(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Bam, me EDD 13th Nov.. update when u free [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

DFS really alot cheaper.. i got my cocoa butter Palmer eventually.. lazy to source for Clarins.. ytr v funny. my #1 boy asked me u put cream on meimei's face? haaa.. coz he itchyhands, wanna touch, i tld him it's for mei mei de only.. n when he inside my tummy, mummy oso got put this on him..such a darling..hee

wow Girl, ya mama really stylo leh..she must so heartpain when hear u lidat hor.. ya i agree ancient, coz of the distance, hence cant go to bathroom freely.. i think esp in Sgp, so humid, personal hygiene v impt.. i oso wont care.. i will do wat i deem fit...

mummywong, really eh..consider spotting? oops.. i contiinue to monitor.. thanks for the info.. better take my duphaston diligently.. i took 1 or 2 per day nia :p gynea say gotta 3x..

ya Angel, BF is good... do it as long as u can manage, don listen to MIL..sometimes.. not all stuffs tat elders said are too logical.


Yeah, he gimme EDD based on bb measurement. Actually my 1st appt doc ald said I wasn't 8wks back then, but bb more like only 6wks. But since still small, he didn't gimme a EDD yet. Ytd, he measured and said is 9wks. 2wks seem so drastic to me... too bad my mense not regular enuf and didn't keep track when I concieve.

briebaby: i read that's it's norm to have anxiety attack... u need good support and should talk to your hb alot... i have but won't consider as bad as urs cuz my MS only lasted a few days... and when i am emotional... i will call my hubby or i will jus cry then go sleep (i am not working)... awake then ok liao... got to find a way to let out... cheer up ya... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


u will likely to be stress out by ur MIL if she is nt pro bf lor....tat wat happen to me lor...coz during our times it is formula empire ma...so all bb was formula feed thus can understand y both she and my mum will say formula is good lor.

u know how she stress me? the moment my son cried, she say he is hungry and ask if he did nt drink enough milk lor. and during the 1st few days, wen my milk nt check kick in, she was so concerned at bb will be hungry. luckily, i already foresee such tings to happen and i stand firm on it lor....i even tell tat the 1st mouthful bb suckle is even better than the milk. but she dun buy my story lor....until her frenz whose DIL juz gif birth months before mine told her tat then she ran to me and repeat wat her frenz say lor.

anyway, milk was nt enough for my son, so have to top up with formula but it is in bottle form where my PD gif, but due to the stress she gif me, i refused to tell her tat and instead i tell her it is supplement for my son.

the best abt her is tat she will used and repeat wat my mum say to me lor...until i was so stress out tat my sister told my mum nt to say anyting bad abt bf coz my mil will used it to repeat on me if she dun wan me to fall into depression lor. then my mum start to sing praises for bf which in a way shut her up lor...

I think BFing is good too. I believe our mother's time was when formula was 1st introduced into the market, so everyone at that time saying formula better than BM.

Now different ler lah. With all sorts of processed food causing problems with long term intake surfacing, natural BM can't go too wrong lah, even though maybe the mothers have ald been contaminated by years of eating processed foods.

Having said that, 1 thing to note is BFing is not always easy for everybody. Don't let people pressure you into BFing too. Really have to listen to your own body and do what you can to your best ability.

Because my #1 don't know how to latch, and I don't know how to teach, I ended up expressing milk for 16mths. I felt very pressured into it because everyone around me made me feel like I wasn't a good mum if I couldn't provide BM. It was a very stressful 16mths for me, and at the end of it, I wasn't happy that I felt resentful sometimes when I pump. I only felt better when I came to accept that I did it for my son.


Yes GROUNDED!!! I would love to travel but seeing that it took a long time for my and hubby to conceive so my mummy want to ground me =(


ICIC... can understand oso if you look at it from that point of view. But so you (and so should other 1st time MTBs) must still find safe ways to enjoy your last few months of "freedom".

yes Diana.. for my case is my parents..i did confinment there.. i know they worried n mean well ... oso keep asking me to gv my boy FM on the 3rd day.. me n hb said NO firmly.. they really ask their neighbour, she babysit kids de to come n talk to me ...we quite pissed.. eventually we std by firm.. but oso nt engf BM, i supplement the last feed w FM.

Stress from MIL is tat..she keep commenting why my BM like Barley water... she said who n who one is so thick.. wahliao..wat can i do, am tryg my best leh..tat the best i hv wat..

really during the confinment, alot of patterns n thingy to quarrel de.. but be firm but don get too angry w them, coz they realy do meant well..

i oso duno wat to expect for this rd.. haa

awaiting. . :p


My experience was just as frustrating too. My CL kept saying I didn't have enough milk. Because she slept with the baby, she even kept formula and hot water inside her room so I wouldn't know when the baby woke to be fed. But because I'm such a light sleeper, I still knew and would have to tell her I want to BF the baby 1st so that I can build up supply mar. I think the last thing a new mother should hear is discouraging words like such. Dealing with baby blues and healing from the pain and adjusting to lack of sleep are ald stressful enough.

wow Brie.. u pump fpr 16mths!! tat's v good too... its still BM, it's equally good!!

