(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

I also took the injection and the 安胎药, but I stopped taking them like last week, even all the vitamins, I also never eat... I just don't feel like taking them, with all the vomitting. Hopefully, 2nd tri, I'll be a good mummy and take them reguarly.


i also... been taking an tai yao... finishing liao... as i enter T2... but MS like starting... sianz... i read somewhere for some mtbs... MS starts in T2.... *sob sob*...

twinfish: now i know how the other MTBs who have MS feel... i feel so terrible... feel like vomitting but not vomitting... lie down also cannot... sit up also cannot... so upsetting...

H ho: ya, me too. so when u start MS, if u try to control not vomit, even more worse..

last nite i ren for 2hrs not vomit out, is really like a sick person, so is better vomit out, everything will be fine after tat..n finally can sleep.

hee.. all different symptons.. i this time feel it's a gal.. but duno it's my gut feel or it's coz me keep thinking of gal.. haa

But mIL said she dreamt tat it's a gal..

haaa but anyway , i keep telling my boy, come sayang mei mei..hehehee :p

hope my #2 nt angry w me if he's a boy.. haa :p

yes.. having a gal sure got a lot of $$ to spend.. heee

for my #1, i nt v keen in buying clothing for him... only the essential.. nothing much to shop..all look the same.. :p

oh dear pimples on chest/back.. although cant see so clearly but painful rite? i had tat when i was in confinment.. too "heaty" i guess..

v jialet, we now cant tk too "liang" oso. tk more fruits /water lo .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i v long never go facial liao.. in town..v lazy to go all the way.. :p

i also till now feel very tired.. no energy. very sleepy.. not much appetite.

Feeling so uncomfy all over! just dunno how to describe.

Dunno is it still not well, not fully recovered or beacuse of the pregnancy symptom!

i'm down with flu and cough... mc today but still working cos ppl chasing me for things... so sian... ppl can not understand u on mc keep calling and calling and calling... getting really frustrated with these ppl... gan cheong over small things...

flubby... i can understand.

Like i was on 2 days mc but i still went back office..

How to rest well like that.

Plus the medication we had is not strong to fight the virus. we have to build the energy ourselves to fight back the virus..

So tiring!!

sigghhh MS is making me soo tired but now have another symptom which is mega bloating anyone have any cure? i've tried ginger drink, mylanta (immediate vomitting). i dun take cold drinks or cold stuff liao... wat else can i do???

these ppl every little thing also urgent. this urgent that urgent... 1 question have to ask you over and over again... things that is not within my job scope also must do... sometimes i really feel like asking them why not i take ur pay then i help you do your job...


the next person that tells u urgent.tell them to relieve themselves in the loo b4 talking to u..

i can understand your "wu nai"


my #1 say is meimei lo. I ask him where is bb? He say himself. Ask him where is didi? He ignore me. Ask him where is meimei, he will point to my tummy. Lol!

But my feeling still telling me is a boy.

Hi all,

Just wondering those who are in their 2nd tri now...did your appretite come back already??

My MS seem pretty bad...the food cannot even stay in my tummy for 5 mins..and I have to run to toilet liao.

dear mummies,

im also a nov 2010 mummy

like to join you all in the journey to motherhood

this is my 1st pregnancy, thus am so overwhelmed by the physical and emotional changes that I am going through..

iam one of those that have been puking and nauseated non-stop since wk 5.now at wk 11 and still feel unwell. have not been working since wk 5 till now.

my EDD: 08nov2010

gynae: dr geraldine tan

hi pibymummy,

welcome. i understand your plight totally... i've been on 2 weeks mc went back to work on mon and tue today back at home again....


crystal: you know, the puking and nausea really makes me so depressed. each day, i wake up so early (8am) naturally and have to endure the whole day until evening when TV shows are more entertaining. 2 weeks ago, the situation seem to get better with less frequent vomitting but past 2 days were bad, i just could not keep food down, i love to drink water so keep drinking each time after vomit to prevent dehydration. i just wish all the terrible vomitting and nausea will soon stop and I will be able to start to feel the happiness of pregnancy that all mummies talk about..


