(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

I m also gettiny more n more tired. Always like a sleepy head, yawning away. Dun dare to slp in the late noon scare nite cant slp. But end up still slp like a pig. Have to drag myself up when #1 cry at night. I m in week 13 now le...


Dear mommies,

me too, goin week 12 le.. MS and tiredness in fact gt worse.. I thought we shud be gettg better, no?

Btw mommies here, i tink i read somewhr in the forum that if we dream of the baby's gender most is quite accurate ya? I dreamt tt i have a baby girl last night.. haaa ;0)


i give up on guessing my bb's gender already. Lol! I dreamt of bb gal also got dream of bb boy. So dunno liao. Had been hoping for a gal too much can cause confusion. Whahahahhaa..

holly: so cute... can more or less tell gender liao... i think u r the first so far..

i can't wait for my next appt 3wks later... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yesterday juz went for Oscar Scan and blood test.

Hope everything is fine.

But still cannot see the gender of the baby.

Heartburn still there and still feeling sleepy.

Hi Ladies,

Went for checkup today. Managed to see the baby moving during the scan. It was so exciting, it was as if it was dancing! I took some MTBs advice and had a sweet before the scan. =)

I also checked with the gynae about cramps in the lower pelvic area. She mentioned that if you used to have cramps during your menses, it is pretty normal to get it. Even if you only get cramps on day 1, you will feel slight contractions during pregancy. Its quite normal. =)

helo gals.. time to head home.. hee

wow..congrats lovebyte [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my turn tmr, k must rembr to eat sweet.. hee

so u din see the gender oso like priskuan?

i don hv any dreams abt #2 yet..heee

i gg to sign up the SBI w tmC tmr...

Btw, u all might wanna consider for those w TMC [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

FBI (first birth) & SBI (subsequent birth)

holly: wow ur gynae can tell gender liao..ya u are the 1st to have visibility of gender liao..me so excited to know mine ;p

shan..wht is FBI and SBI??

Holly>> you lucky gf! Congrats! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Im using Eucerin products..no idea..btw,where is tht list you guys are talking about?

priskuan: dun worry, ur results will be fine! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] good luck n keep us updated of the good news when u have it!

Thank you. Haha!

Before my gynae told me i already saw the birdy. When she say today can see gender, i knew was quite confirm le.

Hopefully #1 will dote on didi. I do realise he will b gentle with gals but rough with boys. Hope my boys goes well together.

At the hair salon coloring my hair now. Really can't stand the roots. I finally endured till 12 weeks plus. Told hairstylist I want not-so-strong color. They said ok but color will be darker and less bright which suits me fine.

I also my gynae if there's any travelling precautions for second tri cuz I'm travelling at the end of the mth yesterday and was told to take flu and h1n1 jabs before departure.

went gyane yesterday and done my checkup... he just informed me that i will need to go for my OSCAR scan n blood test in another 2 weeks time...

Hello mummies! Am finally back aft a tiring wk. My little girl developed rashes after her fever, took a few days to subside. Then it was the tiredness from this pregnancy.

I'm constantly feeling tired. But the WORST thing is, I feel tired but my mind is still very active, so can't sleep! Plus the horrendously hot weather! AArrrgghhh!!

Any mummies like me - tired but can't sleep???


Take sweet b4 scan so your little one in your tummy will get extra energy (from sugar) to move around a bit more. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oily Hair/Scalp:

I read that some mummies got this problem too. I started using Phyto (Hair Prone to Oiliness) ard the time I conceived and scalp started to itch terribly, like 4 hours aft shower! So I stopped using it and tried my hubby's Original Source (Mint - all hair types) shampoo and it's working fine for me. Can try this if your scalp is still itchy.

I like the fresh, minty smell, and the tingling feeling on the scalp while in shower! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

SHAN: Didn't get to see gender. Still small 10 weeks only. Hopefully next scan can see. =) Remember just one sweet can already, no need to eat too much if not baby will move alot.

BAM: not sure if true but i read from another MTB that she ate a whole pack of skittles and she saw her baby moving during the scan so i decided to give it a try and it worked for me. Not sure if its a coincidence anot.

Sharon: Same same. We'll be doing the test around the same time. =)

Lovebyte08 and BAM, the skittles eating mummy is me! *bows* Just remember don't eat too much... if not, it'll be difficult for the doctor to scan.

Cherrie77, need to take H1N1 and flu jab?? Where are you travelling to? I'm going Taipei soon, and the weather is similar to Singapore, so hopefully no need to take any jabs.

