(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Koori, I think Peterjune is working for some childcare or nursery private sch from the way she described.

Peterjune: Nov and Dec 2009 is co. paid, Jan & Feb 2010 which is paid by govt.. think cos your special condition u can write to appeal for yr with maternity benefits thru MOM & MCYS. As for job, dun worry la, job market is gd, after your maternity leave u can start looking. Take things at 1 at a time, then u wont feel so stressed. CL is abt $2K now & oni for 1 mth. If your claim is successful, you have 4 mths to look for a nanny. If not, you also have 2 mths... dont worry "chuan dao jiao tao zi ran zhi".


hho..sound good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] . u planning to go?

I know there's another one but in Parkway area.. v far for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

have a good weekend working mummies... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

shan: ya.. but want to hear from you all see got other places or not... or is there anything else other than yoga that's good...

my mum tell me got to start walking alot after Tri 1 cuz will help with a smoother delivery... strengthen the muscle... so i plan to walk 1hr a day... but must clear with my gynae first... so will ask next visit...

Hi ladies,

I've been away for a while bec my little girl (20mth old) is sick. She's been running a fever since Tue but temperature has come down and stabilised finally today. On Wed night at 1plus when her temperature spiked to 40.3 degrees, we almost wanted to send her to KKH! But my hubby and I used the suppository (sp?) which we inserted into anus, to bring down fever. Thank goodness it came down within 1-2 hrs. Needless to say, no one got good sleep that Wed night. Didn't dare to sleep much on Thu night too, just in case.

And the worst thing is I got pain or pulling (don't know how to describe) on lower abdomen on Tue & Wed but no spotting. But a few days earlier, I saw a bit of light brown stains on my panty liner. Mummies, is this dangerous?? I always thought that spotting refers to blood red stains but I read some earlier posts which said brown ones are no good too. Is that true???

jollymummy> i think the spotting might be stress/tired and "added pressure" to yr bb. yah brown ones are consider spotting too (what my gynae said). U should observe these few days, if it persists, you should inform your gynae and better to get an tai yao!

I strongly advise those who have spotting to take care. I had spotting in wk4 and I ignore. It got heavier in wk5 until I was stressed over it that I went to gynae and got "scolded" by the gynae that I should visit him earlier. He explained the spotting is due to bb feel stress and as we are in 1st trim, it's important to rest and of course put the an tai yao when we see spotting to increase the hormones to protect the bb. I have been diligently putting since wk5 till now and my spotting stopped at wk7. I'm visiting the gynae again on Sat, hopefully no need to put anymore..

Mummies, jiayou..we are almost all nearing 2nd trim! have a great weekend!

Brie and Clover- i must be very laid back.. cos i haven't started thinking of putting #1 (now 19mths) to any playgroup...

I'm thinking that i will just have to cope with 2 together cos i don't think #1 is ready to really sit down and listen to story telling.. or much less play well with others. Cos teachers won't have the authority to discipline my #1. So what i do is to observe her play with the other toddlers (mainly born in 2008 batch) in church.

For 1st time MTB- u might want to consider reading Babywise by Gary Ezzo or this blog http://babywisemom.blogspot.com/ to get an idea. i found it helpful in scheduling baby routine with mine.

take care 2 mummy (jollymummy/ mummywong10)!

thread slowing down..think most mummies had knocked off [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Clover,

*Big WAve* Im Ivy's friend, we met at the Barrage before. Congrats!


i will go going to Como Shamala for pre natal yoga, i was w them during my 1st pregnancy n they are good!

Books - I am a big fan of Gina Ford's The little contented baby. i used it on my son n it works. he slept through the night 7-7 since 2mths old. he maintained bedtime of 7-7 till he was 18mths. now he sleeps from 8-7.30 n naps from 2-5. I find her method really works for me. I followed up with her Contented Toddlers years too.

hi ueno =) heard yr boy has chickenpox. Hope he has recovered. My edd is v near u according to ivy. =)

h ho, i took pre nat yoga at bishan cc during my last preg. R u interested? I can call up the teacher to c whether she can open a class.

Hi jolly mummy, i also had the same situation, got a "pull" feeling at my lower left abdomen and very slight spotting on my tissue paper sometimes when i wipe it... It's on and off... I'm visiting my gynae next week, hope he can give me some advice. When I asked my friends, they say it's normal, but i just dun want to take things for granted lor... So every now and then I try to put my fingers at my lower abdomen area to feel for my baby's heartbeat, praying hard that he's still there... Became so paranoid...

