(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

this is wat i read from what to expect.com.

Week 12 of Pregnancy: Dizzy Spells

During pregnancy, progesterone increases the flow of blood to your baby, resulting in lower blood pressure and reduced blood flow to your brain — giving you that dizzy feeling all over.

As you near the end of your first trimester, your uterus, now about the size of a large grapefruit, begins to migrate from the bottom of your pelvis to a front-and-center position in your abdomen. If you're lucky, this will bring an end to one pesky early pregnancy symptom — the constant urge to urinate. Also slated to diminish somewhat now that you're on the cusp of your second trimester are some of those other early pregnancy symptoms: nausea, super-tender breasts and nipples, food aversions, fatigue. But don't look now (though — considering the symptom — maybe you should), there's a new one added to the mix: dizziness.


hv u all start feel bitter bitter strange taste at ur mouth? even i drink a lot of water also like tat, so nw try to start eat some sour sweet.

about herbal chicken, i not so sure but my colleague "tun" purely only kampung chicken n drink chicken soup.

Twinfish, I felt this bitter & strange taste long ago.. tats y I lust for sweetener soft drinks or juices & heavy taste food.

But all this cure is temporary.. the moment the drinks & food finished the weird taste is back.

Bam78, U answer ur own qns... heheh.

me also using iphone... I think "what to expect" is quite useful.

too much soyabean drink will gv joint problem... too much of anytin is bad i guess...

bam u feel giddy easily.. mainly due to nt engf Iron, u might wanna ask for some iron from gynea.. during my #1, i freq lidat..this one.. hv yet to ... but i know iron & calcium r rather impt tri 2 onwards.. coz the baby is taking from mummy's body... fish oil etc i duno.. nevr too those leh...

Cold drink, if i am not wrong is the old wife tales tat if drink too much cold drink then baby may be more weak when born ba.

i will say try nt to eat too much beancurb coz think they used some chemical for harden ba

eh anyone knows if lets say closer to our EDD, we still have Annual leave left, can we clear the AL 1st then followed by maternity leave?

When must maternity leave start? Immediately after our delivery?

Ours a bit complex cos its towards end of the year. Normally my leave cannot bring forward to the next year.

yes koori... for my Co, ML will start imm the day your baby is born.

Hence I plan to clear my AL b4 i go on ML.else i scare by next yr (i can carry over until 1Q11), i forgtten liao.. heee...

ML start from 1st day of baby born? i nvr go n check, i'm thinking to clear all my leave by Oct and start from Nov 1st us ML coz my EDD nw is 5Nov. If all the co are same which only can start fm 1st day of baby born, like tat very diff to est need to keep how many days leave b4 baby born..

holly> i think ppl said cold things like watermelon, ice, cold drinks not good lah, too "cold" for the bb. but some ppl explain cause bb still small in 1st trim and some ppl explain it might cause asthma to bb after birth, but like what you said u nvr cut down or nothing happen so it really depends on individual and whether how "obedient" are we haaa...as alot of us are FTM, so we tend to be more kan cheong and try to follow old wives myth especially still in 1st trim..

ML> i heard from friends before ML (4mths, or 16wks right?) can start before bb is born, BUT i'm sure sure is it base on individual company or it's MOM law. so i think is better to check yr company policy/hr.

i checked company policy didnt write must start from 1st day, so i think should be ok to take earlier to rest..some likes to work until last day coz they dun wan to think too much at home..waiting time for FTM maybe even more kan cheong...

well, ladies went to see Dr. Adrian...i think he is nice..although he is a bit 'toot toot' train..but i like..my type of person straight forward and to the point. but my husband is d long winded kind..hehe..so good..keeps my hubby from going to the grandma grandma stories [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Im officially 11wks tdy..he did my scan..baby waved..couldnt really see the feet..but it's more or less formed..it was such a cute moment...

So, armed with my notebook(thnks to the advice of the more exp. MTBs), i asked a couple of qns.

1) medicated oil on the stomach - ok doesnt hurt the baby.but not too much

2) Soft drinks: non caffeine drinks like MUgRootbeer,sprite,7up get the thumbs up.we can drink them..but take note of sugar intake too.

3) whitish discharge is normal...only brownish/reddish is an issue.

hope this helps!

dimple> thanks! now i think i can drink more soft drinks but maybe not too cold ones [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

koori, my company rule is that you must take ML once baby is born. If baby born earlier, then force to start ML. If baby not born earlier, can take annual leave followed by ML.

