(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

allo ladies.. wow so much posts... sorry cant follow all...

those who aledy knoe genders.. congrats!! can start buying lil clothings liao..heee

hpc, u gettg CL thru Agent or privately? if privately, don nid de, she gotta do those thingy herself, if u like me, gg thru agency de.. yes.. my charge is 2.1k (additional charge on cooking for my family + my hse got stairs).

I gotta pay $168 levy, directly to the MOM de i think.. the agency will do the logistic for me, i will need to pay govt myself.. tat's all.. no more additional charges leh


Hi jennifer (jenx2):

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. sometimes, things are predestined and beyond our control...Be strong and take care. May God bless you and your family during this period..

Mummywong10 & Shan: Appreciate your input. Mine is not through agency. Private one from Malaysia. I think I will find out more when I meet with her in 2 weeks time.

Seems like many Nov babies this year [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Gynae scanned last week and said he place his money on a girl cos couldn't see anything. But maybe still early, late development...hahha..so not sure yet lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hpc, glad to heat dat everyting is fine now. Do take more rest.

Strawberrys79, thks and hope is a ger this time round. Btw, how u manage to lose so much weight after yr 1st delivery? I hope i can for my 2nd.

Hi Mummies,

Had a little scare last night. Started spotting, from brown discharge to little red strands of blood. Met my gynae at the 24hr clinic and she found out that I have a polyp. However, I was kept overnight in hospital for observation and to do some tests this morning. Heng that the bb was fine, and they didn't find any blood in the womb. But they found out that I have a slightly low placenta. Now confined to bedrest for the rest of the week. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Just glad that the spotting was not cuz of the amnio test, and that bb is fine.

fashion_spree - time will flies, and soon, you'll have the good results in your hands. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bam - my frens was telling me that we could ask for glass bottles from the hospital to store milk/feed. If that's the case, then dun need to buy too much. But should you prefer to buy, don't need to buy too large sizes like wat koori advised, as bb will drink little at the start, and it'll be a waste of milk if bb can't finish the whole bottle. Moreover if you express milk, u won't be able to store different batches tog, so smaller bottles make sense. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hpc - glad to hear your story and find that there's another mummy like me who has polyp. hehe, mine is still inside, as gynae didn't wana take it out so soon after my amnio test. She wanted to let things stable b4 taking it out. So I have to take duphaston just in case for now.

irene - soon it'll be ur turn to know. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mommies, i've just joined this forum!

I'm a young mommy to be & this is my first child! I'm currently in my 19th weeks & my edd is on 1st of Nov. Went for my scan on 24th May hoping to know the gender of my baby, but baby doesn't wanna open up its leg to show my gynae & us it's gender. Kinda disappointing :/ But i'm looking forward to my upcoming appointment exactly 2 weeks later when i'll be doing my 5th month detailed scan. And hopefully my baby will be good to lemme know it's gender! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm fine with boy/girl. But i was suspecting it's a babygirl & people around me suspects the same too.

Anyone having the same experience as me? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

& my baby movements in my tummy is unexpected, like for instance .. sometimes it may kick & sometimes it may not kick for one whole day or two days which worries me a little when it doesn't. Last night it kicked & just nice i placed my hand on my tummy & i felt its kicked once! I was super excited!

I'm currently seeing my Gynae @ TMC, LN Sim Clinic. Anyone from there too? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all

Have all of you start to feel baby movement? I am going into 18 wks but cant feel yet though for my 1st 2 sons, I felt at wk 16 or 17...

Btw, am officially a SAHM today onwards...

Hi Naf,

I felt my first baby movement when i was in my 16th week. Not very often too though, even now when i'm in my 19wks but i'll only feel its movement sometimes. I think it's normal, bec my gynae said that it's normal to feel or not to feel at this stage. It'll only be more detailed in the 26th weeks i think ?

& can i know, what's a SAHM ? Hehe, bec i'm a new mommy to be so idk much bout pregnancy ><

Angel: Hope you are better now? Let's manage our expectations and prepare to look after our boys! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Angcs: Oh, really ah? Just try to remain calm ok?I know a few women who conceived in their 40s and still have normal healthy babies. these are the got preg by accident women. Out of 4, 2 had really risky oscar results and 2 just passed kind and they all skip amnio and they all turned out well. So if there is no family history, does that mean it's safe?

