(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Hi Hammiebao,

Ya that was what the salesgal told me too.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My detailed scan is on this coming sat, cant wait for the day to come and see hw's the lil one doing.. hehe..

Colic acid?? What is that?


Juv06, congrats in knowin the gender. i needa wait till next thurs for detailed scan.. sigh~

Jolyn, i tink she's referrin to Folic acid la.. too excited over the sale at Tangs liao.. hahahha!!


me currently only consume pretamins from gynae, fish oil and another liquid supplement i bought myself. nt sure if the pretamins include iron.. but it sure does include calcium n folic.

ermmm: tks for the parentcraft link [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

OranGeBB/ juv 06: congrats for knowing bb gender [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

same here OranGeBB, i also went for my detail scan yday and i finally know my bb gender, its a girl!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

saw the 3 lines to show that its a girl..

re: clarins cream/oil

oh u gals got it cheap at $74 or even at $50+, i had got the cream at $80 at isetan ~2mths back. and had asked the girl at clarin counter and she mentioned oil also same price at $80.

re: iron tablets

Jolyn/hammiebao: my gynae had presciped some to me but he mentioned not really critical to take if there's at least 1 of your meal contain meats..as i also voiced my concern that iron tablets will cause my constipation to be worse. if i dun remember wrongly, he said more critical n need to take iron tablets only when near to due date.


just went to see my gynae yesterday. recently been suffering from muscle ache on right side and if i sleep too much on left side..i can feel the strain too.

Everyday i feel so tired..can't carry my #1 at all cos of the silly muscle ache on right side. gynae gave me calcium and B12 which he said is good for the vein/nerves.

haiz miss carrying my #1....now could just hug him when sitting down only.

I wonder how im going to cope cos i still have another 4 to 5mths to go before delivery. Only getting a helper in sept earliest.

Mummies preggie with #2..how do you cope with #1?

do you have a helper? or your #1 is older already? My #1 is currently 15mths old.

Finally the forum is up! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shan & Irene - How was ur scan yesterday? Everything's fine on my side. Gynae said that my placenta is at an ok level liao (previously was slightly low), and that the bb is fine. He's almost 400g liao. The last time I measured on 7Jun, he was around 240g only. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Irene, orangebb & juv - congrates on knowing bb gender! :D

btw i had also signed up the 3d/4d scan at NUH. package which include both the detail scan (done yday) and upcoming 3d/4d scan= $203(include gst). heard from recep that saved ~60+ by signing up package for both.

anyone had signed up for the 3d/4d scan too?

angel: yes i was gg to ask abt ur yday detail scan too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] everything fine on my part too and i finally know my bb gender too (its a girl as reply in an earlier post [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]).

wow ur bb grow fast..400g liao..sonographer nvr told us the bb weight...and i was concentrating on looking at the screen...ai shld have asked too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh.. I meant folic acid, but my iPhone auto change it which I didn't notice..

Tangs sale for baby items:

Avent, pigeon and Nuk 20% off

Medala 15% off

Chicco,evenflo, munchkin and Puku 20% + 10% (citi bank n tangs card holder)

Offer items no discount but got rebate

All the above entitled to 12% rebate to citibank or tangs card

And only can enter Tangs with citibank or Tangs card

Hope this help!!

hammiebao, u sounds like u're ready to stock up all the stuff today.. hahah!! have fun shoppin.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jolyn, ya.. bring pink ones.. hehehhee!!

Irene - They got give u the report anot? I think can see the weight range in the report. My report has many graphs, and one of it is the weight I think. The sonographer told us the weight and that all measurements are in the average range. Maybe u'll like to check out ur report to see if there's any mention?


- Rem that time u asked me about blood in the amnio fluid? I saw my gynae yesterday, and asked her about this. She said that the most probable reason is that there may be slight trauma when the needle went in. Then either ur skin/uterus bleed abit and it went into the fluid. Therefore, when the doc extracted the fluid, there was some blood in it. My gynae said that there's no need to worry about it de. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hope this sets ur mind at ease. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Lee,

Think I'm just too free and don't wanna miss good deal mah.. I think I spent 1+ hour at Tangs baby department looking for things to buy.. Kept asking my friend what to buy till kena scold irritating.. Haha

Clarins body oil,

I started using the oil since 3rd mth preg.. But only use it at night.. Heard from the sales girl that customer feed back said the oil is better than the cream.. I saw it selling at Tangs for $80.. Btw do I have to use it day n night?

Baby stroller,

Anyone started looking for stroller? Any idea if we can get better discount if we get together?

Hammiebao, i cant wait to know the baby gender.. so that i can start my shopping spree too.. :D

For clarins oil, i also apply at night after shower.. But i have been lazy la.. feel like it then apply.. Oops.. ;x

Btw has any mummies here tried prenatal massage le?