WHIM you are making me crave skittles now! =)I had 1 piece of HiChew candy. =) That was all it took for baby to sway left and right.

H1N1 jab? Is it safe for baby development?

I'm in a dilemma at the moment. You know how we aren't suppose to tell friends that we are pregnant untill we are like week 12. Hubby and I also prefer not too as well. However, school has planned for me to take students to Japan in Sept. The planning starts next week (currently i'm on 10 weeks going to do oscars in week 12). While going on a paid trip for Japan sounds fun, I don't want to risk the preganacy by travelling.. what more is travelling with kids. Should I go tell my boss today?

lovebyte: ya most of us will prefer to tell only after 1st trim. but for this case, think u shld tell ur boss abt ur pregnancy, cos in sept u are in ~3rd trim, maybe also cannot fly liao. actually i already told my boss when im ~8wks after i went for my 1st gynae appt. my boss also said its good to let her know earlier in case she has any other planning for me, like change of work scope, giving more workloads...

lovebyte: i agree with irene.don't tske the risk as u definitely cannot travel in sep! alot of people inform bosses before end of 1st trim due to continuous sick leave, don't worry about it.

Lovebyte, I agree. Just tell ur boss.

Believe he/she will understand if you say that you are not announcing yet, but this is to aid the school's planning.

But actually, I don't know.... can the school still insist you fly if there is no other teacher to do it?

Lovebyte: i also told my boss when i was like in 5-6week cos due to the long medical leave i took when i was having spotting.

whim: i think the school won't be so heartless to let a mummy in 3rd tri to go for such trip cos if anything happen they got to ans to MOE HQ and who's gonna take the responsibility?

Juz call the clinic, the result not out yet.

Hope everything is fine.

My next appt w Dr Ang will be in June. Hopefully can see baby sex.

Irene : Coloring of hair, i wont do it during pregnancy. As the chemical smell is too strong already. Not good to smell all these during pregnancy.

priskuan: u also seeing dr ang? at sunplaza?

You have to call to check the result?

Isn't it that if they dun call you, means the result is good?

Hello mommies,

Ya im approachg 12wks though, just inform my team leader tt im preggie.. Not announcing but to inform her becos recently i took some urgent leaves and mcs.. Was abit paiseh abt it.

Beside that, can i ask you mommies tt can we take panadol now? Yday i was having a very bad headache, in the end i took a panadol that was prescribed by GP. Issit safe? Oh ya the GP knows i'm preggie.

Was having a bad MS this morning again. Told myself to be disciplined, to drink enuff plain water.. in the end i puked out all water, till nthing comes out.. Do you all encounter that you can puke until you 'curls up'. The feelg was terrible.. I'm afraid the 'curl up' affects the baby, will it?

priskuan: ya agreed that the colouring chemical is definitely strong in smell n on hair/scalp..thus has been holding on from colouring...the 1st time i see gynae, he did mentioned no colouring but that was in 1st trim..then as cherrie had mentioned colouring thus tot of asking if its indeed ok from 2nd trim onwards [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jolyn: i think i remembered gynae did told me during my 1st appt with him that its ok to take panadol if fever or headache. thus i think panadol shld be fine.

Jolyn> i also puke till nothing come out, puke all water etc. try drink ribena water/light tea/orange juice etc to replenish again after u puke. last wkend i puke once i drink/eat, but after that i try to take some more water, be it prune drink or whatever, try to test everything and see what can be keep down else u might be dehydrate. i heard normal panadol is ok, but not those extra strong etc.but since yr GP know u are preg should be safe.i personally dont like panadol so even headache i don't take.

Lovebyte: where are u heading to for the SCAN? am heading to Mt A on the 17 May. and try to aviod travelling if possible in the first tri...

Ladies i told my boss when i was in my 6 weeks cause we have a company event DRAGONBOAT and as a HR we need to support event so i need to tell her early that i cant..

Hey gals.. Had a very fulfilling am.. Haa.. Sent #1 to pap then visit his new cc, enrolled him for next yr..

Reached tmc at 1130pm, registered for SBI, was given q# for my NT scan.. Asked to come back ard 130pn, waitg for hubby to join me lunch nw so hungry..

Dimple , SBI & FBI is a prg from TMC. Juz signed up can hv some discount if u do all ya services at TMC. Juz paid for my NT Scan (wk13) & FA (wk20), got I think -15%.