Bam: Avent starter kit is good enough. Use that frist, if there's not enough then top up. Don't buy too many for a start, just in case you receive them as presents also.

hpc & angel, ur stories are kinda scary, but i'm so glad that both mummies and babies are fine. During my last gyne check pre-pregnancy, my gyne told me that she suspect that I might have polyps, and suggested that I scrap off the lining to get rid of any possible polyps. I didn't go for the procedure as I felt that the risks were greater than the benefits, plus it's only her suspicion. Anyway, I shall take care and watch out for any sinister signs. Keeping my fingers crossed. So far, so good.

Strawberry79 - ur weight loss story is very inspiring.

Baby movements - Have felt the baby movements already, they are not very regular, comes off and on, and it's not very obvious. The movements should be more obvious from week 20 onwards.

Naf, congrats on being a SAHM.

Angel, hpc: Good to hear you two are well now, do rest lots pls. raise your legs on pillows whenever you can.

Bam: Oh ya, 4 small ones is good to start with. Teats sizes=0(the slowest)If you are breastfeeding, use milk storage bags, more convenient to store and pack.

Went to the fair yest. Bgt the 4 inch latex mattress for the cot cuz we inherited the cot from my bro in law. We didn't want to use back the old mattress. Also bgt the pigeon sterilizer and food warmer set. It came with 2 small and 3 medium bpa bottles. Also subscribed to one year of magazines at 50 dollars which came with lotsa freebies. My husband and I felt a bit disoriented there cuz there were so many items not familiar to us. We also did some research on baby strollers. Gosh they re really not cheap! Anyone has recommendations on strollers?

Cherrie : I just bought a bugaboo bee stroller from US since hubby working there. About sgd200 cheaper than sg. We considered this cos we wanted something not so common, can be used for infants without carseat and most imptly can fit into our small little carboot. With suspension and stuff which hubby likes. Haha.. He thinks he will bring the baby when he goes for run (if he ever goes)..

The canopy was out of stock when he bought it, which is good. So now we getting a non-gender specific and better sun protection one in silver. 

ermmm, how much is the bugaboo bee retailing for in SG? I'm also considering getting one from US. Graco is the top US brand. Everywhere I go, I see Graco strollers.

Cherrie77, i remembered someone in the forum recommending Maclaren Techo XT.


heehee...coincidentally...you can add me into the few women you knew who got pregnant by accident...haha!!

Well, I google, there is lower chance of getting a DS kid when there is no family history.


*hi5* I also have 2 boys, with my 3rd pregnancy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

angel, glad that u're alrite.. pls rest as much as possible. seek 2nd opinion if necessary like HPC.

naf, i'll be 17weeks this week, liek u, sometimes i feel smetimes i dun feel the baby movement. so i guess its normal. specially for 1st timers, we wasnt too familiar or differentiate which is the baby movement. but last nite, while sleepin, i felt baby move, so i place my hand on my tummy to feel.. n felt my tummy very hard (while other parts are not) So, with that, i wld assume baby is realli moving at that time. hehee!!

Stephanie, SAHM.. i tink its Stay At Home Mom.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mommies,

do you all feel mre crampy now? Cramps are either on left or right of the tummy and it's short and sharp...

I've been getting it for the last few days lei... is it normal? anyone knows?

so envious of u mummies feeling the movement..i'm still waiting for it, going to be 17wks this week.

angel> dont worry about the polyp now. i think your gynae will advise you later on. i have heard about cases of removing it during early pregnancy too. but how come it's only detected now? take care k!

Gd morn ladies,

I've been feeling my bb's obvious kick since last sun... its more active in evening & night, esp when I'm watching TV. Maybe it's attracted by the sound. ;)

Anyone using a "sound/music equipment" to "tai jiao" your bb now?

jewel> recently i started to play music to hear on car rides, hubby intend to buy a headphone which we saw people put on tummy before on a show/movie..but we havent got time to buy it. read that the music is soothing for baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jewel, am always listenin to music..but not only Mozart. cos wanna expose different genres to baby. But am tryin to fix 1-2song to listen every nite while sleepin, hopefully can 'smooth n comfort' him/her when he/she is born.. knowin thats for sleeping.. ;p

sheepy, i used to have terrible cramps n pain at my left ribcage. check with my gynae, he says its normal. so dun worry. thats becos its expanding and u feel bloated inside.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I have the following Brand new in box (Sealed) Avent BPA free honey color bottle. Selling at $60, consists of 2 260ml bottles with teat, 2 125 ml bottle with teat, 1 milk dispenser, 1 bottle brush. Pm me if keen.

