(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Stephanie - I also dun eat much. Last time used to eat 1/2 bowl of rice. Now maybe around 1/4 to 1/3 bowl only. What I do is just to eat more often. Besides the 3 meals a day, maybe some biscuits in the middle, or a museli bar, banana, etc. That should cover the nutrients bb needs. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Do you drink milk, eat yogurt? If yes, then there's no need to take calcium tablets or fortified OJ. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


seagal , how does it taste like? Sweets drinks? hahahaha!

Angel, yea i tried to take biscuit & fruits etc etc . I don't drink milk, it rejects.. But i eat yoghurt sometimes. Is that enough?

seagal , how does it taste like? Sweets drinks? hahahaha!

Angel, yea i tried to take biscuit & fruits etc etc . I don't drink milk, it rejects.. But i eat yoghurt sometimes. Is that enough?

seagal, oh great! I'll go check it out later @ the pharmacy! Thanks, that do me alot of help!! I'm so afraid that baby will not get enough calcium as i don't take milk ><

hi bam,

pls add me to the list

nick: clover

EDD: 16 Nov

Doc: Dr Adrian Tan

Hosp: Mt A

no. of kids: 1 + 1 upcoming

current wk: 17

gender: B

Stephanie - Hmm, how about try everydae eat abit? I think the bones form until 7788 liao. But if you don't have enough calcium intake, then the bb will take from your body. And that's not good woh. Hmm, in the end, think u try the fortified OJ bah. Duno if it's good enough anot, or maybe can get those chewy multi-vitamins that kids eat? At least better than nuting bah hor? hehehehe

Calcium> I also dont drink milk (vanilla), dont really like cheese stuff too. So I drink chocolate milk and soya milk instead. I'm not sure for those who dont drink milk is totally no milk or no vanilla milk?

I try to take in calcium by other sources, like the multi-vit, other than that, drink soup that has fish/bones, think beancurb have also? I dont really like yogurt (since i dont like milk) but now I try to take once a week, those mango/apricot flavoured, as i read it's good and hoping it helps in my constipation like some mummies commented here.

Angel, I did eat but not that much. Maybe i should try seagal's efferversence tablet ! Hehehe.

Mummywong10, I like cheese, i don't drink milk which means vanilla & chocolate those powdered kind you gotta mix it ourselves. As for soya milk i did drink, but my mom told me it's not very advisable to take too many soya milk as it contains a little bit of the 'idon'tknowwhat'. As for yoghurt i did take, what type of yoghurt did you take ? Like what brands etc etc?

As for me, i take alot of fruits. Like honeydew, guava .. & so far my constipation is doing well..

angel: glad to hear u are fine now. take care orh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tks hope bb cooperate to show me gender at next visit..been talking to him everyday to remember show me gender [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/wink.gif]

Stephanie: congrats and welcome! and finally there is someone with same edd as me on 1st nov! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dun worry, actually good to be a young mother, tend to have lesser complication during preggy and next time u have more energy to catch up/play with ur kids too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lucky: congrats and welcome too.

Stephanie> at least u like cheese, i think cheese have calcium too. soya milk not gd ah? but i dont drink everyday so should be ok. I'm not so particular on yogurt brands, i'm more particular on the flavour cause I prefer mango/apricot haa..yes I think fresh fruits are still the best. u are one of the few lucky ones who do not have constipation.

mummywong: ya i tried the mango flavour yogurt drink too and this is one type of yogurt that i can take [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] tried a couple times and seems to work quite well for my constipation.

like angel and someone had mentioned before, try to take at night which should helps in constipation.

Hi mommies,

I am also taking the efferversence tablet like seagal which my gynae prescrible.. I always fill half a cup of water and dissolve the tablet. And tried to drink slowly.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Can i check if we take such calcium tablets, we need not take in any milk ya?

ya also to check.. is some mommies here experiencing bleeding when brushing of teeth? Am i lack of calcium, that's why?

Irene, HI! Really?! Your Edd is 1st of nov too! Which hospital are you giving birth at?

Mummywong10, Yes i like cheese but not too much as i'll get sick of it too if i eat too much! :p Yes, i heard beancurd & soya bean cannot be taken too much as it contains abit of the harmful substances inside i heard from my friends & mom. For yoghurt, most of the time i ate meiji's, strawberry & aloe vera? Hahaha, i love aloe vera! I used to have very bad constipation but after taking fresh fruits, it's getting much better!