I'm also a Nov MTB. Just found out a few days ago that I'm already 7 weeks pregnant.

This being my first pregnancy, I'm excited. =) Been trying for so long liao and my mensese is like all over the place one... can don't come for 60-80 days (for the past year) so super hard to concieve. When the Dr told us that I am pregnant we were over the moon.

The thing is that I've been coughing for over a week now. Doc say don't take any medicine as the baby is currently still developing. Anyone has any remedy? Cough wakes me up at night a disrupts my sleep. =(

EDD: 30th Nov 2010

hi pibymummy,

yes yes it gets us down. now not only i need to combat nausea i have bad bloating i dun even noe how come can bloat cos i cant eat anything either... nothing stays i noe even water also came out i was in hospital for 3 days on drip due to dehydration.

lovebyte: congrats and welcome as well... i understand the feeling... trying and trying... and the faint line you see on the home test kit... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lovebyte, congrats!!!!! i have been coughing also since wk 6, just whitish phelglm but irritating cough and doctor suggest mix honey with warm water.my gyane also subtlely dun wan give me medicine for cough since not the serious kind of dark yellowish phelglm. the honey mixture helps a bit, but iam just not used to the honey so did not take much..

dear crystal, u muz have been very strong, the drip experience must have worn you out but you must be doing well day by day ya?i was also vomitting so badly i told my hubby to pack my bag for admission anytime..fortunately i became better after that..thus muz keep drinking water even if means will puke the next moment or go toilet often..i also felt bloated, as i sit down immediately after food,try lying on your left side, you might just fart and then feel less bloated..

hi hho, thanks for your welcoming and congrats also [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mylittletiger: i am entering my 2nd tri... and MS seems to start... puke b4 food... puke after food... feel very tired puking...

i read somewhere that depending on person to person... MS can last the whole preg to short term... now i just try to eat thing i like... like ice cream... i can't take milk... i know it's bad but i need something to go into the stomach... if not, i tot it will be worse... tat's my own believe... haha...

lovebyte: welcome! recently i just come back from my honeymoon then i fall sick when i back. been coughing too fever somemore. Tat day see GP and gynae in one day. keke. But i din take the cough med GP give thou i call and ask my gynae. So before i sleep i took the sea coconut from chinese medical hall. Is safe to take during pregg. Maybe u can try. after 2 night recover le. if you wan take GP de you can call and check with your gynae and let them know the name of the med whether safe to take anot.


I am a Nov MTB too.. this is my #2.. no. 1 is gal.. been reading this thread for awhile..

The MS for this 1 is worst than my previous one although that was bad too.. it seems like i am not the only one going through this terrible MS...

Thanks Peeps for the advices. I've been taking honey water every evening but this cough is super irritating... My GP gave me medi (when i didn't know i was pregnant yet but i did tell him that I was trying to conceive). WHen i told my gynae 3 days(was schedule for a checkup for irregular menses) later she ask me to stop the medicine. Gave me lozenges to take. I take it just before sleeping so that it helps soothe the throat and I can fall asleep...

My mum says WC Cheng from TCM used to tell her take HACKS sweet with warm water. Dun take any cough syrup cos no good for baby.

So far I've not experience any MS yet. Just often tired and hungry... every 2 hours I hungry. If i keep eating at this rate I'm going to be a big fat piggy man... Already am your bigger than average SG girl.

tiger: haha... no choice... mummy the greatest... everything also got to hang on... i guess we just have to hope and pray hard that it will go away...

jay: welcome... another new MTB... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lovebyte, pibymummy, jay:

welcome new MTBs..so many new MTB today! lovebyte is last on the list currently. jia you!

i hv a friend whose MS last till 6mths! OMG...i hope mine is not like that..i have been vomitting since yest night that i'm resting at home today..

Lovebyte08, this pregnancy, my longest threshold is only 3hrs, then i need food already.. if not, i feel like i am going to faint.. but then eat, food cannot store for long.. will puke after that..

