(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Hi all mummies:

I just seen doc last Tuesday...my bb is growing big and is 2.6cm liao. can see the shape of a baby..so cute! HB remain strong and steady...tml i wld need to do blood test for down syndrome test in the coming 3 weeks later. I just take it as it comes, no kan-cheong feeling..cos Im prepared if bb is abnormal i would need to remove it, no other choice, right? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


michele: how many weeks ur bb now... got hear the hb... it's always exciting to go visit th gynae...

i also.. if bb is abnormal, i would need to remove it... my last visit gynae say bb neck abit thick... i jus take watever comes lor... next week i gog to do the NT scan... not doing the blood test...

jia you to all of us... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning everyone.


Me too doing the down syndrome test in 3wks. Blood alr taken last Wed. Same no kan-cheong feeling and I'm also prepared to terminate the pregnancy if results are bad. Sad I know, but for my case, the more practical thing to do as I don't think I can die in peace knowing that I will be leaving behind such a child when I die.

crystal> i'm doing my NT test in between wk12 & 13, the gynae said should do before wk13. i think the gynae will do the scan at the tummy and measure the height/thickness of the neck..something like that..


Extract: The NT test uses ultrasound to measure the clear (translucent) space in the tissue at the back of your developing baby's neck. Babies with abnormalities tend to accumulate more fluid at the back of their neck during the first trimester, causing this clear space to be larger than average

re: triple test/OSCAR

i taking it nx friday.. i should know the result by early may le..

like other mummies here, i am prepare to terminate if there is any problem with the baby as well. like wat brie say, i can't imagine if both me n hubby not ard leaving the disable child behind. even though i know he/she has his/her siblings to tk care, but i feel unfair for the sibling coz they has their own life. y do i burden my elder son by bringing my 2nd kid to our world to suffer?

holly: totally agree... i think it's more of suffering to both parents and child... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i'm doing mine next thursday... at tmc... u doing at tmc right... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]...

hi mummywong10,

thanks for the reply and the article.

my next appmt will be wk 10, shall see if my gynae can do it. better to noe early then later.

Welcome Charlene!

Confinement- in some sense it's great to have ur own mum to do your confinement cos u're free-er to argue back. it helps that my mum was quite liberal in letting me bathe everyday and to go out to walk if need be. However, this time i can't imagine dragging #1 and hubby to my mum's house to stay... so i'll be getting a pseudo day time CL cos i'm hiring her only to cook meals and bathe bb since hb promised to stay with me at home for the 1st 2 weeks....(more to keep an eye on #1). heh

Breastfeeding- i agree it can be quite tough esp when bb starts fussing and you're scrambling to get the position right... but those who intend to b/f, persevere but also know when not to go crazy over not being able to.. cos the more stressed you are, the more the milk won't flow!

re: all mummies doing DS test soon

dun worry too much and im sure all will be fine! jia you!!

i had did my OSCAR test(scan+ blood test on same day @NUH) on last wed. scan results on spot will tell if neckfold is ok. blood test results will be available n send to gynae on next day afternoon, gynae called me back last evening to inform risk is v low (1:6900) hope i din heard wrongly of this ratio..so happy! will get more details from gynae when see him tomorrow [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dear mummies..

just wondering- do u go for the OSCAR test becos ur age is risk factor or u just want to check for peace of mind?

cos sometimes i do worry that if u choose the terminate the pregnancy based on the various test results, it actually is a false positive (ie. bb is actually perfectly normal).. just food for thought..

woah the thread is moving so fast!

crystal> i think the clinic does have the cream... maybe you can check with ur clinic?

holly> same same... I'm doing the down syndrome test next fri too!

shm125: personally opinion is OSCAR test(90% accuracy for ww11-13 test) has no risk on bb thus its actually good to go for the test regardless of age(cos regardless how young u are, there's still a small risk tat bb will have DS) to put ur mind at ease that ur bb will likely not be suffering from DS. but if u choose to have a higher accuracy after OSCAR test results is not good or just want to be sure. there's the amnio test(~98% accuracy) but that pose a small % of risk in MC.