Hi all,

I'm from April MTB thread. I got some 10pkt free sample of Anmum Materna - Reduced fat milk powder for pregnant women (can make drink 10 times of 200ml) to give away as I have already give birth no need to drink already.

If anyone interested can email me at [email protected] and collect from my place (bukit panjang).



Thanks Mummywong, Irene and Jean,

I'll take note and check. So far the light brown spotting was only for 2 days and did not come back since then. But my next appt with gynae is in 4 wks time, when I'm in the 12th wk. I'll call him if spotting comes back again. For the pulling sensation, I hope it's only bec the uterus is expanding and nothing else...

BTW, I tried to find my baby's heartbeat even at 5-7wks but always can't find. Maybe my tummy skin is too thick, too much fat, haha! But baby is still so small, really can feel heartbeat with fingers??

jollymummy> i tried to feel my bb hb when some of the mummies mentioned here can feel. but i also find it hard to feel as its so small and with our tummy fats and placenta etc. but sometimes i feel like have so i also not sure is it xin li zhuo yong. but since we are still in early stage of pregnancy, never feel hb should be normal also. i comfort myself as long as no spotting or major alarming symptoms means bb should be growing still. For me, I hv MS, so i also treat that as the bb is growing. If you are concern, maybe you might want to schedule your appt earlier instead.


mine is on 12 NOv, 4 days earlier than yours but i expect to deliver in Oct cos my son was 4 weeks earlier. Thanks for your concern, he's ok now, doc has certified him to be able to go back to school on mon.

twinfish> ya check-up ok, phew! bb growth difference of 1day from last menses date, but he didnt say any change in EDD though (maybe too early now)..no need an-tai yao liao but as I still vomit so he still never give me any multi-vitamins, nxt visit is 4wks later liao. now bb is 3.3cm at 10wks! i can see his/her hands/legs moving during the scan so excited. now wait for NT test at wk12+ in May.

Hi MTBs,

Sorry for this descriptive post.

Just wondering, any of you experience sever constipation pains. I'm feeling really bloated at the lower abdominal at the moment. It feels like I have a lot of movement of bowels going on in my tummy but nothing is coming out. When I head to the toilet and sit on my throne, nothing comes out too. At times only farts and mini bits like 2 rasin sizes. Once in a while the tummy also cramps up (feels like u are going to have a big diahorea release but when i head to the toilet... nothing once again. Been having it since this afternoon. Is it normal to have such sever constipation at ard week 8?

Am reading May Issue of Mother & Baby, according to Researchers at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Scientists found that mums who experienced nausea in the 1st few weeks after conceiving had brighter children than those who didn't.

So with all those vomitting it could be a sign that Baby is developing a high IQ... LOL

Lovebyte, I think I haven't been passing motion since last week, think don't worry abt passing motion, 'cos it could means that we are not prodcuing any waste.

We eat and Baby n us are absorbing it, so no waste is produce? But don't forget, if you are on Iron Pills, that could cause constipation too. So think better, don't go and force it, just take plenty of water and prune? Maybe it could help..

lovebyte> hv u started to eat multi-vit from gynae? my SIL faced constipation when she start taking the multi-vit and need to take fibre loh. I experienced sometimes but maybe not everyday as I don't do "big business" everyday ;p

Esther, I Heard one research said that Older women will give birth to more intelligent bb. the Early nausea one is new...

Lovebytes, digestion slow down during pregnancy, so Naturally production of waste will be slower also. At times, I dun poo for a few days straight. Dun worry, constipation is part n parcel of pregnancy. take more vege, fiber fruits n food to help yr constipation. Cramps can be wind, try Ginger juice.

hi there ladies.. anyone seeing dr adrian woodworth at compass point.. could you pls be a sweetheart and let me know his clinic timings?

im super stressed bout the gynae to take..didnt noe it will be this difficult :S


wow the thread is moving fast i have lost track le. hehe.

yesterday went to visit gynae baby is 4.06cm. i'm 11weeks le. when doctor do the scan baby is somersault in my womb. so cute. hand and leg moving. and i gain 1kg in 2weeks.

How come so many mummies take blood test and the NT scan so fast? My gyane told me i will take my blood test on week 17 leh.