Normally 1 260ml bottle selling at $19.90 and 1 125 ml bottle selling at $15.90, 1 bottle brush $10.90 and 1 milk dispenser selling at $10.90.


good morning all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

According to the doc I saw yesterday, the cervix area becomes very vascular when we are pregnant so polyps are very common and usually harmless and gynae won't really remove it. Mine was small and not too deep in, that's why she just conveniently used a forcep to remove it. So not to worry.

Anyway, let me tell u something....gynae prescribed me multivit and DHA during my 12th week and I haven't taken any of those...cos I struggle with swallowing big tablets. I usually chew my panadols with juice and swallow them all. The multivit and DHA softgel really scare me....I tried splitting them, crushing and all but really dread, so till now I never take.

I know all the benefits and all teh suggestions on how to try consuming them....from popping it into the back of throat to tip of tongue, to poking ther softgel to take out the oil mix with soup etc...hahaa...but I just can't imagine myself eating them.

I know in Singapore, almost all gynaes recommend taking supplement. My sis who delivered 2 kids in Korea didn't get any supplement, not even folic acid...so weird but her kids turn out fine and smart. Could be due to their diet there too...I do feel guilty but for now, I still don't take.

Any mummies got same prob as me???

mummywong & Mrs Lee, my fren told me the "music" meant for bb is not those that we adults listen to. Guess I'll know what she meant when she lend me hers.

hpc, my gynae prescribe me calcium & iron tablet. I drink milk, yoghurt drink etc. twice a day, so I dun wana take the calcium tab. I also dun take Iron tab cos I'm still having constipation. Iron tab will only worsen it. I dislike tablets, so no supplement for me at the time being. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning mummies!

Jo - Thanks! Now feeling better, so far no bleeding. But I'm rather bored at home. Haha, hopefully gynae wun extend my "house arrest" when I see her on Friday. hehe~ Yah loh, now I always refer bb to him to get used to the gender. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Lee - thanks! Think for now I will stick to my gynae. If there's unexplained bleeding suddenly, then I may seek 2nd opinion. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hopefully everything will be fine.

Mummywong - Hee, it's detected only now cuz we didn't do any checks through the vaginal at the start of the pregnancy. Moreover I didn't bleed/spot at all during my pregnancy till now. That's why now then find out that I have one loh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hpc - if you really can't swallow the pills, just make sure u have a very good diet, and I believe it should be fine. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Sometimes, taking the first step is the hardest. The first pill will always be the hardest, and the following ones will be easy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Think poking the softgel and drink the oil is a good idea, as it's really impt now since the bb's brain is growing now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jiayou!

Hi ladies, i have a maternity pant that fit size S-M, with elastic band, selling at $15 include normal postage. this is brand new. pls pm me if u are interested.


Good morning Mommies!

hpc: I have the same problem as you too, but i tried to swallow them down. Before i take the supplements, i'll touch my tummy & tell baby to help me by taking down the supplement too. & i realise it works, it doesn't rejects as it used to. & on those times when i forgot to sayang my tummy & tell baby, it reject! Haha, kinda funny ya? Do you take natural like yoghurt/milk etcetc? For me, i don't take milk. I tried taking milk but it in turns made me throw up & felt extremely terrible for a while. So i got scared & doesn't dare to take anymore.. I'm taking fish oil & Prenavit supplements now. I'm not taking any calcium's or iron's supplement, & i don't take milk either .. Dk whether will i be low of calcium :/

Mummywong: My sister-in-law & brother used to play those smoothing musics specially for babies on the car. & they wanted to send me all the music too, they said it's good to start hearing it now . Heard from them that baby will be able to hear it too when we're hearing.

Hope to get some advices from mommies in this forum, as i'm clueless about alot of things!

Hi I am new mummy too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stephanie I have the same gynae as you!

my EDD is 6th nov , 5 days after you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I just went for my scan last week but could not see the sex of the baby yet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hopefully will be able to see during the detailed scan on 28th june

hpc.. i am same as u.. couldnt take tablets at all cos no matter how i try, i just couldnt swallow the pills.. i think it's psycological problem..