In my 1st pregnancy, i went to the gynae when i had cough.. he gave me cough syrup then...

Today is a super bad day for me.. cannot even store water.. not to say food...

mummywong10, forgotten to add that, my MS was till the day my gal was born.. so every individual is so different.. just have to pray that tomorrow will be a better day...

I am a SAHM, but with a 19mths old gal.. it doesn't give me much time to rest... still have to entertain her.. feed her, shower her.. etc etc...

Jay: Take care ya! How about trying Ribena? =) Sip a little at a time.

I realised after 2 hours i start to want to eat. But when it comes to dinner.. i seem to fancy soupy stuff. If its solid food, i eat abit then I full already... then when come 930pm 1/2 way through chinese show my tummy will want to eat again.

I've also discovered that when i wake in the morning I feel super hungry. If i don't eat within like 1/2 hour wha u can feel the tummy get more and more hungry. =)

I think as long as the cough syrup does not have codine its fine. =)

Where are all your gynaes from?

I'm using Dr WK Tan from TMC.

Welcome n congrats lovebyte, pibymummy, jay..

Mummywong, ur fren MS till 6mths? Jay, urs till the day ur gal was born? my god, i wan to faint le..

me every 2hrs the longest must eat something, puke only morning n nite time, still got food in but these few days become lesser n lesser coz no appetite to eat more.

Lovebyte08, my schedule is abit like yours.. as long as i dun sleep, i will always be hungry.. cos i can't take in much... wish i can eat in the morning too.. but usually is puke until gastric acid also come out before i can start eating anything...

My gynae is Dr WH Kee at TMC level 4...

Twinfish, yah.. mine was really till the end.. but after awhile, u will get pretty used to it.. just puke it out and will feel much better...

twinfish> ya i have a friend MS till 6mths! i hope mine at end T1..when my MS started at wk5 i already want to "die"..all these pregnancy symptoms cause me to have "depression" siah..even tell my hubby i hope next life i'm not a human but i also hope i'm not an animal haa...then he scold me said wedding not happy? why keep thinking of pessimistic stuff.

mummywong, at least nw u MS already 3wk+ right? i just started last sat n nw really feel like 'die' lor... if u ask me for 2nd 1, i sure tell u i dun wan le...the feeling of sick everyday really bu hao guo...

jac, u really brave....2nd 1 so fast..

Jiayou Mummies!!!!

I know its too early to ask this but just wondering any one bought maternity clothes from overseas before? I'm looking at all the US sites and its so CHEAP compared to SG.

Twinfish, i thought in that way too when i was pregnant with my gal.. but now u look at her, u will think that is good to give her a companion.. so just wish that all these bad MS goes away soon...


I heard go BKK plantinum plaza there sells very cheap maternity clothes. If got chance...i wanna go there to buy, but now it so messy there...=(


I agree with you. I was in the same situation as you were throw up till i delivered my boy. He is 18 mths now and am expecting my 2nd. MS also but not as bad as when i had my boy. Gynae gave me primperan to curb my puking. It does help a little. Mummies you may want to try to ask from gynae.

Am looking at the BIG departmental stores such as Wal-Mart.com and Target.com. Its very cheap compared to SG pricing. Looks nice too. =) But i think shipping cost will just jack the price up. Hmm....

I would love to travel to go buy also. Was suppose to go amsterdam and paris in june, Australia in Oct but.... my mum is grounding me to SG only. Everything cannot!!! =(

BKK is damn messy now but I also realised BKK stuff very small size esp the shoulder part. For me UK or US stuff will fit better.

lovebyte08, buy overseas, run the risk of having either a big or small ones.. unless u know what size to buy from their charts.. If so, then can consolidate with other mummies, then can split shipping charges.. I usually buy my gal's clothings from Old Navy and Gap...

i bought from Old navy the maternity dress - S size is so huge lor, then another dress S size is ok, seem the cutting very off lei, so sad. Must try to sell away at WTS. keke.

