(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Shan, u r right he's quiet and he only explain when he scan and told what u suppose to do if needed n when should come back but he everytime will ask us got any question to ask him? he quiet patience and wait for us to ask. Maybe i'm FTM.

gynae on leave now got to wait till thurs to see him and do my Oscar and NT test.

Btw what is the avg cost for the test?

Thanks Jewel. I think i will ask my gynae when i visit him again. if he say week 17 then i think i ask him to do early. btw blood test we only need to test just one time?

twinfish, i have start to eat calcium supplement le for 2weeks then visit gynae again.

I Not sure mine leh. the gynae give me 3 kind. one is calcium another is folic and one more like soft gel type not sure is what but i know is not fish oil. But onli need to take one tablets every morining.

I think different gynae believe in different things and thus gif different type of supplement.

The initial stage will be folic acid. But if u are some one who dun take milk then they will recommend calcium pill.

If i remember correctly, think in your 2nd term, then you will take mulitvit and DHA (soft gel type). DHA is good for developing baby brains.

Jas, OSCAR is 1-time blood test.... they'll take abt 3 tubes of blood from u. Results are available within 48 hrs. Usually no news is gd news...


Coz my coglis gynae was more of a nature person, so he/she will tried nt to gif too much supplements. Instead, she/he will advise patient to drink more milk or eat more fruits for the vits instead lor....

my gynae gave me only folic acid to take. She say for now no need any other vitamins. I just need to drink 600ml of milk a day.

Been coughing for 2 weeks already. Not on any medication for baby's sake. Feel so kan kor.

Anyone knows if its ok to rub the tummy ache oil on tummy so as to get rid of the built up of wind due to the pregnancy?

Last night i hugged a hot water bag to sleep. It was so comforting. =)

I don't have any MS still but I know my appetite has dropped. Still need to force myself to eat for the sake of baby. Somehow i prefer porridge or soupy stuff more than other kinds of food. No particular cravings.

hi lovebyte,

i think u shld avoid medicated oil on tummy..

not sure why. my mom told me cannot apply. if u have wind best is to take ginger in hot water... helps a bit.

do any1 knw NT scan can knw the results immediately or hv to wait?

i didnt drink milk at all, so i think is better tell gynea n ask for calcium supplement..

got any1 pregnant still drink coke?

i think FTM w Dr Adrian, gotta read alot then know wat to ask lo.. haa ya aft his speedy speech, he will ask u any questions.. haa i rembr the first time i saw him, i so pressurise tat i duno wat to ask.. haa..then subsequent, i wrote down on post it to mk sure i rembr.. haa he even looked at my note..haa

for my #1, I Was w Dr Dolly..she slower like Principal..ahahaa i more at ease.. but more of coz i gotta used to Dr Adrian.. he ok...juz v fast.. he gotta be fast lo..coz always tons of mummies waiting outside to see him..

so twinfish u tk leave to see him de? hee..next time i go noon clinic i see got bump into u or not bo...

i seeing him & baby tmr.. abit nervous..i duno why i still feelg v scare until now.. though last 2 checksup seem fine (wk7 & 9)...


really? oh dear, for this pregnancy, i been rubbing axe brand medicial oil or ru yi you my my upper tummy to get rib of the uncomfortable feel....guess i better double check wif my gynae in my nx visit.


coke is also a caffeine drink, so best is to limit it to 1 glass per day lor.

i think mine is the DHA pill. cos the nurse mention to me is for baby brain.

Later i gg to call and check whether i can go for the OSCAR and NT scan ma. since like all of u all is doing it so early. cos my gynae din mention to me at all. wonder why

Dunno why I can't post it office. Using my iPhone to access now.

Last friday went for my check and saw the little one. From 2nd visit was 0.7cm. Last visit was 4.70cm. Grew very fast within a month.

Doc says can see the noSe. Hence chances of DS is low. But I still did the Oscar test. Hope everything is fine.

Me also taking omega 3 the fish oil. Anything that is good for bb...

hi all,

hope you having a good day so far..

well,those with Dr. Adrian..thnks for the timings..i have a qn though.what happens when you r unwell, and the clinic is closed, n u feel like you need to see the doc coz u are worried.(you noe kan chiong first time mothers like myself)

with rgds to the medicated oil, i heard it is no good too.. btr check with gynae..gynae noes best [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

and about softdrinks, MUG Rootbeet, 7up & sprite has no Caffeine..So we can load up i guess ;)

so far, i was given folic acid, duphaston & multivit oni...

