(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

bam78 : happy birthday... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jewel: happy birthday in advance... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oohh May Babies Jewel & bam , Happy Birthday Pretty Mummies !!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Recently, i notice that.

If i eat meat, i will have nause feeling.

If i eat veg no meat meal. I'm fine.

Dunno y leh???

So i aviod meat now...


Thks for your wishes.

Reminds me that I went passed the wet market today... the raw fishy smell me wana vomit. Lucky I can take cooked fish... but have been eating fish... I missed a gd piece of medium rare steak... with blood ozing out. ** yummy **

HHo: u really bo chap enjoying urself.. haha. Hey, by this sundae I shld be reaching 14 wks liao. Can risk it? :p Restaurant shld be reliable la hor? **sum xi xi now**

Thks everyone for your wishes & happy bdae to Bam.

So Im a Taurus mum going to have a Scopion bb... accordingly to horoscope not very "gum". So, I hope bb will gum bb's Virgo dad... at least [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bam: my knock off time also 5.30pm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] arrhh..im feeling so sleepy now...

Happy Birthday Bam & yes, dash out @ 5.30pm! You need the rest [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Advanced Happy Birthday Jewel!

Good afternoon mummies, sorry to interupt. I am a 2008 mummy and i have a used baby bassinet to let if you are considering one.

Condition is 7.5/10 cos there are 2 slight cracks at the base cos i screwed them too tight. It doesn't affect the function in anyway. The wheels can be locked or left unlocked for "rocking" effect. Colour is creamy white while the mattress pad is pale blue/grey. There is also a storage basket underneath it.

Am asking for $45. Can deliver FOC otherwise, pick up at Bedok or Alexandra. Pls call me or text me at 9029 7390 if you are keen.

Thanks for looking and wishing you all a smooth and joyous pregnancy!


Did my scan today at 10weeks+. It was quite amazing to see shape of bb for the first time! It is only 3cm in length, but can see the head, body, legs, arms.

Am due for my DSyndrome test in 2 weeks - is this the OSCAR test that you gals refer to in the forum? Apparently must have it at 12weeks (nothing more or less).

Afterwhich, would have crossed over to the SAFE period...

Hi Jewel, I'm also a Taurus mum and going to have a Scorpio baby...so Taurus and Scorpio not "gum" har? but im get along very well with my mum..so not too bad lah...=)

hi , anyone have acne breakout symptoms? Recently, i had some acne breakout at my 11 weeks of pregnancy...feeling quite down..

My Oscar test result is out. 1 is to 463. The three tubes of blood - only one for down syndrome one. The other one is for HIV one. Last one I can't remember Liao. I paid four hundred plus in total.

Morning Mummies.

Having Breakfast in the office now. Ate like 2 mouth of beehoon then dun feel like eating already... maybe too oily baby dun like. =(

omg... i realli have low thrash level of pain... so worried and wondering how to draw 3 tubes of blood from me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

JanO... congrats! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

think OSCAR consist of NT scan + blood test.

for my case, i only took the NT scan, duno wanna do blood test or not... it's hurt leh to draw 3 tubes of blood ..Ouch!

but of coz, it's a more detailed check... i m still thinking..

Cherrie, congrats! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lovebyte, go w some fluid lo...

hee mine like oily unhealthy food.. been eatg junkie.. last nite hv popeye at tampines..heee

i v jialet.. never watch my diet.. if MIL know she sure nag me to death :p

Bluesoda, i been hving outbreaks since the day i start preegy... hormones lo.... try to drink more water to detox .. i oso duno wat else to do.. hee. fat & ugly nw :p ...

Hv a good Fri gals !! yippy!

sharon.. hee juz close ya eyes n it's done..guess u r like me, scare of needles.. i did for my #1.. yes.. it hurts!!!! tat y still pondering wanna do for #2 or not :p

shan... yes indeed needles... so i realli wonder how to get through these pregnancy and then comes the labour .... its freaking me out...

Yah, needles... I share a gross story with you all.

The nurse was drawing 4 tubes of blood from me for miscell tests. By the time the 4th tube was inserted , somehow the blood splattered into the tube like one of Stephen Chow's movies (hi velocity splatter).

Tot it was so funny and told my husband afterwards, but he was giving me the "How is this funny?" look

Good morning mommies,

I am going for my blood tests and scan tomorrow morning le.. Can't wait to see the little one.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Can i ask do we have to keep our bladder full for the NT Scan like we usually have to for our u/s? Can someone advise me, thanks lotsa!

Needles are scary but i think we should stop discussing it as we are scaring ourselves more and more. =)

Try to distract yourself when the nurse is drawing blood la. Like maybe get your hubby to be there then look at you and smile to distract you?

Sharon - Drawing of blood is not painful. Dun worry. But itdepends on how skillful is the nurse when they insert the needle.

Mine was very gd. No pain. Just a pricking feeling that all.


>Thanks for the info! Then tonite i must make some longan drink with red dates.. Tomorrow bring for my appt. Becos now i simply can't take in plain water.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Ladies!

Happy belated Bdae to Bam..and an advanced one to Jewel.

I went for my NT scan yest. risk was 1:17000 but oscar (the blood test) was 1:852.. am 27..so donno if its oki for the bloodtest..i rmbr 1mummy had loike 1:1400..tht's almost double..a little worried also..but scan is more reliable? idunnoo...*sigh*

but the scan was fun..bb was dancing around..moving here n thr.. so nice 2 see [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wow.. dimple ur results is gd. According to report, NT scan gives higer accuracy results than blood tests. With both, you get a more accurate result.

hi shan,

ya tat what i feel abt myself now..fat & ugly. went to see GP and he gave me some gel for my pimples...hope it cures!

Seems like like my nausea feeling have lessen... I actually can eat 2 pcs of bread + fruits without much vomiting ... hooray!

Looks like the placenta has taken over the job of maintaining and nourishing bb. I can be normal now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pris thanks ... then i will pray hard that i can a good and experience nurse....

btw any ladies done their OSCAR in Mt A? any idea roughly how much it cost?

ooh..oki..now i feel more comforted.. i think it is different for different ages.

I've been eating like a pig..nachos,kfc.yest checked weight put on 2 kg..n im big to begin with..ahaha..bump comming out a bit.blends in with the fats above..haha..currently pigging out on ben & jerry's!YUMMY!

pregnancy maths is really weird..T2 is supposed to be week 12/week13.coz technically wk 12=3mths..lol..it is confusing!!


some months have 5 weeks de ma.. cannot like tt count de. exactly is 13wk2d n u enter T2.

re: weight,

i lost some.. =( coz #1 is sick n had not been slping well this few nites. i had been slping like at 4 5am this few days. tired like mad.. n i think i also falling sick liao. will cough while slping de..


Hi all,

I'm new to this thread. Currently 14 weeks pregnant. This will be my 2nd baby, first is 11 months old.

Happy mothers day to all mums and mtb.


