(2010/11) November 2010 MTB


I just had a checkup with gynae, my Edd should be 23 Nov 2010 #2 my gynae is Dr. Caroline Khi.

Currently in Week 9, having really bad vomiting recently. Type half way and cough everything may just come out need to always bring plastic bag around.

My #1 is a boy, I also hope I will get a gal. Then really can close shop. But of course that is not the most impt factor. No matter is boy/girl as long as healthy I am happy.

Bam, i am 9weeks now.. how abt you??

OneEgg, we have the same EDD... just like u, i hv to put plastic bags near me anytime.. dun rem doing that for my first born...

counting down to my appt with my gynae... hopefully everything is fine and bb heart still beating strong... i'm one of those preggy woman that have no MS symptom at all... or probably only 1 symptom which is got problem eating pork... my cousin's wife vomit like mad then my sis told her that got MS very good cos it means that pregnancy very strong... thinking abt that makes me feel worried cos i got no symptoms at all...

Haha, everyone pang kang liao then I come in. MC stay at home very boring, but at least can sleep or rest whenever I want to. Hopefully when I go back work tml, I'll feel ok. :p

Irene - hospital scan can take MC ah? my gynae didn't tell me leh, and I applied for 1/2 day leave for my oscar next mth. I also got 30 days MC like koori. Really hope that I won't need to use even 1/2 of that. heheh

Jewel - it's not me taking mc for scan. hehe, I didn't even know that it's possible. :p

althea, pibymummy, jaymickey & lovebyte08 - welcome & congrates! :D

jun - the dry & itchy skin around ur mouth.. could it be ezema? Can check with gp and if yes, get a cream to apply. But apply v little so that it wun have affect bb. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: hair

mine also rather oily now. realized that I can't use those shampoo for dry hair, as it'll b really v oily. Had to change to those that clear oils. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

As for washing after giving birth. I confirm will wash. 2 days don't wash & I already feel very disgusting. Can't imagine not washing for 1mth. Hehe, won't bb smell the smell wen I bf, and feel icky? hehehe. I think as long as we take quick showers and make sure that we are fully dried after baths, it should be fine.

mylittleTiger - haha! yah! who says that tiger year will have very little kids? :p

Angel, if u are seeing your gynae after ur scan, then u he can issue u MC, otherwise, dun think u can get MC...

Hair wash, i am one of those who washes my hair everyday.. until in my confinement.. pretty worried that i cannot get used to it.. but if u are staying at home all the time, hair doesn't get as oily as any normal day.. so i only get to wash my hair once a week.. somemore have to bathe with those herbal water.. needs to boil at least 2 big pails for washing hair and body... my maid used to start boiling at 6am.. so that it gets cooler for me to shower at noon...

Jaymickey - oh icic. Hmm, I'll be seeing my gynae after the scan/test, but she didn't say anything about the MC woh. Oh well, maybe I'll ask her abt that for the next time. Thanks for the info! :D

I heard of those herbal water too. And my hb said that I must use those to bath. I guess I'll try to use that as long as possible bah, but it seems really leh chey to have to boil water just to use the herbs. Can just use hot water from the instant heater to mix the herbs?

Apparently boil water and water from heater is different. Dunno I hear from where one but got difference. =)

Just want to confirm, go see gynae for checkup can take MC? I prefer to use MC than leave. Leave can leave for my baby when he/she is born. =)

lovebyte: gynae usually give MC quite freely and readily... just ask for it.. they sure give one... usually they will just give me... or ask me how many days i want... or propose and ask me if enough... haha... of course MC is better than leave..

lovebyte: forgot to add... scan only also will give one... that day the doc also tell me will give me MC on the day of scan... very readily...

whole day out for team bulding... & the thread really move v fast. More & more MTBs joining the NOV MTBs.... welcome!

Angel: ops! got sala person. anyway, we try for MC for next scan ... haha.

HHo: furni u start to have nausea only now. It's not common rite?

These few days Im trying to observe if the MS will diminish.. since going into 2nd trim, looks like its not happening soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Angel, some older people say, water that was not boiled might have wind... for my 1st confinement, even wash hands, i used the boiled water... the poor maid got to keep boiling for me...

Lovebyte08, checkup sure can take mc one.. dun forget still got 6 days childcare leave after giving birth... rem to check with your HR how to go abt taking that..cos our case can be quite tricky since we will be on confinement until end of the year...

jay: you are so cool.. didn't even think about the childcare leave for this year... though i am not working... but a good highlight to me... should i start working again... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


U CAN EAT FISH N CHICKEN!! it is a taboo for me now. the tots of it make me irks. wun vomit. just irks.

re: tiger bb.