Jolyn, bleeding is normal during pregnancy i heard? But gotta be careful, my mom told me to drink some milk to help build the teeth but still i did not take in milk as i kept rejecting. I've not experience any bleeding YET but i did experience some pain in my teeth!

Hi mommies

i forgot to share this story told my my sil. Her gf lost one tooth after she gave birth. That gf's friend lost three teeth after giving birth due to calcium deficiency. After I heard the story I was so shocked. According to both my sisters in law, our babies will take the calcium from us if they are not getting enough. We will then suffer from bones aching, osteoporosis or teeth dropping etc. I don't like drinking milk too. My hubby bgt annum for me since first trimester but I only touched it twice. Now I'm worried for my teeth!

calcium intake

have no fear, mummies! bb will draw calcium from us during the 3rd trimester where they grow the most, so it's never too late to start taking more calcium, like from today!

Is taking the calcium supplement sufficient? I just dun like the taste of Anmum milk taste. Anyone taking Anmum milk here?

ya bluesoda, im taking anmum choc flavor so far im ok wif it..

i tink calcium is v impt during n after preggy especially if we BF. For my #1 i BF for 1 yr n after tat my knees joint starts to pain. tink after pregnancy i din really hv enuf calcium which i believe mainly comes frm milk. so now my #2 im trying hard to max my calcium intake. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi, long time since I last posted. Welcome all the new mummies that just joined.

I went for my check-up last friday. Was hoping to know the gender of the baby as I will be going to US in 2 weeks time. Easier to shop for baby stuff if I know the gender of the baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] The gyne scanned and said that it looks "flatish" between the legs...most likely girl but cannot confirmed until detailed scan next month. She added can buy more girl's clothing...just dun buy too many. Give me the feeling that she is confident of her analysis but dun wanna commit.

hmm...i've been feeling sad lately...wonder wats wrong...does anyone feel the same way? Maybe its the hormones messing me up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi, bam

Please add me to the list.

Nick: tubao

EDD: 25 Nov

Hosp: KKH

Doc: Dr John Tee

no of kids: 1 + twin coming

current week: 16 weeks

gender: don't know yet.

Jolyn: yes i also had bleeding on n off when brushing my teeth for quite a while liao (think since T2 started). i also worry is it due to calcium deficiency as i dun take milk regularly too..cos sometimes feel too bloated to take leh.. reminding myself to chk with gynae on next appt. i tried rinising mouth with listerine but does not seems to help much.

Stephanie: im considering to give birth at Mt A [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tubao: congrats and welcome. wow another mtb with twins [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tubao: welcome and congrats.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] another twins coming.. so cool.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Irene - hehe, yeah! Remind ur bb everyday to show u the gender during your next visit. :D

Cherrie - OMG.. Lost teeth? That's scary!!! I drink fresh milk and take yogurt, but I don't really like those milk powder milk like anmum etc. Think I muz really start drinking liao. So scary~

whitecookies - should be homones lar. Hehe, go out shopping, walk walk to see baby stuff. Maybe you'll feel better? *Hugz*

cherrie77, ur story is realli scary..may change my mind in drinkin more milk den. must ask baby to co-operate with me, cos i feel uncomfortable after drinkin it.

whitecookies, me too.. gettin all emo n cry like at least once a week. poor hubby need to console me everytime. what i do is, try watchin comedy n cartoons to let my mind divert.

Hi MTBs,

I also dun like to take those powdered milk. So for calcium i take fresh milk, cheese and ice-cream. As much as some of you have an issue with milk and cheese. I guess most won't have an issue with ice-cream.... or for a healthier choice take frozen yoghurt. =)

ya...i am trying to think positive thoughts everyday...the "feeling" hit me at least 3 times a day...just weird. My hubby thinks I'm mad and leaves me alone. haha...i think shopping helps Angel! Hugs to all MTBs.

Oh by the way my dr also commented that its most probably a girl cos he couldn't see anything sticking out. But have to wait till detailed scan to confirm.