I will ask Dr Adrian, whther i will be given calcium & iron or not.. for my #1, in my 2nd tri onwards, i was given tat coz folic not longer needed then.

ya too sugary drinks are not good... might hv dangers of diabetics.. but i carve for tat.. hence i restrict half can oni... leave it in fride.. sip whenever i feel like.. heee

shan, i always think ahead before see him n ask my hubby remember to ask this n that coz my memory very poor...haha..

my co allow 4hrs time off, so i normally take half day leave morning and time off afternoon to visit him, if everytime i take mc, my mc sure not enough..

i also eat a lot of junk coz i easily hungry..

my fren told me drink coke or 100plus can reduce neusea n vomit, but i dun dare to try, thought coke not good for pregnant woman...FTM is like tat kia si...haha..

dimple..Dr Adrian got emergency num de, so when u in doubts, can gv him a call [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ..

normally if i unwell n lazy to go gynea, can juz pop into any GPs, but be sure to let them know u r preggy!!

but rembr, too much sugary is not good too ... if got those diabetics watever, u nid to tk insulin etc v troublesome n dangerious de...

share w ya hubby..

i'm going for my appt tmr afternoon. 4 weeks since the last visit and felt very worried for the past 4 weeks. hopefully tomorrow appt will turn out fine...

any mummy here bought a doppler to listen to bb hb? thinking of getting one. any brands to reccomend?

mtbs, maybe u can try to dilute ur soft drinks with water when u drink.

for me i have craving for lemon tea so i will get seasons lemon tea in bottle form and then dilute with water before drinking and i limit myself to only 1 cup for the tea.. it helps with my MS.

re: medicated oil

preggers are not advise to use medicated oil coz the content of some medicated oil is harmful to baby. n it ur apply on ur body, it will b absorb into the bloodstream which will eventually meet our bb. so is not advisible. stop using it u are using now.

twinfish> initially i really cut down on cold drinks and caffein (tea/coffee/coke). then after that buay tahan...so i drank little bit occasionally, Mac with Coke (with ice too). I read as long as not more than 3 cups of coffee per day is ok. I used to drink 1 cup of coffee/day, now I only drink every few days. But different people different. My SIL always drink cold drinks and coke, her 1st child also ok, and she still continue like that for her 2nd pregnancy. I think sometimes we need to make ourselves good mood..so drink occasionally is alright, especially we are nearing 2nd trim! Hurray..

mummywong, i got drink a bit la...especially eat mac with coke (ice little) less than half cup, my favourite pokka green tea still got drink.. just cut down lor..is true, we must make ourself happy...so basically me wat also eat, just SIL said watermelon better cut down coz too cold..

hello ladies... hope all had a great weekend... lazy monday morning for me... very nice weather to laze...

ashley: u lost 7kg... is that why you have not been coming online... haven't seen u around for awhile... take care...

bam78: that's great news for u... congrats... i hope my bb also growing well.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i guess a few of us doing oscars this week... jia you... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

anyone know can we eat herbal chicken (yao cai ji) from 2nd trim? i know 1st trim cannot take chinese herbal food lah...2nd trim onwards i not sure.

Oh no... I used medicated oil for 2 days when i sleep. Hope BB is safe. =(

We pregnant mums must really give up all comfort and tong all the winds and pains for baby.

For those who feel bloated and gasy, I tried this last night and it made me feel good and I slept really well. I used a hot water bag. Filled it 1/3 with hot water, secured the cap to ensure that the water doesn't leak. Wrap it with a thin towel (so that its not too hot - just warm) then hug it between me and my bolster. The warmth made me feel very comfortable. I think this is a better method then medicated oil.


My gynae did advice for coke, sprite, tea and coffee only 1 cup a day. If more than it has to be decaf. More over i think caffine dehydrates you so you should try to drink more water if you take coffee or tea. I did ask about camomile and all and Dr says all tea has caffine. I thought herbal one dun have??? Hmm... but she did say green tea is ok. That was the only exception i got. I think her green tea is also the Jap green tea kind.. not the sweeten pokka kind.

Nowadays, I only drink water, milo, soyabean or chrystantum tea.

initially i also try to refrain from cold drinks..

But now a days.. i abit dun care liao..

Cos only cold drinks can cure my taste bud problem....

bam78: same here... i was very kuai... i avoid all cold drinks... drink milk drink water... now coke, sprite, all also drink... but drink in moderation... cuz sometimes need these drinks to spur appetite abit... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


try to cut down on soyabean first. it coz bloatness. until u dun feel so bloated easily den drink.

cold drinks,

y mus stop taking cold drink ah? i hear alot of ppl saying so. but i took thruout my 1st pregnancy n even now..

I also use medicated oil... to make my MS feel better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I use a electric heat pad with timer to help me sleep better... cos hot water bag too leh chey.

Flubby: Me thinking to buy a doppler.. looking at this brand call angelsound.

I think i asked this before..

any mummies feels giddy easily..

Me always feeling giddy.

But not till the want to faint type..

I think we did mention about eating red meat..

sigh.. just feeling very "Kang Kor!!"


Oh.. thanks ho... I better cut down on soyabean. =)

As for cold drinks is it because its too cold for the womb? The womb should be kept warm for baby?