WHO SAY TIGER BB VERY LITTLE? Who dare to say tiger gal very fierce? i have like 8 or 9 frens preggy this yr and i think 4 already confirm is gal. only 2 boys for now.

Morning ladies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lovebyte - thanks! Hehe, think must go find out more abt this. if water heater's water can, that will be much easier. :D

jaymickey - icic. haha, think ur poor maid just stand in front of the kettle the whole day will do liao. hehehehe, sounds like a lot of water to boil leh.

Speaking about food, I think I get hungry even more easily these few days. First half of T1 I need to eat around every 4hrs. Now, if I eat every 4hrs, I'll get gastric. Think gota shorten to every 3hrs like that. Last few days was quite jialat, esp last nite. My hb said I seem to become smaller in size liao. =X

morning gals...

i feel tigger babies are ok , nt fierce, but i see some "tougher" lives, but nt all of coz, anyway i guess all myths, juz don think too much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i oso used waterheater's hot water de during confinment, ok la... more convenient..but for the herbs, in order to "let it come out", goota boil... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning Ladies,

The start of a work day again! Its another day closer to the weekend. YAY!

Seems to me like this year tiger baby alot! At least 3 of my friends have already given birth in the tiger year already.

My tastebuds have gone a little weird. Not craving exactly but prefer to have salty food versus bland food. I realise that I dun really want to eat chicken esp those steam or put in the soup one. I seem to be eating a lot of bread as well... jiat lat. My tummy is expanding because of the food man.. not so much because of the baby. Sometimes i wonder if its psychological that we are hungry... anyone knows how to tell the difference?

my tummy now round & protruding .. jialat! dunno why this one so fast..

my #1, until 5th, then pple start to suspect i am preggy.. :D

this time ard... i think b v fast [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

chey, no surprises.. hehee :p

lovebtye.. juz b queen now, n eat wat u wan..hee

the old folks say want eat wat, must eat, else bb comes out drool easily.. haa dunno true or nt..

my taste bud oso weird weird.. it's coz of our tongue lo.. it's pretty normal.. don worri.. i oso prefer salty thing.. but don tk too much as the sodium content is high..

i last mth is lidat.. almost every day i eat 5-6pcs sour plums.. now no more [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ya tis yr alot of bby....i oso got 2 gv birth liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ....

Morning Ladies,

I also heard of, the old folks say wan eat wht, must eat, else bb comes out drool easily..

Actually, for those 1st time Mummy, having a Tiger baby is not so bad, at least when comes to registering for school, not much competition like Dragon baby.

Holly: like i say i don really have MS symptoms only thing is i cant stand the taste of some pork. depending on the way they cook it. other than than i what also ok to eat.

RE tiger babies: I guess it's all fated. my sis always wanted a piggy baby cos her hubby is a pig. but in the end she got a rat baby.

flubby: don't worry too much.. i also don't really have MS.. just some bloatedness and contispation.

i had a fren who disliked beef when she became pregnant...

Tiger babies- i know quite a few (at least 5 frens) having tiger babies as well! maybe it's just that we all around the same age...

no matter is wat BB, is still our own bb la. who cares is fierce or tame.. as long as bb is healthy, n can grow happily can le.

haa mummywong.. count the mummies in 2010 thread, i think could reach 100? heee

for my grp of frens, i got of coz MOST in piggy yr, then is cow yr..hee Tigger yr oso coming up ranking high.. haa

ya Pri sch registration sound v scary ... my doggy boy's turn soon, think juz near my hse can lioa..think of those PV etc.. headache! wait waste my time, do liao..oso no chance.. haa

btw ytr saw my pantyliner..got brown stains leh..normal bo eh?

thinking of asking gynea next Tues.. aiya, he sure say nevermind de.. last yr when i had, he oso like couldnt care less :p .. hee i went GP instead to get pills to insert in, then 2 days ok liao..infection

flubby: same here, i also dun really have MS. just burp alot and contispation. but for me, almost everything i can eat, fish, pork, chicken..all ok to me...actually not much change of taste for me..those foods i dun like before preggie, still dun like..those i like before, still like..

ya previously i had also heard from colleagues that if got MS will mean womb is strong, but i also got heard another case, where my fren's SIL got very bad MS but also got spotting and need to rest in bed.

angel: hope u feeling better today.

actually i also din know can take MC for hospital/OSCAR scan (until i heard some mtb mentioned here that their gynae can give), thus i had applied for 1/2 day leave yday too. but nxt appt with gynae will ask if can adv take from him..so can save my leaves [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: OSCAR test

had did my OSCAR test yday at NUH.

neckfold from scan seems ok..blood test result shld out today late afternoon and fax to my gynae..will call to chk out on results later..so anxious..hope everything ok...

re: washing hair during confinement

think i also cannot tahan not to wash hair for >2days...im really hoping my confinement lady will say can boil herbs then can wash everyday...

