(2010/11) November 2010 MTB


anyone of you bought the apron to prevent radiation? may i know is it very awkward to wear like this on the street? haha.. i'm considering buying one as i use computer everyday to type my thesis.

the price is not cheap, about $130...

irene - fox has mtb section? is it available at all branch?

jolly - ya tendered and also upset with boss comments as was on HL for a week and she told me to manage my pregnancy and work. How to? I was also afraid this time will m/c as m/c in late dec when I didnt know I was preggie and stressed out at work.

So going to focus on my elder son and really "yang tai". Btw, do u stay in east?

Also happy birthday to you, Jolly and Bam [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

I am a March mummy....I have a brand new car seat. suitable for infant to 1 yr old. got as gift but i have one already hence selling. It's good to get a infant car seat first then buy one suitable for older kids later. Infant car seat is more recline as babies can't really sit up as yet. It comes with handle and can be carried like a basket...can use it to bring baby home from hospital if not comfortable to carry baby

retailing abt $90. will let off cheaply at $45. if keen pm me.

Naf, I also had mc before... Can understand how you feel abt the uncertainity for this pregnancy. Take good care of yourself.

Hi all mtbs! I'm new to this forum as well. Just enter into T2 like Newbie Mom. This is my first baby.

EDD: 10 Nov 10

Obstretician: Dr M Tan at TMC

BAM, can trouble you to update into table? Tks.

I just tried the prenatal yoga at Absolute Yoga, it helps stretch muscles, including the pelvic muscles. Should help in ease of delivery. My arms and shoulder ached a little after the yoga coz I haven't been exercising for two months.

Clover, I may join the classes at bishan from late aug when my current yoga package expires.

Thanks whim. Was more assured when I saw my gynae on last Wed. Said baby growing well. So goin back 3 wks later which is 16wks and hopefully can c baby gender is girl! hehe

hi nottoz, welcome. sure, lmk again.

pre-nat yoga

i feedback to the instructor that sat timing is not suitable, so she is trying to source another place (likely in bishan too). week day nights is not possible as she has other committments.


i felt my bb moved last night aft i coughed. i'm 12wk+ along so i tot it's kinda early but still, it's a thrill.

re: MTB entering T2

congrats to all MTB entering T2 liao! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and its suppose to be a better/honeymoon trim for most mummies where all the MS will get better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

newbie mum/nottoz: congrats n welcome!

naf: yes there's a mtb section at fox but not all branches has this section. so far, i had visited marina sq and amk hub where they have the mtb section. i had checked out orchard ion branch/ngee ann city before but no mtb section.




I see...then I guess it's the best decision you can take for yourself and baby. Your female boss still single ah??

Sorry, what's HL? You know what, I tendered too when I conceived my #1. It was too stressful at work and I felt my ex-boss wasn't exactly ethical in his dealings with staff esp staff on maternity. (Will spare you details here). I felt it wasn't worth the 4months maternity benefit, Probably will be pulling my hair out the whole time.

Yes, I stay in East - Pasir Ris. Now SAHM to my little girl of 20.5 months. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Not easy to take care of her alone when I sometimes feel very tired.

You also attempting VBAC?

Hi Mummies, I received an email from Abbott regarding gifts for mums-to-be/new mums as part of their Mother's Day Celebration.

I opted for their Mums-to-be gift today. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For mums-to-be:


For new mums:


If you want, let me know. Don't know how many mums I can help to sign up for though. Can PM me your name and email address. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jollymum : I'm a SAHM to my girl, 11 months. I can understand how you feel.....we just hired a helper, and it does lighten my workload - at least i don't have to rush to prepare her meals.

I hope your baby is sleeping thru at least? Mine isn't , loves to wake up many times from 2-3 am - 7am in the morning.

Thanks whim. I have 2 boys (coming 5 and 3 this yr) so wan a mei mei for them...they too want a mei mei [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jolly, hehe HL means hospital leave. Yup, felt not worth to stay just for that 4 months maternity leave. So rather go now and focus on my elder before he goes pri 1 in 2012. What does VBAC means?

My mum and mil are helping to take care of the kids these period....hopefully I can take care of the 2 boys with my mum help [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Newbie Mom:

Sounds like you got a great helper on your hands, good for you! We didn't wanna get a foreign domestic helper bec of too many horror stories.

She sleeps thru the night but gets nigthmares now and then, so not too bad. When she falls sick, esp fever, there goes my sleep in case fever spike in middle of night.


OIC, hehe...

VBAC = Vaginal Birth After Caesarean.

Read some time ago you trying for natural birth this time round...can't remember for sure.

We are getting MIL's help to play with my little girl so I can get some rest in afternoon. Before #1 was born, I used to take like 2 hr nap once in morning and once in afternoon. Now, no naps unless she sleeps. But also got housework to do...*panda eyes*


this is always the case ma. haha.

i already had a few slpless nites last week.

my boy was sick n had been crying so much even in the middle of the nite. *tired*


Ya lo, once we become mommies, it's like that...

But must take care of ourselves esp now.

I still got 2 more wks to go before T2 beckons. *ren*

anybody out there suffering from serious headache?

I got headache for the past 1 wk...arghhh took panadol but once the medication effect is off the headache comes back again.


headache is one of pregnancy symptoms actually. not alot of ppl know thought. but u just try to drink alot alot of water n rest ur mind if it attacks. It does help.

ashley - i get on off headaches during office hrs, duno isit the aircon too cold or wat or maybe part of pregnancy. Mine not so bad, so i never take panadol. maybe try 100+ mix with 1/2 cup of water?