Our baby in Nov, so if taking 2 months, then will be next year, so unused annual lave will be forfeited. i planning to clear some of the annual leave in Jun.

for us.. our annual leave can bring over for a year.. so not so worried..

Can't wait to go home..

Dunno why no mood to work today!!!

yes mummywong..i literally went like yayee!he gave me a weird smile like ive gone insane :p

twinish..thing is i was initially under kk..decided to change. i went for the OSCAR during my 10th week. no news from them yet... so wht do i assume..hmm... my scan will be next week on 6/5/10..since i paid partial for the scan..might as well do it there..then ill fully transfer under Dr. Adrian..

Bam..could you please make the amendement on the table thingie tht you so nicely do up.thanks dear

I forget I gt gastric yesterday night due to over eating. Just now lunch I eat too much now very bloated. Don't know what to do now can't concertrate my work. =( don't know isit xin Li zuo Yong tat you are preg that y like keep want to eat.

Hi ladies,

Haven been in forum for awhile. Was admitted into hospital for pneumonia last Friday, now still in hospital. Doc sae tat the reason I got the virus could be due to the lower immume system we'll have during preggies. So take care of urselves k?

Hopefully I'll b able to get discharged tml, but will have to b on mc for around a wk. =X

twinfish - my co's policy didn't state that can only take maternity leave on the day BB is born. I know that a couple of my colleagues started their leave around a week b4 their EDD, as their back were aching and needed to rest loh. Think different companies have different policies. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bam: i'm likely gonna get it online. but my hubby is against me using it. he scared don know safe to use or not.

waiting for time to go home...

Angel: pls take care.

any mummies getting too heaty here? don know why i have been having blocked nose or runny nose and when i sneeze got blood.

MTB can take ML up to 2 weeks earlier from EDD. It's a MOM policy... not a company policy. Company cannot dictate tat MTB has to wait till delivery to take ML.

I hope this clear the air.

Angel: no wonder I dun see you ard these days. U take care.

Ashley, so qiao... can compare ratio le. I hope I dun faintz after they draw 3 tubes of blood from me... my blood pressure is kinda low these days, duno if it's due to the wt lost :eek:

Almost 1 hr to pangkang!

Mummies - thanks for clarification on the ML.

My only concern is i have 21days of annual leave this yr so like so wasted to clear all before Nov. Normally i will finish them by end of yr, so still short of 2mths to clear them. Hopefully i can bring fwd some to next yr so can spend more time with bb, keke.

ya the blood test is 3tubes! i kinda of forgt no. 1 they drew hw many tubes then shocked when i saw 3, luckily not much pain and hassle when they withdrew the blood, depd much on the skills of the person.

hi to all mummies,

ashley: i had paid total $214 for OSCAR test: blood test + NT scan at NUH.

no need to fast before OSCAR test, in fact my appt is in the afternoon at 2.30pm, so i had my lunch liao then go for scan. but think better dun eat too full, cos this is a detail scan where sonographer need to take quite a # of measurement, thus if bb move a lot, the sonographer may need to press and scan a lot of times to get those measurements.

re: doppler

had checked with gynae and he said ok to use doppler but dun use it too often in case not good to bb.

re: those mummies doing OSCAR test this week

GOOD LUCK! and hope to hear of all the good news soon!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

flubby & jewel - thanks thanks. ya loh. first few days the lung was v painful... dun feel like doing anything... nw getting better liao. U guys better take care too ya, try not to go to places with too many pple. Can catch cold/bugs easily de.

angel: oh poor thing, hope u are feeling better now. no wonder has not been hearing from u for the past few days. TAKE CARE!

Angel: Do take care....

Think all mummies have to take care to.. recently i think alot of flu virus ard.. Alot of ppl in office also sick..

For us.. if we kana, really very difficult for us to recover..

Does anyone of you have "dreams" or "feelings" on the sex of your bb hahha...

i know most of us wont noe yet and wont noe for a while. but my gfs has like strong hunches on the sex of the bb and they were correct le...

i didnt feel anything hahaha..

hahhaha that;s quite vivid.

well we will noe when we can find out during our wk 20.

but ashley did u always wanted a boy? or it wsa just a out of the blue thing

crystal: no leh, i did not have any dream/any hunches of bb sex too. last sat saw gynae n asked him if can see gender(im at 12wk5d), he said still cannot...i v anxious to know too ;p

bam: how u have the strong feeling that u are carrying a boy boy?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


irene & bam - tks tks! now better liao, hope can b discharged soon. Haiz yah loh. Doc and my gynae told mi tat our immune system nw lower. Wonder whh pax passed the virus to mi sia... haiz....

