a girl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But doc said there is a cyst at bb brain, after hearing i'm so worried [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. But doc said it is very common in most of the fetal and it will automatically disappear after 23th to 24th weeks. Does anyone of you heard that before???

Whim - u can actually consider just moving the cot mattress to your MIL room during day. bb shld be quite safe to sleep on the mattress on the floor (if no bigger kids running around). At nite u just put back the mattress into the cot in ur room. If not can get those bouncer to sleep during the day. Don bother getting so many beds or playpen cos its still within same house.

Hi Ueuo,

I have got my clarins oil at $74/btl in airport. In fact during departure, i did check with the clarins counter, the salesgal told me that the pricing is the same for arrival hall.. Perhaps tt time you got it at a sales promo?

Btw mummies can i check with you all, if you all have or intend to try for prenatal or postnatal massage.. Im interested but dont knw if it's gd..

And ya currently at 2nd tri, besides multi-vits, calcium tablets and fish oil.. Do you all started to take iron tablets le?

At Tangs now!! There is still sales going on.. Somemore if u got citibank card u got 12% rebate for today only!! I keep walking up n down to see if I can get any good buy here!!


The price for airport departure and arrival is the same for all products.. Just that the selectionat arrival hall is lesser..

Re: Iron tablets,

My gynae told me that he will only give me iron after my detailed scan.. And he just did a blood test for me on my last visit so have to wait for he result also, currently taking fish oil, colic acid and calcium tablets