Naf - great everything is going well for u. Not worth worrying abt job,bb impt!

Hi jollymummy, I hv a gal currently 20mths old now n I'm staying in tanah merah area... I'm also a sahm so next time we can meet up n bring the kids out for fun...

Lovebyte08.. u might want to try rest a while more or take MC... else drink some ice water... its helps for me as advised by gynae....

Koori.. i am stayin in the west and is a first time mummy...

wow, the thread is moving fast.. i am merely missing it for 2 weeks and the archive is so much.. anyway finally back to work after 2 weeks of holiday.. and this is my 12th week..!! hopefully T2 will be smooth..

Koori n sharon, I am from the western zone, jurong too.. 1st time mummy too.

Will be visiting gynae this wed to do the NT scan.. still pondering if should get the oscar done as well.. 1 month never see bb liao

Jun... which part of Jurong are u staying? am in Taman Jurong... this week is actuali my 11th week... am going for my OSCAR onli on the 17th.

btw would any mummies advise by when would we normally see the gender of the bb?

hi sharon, i'm staying at jurong west ext..

based on the previous thread, some said gender can be confirmed on the 3rd month, but not all la.. maybe confirm results will be on the 4th month onwards? I also not too sure..

u r hoping to be a baby gal or boy?

arh okok... very near my grandma's place and she is at 966...

haha... u hopin for a gal or boi? hehee healthy bb is most impt but if wan me to choose both me n hubs prefer a gal but MIL wants a Boi... but i got a feeling mine is a Boi ...

sharon: i had read that actually from 15wk onwards can see gender liao. since by this time bb's external genital would probably have been developed enough to see liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

im anxious to know my bb gender too..this is my 15wk but my next gynae appt is next week..*sigh* need endure 1 more week of suspension ;p

i doing my scan this thurs at 15/16weeks, hope can see gender then can start getting some bb clothes ready if its a boy, if not can save $ using my ger's handdowns. keke, so exciting!~

Sharon / Jun - i at dover, slightly further away from u both.

Jun... hahaa maybe we are both right abt the guess.. have u tried out the chart to predict the gender of the bb.. heard its quite accurate too??

Irene.. 15 weeks which is another month away for me... any preferred gender for u? i am so excited for u :p think my heart will pump even faster for my own :p

Koori.. yah i cant wait to know and start buying clothes...

koori: cool, so excited for u..heehee...

sharon: i prefer boy thou hubby prefer gal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

this is ur 1st bb?

ya same same, 1st one for me too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thus even more excited...everything 1st time to me..hee..

haha... its a moodless day to work... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

irene... yes the excitedness is realli unspeakable....

didnt try the gender chart, from which website?

guess i dun need to buy much clothings be it a boy or a gal cos i have already received tons of clothes pass down from my sis and sil.. and the elderly prefer newborns to wear old clothes.. can save quite alot of $$ from there.. haha..

1/2 day gone shan.. endure

Hi ladies,

Did everyone have a good mother's day? They say a woman becomes a mother once she's pregnant, the father only becomes a father after the baby arrive [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I've been reading here regularly even though I wasn't able to post - I read from phone, so a bit hard to post [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just want to say rgding bra cups - wow, so many of you are so well-endowed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Unfortunately for me, I'm one of those that remained small even though I was breastfeeding for 16mths. The lady at the shop once told me, I'm sorry, B cup is the smallest we have for maternity bras. :p


I'm also going for OSCARs on 17th [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm also 11wk this wk.

Feeling better yet?

So happy to see so many of you starting to feel better - like giving me hope.

I'm still not feeling any better. Still throwing up almost every night, appetite oso very bad. I've lost about 3kg since this all started, but already can see my tummy. I very scared of drinking water now cos everything smells and tastes wierd, which makes me wanna puke more. I'm feeling thirsty all the time, but can't really drink. That feels miserable. My 21mth old is also so clingy nowadays wanting only me to carry or feed him. His porridge makes me wanna puke sometimes. Carrying him makes me breathless very easily. I keep telling myself to jia you. But I'm very scared my MS will remain beyond 1st tri.


I get headaches regularly too. I find that it's usually when the sun shining very brightly. I think too glaring. I hope the weather can cool down soon so we all dun have to be xin ku.

Sleeping arrangements

Mums with >1 kid, what's the sleeping arrangements like in your house?

My #1 is a very light sleeper. My maid slept in his room for 2wks when she first arrived. And that 2wks, he slept very badly. Always wake up too early or in the middle of the night. Then I asked the maid to sleep outside and see if the situation improved. And it did indeed. We found her her snoring must be what disturbs him. There is no extra room anymore for the new baby. Now I dunno how to let the kids sleep together. I don't feel like letting #1 or #2 sleep in our room cos last time when #1 slept with us in our room, none of us slept well at all. We spent 2 very heart pain weeks sleep training #1 to sleep alone in his room. Would appreciate any ideas for reference.

I have to confess... I already bought baby clothes even tho' I dun know the gender.

in my defense, I bought one piece body suits for baby in orange, yellow and green... So either boy or girl can wear.

My SO think I too excited... buy so early.

gd afternoon ladies,

JFI, went to FOX (marina) yesterday, they have a small counter for maternity clothes.. limited variety.

But I like one Ts that says "Im not FAT, Im just pregnant". :p


Hi..sorry to disturb. I am from April mum and i have BN similac mum milk for pregnant and breastfeeding mum to sell at $12/tin.

and also a lot of pretty maternity clothes for work and casual wear to clear.

PM me if you are interested