During my confinement for my boy, i think i bath once after 2 days. in fact i took my 1st bath the nx day after i discharge wif ginger water. but as the month i do confinement is super hot (May 2008) i can only tahan nt to bath for the most 2 days. also, instead of wearing long sleves and long pants, i wear short sleves and shorts to keep cool. i zzz in aircon room too. think i wash my hair at least once a week then quickly blow dry lor.

I will used hot water or white rice wine to bath and wash my hair. my MIL do confinement for me and she did nt really bother abt it....as for my mum, my dear sister help to keep watch out while i bath and wash my hair. To me i feel so dirty and unhygiene for nt bathing furthermore, I carry my boy and latch him lor....so all the more i muz keep hyigene mah. somemore, if u go ask gynae, they sure say can bath de....

also, i agree with wat my neighbour told me on why chinese believe tat confinement cannot bath. coz in ancient china time, their toilet are nt in the room but outside. so they hv to walk out to bath. then during winter, ware it is snowing and already so cold so if women doing confinement during tat period will sure catch a cold if they were to bath. but here we are in Singapore where thru out the year we can see the sun de and no snow. so in hot summer how to tahan nt to bath. so conclusion is if u wan to bath and wash ur hair, make sure u dry urself thoroughly and blow dry ur hair to prevent catching a cold lor..

Re: registering sch

I had a hard time searching for a childcare for my #1 lo. if not i come across a totally new sch, i dun think i can get a vacancy that easily.

mummywong - wah! 10pax around u having tiger BBs. That's alot man! :D Think this year really alot; I know 5 others who will b giving birth this year.

irene - sadly, today worse. yesterday whole day was ok, until at nite when I suddenly got gastric. Now whole body ache like nobody business, can't even breath deeply cuz chest will pain. Wonder wat's happening. =X

Wah, so fast will know the OSCAR test results de ah? Don't worry, everything should be fine. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So u confirm getting confinement lady? I wondering if I should get one too. But scare that they will b very traditional & everything cannot. I rather angmo pai de, and dun believe in lots of stuff. Hehehe, wait quarrel with the CL. hahaha

Diana - totally agree with wat ur neighbour said; I read that somewhere too. Hehe, scarly we don't bath and stink, then BB dun wana latch on cuz we're too stinky. hahaha~

Diana, I can understand, your confinement. MAY 08, was really terrible. But you still can tahan to use hot water or white rice wine lor, I can't. I simply can't stand the heat, 'cos I don't sleep in aircon room, so I went to take cold shower at nite then sleep. 'cos MIL, don't let me shower, so I got to shower behind her back.

But after 2weeks of confinement, I gave up, think too much heaty food, nose bleed. Then I stop all the confinement food.

Think this time round, I won't do any confinement too. I really can't stand the oily hair, the longan drink etc etc.

shan> did u walk too much or stress? brown stain is consider spotting. if it continues and alot, better to check with gynae to ge an tai yao..

confinement/bathing> dont think i can stand not bathing/washing hair for 1mth as i wash hair twice a day now!


I have problem registering my rat boy for playgroup this yr coz according to the teacher in the playgroup, there are too many pig baby and they hv to gif priority to them coz they will be in nursery nx yr...so i can only wait.


This time i will still do confinement but i will get a confinement lady instead. coz my MIL cant really cook good confinement food and there was lots of conflict between us during tat 1 month of confinement lor.

talking abt panty liner, i will highly recommend Poise panty liner which is much more absorbent then other brands. especially towards our later stage when bb is siting on top of our bladder, then we could experience urine leakage when we cough too hard or sneeze.

my preference lah....

Think confinement with MILs are generally no good. If there is a difference in opinions or quarrels, it's our hbs who will be sandwich in the middle. It's esp hard for those who stay together with their ILs too. Sure got problems. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


You stay with MIL? 'Cos I staying with my In-Laws, there s too many ppl in this house, so I can't afford for CL to stay with me, and getting a CL is an additional cost, so I rather not spend the money.

Ya Angel,

I just broke down lor, during the confinement, 'cos MIL don't let me shower, then I nose bleed, handling a baby all by myself, weather warm etc etc.. I just cry n cry over the phone, complaining to my mom, then my mom, came over and told MIL, that I'm stopping the confinement.

'Cos my family abit ang mo de, my mom also never do her confinement, my mom more power, she 3rd day only, went out for saloon, paint her nails etc liao. So I can't stand the confinement period...


