(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

.67 means 2 (gal), .33 means 1 (boy). so jewel is 0, means 50/50.

dunno hw true, still got wat use ur 1 hair n put ring inside n see the direction...if the ring face to u is circle means gal, if the other way means boy..

all dunno can trust or not, but just for fun la...haha.

finally go home le...bye


irene,yes mother chinese calendae age and the last menses.

ho, not lunar month as what told by my fren.

i dont know how zhui cos my fren cal hers zhui and my coll also. dont isit coincidence or really zhui.

lol... twinfish.. I played with the ring thingy when i was in secondary school

Then recently.. i also tried it on both myself and my husband. and we have the same and no of turns.

But i forgot which is gal and which ish boy.

But for us.. we just want to know if we will have any kid..

Healthy is most important like all parents here thinks.

Think scan from tummy cant really tell, vaginal scan may be more obvious... the sonographer might be able to help, so excited for u.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummywong.. Me and my husband also have the thought of going to HK for work or stay.. But that time it was only a thought.

cos we really like HK and we went there for our honeymoon..

Hi all,

i have a Pigeon Multifunction Steriliser which comes together with bottle warmer and food warmer.

It is brand new, not used before.

Freebie include bottle liquid detergent.

Giving it up because i have hand-me-down from relatives.

Bought at $149, now letting go at $120.

Let me know @ [email protected] if you are interested.

Bam78> I prefer stay in Sin still. HK I only like to come for holiday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I will be in HK for few years.

One thing I concern is HK cannot just last minute decide want epi during delivery, they need you to decide way before delivery..so if i decided not to and last minute i cannot stay the pain, I cannot have epi!

based on twinfish method= girl,

based on jas method= boy.

im hoping a boy myself ;p

jewel: im excited on tomorrow scan too...most excitment comes the results if bb neckfold is fine n no DS. next will be if can see gender ;p

mummywong10: ya maybe hor..maybe will become oct mummy since edd= estimate delivery date ;p

but then i prefer joining u all nov mummies..so used to nov thread liao..

mummywong10: but how come HK so diff and they need u to decide if wanna epi before delivery?? tot this cannot decide earlier until during labour mah...

Irene> i also don't know why, I heard from my SIL one..or maybe not all hospital are like that or maybe because HK not so "advance" in admin. so meaning i either decide to take epi (i think maybe book first and in the end decided not to take but still must pay for it) or try to act brave and decided not to right at beginning and wait to "die" of pain during delivery.

hi mummies...all start ponder abt gender ah? true! boy shd be able to tell pretty early....I was surprised when gynea told me today mine most probably a boy!

BTW our baby is made feb.....lunar mth is either dec/jan depends whether its conceived b4 or after cny.

mummywong10: haha..ya lor...if during labour, cannot tahan the pain liao but in the 1st plc did not opt for epi..then jia lar...dun wan to be hero, also need to stay hero.

hmm..they shld make it more "friendly" hor...or maybe they have limited orders of epi thus if u need, u need to opt earlier so they can prep n ya like wat u said maybe u need to pay regardless later u use or not..

i got 23.6 .. so oso gal? heee... the ring one how? i duno leh.. if this oso gal.heheee i can start buying bby gal clothig? :p

i heard from my gf, vaginal scan v torturing one.. painful.. i never did tat.. better don,i scare :p

twinfish method = boy

jas method = boy

so bbC should b a boy lo.. hmmm.. 12th May will know le!

although i really really wish for a gal..

Hi mummies, can add me to the club? I'm expecting no. 2 this 17/11. Will be sticking to my original gynae Prof SK Tay at SGH.

This thread is so fast moving. Hopefully, I can keep up with all the happenings here.

twinfish> use yr method, mine is wat huh? i dont understand your method hw to count :p u know my details right? help me check?

cutiebb> congrats for knowing so early! u prefer boy/gal?


i have anti bodies , been exposed before so gynae said its ok.

Hair- i didnt wash my hair for 28days during CF for my 1st child. its actually manageable. just dont cut yr hair too short, at least to a length where u can still pin it up. i didnt use any powder cos i heard that if u dont wash yr hair , the oil plus powder will cause white flakes. i just brush it everyday n pin up. no problem so this one i will do the same

Welcome Althea!

