(2010/11) November 2010 MTB


I wld describe the feeling of bad vomiting is like throwing out ur guts, esp when there's nothing except stomach acid to throw out.

I bought blackcurrent glucose (like ribena) but it puts me off also. So I go for milk, barley, cheng theng, green beans soup anything tats cold & sweet. ... think we have the same taste.

Try to take cold stuff occasionally n not too sweet. Cos we just need the little sweetness to block the weird taste. I would dilute my cheng teng if its too sweet by adding ice or hot water. Gestation diabetics is related to pregnancy and can be due to carbo ( like rice, noddles stuff) also... not just sweet stuff.

Lovebyte08... *nods*

Yes, jewel, I agree with you.

I had vomitting spells before I was preggers (stomach will feel funny), I will vomit and immediately after feel right as rain and ready to eat food. If only MS was like that....

I read in a pregnancy book that it's like you have 2 stomachs, 1 is nauseous and vomitting while the 2nd stomach is hungry and demanding to eat.

Jolyn - normal round panadol can take bt flu panadol or extra cannot take. If headache can try 100plus dilute with 1/2 glass of water, my fren say it helps with headache.


>Yes i tried Ice-Lemon Tea as well.. As long as it's cold and sweet drinks. It will works well for me but the guilt feelg is there.. My cold drinks is not occasionally ya, it's everyday. That's why sometimes i order warm barley instead.. Heee..

Ya pls.. T2 comes faster.. I am really lookg forward to the day!


>That's a gd news.. Congrats..

I'm having my scan this sat, hope everything turns out well too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


>Yes precisely.. So i'm not alone.. :p

I'm so afraid that the diabetics might occur due to i'm having too much sweet stuffs.. Thanks for enlighting [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]..


>Thanks, i took the panadol that the GP prescribed.. I tink i must take note of the med that i'm taking..

pre-nat yoga

Hi mtbs, i have gotten a quote from my prev. yoga instructor.

Venue: Blk 154, Bishan RC Ctr. St 13.

Day/Time: Sat 12.15pm-1-15pm


Min 8 pax $180/- for 10sess

Min 6 pax $220/- for 10sess

i did pre-nat yoga with this instructor for my #1 and the exercises did wonders for my back pain.

kindly email me at [email protected] if u r interested by this friday. weekday sessions are available at limited timings. if u r keen for week day session, can let me know as well.


Hi Ladies,

Just had my OSCAR scan just now. Had to do it 3 times then can measure. hehe, too bad I didn't know about the sugar trick to make bb more active. BB was very quiet throughout the scans, and hardly moved. Then during the 3rd scan, the BB was having hiccups. So funny to look at the BB hiccupping. hahhaa

RE: cold drinks

my gynae told me that it's fine to drink cold stuff today. Think the word is moderate again bah. But it's fine to drink. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jolyn ... same here hubby is nice n i am nasty too... puke like mad last night... took lunch at 2 plus and thereafter puke all the way from 3 plus to midnight abt 2am before i get to sleep... didnt even eat dinner and i kept crying.. even my boss think i am emo.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


>Not crazy, it's good to be hungry!

Hee :D


>Hugs! *Nods head.. I dont tink we are too emo, they dont understand that becos the feelg is totally unbearable. Nearly been there today.. Almost breakdown.. In fact the earlier post, i was abit tearing while typing.. *shy.. haaa

angel: haha...so cute, must be interesting to see ur bb hiccupping [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] bb can start sucking thumb now liao too. how's ur scan? i bet shld be fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

nowadays the weather really damn warm...really cannot tahan..really need cold drinks to cool down abit...

Oh dear Sharon & Jolyn u all still MS so badly.. Endure...

Jolyn I oso everyday tk cold drinks..weather so hot leh n plain water nt temptg at all infact some times it makes me nAusea..

Clover!! I'm in hee... Keen on the yoga.. U get more pple leh..

I 30 jun then go TMc again hee..

Hi Clover

I am a Nov mtb too.. but this is the first time I am posting in this thread.

I am keen on the yoga, pls pm me if the class is onz.. as I do not track this forum daily. Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi piggydog, welcome! pls email me as i need to gather the no. of ppl to "onz" the class! easier for my tracking as well.

hi shan, forgot to add, the week day class are in late morn on selected days. afternoon slot is not a gd timing.

Hungry? Tell me abt it.... I eat all the time. Normally if the whole family is out at a rest for dinner, I will wait for everyone to eat. Now when the dish hits the table, I immediately pick up chopsticks.

To make it worse, my other expecting friend told me I've gained too much weight in my 1st trimester, told me to check with my gynae if everything is ok. Arrggghh!

Whim--- I'm going to hong kong end of the mth. But gynae said if need to take such jabs you need to do abt ten days before actual departure. Then my hubby asked if can do flu jab and h1n1 jab together she said take separately at any gp will do.


do u knw after which week then can start yoga?

wat is the schedule like? i'm working, so late morn doesnt work for me. got classes on wkends? or wk nites?


hi gals

how are all of you? havent been here for long time as still having bad ms and headache and giddiness. Today went for gynae visit and she said 13 wks and hopefully ms get better. Also lost 1kg but stomach seems to grow bigger.

Gals, are all of you opting for OSCAR or Triple test? How much did you all pay?