I dun stay wif her. tat time we merely ask her to move in for tat 1 mth and i hv so much problem wif her. becoz of wat she did, basically my feelings and thots abt her is so different nw compared to before she do confinement for me. i can only say i have enough of her nonesense and HB saw wat happen and he also agreed tat get confinement lady so no issue for us.

girl - ur mom power! :D Aiyo, ur MIL confine u so many stuff, but dun help u with the BB esp since she staying with u. Not very nice of her.

I also staying with my ILs. Wondering next time wat pblms there will be, since I also rather ang mo like ur family. I always feel that confinement is just to rest more & nurse back our health, and not everything also cannot do.

hello ladies...

irene: the result will be good one la.. since the scan is good the blood test will be good... jia you... i will be doing my scan next week... not doing the blood test... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jia you mummies...

girl: our own mummy is always the best... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cuz we brought up by her so sure take after her... nothing against MIL... just diff upbringing...


My advice to you is, talk to your HB 1st, discuss what you want from your confinement, then discuss with MIL. Else, later sure alot of problem.

Actually, I don't really like the way, MIL handle BB, she dont encourage breastfeeding, while, I pro-BF, so the only thing she help with BB, is to shower BB, 'cos she said I cannot touch water.

Like I said, I staying with In-Laws, with BIL, his wife and the kids. So MIL have to take care of the kids too. So she merely control me and cook for me. Somemore, SIL gave me shortly after me, she got a massage lady, so MIL have to take care of her baby.

girl - haha! yah, I was just telling a cousin that I'll lay down everything b4 I give birth, so that there will b lesser conflict/misunderstanding. Don't want to have to handle such stuff when I suppose to b resting/taking care of BB. The first one I can think of is that I'm gg to bath & wash hair, althou I'll use hot water & b quick. haha...

Har? I think I'll encounter the same pblm as u leh, cuz MIL like not very pro-BF de. She always tell pple tat she BF my hb for 2mths then stop, majiam very proud of it like tat. Hmm, guess that's another thing I must tell her liao, cuz I also pro-BF de.

Wao, u stay with lots of pple leh. No wonder she not much time to help u take care of BB.

Hi ladies,

A few days dun log in and I cannot catch up ler. So happy to see this thread so happening!


I've to trouble you change my EDD to 23Nov (^5 to oneEgg and Jaymickey). Thanks for updating the list.

My doc bumped my EDD back by 2wks. I'm not really affected by the fact that I'll see the baby later, but really devastated by the fact that my 1st trimester will end later! I tought I was ald 11wks, but now back to 9wks, cannot imagine I may have to endure another 5wks of puking [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Even though my MS lasted I think into 20wks last time, I still hope this time will be shorter.


Your mother ground you in SG? I keep telling my friends who are expecting their 1st child, to do as much things as possible when and if they are feeling up to it. Eg, travelling, movies, late night outings with friends (except drinking/clubbing lah of cos) or pak tor as much as possible with hb. Cause after baby comes, you can kiss all those goodbye ler.

Re: oily scalp

Me too have this symptom. I've changed to shampoo for oily hair for the time being and is helping.

Re: confinement

I'm not going to get CL this time. My #1 time I fired my CL after 2wks. Not really a bad CL just that so many restrictions I don't like and she cook until my house like hawker centre like that. This time, I'll be asking the maid to cook more confinement style food will do. I'm too ang moh pai to do all those traditions. Last time, 1st day in the hospital after giving birth, I ald ownself walk to bathe ler. All the older folks can nag nag nag all they want, but nobody can stop me man! I also wear shorts and tee throughout the confinement period. I believe common sense, don't catch a cold can ald - so I'll dry well and blow hair dry too. I cannot imagine latching a bb when you're smelly, sticky and uncomfortable.

Anxiety attacks

I've been having some anxiety attacks recently. Suddenly I'm so frightened of #2 coming and all the night wakings and breastfeeding pains and constant crying starting again. Frightened until I tell my hb I dowan #2 ald leh. I find myself crying that I don't feel as excited about #2 as I was excited with #1 last time. Ytd at the gynea was my 2nd appointment and I will only see my gynae again in 6wks time and it didn't bother me at all. Last time I every month want a print out of the u/s. This time I like so glad I don't have to go to see doc so often. I feel so guilty towards #1 now that I can't bring him out so much cos I'm too tired and feel sick all the time. Before pregnant, I thought I was ready for #2, but now I feel frightened. The only thing that make me feel better is when hb told me he wants #2. I'm thinking it's the stupid MS and fatigue making me feel lousy, once this is over, I'll start to enjoy having another bb. Anyone else going or gone thru this feeling?