I latched my son de, but aft 3rd mth when i go back to work..my boy don latch n i pump..i pumped until 9th mth oni, my supply dip so much, tat my 1 day pump is nt even engf for his 1 feed.. so i stopped lo..

raelly hope for #2, i can go on to 1yr at least . [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

That day I was just thinking I hope #2 will latch on... but then a friend commented that she was having problems with UN-latching her bb instead... so suddenly I have come to realise maybe shouldn't hope to latch on too much oso. Just have another relationship with the breastpump oso not such a bad thing lah. At least my boy doesn't lift up my shirt as and when he wants to. Haha

I think working mums who pump at work and have to transport milk to and fro work are an amazing lot. Very troublesome and so very noble for their willingness to do it for their children.


I got a frenz who have CL who are anti BF too and who can tell her tat her BM is nt doing her son good lor....tat y nw i look for CL i look for those supportive of BM de...

Good luck with the search for a good CL - I think recommendations would be best. Considering you're paying so much (professional fee for, in truth, usually for an aunty with no professional qualification, just some past experience in caring for infants be it in her younger motherhood days or based on her past experiences with her own possibly biased possibly myth-backed believes), she should really be able to fulfil her duties to meet your expectations... not pay someone to infuriate you in your own home.

If you ask me why pple can be anti-BF.. I can only think of the fact that BM you have to endure bb crying until frozen milk has been thawed and warmed up in the middle of the night. Which I think can take up from between 5-15min. If feed formula, once bb weh weh CL can jump up and mix formula str8 away feed and go back to sleep. Besides, usually 1st month, mother oso haven't build up enough milk to store in the fridge. So CL have to bring to mother for BM. In case really not enough milk, the CL still have to pacify a crying baby... so I think it takes more time than mix, feed and back to sleep.

That's just what I think lah... formula more convenient for the caretaker during mother's confinement.

Brie> menses not accurate is difficult to gaugue whether gynae is accurate/bb growth hw many weeks, just have to rely on what gynae tell u!

shan> my gynae said any kind of brown/red discharge is consider bleeding/spotting. dont play play..must diligently put the an tai yao for the sake of your bb. i have been putting since wk5 till now and it's suppose to increase yr hormornes (maybe also will cause MS) and protect yr bb. hopefully this Sat when i see gynae he can give clearance for me no need to put anymore...so tiring..

angel/h ho: tks! ya im hoping the blood test results ok too. just called my clinic n results already sent over but gynae out operation thus think cannot know results today..can only know tomorrow [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

re: MIL/BF

ya i also agreed not easy to get MIL to do confinement for u...sure most or less will have conflicts one. also ya..maybe most of them during their times, they dun do much BF too, thus they cannot understand the good of BF-ing.

briebaby: anxiety attack -> i think this is quite normal when expecting #2..my fren tat time also feel the same...just have a talk to hby/close frens/family whenever u feel depressed and try to think positively...there are many out there who wanna bb also cannot conceive...thus u are already one of the lucky mothers who not only have #1 but #2 coming soon! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

shan - yah man! I told my hb liao. He has to stand by my side on this matter, after all, it's good for the BB.

Haha, this round if ur MIL comment why ur milk is so thick, u tell her cuz it's full of nutrients. of cuz thick lar! :D

diana - aiyo~ I totally think tat's wat she'll say leh! But I'll stand firm on this. I'll go educate my hb and he'll go shut my MIL up on my behalf. haha.

briebaby - glad to hear that u stand firm and expressed for 16mths. i'm sure it's worthwhile seeing your child grow up healthy and strong. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haha, think if really wana get a CL, must interview her to see if her views on stuff are on the same wavelength as us. If yes, then employ. If no, then bye bye. :p

irene - aiya, i tot u'll be able to share gd news with us. :p nvm, tml is soon enuff also. :D

Actually, mummy bm is the best for bb coz our body will produce watever nutrient our bb lack coz our body already know when bb in us mah....thick or thin hv no relation to nutrient i tink...

also, how the BM taste is wat we the mummy eat de....if u all dare, u can try tasting ur BM de....for me, i taste mine once before to know the taste lor...

another ting is bb tend to like our BM more than FM one...tat is wat my son nanny tell me lor...coz my son will finish all the BM rather fast de but if FM, at times he will left a bit


you better check if you MIL is willing to do confinement for u 1st coz my frenz MIL ask them to get CL even though they are staying wif her lor...

briebaby: you are not alone. I also have this kind of anxiety attacks. My no. 1 is a very easy going bb. Slept thru the night since 4 months old. I heard from other people that their 2 year old still wake up at night for night feeds. Wah...if my no. 2 is like that...i will faint.