Got some other benefits u might wanna read from their webby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

n if u got STD chrtcard, another 15% off from the membership fee..

Rembr to check it out if u wif tmc , I oso juz know abt it from a gf last sat.. Hee

Cpngrats holly...


tk care jolly .. Hugs..

V difficult to read n type from Hp haa..

Makan now .. Bye bye hee..

Irene / Mummywong / Twinfish / Whim / Flubby : Spoke to my boss in charge already. She say fly is can fly but not for school study trips! YAY! She is ok to find another person to represent me. =) Thanks for the advice!

Jolyn: Can take panadol but not the panadol extra. =)

Sharon: I'm heading to TMC for the OSCAR test. 1 day later than you. 18th May.

Shan: I was also looking at the FBI card yesterday. Thinking of taking it up too. Maybe next round when I head down for my OSCAR test.


>Glad that it's ok to take panadol. But i will try to restrict from taking again. HB was unhappy that i woke up and took the panadol. He says going to check with gynae to see if it's safe.. Haa ;p


>I was feelg so terrible, nearly broke into tears knowing that hw hard i try, the MS is just torturing me. Is this consider depression?

After puking, i tried to take some dry biscuits, looks like i will be visiting the toilet soon.. Nothing seems to fancy me now.. Taking sweetened drinks makes me feel so guilty when i know it's not goin to do baby good.


Please don't cry. Remember that we are all in this forum to get support from each other through this pregnancy. Maybe you can try taking sweeten drinks mixed with water so that it is not so sweet? Or go get a fruit juice or something refreshing and sip it. Maybe you need some fresh air from the office aircon as well. I store a variety of biscuits in my office so that depending on mood and taste buds then I'll eat which one. Its good to buy those that are already individually packed so no need to worry about lao hong.

How about bringing ribena to work. Then you can control the amount you mix with your water. =)

Jolyn> all of us have been there..are there still.. so dun worry. U aint alone. Remember HYDRATE and take in sugar.. Glucose/ribena as advised by many will do the trick. You must must drink tht..coz extreme case might make u land in the hospital with drips..n tht is more depressing..

and who says sweetened drinks arent good for the baby?


>Thanks for the comforting words. Indeed i'm on a emotional ride, HB tries to be nice but i'm trying to be so nasty.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Yes i do have a variety of biscuits in the office too.. and keep them in ziplock bag etc. But the mood tdy was bad! Maybe i will get the Fruit Tree Orange Juice to drink, hopefully it does get me better..

It's indeed so nice to know you mommies here :D

Jolyn> like other MTB said, u are not alone! when my MS took a turn last fri-sun, i also break into tears suddenly as it's just too torturing as i'm having headache and i puke whatever i eat/drink until the gastric juice come out.the water i puke like more than the water i drink!it just makes me so frustrated and "depressed" like what u said.i also asked my hubby am i having depression, he console me and say he think i have not reached that extreme.the whole wkend i feel nothing go into the stomach, i think the stomach is empty and cannot digest anything so whatever i take it comes out.then i try taking mian sian with little bit chilli it goes down abit, after that i try taking plum drink, also mixing ribena with water, ice lemon tea. i tried drinking and drinking.a little bit of ribena is ok. or why don't u try coke (little bit?) try all drinks/food. try eating apples/kiwi/pear/orange.don't feel sad,jiayou 2nd trim coming soon!


>Actually i tried to take ribena before that.. But due to our selective tastebud, the taste of ribena turns me off.. On and off, i have been drinking 100plus, warm barley, ribena, fruit juice and all seems to be sweet which actually got me quite worried.. Some friends told me i could get diabetics easily when i'm preg. Oh ya did i mention all the drinks that i had is cold except for the warm barley and ribena.. I only drink plain water while having my folic acid. Am i normal? Cold water are supposed to harm our womb right? Im so confused actually..

Jolyn> if ribena is too sweet, try ginger drink? its ok to take cold water occasionally, sometimes i order cold drinks and take out the ice (trying to reduce my guilt level), sometimes i drink with the ice. but alot of people say dont take too much ice (especially 1st trim).just try all drinks.i also tried taking oatmeal though it also comes out.yes take more plain biscuit.

Hi Ladies,

FOr those who joined the Mandy spree, the items should be available to ship end of next week. So far only 1 item pending restock. Will send out email update to the respective soon. =)

Juz done my scan, everytin is good!! Thanks god!! So cute!! Baby is jumping bouncing up & down dancing w limbs keep moving..

Must b my bottle if root beer doing the trick haa