For the multi-vit, i got no choice but to bite to small pieces within the mouth and always drinks lotsa water till bloated.. the feeling sucks lor..

as for the fish oil, according to my gynae, he said it's optional.. so i also didnt take fish oil.. if worst come to worst must take, i am thinking of poking the gel out.. and that is definitely disgusting taste lor..

jewel, huh.. den what kind of music? am gettin confuse.

hpc, i dun have problem takin pills. hahaa!! (lucky) my fren did..so like u, she usually chew the pills, as for fish oil..i tink she hasnt start. but good efford on breakin it into ya soup. Perhaps u can try Stephanie's method.. Cos i did 'tellin' my baby to allow me to eat fish/milk/pasta when am overseas. But ever since am back in SG, the lill one refuse to co-operate again. sigh~

Stephanie, am rather new too.. lets learn from the others. :D

Hi Lucky! You have the same gynae as me? Great! & you're 5 days after me! Hahaha, last scan i couldn't see baby's gender too. it's doesn't wanna open up its legs to show us :/ Maybe we can try 'telling' baby the next appointment! I'll be having my detailed scan on 21st of June! & i'm very looking forward to it, because heard from Janelle(the lady working @ the clinic) that the detailed scan will take estimated close to an hour which means we can see baby for close to a hour? Hahaha, hopefully we'll get to know the gender on our detailed scan day! Don't mind me asking, how old are you? Because i'm really young, i'm only 19 this year & i seems to mind alot of my age [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mrs Lee, Yes. Somehow it works, kinda funny! Yes, let's learn from others together :D

Thanks everyone for your advicen [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I do feel very assured after knowing that I am not the only odd one.

Mrs Lee, yes, we both know what it feels like to chew pills and then drink a lot of liquid just to down one pill. If need to eat a few pills, end up having to be so bloated.

Stephanie, if you can't take milk, try those hi-calcium soy milk or fortified orange juice. There are also other high calcium food that you can be more intentional about. E.g if I eat Macs cheeseburger, I will choose double cheeseburger cos like got 2 slices of cheese with calcium.

Share with you all this link that I came across:


hpc, stephanie, jun>

Me too! Me too! I have problem swallowing the multi-vit pill. that's why i only started my multi-vit in 2nd trim, my gynae said as i keep vomitting in 1st trim, no point i take the multi-vit in 1st trim, i'll vomit more definitely! i never eat panadol as the pill is too big/bitter for me. this multi-vit makes me vomit everyday also. but i just tell myself no matter what, i have to chew and swallow it down with lots of water, then i'll faster eat some sweets to clear the bitter taste. but shortly after i'll vomit after breakfast which I'm not sure whether the pill has dissolved in my tummy or not though or it's dissolved and vommitted out :p

music> i got some mozart music (think the cover did indicate for babies/mum) from friends, they said after baby born u play same music, they tend to stop crying. i think as long as soothing music (musical) can bah?

Hi Stephanie, im going to 31 this year [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but im also equally inexperienced so dun worry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stephanie> think u should be youngest among the MTB here..but i'm sure in real life, there are MTB around your age too. don't mind me asking, did u plan for this bb? if not, that might be the reason why u think u are young. if u plan for it, then just enjoy it! u make people envious of yr age, imagine when u are at our age next time, yr kid already 10yrs old kind! i'm also 1st time MTB, so equally inexperienced.

Lucky, Thanks lucky. I felt so much consoled seeing your reply [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks so much!

Mummywong, Yes definitely the youngest MTB here! In real life there're alot too. It's not planned, my husband & i planned to get married this year end actually. But because i found out i am pregnant, so we brought forward our wedding plans. In a rush, that's why i'm so afraid now that i'm pregnant. But i would love to be a young mom, i always wanted to be. But when i am now, i felt that i'll be look down upon. But i love my baby even though it's still not out yet. & i believe i'll be a good mom when my baby's out. That is why i would wanna learn from all the experienced or new MTB like myself here! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm consoled by all those that encouraged me! I felt so much much better now!

stephanie, ya.. like wat mummywong said, ppl will envy u lots when your kid is grew up. dun feel tat u will be look down, comon..afterall.. we mummies shd feel bless that we have our lill one with us. Now since u're also plannin for ya weddin (which is equally tough) do remember to take plenty rest and have fun thruout the 'happiest time' of ya life. Being a bride and a mummy at the same time!!