Yeah, I did consider abt a false positive result. But if false positive we might never know becos ald would hv terminated the pregnancy b4 we know the truth. The risk is the regret for the rest of my life. I guess if the nt scan results show high risk, at my age, I will go for further more invasive tests b4 deciding to terminate. Wat I am scared of is wat if the abnormality is not detected when its there. I guess if that is the case then really fated liao. I seriously dun think i'm strong enuf to bring up a disabled child

holly> i'm doing it in the afternoon at 3pm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] before gynae check up.. finally can see the baby already, after 4 weeks... i prefer to visit the gynae once every 2 weeks, at least I can have a peace of mind that baby is healthy and growing etc...


u will never know when u have ur child in ur arm.

when i gave birth to my #1, i never tot of any problems eh. the only thing i was thinking when i was push inside the OT was i am going to see my darling soon. u just wun think of anything else when u r a mother. really.. i din know where my guts come from. i was wondeirng how come back den i wasn't scare tt i go GA i wun wake up? how come back den i wasn't scare I go in n might loose my darling.. i never never never tot of all this when i was pushed in. only keep thinking.. i am going to see my darling le.. this is mother..


actually i prefer 2 weeks also, but dun wan waste money la. LOL!! iwas given an option but i choose 4 weeks instead. i wun b seeing my gynae on fri but i will see her on 12th may. when i am 14 weeks preggy. =)

Remembering my 1st question to hb when my #1 was born, was he normal anot? And followed by really boy ah? Lol

Most impt is still health


my 1st qn... LOL!! Is he breathing on his own? Did he cry? but mine was to the nurses. coz hb wasn't allow to come in to OT. he told me, the nurses made him count #1's fingers n toes the moment he saw #1. ahhh.. i miss it... i miss those time when my #1 was still such a helpless bb. so cute.. not like now.. running n jumping ard like some mad kid... headache!..

gd afternoon ladies,

wow Irene your OSCAR test result is v gd leh... Im doing mine next thurs.... keeping my fingers crossed.

Some ppl may choose to keep bb due to religious reason. I have a fren who didnt even do OSCAR test as she said she will keep the bb regardless the condition.

Wow this thread moved so fast today. I only got time to check it at lunch. =)

Woke up with a slight headache today and lost of appetite. First time I'm experiencing this. There is also a slight ache on the left pelvic area. I hope everything is fine. Feeling exceptionally tired today. I could fall asleep right now in my office man but I can't =(.

I am thinking of going ahead to do the OSCAR test too. BTW at which week do we do the OSCAR test? I'm seeing my gynae at around week 10.

O i can only do it from wk 11-13 huh... cos i thot that we can do it any time after wk 8 and before wk 13.

i guess for those of us doing it its more for peace of mind right? it takes alot to bring up a handicapped child so i guess not everyone is willing to take that kind of risks.

hi mtbs, i'm a sahm expecting my no.2. Been reading this thread on n off. My elder is a 2yo boy. For no.2, edd is on 16nov.

I'm seeing a gynae at kkh but will change to a private gynae soon. Maybe it's no.2, i'm v relaxed. I confirmed my preg at 4, 5 wks n took my time to see the gynae at 8+wk.

Oscar test

i chose not to take it for no.1 even though his neck was quite thick. He turned out to be fine. Too cheeky at times even! So most prob wont take this time too. Every child is a blessing.


I got a frenz whose ocsar test show is not good and gynae ask if they wan to do a further test, but they choose not to do further test and proceed with the pregancy. Their baby was perfectly normal when born and think nw the boy is 4 yrs old le...


Same lah. My boy now also can run around the whole time he is awake. Sit down oso is because he fell down and need to get up. Last time can't wait for all his milestones - crawl, sit, stand, walk. Now cannot stop him liao. Haha

Welcome clover,

Me too SAHM with 21mth old bb. We have quite a few mums here with kids around this gap. My friend who will give birth in abt a month's time say it won't be easy for us as our tummy get bigger... so I'm really bracing myself for a lot of challenges! These few weeks ald very difficult to keep up with an active toddler. Actually mostly he has to endure being bored at home cause I hardly bring him out at all. Too tired.

To cure my own bordom, I'm reading a book now called The Contented Little Baby and Toddler book by Gina Ford. At 1st I was sure #2 will be easier because ald learn some experience from #1. But thinking more indepth, I become very nervous about handling both kids at the same time. So must get myself prepared way in advance. I sense another anxiety attack creeping up.

Oh btw, someone was asking about good books to read? Another version of the book I'm reading - called The Contented Little Baby Book by Gina Ford comes highly recommended by a lot of parents I know.


whahaha! ya lo. but coz he is so active, hubby send him to sch. so he wun give me too much trouble.

last time wait for him to smile, to make noisy, sit, crawl, eat semi solid.. so happy lo..

irene: congrats... your results is so positive... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i hope for good news too...


if my results no good, i think will proceed to do further test... let's all pray for the best...

clover: welcome... congrats... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

clover: when was it that you found out ur #1 neck abit thick? i found out at wk11... doc then tell me it's still a litle early cuz my bb was only 4cm then... but he recommended me to do NT scan which is scheduled for next thurs...

getting a little worried but still hoping for the best... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Welcome clover...