Diana-wah i dunno how u managed to go thru so many hours without epi... But i only know that epi is a wonder drug, plus it helped that i could push even though i was fully numb down there!

Gender- i think mine's a boy.. cos my symptoms are completely different from #1. I dream too much and up to now i still feel so bloated. Guess we'll see when the visit is up!

Wah Ueno- u managed not to wash hair? Is it very greasy? I bathed everyday during #1 confinement- thankfully my mum didn't complain or say anything cos she's quite liberal.

Except this time round gonna have aircon cos the last time i broke out in ezcema.. was really suffering back then!


its a little greasy but manageable. i didnt shower for 1mth too! i only wiped my body with herbs but i washed my lower body cos bleeding. i usually stay inside the bedroom w aircon set at 27degrees. its ok. i had my boy in oct so quite cool, this time too i hope

Wow you gals are v advanced. Talking abt labor and confinement already. Haha.

I asked my gynae during my second visit last week if it's ok to touch up my hair color cuz I opted for bright color in Jan before cny before the pregnancy...now the roots are out..I really buay tahan now..plus I gotta meet customers everyday...my gynae said can color after first tri cuz first tri is when all the vital organs are being developed...just can't do chemical treatment or rebonding etc...I'm still thinking if I shd color my hair in a few weeks' time. Any of your docs said ok?

cutiebb, yaya hope we are correct.. juz try holly's chart, oso gal.. Hahahaa... happy happy.. but of coz HEALTHY & NORMAL! Most impt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

play all these for fun nia..

holly... ya u wait awhile, then will know.. mai gancheong [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks Cherrie for the info.. i oso aiming to color my hair, though my hubby keep saying no... like u too.. i colored during CNY, nw the black root make it so unsightly. .furthermore got weddg dinners to attend.. i thinking aft reaching wk12, i gg to touch up! heee..

For the herbs, i got a fren stayg in JB, she helped n i think will help again heee..to get Da feng cao for me again this time from JB.. i hvnt tell her abt my pregnancy yet :p

my #1 oso Nov baby, so this round quite ok.. haa all can predict abt the same..

we are thinkg of gettg a dryer.. coz i rembr for #1, NB changed cloths frequently.. NB clothings v difficult to dry in the rainy season, i even ON my fan for the entire oveernite to fan them dry.. haa

oh dear shm... i hate tat the most.. i oso all of sudden my skin broke into ezecema way back in 2004, whole hell of time for me.. itchy n messy... keep giving up colourless sticky liquid [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hey gals.. anyone got pimples problems eh?

Last time when i hv #1 and normally..my facial is fine de... but this time round, #2 i keep having breakouts ..

issit coz of duphaston tat iam eatg? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

so sad... fat & ugly nw [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

but for my #1, i almost no pimples lo ... so wonder is it becoz its diff gender so diff experience :p or coz of the hormone pill..hee

gg to ask my gynea next Tues when i see him...

all along jawline/chin de... ugly leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

morning mummies!

it's midweek..n im lucky today i have no classes..so it's juz sit,relax n watch the time pass! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

juz wondering if any of you have gone for facials/ massages since u noe u r expecting...

It's been months i have gone for one..and m dying to..but donno if it is safe..any advise?

Here's to a day with minimal nausea

dimple> my last facial was when i abt 4wks pregnant. i intend to go next facial only after 1st trim. i asked my facial therapist, she said as long as u informed the person helping u to do the facial u are preg, and inform them don't do heavy massage/laser/infra-red should be ok.

i dun have outbreak la. but just not as good as normal lo. when i had #1 is just merely oily. this one is T zone oily like dunno wat... den my cheek is dry like wanna drop liao..

but i got feeling is a boy la. lol! anyway hubby side, the genes are all boys de.

DImple - i went to facial so far 2 times lei...but my beautican din use the electrical eqpt on me.

I tot i 12weeks now, MS will reduce who knows yday puke alot after my dinner, sigh.

Cutiebb - so fast know gender, ur no.1 girl or boy?

Gd morn ladies,

Gd morn ladies,

Mummywong: not easy to deliver in other Country. Not sure hk healthcare is any gd in terms of service n facilities. Everything is fast fast fast there. I used to travel there for work, dun really like the pace. But then again, u may have a diff experience in delivery. Do update us!

