(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Cherrie - yes intend to bring out the pump + cooler bag, if not i have to go home every 4-5hrs to pump once and its far to travel home esp if visiting is another part of spore, sigh no choice lor. I feel its easier to pump at someone's house rather than a shopping mall. Cooler bag must bring if not milk not fresh if not cold. Damn alot of things to bring, sigh.


Shan: Thanks. Naf counted me in already.

Naf: Dont comb the cradle cap, just apply the olive oil, will definitely disappear. The redness

Hope things will get better at your end. Jia you!

Jo: thanks for letting me' know ... No stock islandwide... Guess I hv to wait for new stock to arrive [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] or I can gather reviews from u all... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Milk pump:

The bottle or funnel turn yellowish is it due to frequent sterilizing?? Once turn yellow meaning can't use is it? Must get new parts?

Cherrie77: ya lor... I dun feel like gg back cos I'm losing my energy already ... Haizzz

I'm starting the week after Mar 6, u leh?

Ice packs:

Pardon me for asking or sounded stupid... As I never bring pump or breastmilk out before.

I need to freeze the ice pack then put into cooler bag n bring out to store breastmilk right? if I bring milk bag to store when pumping outside, okay right? Think milk bag safer as bottles are quite ley-chey in that sense. Ice pack can last how long then? How many hours?

Milk pump:

Think Amenda is more silent than Medela..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


When i have no. 1 my pigeon detergent also use up very fast keep having to buy refill. Not very economical... So my colleague recommend me to pump a few pump of our dish washer detergent(mine is mama lemon) into the pigeon detergent bottle and mix it with water to dilute it. So that the chemical will not be so much. And just make sure when washing rinse it properly with water. This method save alot $$ in buying those refill pack in the long run.

Sorry to intrude here...

I have some boxes of Boots Milkbag for sale. Each box is 40 milkbags, each milkbag can hold max 250ml. Not available in SIN retails store. Selling at SGD 10 each box. self collection in suntec area/simei area. Please PM me for further details.

PS I prefer boots to lasinoh as it holds larger quantity and is of better quality than lasinoh. not to mention, boots milkbags is cheaper too.

evelyn> my bot also stretches like what u mentioned from wk2 & definitely's not colic. according to my CL, the baby just stretches to "grow", he also stretches while i feed him that time. but he sort of "settled down" around wk5 timing, it took a while for him not to stretch as much.

cherrie77> i intend to bring my pump out (freestyle), for PISA i think u can "dismantled" just bring the pump without the bag loh, then bring the portable batt out. i intend to pump at people's house then feed my bb withe the ebm else i would throw, since i pump outside i don't intend to freeze/bring cooler bag during CNY visit. alternatively, i think u can consider bring FM out in case your bb suddenly wants to drink. i think for me, i find it difficult to latch bb at outside (not at own home at my comfort) as bb tend to latch very long so i prefer bottle feed him most of the time. if i go home within 3-4hrs, usually i bring out 1 chilled ebm (with cold gel) & 1 flask of hot water so that i can warm the ebm when he wants to drink.

ptb7476> i recently tried nuk bottle cleanser, i find it not bad, i used one pump can clean many bottles but need to rinse with water thoroughly. previously i used pigeon i find it too watery (but actually's safe for bb to "eat"), i tend to use more pumps at each wash. it's better to wash with baby bottle cleanser when our bb still young, dont use normal detergent. alternatively if you dont wish to wash with bb bottle cleanser, i think just by boiling in water's also alright.

Chris> my hands also super dry till crack. now i wear latex gloves when i do washing, it's troublesome but no choice..

My baby hav rash all over. I wonder is this due to the vaccine and mild fever. This is the 4th day after. He doesnt hav much appetite either, rejecting breast sometimes & took v long to be bottledfed. Anybody encounter this?

cherrie77> i think my first choice will be to let baby latch on. she drinks quite fast - around 10-15mins will finish. but becos she only feeds on one breast, i will still need to pump to express out the milk from the other side.

since started Bf-ding, i think my skin become alot thicker. i was at restaurant at ECP and there was no nursing room. i paiseh to ask staff for room to nurse, so i just said - do you have an empty room so I can change baby's diapers? they had a storeroom and in the end, i just used that storeroom to pump milk! the staff kept knocking at 5-10min intervals asking if i was okay!

i decided that i need to be more diligent to keep up milk supply. there was 1-2 days where i skipped a few feeds and my milk supply dropped below baby requirements. was so stressed as i ended up having to supplement with FM. my MIL also scared me saying that she heard of some ladies whose milk "dried up" after 2 months (hinting that that could be happening to me).

Night Feeds

my baby is now able to sleep for around 7-8 hours each night. last feed at 11pm and she wakes at 6-7am.

but i still wake up in middle of night to pump milk cos feel engorged. wondering if there's any way i can avoid waking up in middle of night! miss the days when i have full 8hours of sleep...

ptb, i still use pigeon coz it's safe for bb to "eat"....so in case me blur mummy or the maid /caregiver dun wash properly, still ok. hee...