That's alot of posts in aday.. can't get to read the thread yesteday as i didn't save the link at home..

Clover/Briebaby, I am also a SAHM with a 19 mth old gal... Is your child attending any school? My gal goes to Chiltern house in the Playground at East Coast...

holly, jaymickey,

My boy goes to a 2hr playgroup a couple of blocks from my place every morning. But 2hrs pass by in a blink of an eye lor. I put him in a 2hr paygroup b4 knowing #2 coming, back then, I couldn't bear to put him in any childcare because I felt like it made no sense since I was a SAHM. Now I'm reconsidering but I've ald registered him in another kindergarten preN class for next year. That is only 3hrs every morning. Wondering how I'd manage to send and fetch him with #2 in tow.


Your fren very lucky. But she's ald very wei da willing to keep the bb despite knowing the results.

I hope none of us here have to go thru this dilema

BrieBaby, she usually wakes up quite late in the morning... so very diff to put her in Morning class.. anyway, afternoon class usually have more vacancies... i recently just confirmed her pre-nursury at CH next year too.. so afternoon i can spend time with #2... i actually started sending her to JG since 9mths old.. see that she enjoyed it so much.. we just con't till now...

My #1 wakes up early so the mornings seem very long for us. But then again, the afternoons seem very long too. LOL. Sigh, which brings me back to my headache, how different or difficult life will be after #2 arrive *shivers* I really hope the misery of 1st tri faster end and all these anxiety stop man.

BrieBaby, yah... if they wake up early... the whole day seems so long... mine usually wakes up around 10am.. so by the time we shower and finish up everything, it will be noon time...so next time, when she goes for class, i will have break from 2 - 5.30pm.. hee hee..

hi brie, pls relax. =)

brie/jaymickey, my boy is doing nothing at the moment. I found a kindie to take him in from sep. My headache is also abt the logistics b4/after i give birth.

H ho, i think it was ard the same time. For me, the thickness wasnt so thick tt it's a major concern to the technician. Just tt they have to raise this to the concerned parents -to-be to cover their backside. Heh. Furthermore, my boy was not cooperating fully during the measurement, he was lying in an awkward pos. So i had considered all these then, b4 deciding not to do the test.


try marc weissbluth's book on good sleeping habit.

I'm going to take a nap! Bye!

Btw, any mom stay ard amk? =)

my gynae say no news means good news, she say blood test shld come out this week if never hear from her is good news, pray hard*

my no. 1 is gg to prenursery next yr 2011 Jan for 3hrs - 830 to 1130. That time happened to be during maternity also duno how to ferry her to & fro. The initial intention was to get my mom to fetch her after school and go to her house but now since i on maternity then maybe she will come home after school but how to fetch her and carrying no. 2 alone, sigh!

jewel, h hho: im sure ur OSCAR will be good too. jia you!! keep us updated of the good news too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

actually my gynae also said he has a few mummies with no good OSCAR results thus they go amnio and all results came out good/normal.

clover: congrats and welcome!

thanks irene... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will definitely share the good news...

diana & clover: i don't stay amk... but tpy/novena quite near amk... can considered central ba... now got khaki... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I agree the healthy sleeping habits, happy child book clover mentioned is a gd read too. Sleep and routines are a great help to mothers as they are great for bbs

Oh ya, I went to collect My Baby Journal from the Library liao... think it will be useful for 1st time mothers. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I still prefer to read fiction books, think Im not into baby or children books. :p duno if such bks will be bad for bb? :p

Hi all! Wow, lots MTBs in Nov nw!

I've been "away" recently as I'm going tru a hard time at wrk & home. I've not been wrking since last wk as we hv chicken pox in the sch I'm teaching at and gynae told me to stay away. Will be going bk on mon. Anyway, being away fr wrk is more stressful as I'm working fr home and emails my assistant whenever they need something. However, the children's parents are asking & questioning abt my absense and I do not knw what to sat when I return as my school does not allowe to inform the parents I'm preggy coz they hv not found a relief for me during maternity. On top of that, the parents are upset because the school is ceasing operations at the end of year as the govt is taking back the land and thus many hv to look for a new school.... That means I'll be out of job too and unable to claim for maternity benefits... Am wondering whn can I start looking for job? Hv been very down for the past few weeks. Am also looking for a CL to help me during confinement as my mum is wrking and I do not want any help fr MIL! The prices quoted are quite high... At the same time, nanny for bb is another concern for me... Haiz.... Lots to think, no time to do... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

peterjune - u mean under MOE they don transfer u to another school and u got no more job! is tat how they treat u? Tot they not allowed to fire pregnant woman and should allow u to claim full maternity.