Mrs Lee, Thanks, Felt so much better & much more confidence now! Hehe. I'm alrd married. Got married asap the moment i found out i'm pregnant :x I found out i'm pregnant on cny, & got married in April. Didn't wanna wear the gown with a bump in my tummy. Bump is growing but not very big now, i've lost weight in the 1st trimester & was hoping to gain in the 2nd. But i can't seems to gain weight man. I don't have much appetite now that i'm pregnant ..

Anyone experiencing the same as me? No appetite to eat? I see other pregnant ladies have huge appetite & i envy them !

i lost weight in my 1st tri too.. practically no appetite.. even eat something will vomit out in the end.. but things got better when entering into T2.. can eat, but cannot eat full, otherwise, ends up vomiting also.. things will get better, dun worry.. i m also 1st time mtb..

i m only sianz when now i frequent the toilet like mad.. esp at nite.. every hour interval gotta wake up.. though already tried not to drink water at night, the outcome is still the same..

stephanie> i guess nowadays there's alot of such cases of getting preg before marrying. i think as long as both of you have to be brave and prepared to face the "laughter/comments" by people and as long as you are responsible to give birth to the child, you just need to answer to yourself and your husband. Be it already something done wrong or what both of you already planned, it's a fact now. So try to read up more on pregnancy etc to prepare yourself. My appetite was not good in 1st trim, but I remind myself to eat more this trim else baby'll not gain enough nutrients/weight? I'm worry in 3rd trim will be too late, so try to eat more, eat more meals in small portions?

Jun Lim, Yes! Same, but i is no appetite that kind now. Like i can don't eat for the whole afternoon kind. Sighs, is it unhealthy for baby? Hmm..

Yes, i get irritated by the frequency of toilet trips i need to get up in the night. & i tend to wake my husband up too. I didn't drink but still needa get up, really damn sian [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Congrats and welcome Stephanie!

Don't be too bothered by being a young mummy. You will have an breezy pregnancy for sure and not get tire out easily like me. =D

Must take care of yourself now and get as much rest as possible amidst your wedding preparations.

Our appetites usually get better during the 2nd trimester onwards. Do you have morning sickness?


I can't drink milk so my previous gynae prescribed me a Vit C cum Calcium efferversence tablet. Can buy from the pharmacies. It's called "Ca-C 1000 Sandoz". Just take one a day.

during T1, i can survive with 1 meal per day though i feel guilty for the little one.. but then hor.. during T1, the baby wouldnt be absorbing wat mummies are eating.. so u feel more relieved..

but at T2, no matter how, still need to take proper meal lor.. but i dun have the habit in eating small portion with 6 meals.. so normally i just take 3 meals lor.. at times snack in between..

Mummywong10, Yes there sure are. Don't know why it seems like a trend-.- Hahaha. Anyw, i'm all prepared to be a mom weeks after i found out i'm pregnant. Yes, i'm trying to eat as much as i can now! I'm just so afraid that baby will not gain enough nutrients/weight. Because the last time when i went for my checkup, my gynae mentioned that baby is still very skinny [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] & i'm trying my best to eat now but sometimes just don't have the appetite or it might just rejects when i eat!

Seagal, Thanks seagal for the warm welcome! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm married in April. I'm working now, & i planned my schedule so that i gets enough rest even when i'm working. I still remember the time when i got married, i was still in my 1st trimester & i was feeling terrible being a bride & was glad that it's a once a lifetime thingy. Hahaha! It's super tiring plus i kept vomiting while wearing my gown, very uneasy throughout the marriage ceromony & dinner! My MS gets better when i reached week 13th. But sometime when i eat, i'll throw up. & my mom said maybe it's the little one inside that rejects the food.

Calcium: Other than taking the tablet(i'm afraid of tablets! Strungling my days to swallow the supplements now!)Is there other ways i can gain calcium from? Like hpc said? Where can i get fortified orange juice?


Stephanie, glad to hear that your MS is better.

The efferversence tablet is those that dissolves in water and becomes a drink. Maybe you can give it a try?