JanO, i think to avoid engorgement in the middle of the night is to stretch your pumping times throughout the day...eg pump every 4 or 5 hours kinda thing...


I using pureen so far so long, its just nice not watery non too thick. Tik its the cheapest so far in market, bought only $6 at shengsiong. Most brands i have tried and decided this is so far the best, in terms of texture and price.

Re : PIS portable battery

Sorry to ask a stupid question, hw does the battery works? just plug into the motor and it works? No need to charge?

Mummywong : Oh yr CL says it's juz normal for bb to stretch so much? Hmm then I really hope my boy will get out of this extreme stretching thingy soon like your boy too :) he seems to be stretching n in pain. Haiz how I wish I can read wat he wants.

Hopefully he will outgrow this soon :)

Orangebb, could it b false measles.. I heard my gfs sayg tat b4, rashes + fever., it will go away in ard 5 days..

Check w pd if u don feel gd.

JanO, same same u.. But u so diligent. My boy will suckle 5-10mins & 1 side only.. 2hrs + then drink the other side. I lazy I don pump.. I only pump once every nite at 12midnite when bb is aslp., coz my last 2 feeds, 8pm, 10pm+. Are on bottle., so >5hrs lidat.. My both side yields 300ml..

At this rate I think my supply will dip.

But my freezer r full w milk I pump last few mths, no pl to keep hence I nt v keen to pump oso though my boy can't empty my breasts.

Koori> ya just plug into the motor but u need to charge for 1st time for 24hrs i think.

evelyn> yes my CL say its normal. i find it heartpain to see initially as i cant read my bb language with the stretching haa...so dont know is he feeling well or not?

Koori, the PISA portable battery...

you need 10 x AA batteries, fix into the battery pack. Then plug into motor. But my experience with it is, it can only last 1 pump (for me lah...maybe my batteries weren't that great to begin with. hahaha). The subsequent pump, not much suction and then...no more power. So gave up using the battery pack.

koori> u meant PISA or PIS? PISA need 10 AA batt like what CSI said, i borrowed from my friend PISA & recently i used it outside with the portable batt, it lasted me 4days x 3 pumps/day & still working well.

Michele: I'm going back to wk on 28 feb week if I clear all 16 weeks. I guess I can clear some annual leave if I want but cuz I'm doing sales, it doesn't make a lot od sense when I still have monthly targets. I'm dreading the monthly targets cuz i will be out of action for 4 mths.

Orangeebb: don't need to feel so stressed abt b feeding. Hey actually fenugreek worked for me but I'm not so diligent in pumping so each time I take it the next day I'm almost certain to wake up with lumps. Have stopped down. Just gotta live with my low supply. I'm only providing abt 50 to 60% of my boy's daily feeds.

Anyway I'm going to Bangkok with my gf for 4 days after cny. Guess the supply will slowly cut off during the trip. Just nice for going back to work.

Pisa: can dismantle? A bit tricky when I see the exposed motor leh.

cherrie, can dismantle. the motor is in a black casing. this black casing is velcro-ed to the bag itself. it looks quite neat actually. then you can put the motor in a nice big tote bag with ur other parts. nobody needs to know it's a pump...hehs

Mummywong10: hw's the texture like for NUK cleanser? isit watery or think base? n where u buy?

Enmummy: my boi was at 5.3kg at Week 6.

Shan: Hw's the tollyjoy texture? i think its almost the same as Pigeon?

PTB7476: think our usage is abt the same for the cleanser.

Jo: yah will continue using.. thanks thanks...

Engorgement : just to share.. I found that changing my breatshields to a larger size helped with engorgement problem. Used to get it once every 3-4 days. Since I changed the breastshields, *touchwood* haven't gotten any yet, even though I may stretch times to like 8-9 hrs since I no longer wake up at night to pump and sleep thru with baby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sharon Pang> i'm in HK so i bought in HK but i understand NUK brand is easily available in Sin so I think should sell too. the texture's not thick but it's more soapy than Pigeon brand. I find Pigeon more diluted.

mummywong - oh i meant PISA , din know have to put AA batteries inside cos i took over the pump from my fren lol.

strawberry - yes i was surprised to see $6 selling at shengsiong early Jan so i grabbed 2bottles (*auntie) liao.

cherrie - i also gg back work week of 28 feb so sian after a long break, its only 4weeks more, zzzz.

ermmm - really breastshield can affect engorgment, mine is currently the smaller one, must go try! i really wish to sleep thru the nite.