Been reading up on infant care. It seems like such a daunting task! There's just soooooooooo many things to note. Wonder how do first-time parents stay sane and do the right things. =X

Hi Angel,

Glad that your detailed scan went well.

Also thanks for checking with the gynae for me. I feel more relieved now!

Jolyn, for prenatel.. i haven went there yet, cos ive sign up a massage package with Rustic Nirvana that can be converted to prenatel n postnatel. Heard from the center, prenatel massage can only start from 5th month.. n as for the clarins oil, the staff suggest to apply immediately after u finish bathin (body still wet) den after tat towel dry..cos when ya body is wet, better absorption.

Hi Tigger,

Most welcome! Glad that the info helped. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hehe, nope not infant care as in those childcare centers for infants. What I meant was caring for infants, eg: during bathing, diapering, burping, changing clothes, etc etc etc. There's so much to learn, and the first time I'll hands-on will be on my child. What if I do sth wrongly? haha, that's the scary part. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm actually looking at getting a babysitter during the day to take care of my bb when I go back to work after maternity. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hopefully can find one near my place to minimize traveling time.


I see. Dun worry, very soon u will be an expert.

For me, I had a confinement lady helping me for 1st month, so before she left, i asked her to teach me and I hands-on to try (of course i took quite long to bathe him). I even filmed it down how she bathed my boy as a reference for me in case i forgot the steps!

angel: yes le..report was given to me to pass to gynae. i just checked out the report n i believe tat is my bb weight bah...and she is now weighing 473g [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

seems she growing pretty fast..cos last saw gynae was on jun17 and he measured bb at 350g...just ~2 weeks later and bb weight increase by ~100g.

tigger: i think tat's a good idea of video down how the CL bathed ur boy for reference. im thinking of doing tat too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


That's a good tip to film how CLs do stuff for future reference! Hehehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Think such stuff are really hands-on. No matter how much we read, we won't be able to know how it's like until we try it ourselves. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Wah~ 473g liao ah? Fast de loh. hehehehe. U can tell others that ur weight gain (if any) is not all urs, & that ~500g belongs to ur girl. :D Yah loh, think bbs grow very fast at this stage.

angel: ya lor...now i can be more justified where those weight go to [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw i just spoke to a fren who is also preggy n her gynae is one of those few who v particular of weight gain during preggy(maybe cos her gynae also a woman)..and her gynae mentioned total weight gain for a normal weight mummy shld be ar 9-11kg until delivery. and if u are within this range, it wil be easier to lose those kgs after give birth too...i hope i can be within this range..this shall be my goal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: clarins oil

I'm v sure that if u make yr purchase at arrival hall u will need to pay gst so even if the price is the same u will need to add on 7% yourself. I have the PPS card from SQ n I get 15% i think.

I've bought a Graco Playpen at Takashimaya last week. Read a lot of negative news on cribs, especially the recent recall. Felt that playpen might be a safer choice for my baby...

i confirmed my bb's gender for the 5th time le.. haha.. its confirm a girl n we are naming her Megan.. so happy shopping.. but my wallet not v happy liao..

Jean, my son is going to be 19 mths n he is still sleeping in his cot.. i find it the safest place to put him. playpens are portable n great if u bring bb overseas n want the bb to slp in a familar environment. The recent recall ones is a model thats pretty fanciful with the drop side. =)

i still have 27 days to a viable fetus.. haha.. once i pass the 28th of July.. i will be happier coz if i bleed again or whateva.. the bb will be viable.. when i was at my last staycation at kk at 16wks, the gal beside me also 16wks water bag burst n she delivered the bb but they cannot save the bb.. they literally see the bb breathing his last breath.. i beside her so stress lor..

i keep having vivid dreams until i dun sleep well.. everynite not waterbag burst la.. its still born la.. if not its bleeding again.. damn stressed.. heng my detailed scan is ok.. except my placenta is lowish.. so hope it goes up and everything turns out well lor..

Mrs lee: I'm interested in the Clarins oil, how much is each bottle?

Strawberry79: I have a 13 month old ...and I can understand how you feel....our helper just started on Sunday, hopefully it works out well.


Not sure why, perhaps they have raised prices since the last time you bought it?

Anyway, I also checked out the price while inside departure hall, it's $74.


I want the Clarins oil! Still avail or not? How much you selling?

Or can PM or email me to discuss! Thanks!!


I look aft my baby alone, no helper. My lil girl is 22 months and weighs abt 12kg. Find her quite heavy to carry.

She will ask me to carry her and it's very hard to say no. I don't want to tell her she's heavy or mummy can't carry her bec meimei is inside.

So I ask her to hold my hand and walk together. Sometimes I'll tell her that mummy is tired. If she refuses, then I'll carry her. I'm not sure how I'll cope when I'm in 3rd trimester though.