Am going to stop working soon by 1st wk June.

hi hippo, i'm hoping to gather ppl for sat noon classes. Actually weekday afternoon is cheaper, but seems like no sahmtbs like me. There's no week nite classes.

(scroll up) see my post on the yoga details. How many weeks r u along now?

I'm so bored at home bed resting.. Nothing to do n too lazy n tired to do anything else..

I lost more weight again. Sianz.. N my little bump disappeared altogether. At nite will be a lil bloated. Yesterday I wanted to buy jeans so I went to fox mtb section. Tried the S still too big n I asked the sales guy do they hv XS n he say I'm trying the one for pregnant ladies, he take the norm jeans for me n I just told him thanks n walked out.

piggicia: wah u must be real slim..S size still too big for u..

guess likely u are underweight too...must try eat more for bb sake orh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i did not buy the fox mtb jeans, instead bought their mtb tights as have quite a lot of long blouses/t-shirts..their tights really v comfortable..n i think shld have room to stretch, hoping can last me thru out the whole preggy.

Bam : I'm seeing Dr Ang at TMC. As sun plaza is too crowded already.

Naf : I pay $400+ for the triple test and Oscar at TMC.

congrats priskuan..

hmm i still thinking wanna tk OSCAR or nt.. hee

Yup.. my last trip i oso tk Flu Jab oni.. H1n1 like alot of implication, so scary, esp when u preggy now... be more kiasee...

Gd morn ladies,

Anyone knows if we eat beef, can we take "medium rare" or die die must take "well done" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Well done meat is v tough leh...

Hi all mommies,

I just did my Oscar test last fri. The blood test was ok but the NT scan result was higher than norm.

I was speechless and can't think at the moment. Partially I was slight fever when I went for the scan. The gynae told me there may have chances that bb has heart defects or DS or normal. My heart sank after hearing that. She advise me to go for cardiac test first check for bb's heart. I dunno I should go for CVS or amnio test.

ahko80> think there are few mummies who commented they have friends who have such results but in the end the kid born out also ok. maybe u can do another test to decide or seek second opinion. it's a tough decision.

jewel: actually when reading up on foods for preggy, it is always recommended to take throughly cooked foods in case of bacteria. but then if u really cannot tahan the urge, u can still take raw/half cooked foods but try to eat at those trusted restnt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

again for the sake of our small ones, need to sacrifice a bit now lor...

but then hor, i not sure if its good to take beef during preggy?? heard better dunr take much during 1st trim..but not sure for subsequent trim lah..

ahko: oh..can know how's ur overall OSCAR results ratio then? or u may like to go for triple test before deciding if u wanna go for amnio test? wat's ur gynae recommendation?

ahko: ya think u shld seek ur gynae opinion/recommendation 1st before deciding wat to do next. dun worry...yes same here, i have also heard of many cases where the OSCAR results not good, but bb all born perfectly ok.


I had given up eating steak since preggie bec I like my steak done medium. Ya agree, well done steak simply tastes yuck!

Or you can buy thinly sliced beef like karubi chips and fry them till cooked, won't be tough, still soft and juicy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Although I'm not doing any test, I remember my gynae telling me that there are 3 components to determining chances of healthy baby.

NT Scan + Blood Test + Mother's health history = Accuracy in high 90%.

(Can't remember 90 what % though)

Do seek out your gynae's opinion 1st but remember amniocentesis test carries small risk of miscarriage.

Take care and God bless u and baby!

Ya Irene, for bb better be safe than sorry... thks. Think will go for fish this time. Will wait till pregnancy end then go "DA KAI SHA JIE". :p

Done my OSCAR since 1 week ago but duno my results yet..... so no news mean gd news [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jewel: I had my steak medium the other day. It was cooked. IMO as long as there is no oozing blood no redness should be ok. Depends on the restaurants medium also.

Jollymummy, Im going to a fusion restaurant cos this sun mother's day is also my BD, tot of ordering beef cos my fren said its gd to eat beef. But rather than having tough beef I rather eat fish. If Im cooking on my own.. I will take ur suggestion [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Im just hypothetical calculation comparing the risk:

If Amnio test has 1% risk of MC, which means 1:100.. compare to your results 1:247... mutiple by accuracy x 90%. The risk increase to ~ 1:222. Think it's still lower than risk of Amnio... :p but if u r uncomfortable just go for 2nd opinion or re-test.

hi ladies...

jewel... i still eat my fav med rare... i really bo chap in T2... haha... everything jus eat.. us moderate lor... things ppl say better avoid... i jus moderate...

except for sashimi... i dun dare risk...

babymiao: thx! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Advance Happy BDay to you!!

Yes beef is actually nutritious. One of my ex-colleagues said it's good to boil Niu Gu Tang (Beef bone soup) and add pieces of beef inside soup.

It's great you can still eat fish, fish makes me feel queasy nowadays.

Whoa! Your maths very good leh, never knew can count in this way. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oh dear ahko80... hope everytin is fine, go schedule appt w gynea soon n ask for advise, don wait & get yaself worried..

i hv fren did aminocetesis and is fine.. so don fret too much, let ya gynea advise...

good luck & tk care..

Can tk beef, but not advisable to tk semicooked.. read from report de, coz there's risk bacteria in uncooked meat...

better don i feel..