chris not i want to use so much but because the bottles and pump parts are oily..dunno about you all i find breastmilk make them oily... unlike FM and all the washing is making my hand dry haiz

thanks Shan and clover... guess no choice .. but i will try out tollyjoy

michele... yah ..me too ...but every week one pack like very wasteful to me..and i sterilize pump set once a day... i read somewhere cannot sterilize every use cos it will spoilt the parts faster

enmummy i am using 700ml PER week not per month :X and my boi is 6.44kg and 64cm tall at 2 months :X bo pian big bb

thanks mummywong i wil check out nuk cleanser... i too find pigeon too watery and i have to pump a few times before the bottles are not greasy

orangeebb ...my bb too...if not wrong both our bb had vaccine on same day right ... he too start having rashes...and when he cry it is like outbreak on his face but they will disappear after he calm down...and his appetite reduce alot and it take me a long time just to feed him abit of milk be it BM or FM and he cry alot too but my boi no fever at all... i just called PD clinic to ask...but they cant answer my question and they going to get PD to call me back...

naf, i saw tat the seller manage to get paige design for gemini. is tat also avail for butterfly? if ur order alrdy finalise, then its okay [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] do take care of urself too ya.

PTB, i'm using tollyjoy cleanser too. hb says at least can see foam. previously we were using pigeon cleanser.

koori: u still got one more mth to go back to work... i going back next monday already .... so sian also .. but i think feb is a short month very easy to pass one.

PTB: i pre-soaked the bottles in the washing liquid first so when washing use lesser... maybe u can try to do that too... so far im still using my first bottle of washing liquid leh ... haha.. wonder if i am using too little now...am using also tollyjoy.


My bb has slight fever after the vaccine. Its normal...but it only lasted the day itself. After giving Capol she is ok but of coz cranky and would wanna sleep more then drink milk. But if fever for 4 days + rash...then better call the PD...let the nurse know and ask if you should bring bb down to the clinic.

janiviy, is this the 6 or 5 -in-1 vaccine?? Do u monitor her original temperature 1st before seeing the PD?

I rescheduled my baby's vaccine coz the original date was before CNY and I was worried that if she really has fever, I wouldn't be able to find a doc before CNY.

Anyone knows if it's ok for the baby to get the vaccine way after the 3 mth mark?

I'm using PISA and the portable batt is 8 AA batteries, not 10?

Breastshields - I've been using the standard size ones that come with the original pump. Where can I get different sizes? From Medela office or from retail shop?

I'm a little confused about how breastshield can prevent engorgement..

The correct size breastshield will help to empty breast fully, but if don't pump for many hours, will still be engorged right?

Shan> wow... 300ml?? I pump both sides only 160ml max (in 4-hourly interval). If I pump in 2-hourly then its only around 120ml. Was trying to pump more frequently to increase supply.

Bottle Cleaner:

I don't really like Tolly Joy as its so soapy...have to rise and rise. Pigeon not soapy have to use alot to convince myself that its clean enough...hahaha...maybe shld try Pureen and see how.


Finally got her off the pacifier, which created more havoc then peace for me. 1 week of persistence and the tutu is nothing but a distance memory. I am so happy. She now stirs only once at night but I will quickly settle her with cooled boiled water. This is way better then waking up 3-4 times to pop the damn tutu back into her mouth.

Koori : seems to be the case for me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] have been using the larger one for almost a mth and no recurrence so far. I did read on the medela website that it could be a cause for engorgement as well.


Long time no see.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My bb had 6 in 1 + Pneumococcal + rota at 8 weeks. Had her shots abt 12 noon, then by evening time she has slight fever. Gave her med and she was fine (med was already given to me to stand by). BUT the next 5 days was hell as she wanna sleep more and dun wanna drink milk. Super duper cranky...I almost died!

JanO : I will feel like my breast r very full when I wait very long between pumps, but they r not painful and can be fully drained at the next pump. Maybe lesser volume but it doesn't gimme discomfort. Maybe I have not be diligent in pumping. Always stretch timing. And just got used to it. ;) will be good if supply continue based on such erratic pumping when I go back to work in early march.


Get her shots done soon. So by CNY she will be back to her original happy self. The fever won't last long. Most is the day itself. Its not like those viral fever.

Whim, I schedule my bb to take his 6 in 1 after cny too. He is 3 mth n 3 days old. Polyclinic nurse didn't say anything when I book the a ppt. So I think it shd b ok to pass the 3 mth bench mark..

janiviy, don't know... I think I might not be able to get the appointment to have the shot this week coz this is the week before CNY already.

Chloe, thanks for the info.... is getting the 6-in-1 cheapest at the polyclinic?

Koori --- it's really v fast. I guess it's cuz our 16 week coincided with all the festive hols (deepavali, hari raya, Xmas, new yr and cny)! Dunno will get off in lieu for those hols that fell on sat or not.

Sharon--- use pigeon washing liquid too. Really can't see much foam. I have seen nuk ones at many places.

Mummies wanna do lunch before resuming work?


hey mummies, cannot keep track to the other posts. now i read then i remember about baby's 6-in-1, totally forgot.... feel so busy and exhasted with 2 kids... cannot imagine when i have to return to work. no CNY mood this year