Hi mummies..

My grandmum will help me to do confinement. She Is the one who did confinement for my mum when I was a baby.. I hope I won have any conflicts with her.. I sayang her v much, hope my temper won be so bad until quarrel with her.

This morning I knocked my tummy at table corner. I went to see gynae and he straight away told me no prob w/o looking at the place I hurted (swollen) and gave me one day mc.. Haha, luckily everything is ok. I think bb is still so small won be affected, tts y doc said no prob.

diana - haha, speaking abt tasting BM, my hb already sae wana try liao. hahahahaha

hee, I'll not ask my MIL to do confinement for me. Cuz for sure she'll have lots of old fashion ideas, & she's nt very hygienic. I also don't quite like her cooking, cuz she tends to put lots of oil & salt, and won't clean the kitchen after use de. I dun wana clean up after she uses the kitchen during confinement. =X Worst of all is that she smokes! Most likely I'll ask my aunt if she willing to come & help bah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Actually my r/s wif my MIL was ok until confinement time lor...tink if u all were to know wat happen u will understand y nw i keep my distance from her lor...

I can understand tat old folk hv low hygience value coz they always say tat last time they also like tat bring up their sons lor....but for me, i will take my time to explain things to her...but yet, still she will continue to think tat i only pick on her lor...haiz....

can u imagine, i told her to on the xi you yan ji when she cook, she say too noisy, so i told her to close the kitchen door lor coz my flat is rather new le and i dun wan all my furniture to be cover in oil mah...who know she say tat becoz i make her close door to cook she sweat so much tat she hv to bath twice a day...and she say wen she is at home she only bath once even she do housework lor....blame it on me when she is the kind of person who sweat easily lor...

i know she was nt happy wif me coz i told her tat she hv to bath or change new set of clothes after she cook or handle raw food before she can carry my son...but come on this is basic hygiene lor..


Luckily ur gynae say it is ok lor....better be careful nx time ya.


Ur hb so daring want to taste...my hb refused coz he say er xin...but then he did accidently taste it once lor...muahahaha

Diana - wah ur MIL.... *shake head* Duno wat to say man. I would also think that it's right for her to change clothes aft cooking/handling raw food, if not wait BB get germs easily de.

Hahaha, duno my hb lar. Scarly nw excited to taste, then after that feel that it's er xin. hahahahhaa

Bam - heard that it's almost the same price leh. If after checking the prices out and they're about the same, must as well get a full time one. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i never think abt confinement yet... think my mil do for me. my mummy dunno how to do...

any one of u out there going to be applying for maid? My mum is insistent that i should esp to help out with household chores and after maternity leave i can leave maid and bb @ her house then at night bring them back to my hse... what do u all think?

i did my "confinement" myself.. keke.. but did not follow anything. my hubby was v busy at work and was working long hrs.. v stressful.. i cry everynite at 7pm coz the nites were so long. my milk only established on day 11. it was difficult and i ate Mac, maggi, sometimes i cook some chicken or fish and some veges.. if not usually just call mac lor.. i bathed as much as i can.. eh.. coz if i'm alone at home with bb, i didnt dare to even go pee.. haha.. so i waiting till hubby came home from work late at nite then i go bathe.. it was a nitemare.. but this time round.. i think i will still not want to hire a CL.. coz alot of my forum friends didnt get along with the CL and also alot of probs. by then my son will almost abt 23mths.. so he will go to sch in the day then come home then no choice gotta entertain him lor. i am thinking if i wanna hire a maid.. still thinking.. coz my hubby dun like outsiders.. see how lor..

Wow pigicia, it must have been really hard on you. My hb stayed home a lot after we fired the CL in the 2nd wk to help me thru. If not for him, I think I would have killed myself and the bb ald. I was later treated for post natal depression after 6wks. #1 really drove me crazy cos I never had any contact with newborn before until he came. No help from any relative at all as well.

Hb and I also don't like outsiders in our house. But since I can't seem to handle my #1 and do all the housework in the past few weeks, we hired 1 eventually. Lucky we interviewed her personally, she's been here for 1wk+ and we're getting along fine. We no need to do housework at night liao. The maid we hired also experienced with children, so I'm only going to get her to cook confinement style food after #2 arrive.


Your mum ald indicate she can help you with a maid, so at least you know that's an option. You also can consider infant care or nanny, but I think since your mum is willing to help, I think nothing beats having a relative in charge rather than total outsiders. You also don't have to worry about housework. Only thing is the trouble of transporting them to and fro everyday lor.