I am also caught in btw....cos my in-laws kinda wanted a boy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

tubao> wow we have 3 MTB who are having twins in Nov thread! congrats!

whitecookies> i was more emo and feeling sad in 1st trim, like feel so "sad" being pregnant, cause keep vomitting etc..now better liao. I think all preg woman are emo..don't worry.

whitecookies - Hehe, I think shopping, even if it's just window shopping, will lift up our spirits and cheer us up. After all, we're looking for cute stuff to buy for our bb. hehehe~

Don't bother about what your ILs wants. The bb is u and ur hb's. What is most impt is what you guys wish for. Ur hb is the boy they had already. hahah~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


dun worry too much lah....i dun like to drink milk too...so my gynae gif me calcium supplement lor...and i did not lost any teeths after my boy was born in 2008 lor...so dun worry too much...btw, ikan bilis is also rich in calcium too


gal or boy is fated de...also we woman hv no control over it as the determining factor lies on the man lor....for me, both my hb and me always wanted gal...so we are kind of disappointed when our 1st is a boy...but so far he is cute and sweet lor....

then this time we are happy coz gynae say 60% gal mah....

however, i somehow see tat my MIL nt as thrilled when i told her the gender of bb this time compared to my boy lor...but who cares....wen we are the one pregnant, gifing birth and taking care of our child lor...

btw, tell u this tat someone told me before, gal is good, coz in future wen ur gal partor u will hv supper to eat, coz her bf will buy for u....but ur son will in turn buy for his gf parent lor....muahahaha

whitecookies, i think it's normal too. Because i felt kinda sad in my T1 too, & sometimes in my T2 too especially when my husband doesn't pays much attention to me & i felt kinda sad like nobody cares etc etc. But try keeping yourself occupied by hanging out with your friends often & go out shopping, see see look look on baby stuffs. You'll felt happier! My husband wanted a boy, & i was quite affected by it.. Because it doesn't matters to me whether baby is a boy or girl as long as it's health is more important. But still, i'm afraid of disappointing my husband too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] So kinda caught in the middle too, like i kept thinking WHAT IF i had a girl instead of a boy that my husband desired? Tho he make it sounds like his fine with both now, but i know he still wanted a boy more. Sighs.

Cherrie, Wow that's sounds serious! I was kinda shocked! You made me got abit scared now, i should really take taking more calcium things like maybe soya bean milk, & so. Cause i tried taking milk countless of times but it kept rejecting & making me felt awful [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Congrats to all MTB that is having Twins!!

Re: calcium intake

I am taking anmum choc flavour. Found it quite tasty leh. I don't really like drinking milk before I was pregnant, partly cos of the taste, and partly cos I am scared of being fat. Now I take the anmum milk every morning.

Re: mood swing

I was really depressed during T1, because I couldn't eat much, and everyone around me was "forcing" me to eat. Much better now in T2, I can eat a lot more food. But once in a while, I sometimes cry in bed at night and feel sad for nothing. Haha.. I guess that's the pregnancy hormones?

whitecookies,dun get disappointed, stress up or affected by how ya PIL feel. Remember, its afterall ur child. haelth is the priority, remember! :D

Stephanie, ya.. i was more emo in T2 too, tot am the only one. even cry when hubby is out for dinner with his frend. goodness!! even i cant take it myself. dun get too stress with the gender too, remember, its ya hubby XY, dat determine.. not us. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

diana, wah.. indeed u're optimistic.. hahaa!! the theory of the supper thingy, i hope it applys the same in the near future too. hahahaa!!

nana, im takin it..but eh, i dunno whats the amt. hehe!!

Piggydog, I think i must try taking anmum milk once again. If it rejects again, i'm not trying anymore. Urghhh!

Mrs Lee, Yes! Gender is determinded by hubby XY. Hahah. Yes, when my hubby don't seems to care about me i'll cry in the night. & when his not home from work i'll felt so lonely & starting to think wild. Sometimes i think whether i'm getting a depression, so not myself after i'm pregnant! Became so crybaby! Oh my! But glad that things are getting better now! hah.

thanks all mummies for your encouragement. i just need to make myself happy and nobody else. i kinda like girl too cos they are closer to family when they grow up. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hopefully my in-laws can stop passing remarks abt how bad it is to have a girl in tiger year...it just erks me...

Haha! whitecookies, next time if ur ILs say that again, tell them it's much better to have a girl in tiger year, cuz she'll be a female tiger. Fierce and will take care of herself. Nobody will be able to bully her! If male tiger, wait too fierce and naughty. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

all mummys dont get too emo try to watch more comedy laugh as u can. hehe.(i'm trying too) when your baby come out they will become very cheerful and laugh easily. like one of my gf baby. so easy to laugh! so cute lo. so jia you all mummyS! =)

I agreed with Jas, let's all be happy together & shop more watch more comedy to make ourselves happy! So that be it the tiger girl or tiger boy that we'll be bringing into this world will be as happy as we are!

Good luck to all mommies!!


Can I ask those mummy usually we can feel baby movement at which week? they say 1st time will feel it quite late. I'm getting so impatient leh. Hehe