Jas, think most of us doing ard wk 12. Test earlier n know results is better in case a termination of pregnancy is required. The books aso said such tests are carried out in wk 12. Yr gynae may hav his/her reasons for doing so.

Angel n whoever interested in clarins oil, the cheapest I found is at Chinatown $52. If u r lazy to travel, can buy online, they send to yr home by registered mail $67 comes with free lip pencil. Duty free shop is ard $55.

Thanks Jewel and Dimple. Isit doc base on the age too? But does normal scan we usually do can detect anything? I think i will check with my gyane next visit.

Oh ya Btw NT and OSCAR isit the same?

ashley> u seem to lost alot of weight! i think you better try to eat more. i understand losing about 1-2kg might be normal due to MS. i'm not sure about the rest though. I think I lost about 1kg in the past few wks. but if yr gynae said your bb growth is ok then should be ok.

ashley, u lost quite abit of weight! I lost 1.5kg within 2wks due to lost of appetite...

I m scheduling for the NT scan at 12wks, currently 10wks...can't wait to see my baby...though not as excited as when having #1 but still looking forward to it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eat vomit eat vomit drink also cant even put anything into the mouth.even the vitamins I m getting worried.

My appt with gynae is this thurs.

Arghh its getting abit frustrating.

Oh dear Ashley, 7kg is a lot! I lost 2.5kg n I tot I'm the ONI one tat vomit every meal... U r worst. Rem to drink a lot of water to prevent dehydration, rinse ur mouth after vomit to prevent teeth spoil by the stomach acid. Eat some Digestive biscuit in the morn. Try get vit B6 from yr gynae, it shld help to keep ur food down abit. Dun wori abt bb, they dun need a lot of food at the mt. Let's hope trim 2 will better for u. Jiayou!

Jas, dun think it has anything to do with age. Deps on the gynae ba... NT scan n Oscar is diff. Oscar is blood test. Scan is for measurement.

Ashley, I'm aso 11wk2d, I so hope we r not the unlucky few.. *pray*

hi all,

Good morning.

wow 7kg is quite a lot of loss, ashley. I lost 3kgs so far. i'm in my 9th week. really pray hard MS will just go away by first trimester. sighh.. soo painful.

morning MTBs!

Ya...so many posts... sorry getting blur :p

Ya Ashley losing 7kg is alot! Did your gynea mentioned anytin?

dimple..i w Dr Adrian, don hv his consultation card w me today.

But his timing is roughly lidat

Tues, Fri - evening (6pm - 9pm)

Mon, Thurs - Afternoon (1pm-??)

Sat - Morning (until noontime).

Wed - Closed.

I always go for Tues de..

tml is my 11w3d, 3rd visit w him..

hope everytin is fine..

hi shan,

How did u find Dr Adrian? I have 2 gfs that went to him during their pregnancy last year and he was soo horrible. one of them encountered complications in her 5 month and she was warded but he never turn up at the hospital at all to visit her. she was soo depressed she wanted to change gynae cos she was bleeding so much and it was her first pregnancy. she manage to deliver via c sect later on but she was on bed rest since her 5th month. she overheard the nurses saying that dr adrian is not proficient when it comes to complications but a no show at all is too much isnt it? i mean i heard this from her so not sure if hers is a one off.


7kg is alot. u should let ur gynae know on ur nx visit just in case. but dun worry much, as long as bb is still growing well, everything is fine.

issit crystal?

I duno leh, but been hearing good comments abt him from my frens.. fast & cheap & good stitching.

I was w him for my last failed pregnancy, Had an D/C, I find him quite OK, assuring... so far i do not hv any complaints.

But He really quiet, don talk alot.. unless u got qns for him, he will asnwer, else he seldom share much, but only the necessary.and he really talk like a train.

I'd nt recommend him if u r a FTM , i feel FTM need more advices etc...coz theyoso duno wat to ask. I got a gf, i recommend her to Dr Jocelyn at TMC, i never w her, but oso all thumbs up for her.. but she more ex n location nt as conv..parkg is an headache!


Good morning all mummies...

Dimple, i'm w Dr Adrian at sengkang too... consultation card also not with me nw.

but i remember his timing

Mon, thurs and Sat - afternoon (1pm~2pm)

Tue and Fri - evening (6~8pm)

Shan, no change to see u, i always go either mon or thurs afternoon.

Nw 12wks le...MS like gone a bit abit start from last sat..

Tml go for NT and FA scan at thomson. hope everything is fine...