At night quite xiong 1 also leh. You can't let your CL sleep on a mattress on the floor with baby or in a spare room?

Mothers doing confinement

I'm always very envious of those whose mothers can do confinement for them. My own mother cannot (bad relationship), my step mother did help me a bit, but she never had children of her own so I was so not convinced by her style. And even though I appreciated whatever little help she gave me I still found a lot of fault with her. Eg her eyesight not so good, she clean the butt not clean. :p Very hard to put 2 strongly opinionated, non-related women in the same house :p

Omg pigicia.. U did all by yaslf n such a tiring first mth n u were a ftm??? I'd hv died.. I sort of did my own confinment but I got my mum did the laundry n meals for me.. Ftm to handle bb is really depressg engf.. Wonder hw u get passed tat.. U r gd.. I oso don intend to hire any cl, coz they r really costly n if u on tbm, they oni help to cook etc oni..

I'd do it myslf but I hv my Fil who's stayg w us, at least to help abit here n there plus tk care of my #1.. my plan as of nw.. Then order confinement meals..

This evening hubby bz I went home on my own in the 630pm train.. It's fully packed w passengers.. In the mid of journey feel so nausea n almost wanna vomit.. I think coz the air is too stale inside.. I went out n rest for a while b4 embarkg my journey home.. Fedback to my hubby imm.. This is nt the first time lo.. Always feel nausea ESP when I boardg Mrt home.. Haa.. Gd hint eh.. :p

It was a nitemare.. But dunno how I survived with breast engorgement, fever, colicky baby n a super painful epi wound.. I guess I spent alot of time planning the full month party, arranging for the cakes n buffet.. The guest list.. Etc lor.. I also remember spending alot of time just staring at my son the whole time he napped.. The fun part was my forum friends were also all online.. So we talked abt everything.. Abt hw much we pump out, etc lor.. Quite ok in the end.. All of us survived!!

Hello all mummies, I'm new here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Bam, would you like to update mine too? Thanks!

Nick: zeezzen

EDD: 19/11/2010

Doctor: Dr. Lim Teck Chye

Hospital: Thomson Medical

No of Kids: 1 upcoming

Current Week: 10

Gender: TBA

dimple> usually 4 weeks later...

hi mummies> I was wondering when do I need to start applying the anti stretch mark cream....

Hi Charlene,

Wellcome & congrats!!

i still hvnt apply anti stretch mark cream, thought of ask my gynea but i forgot when visit last week.

Maybe next visit will ask which 1 suitable for me.

morning MTBs!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For my gynea, he see me every 2 weeks...

good oso.. i got alot of qns ON & OFF to pop to him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

:p recently my stool ..errmm sorri eh.. dark green de, i wonder anytin wrong?

u all still waering jeans or nt? today dress down mah, Fri, when i sit, the metal button keep popping into my tummy, abit scared :p i actually unbuttoned it :p

i started applyg the stretchmarks cream this week .. treat it like a moisturer lo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thumbs up for u piggicia.. n those doing confinement alone! phew


same as me, i all the while dark green, i also wonder y...since u same as me, should be normal?

i still wear loser jeans, some i unbutton when i wear long top...

Charlene/Twinfish> I read online you can start applying stretch mark cream once you are pregnant. And I think it's up to you which brand is suitable/you like, I dont think gynae will recommend? I use Palmers (think easily available and cheap). Some of them mention Clarins Oil here.

Morning mtbs

my cousin is inviting my hubby and I for her son's one year old party next month. I heard it's best not to attend man yue parties. Is one year old party ok?

Mummywong, my sis also told me can apply nw n buy from guardian..but my fren ask me to check with gynea since got visit but i 4got..actually i lazy la....hahaha..

Cherrie, for me, i try to avoid lor...last few days colleagues all visit another colleague baby which 3 wks i also didnt join...for one year i not sure, but ppl said for 1st 3mths pregnant is better dun go...next mth should be ok gua..

cherrie> same here! I've got a 1 yr old party on 1st May... not going since I've got serious morning sickness. didn't want to throw up at the party.

mummywong> thanks! my friend told me not to use palmers if i've sensitive skin. so, most likely will buy from the gynae when I visit him next week [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

twinfish> thanks! same here, i forgot to ask my gynae too.. can only ask him next week when i see him.

hi charlene,

you mean the gynae will sell them? i'll ask mine then when i visit him next.

does anyone noe if we can attend weddings then?

morning morning!

ytd out whole day. so many post! this thread is getting more n more crowded! HOORAY TO THE NOVEMBER 2010 BABIES!!!


Congrats to all the new mummies!


morning ladies...

charlene: congrats and welcome... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

seems like we are having more and more... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i attended a man yue before i knew i was preg... so i guess i am pardon... i also heard not good to attend...