I guess it's inevitable that we have to sit down to carry baby or hug/kiss baby more to let baby know we still love them as much.


I saw from the table that you are already at 20wks. Why do you need to wait till 28 July to have viable foetus? Sorry maybe I missed out some info earlier.

Pls try not to be so stressed bec baby can feel it. Try to think happy thoughts and see beautiful baby pictures?


From my past experience I know that u don't need to pay 7% GST at arrival hall (where the baggage area is) as I used to be a stewardess and I always help my friend to buy cosmetics at arrival hall, I did ask the sales girl abt the 7% and they say its the same as departure hall.

Mrs Lee:

Not much damage, cos I buy small small items, the big items(stroller, cot, breastpump) are still quite exp and not much choice there.

Hammiebao, ah.. so u got milk bottles? bulk purchase, think at shoppin mall, no difference, unless we get the stuff from shops (bb hypermart)??


erm.. its 30% discount from the usual price.. so depends on what u buy ba.. Oil really a popular item huh..

Jollymummy, have u told ya #1 that she is goin to be jiejie soon? THink better tell them earlier..prepare them..if she is cryin for u to carry, do when u can.. dun force urself. Try to explain to her that she had grew up. Another way to soothe the #1 are, (read from smewhere) buyin a gift to #1 on ya labour day.. explainin to them that its a present from their meimei/didi.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Lee,

I got the Avent new born set for the bottles.. Then pacifier, pacifier clip, bottle brush, the milk powder container.. All the small items..

Strawberry, my no.1 is with nanny during day time and we bring her back after work. We have no helper and all my no.1 chores done by us. So far, she haven been requesting for me to carry her now, cos i did tell her mummy cannot carry. She is 27 mths old now and i guess this age seem good for me now, she is almost toilet trained and most of the time we go out she will walk on her own. She can relate to us what she wants more so less gussing games for us. Guess its gg be challenge when no. 2 comes, hope my no1. can accept meimei and don fight for attention. Now i also hug her whenever i can, keke.

anyone know whether is it safe for preggie to use Listerine? Heard that it is too strong for preggie to use it daily...

I tot listerine is never good to be used everyday regardless pregnant or not cos they will thin the crown from daily use. Not sure how true


I hesistate to use it though i have some bleeding on the gums every night i brush my teeth.. Haiz..


I will be having my detailed scan and meeting up my gynae tmrw morning.. Perhaps i can check, once i knw i let you knw whether listerine can be used for preg mums anot ya.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I need help for my bleeding gums too..

Mrs Lee,

Oh dint know that prenatal massage only starts frm 5th month onwards.. I'm trying out a massage this sunday.. I will be on my 20th week tmrw ;)

Thanks Jolyn!

Prenatal Massage:

Im still considering whether i should go for prenatal massage. What are the benefits? Im experiencing shoulder ache these days..Dunno whether the prenatal massage will help to relieve the shoulder ache


my boy is 26 mths and he weight slightly more than 12kg and is toilet train. Although he can form sentence yet, but roughly we can figure wat he wan. He is with nanny during the day and we will bring him hm every evening.

We have no intention to get a full time maid as nanny will take care of no. 2 nx year jan when my boy will be put to CC opp nanny house. We have arrange with nanny to cook dinner for our boy since CC do not provide dinner while it will be too rush for me to prepare dinner for him after work.

Although my boy is heavy, i can still manage to carry him for a short while. But nw he also used to let his daddy carry him le...although he still prefer me lah.

We will do the normal housework and leave the major cleaning for our part time maid who come every sat morning. We are trying and praying tat we will be able to cope without a full time maid with an active toddler and a baby in near future.

This forum's system is going haywire these days.

Jollymummy, just PM you. Think the clarins oil will be able to last you till birth.

Pilates ladies, see you tmr ya.

So nice so many if you know the gender. I still have to wait 3 more weeks.

No cloth diaper for me. I cannot imagine all the washing :p


Me intending to use... & I bought a pack of 5 anyway. Even if later I switch to diaper, can also use the cloth during breast feeding & etc.

clarins oil

i got mine ard $62 at metro 20% disc + 2% uob cc disc. I think 1 btl can last me all the way.

Bam, i updated my no.2 gender in the google spreadsheet but its not reflected in yr table. Sugg to incl location n name of bb. Tks for yr time.

Koori, yrs a march 08 bb too? I tot u r apr mom. =)


If you miss the Tangs sale, Baby Kingdom is having 20% discount for Avent products. I bought the bottle steriliser and warmer yesterday. Also bought Ameda breastpumps from them.

Will be going for my detailed scan on Monday and will update all on the baby's gender then!

Happy weekend everyone!

