(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Mummies staying in East:

Anyone tried Shunji Matsuo Hair salon services in Century Square?

Any good stylists to recommend me? My hair is a mess!!


Didn't use yaolan for 1st kid too. Don't wanna let them be dependent on the swinging motion to fall asleep. But great that it works for you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I saw got quite a number of boys clothes in the BP, can take a look. It's like the only BP selling those traditional CNY clothes for kids.

Shan, i think after cny coz seller said 2 weeks. Try cotton on for H's clothes?

Jolly, coz of no reason?! Lol. Only i use the pouch n sling. We are ok with the bjorn but strenuous to carry bb on it with back support once bb reaches certain weight. Realize with hip/weight distribution it's easier. When we went japan last year, hb can easily carry no 1 with the ergo we borrowed. We like the form of beco better so get this lah. Whew, so long winded.


Oh I see, now I understand! Not longwinded lah! I like Beco bec it's thinner and nicer design. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jolly, I tried the salon once. Not bad lah I find. No wonder u so tired, I'm not going to be a nag but attachment parenting style is super tiring!

Hello mummies, saw ur gal talking abt rota virus jab. Poly conic nurse nv mention anything n my bb 6 in 1 will b taken 3 days after he turn 3 mth. So issit advisable to go gp for the rota virus jab?

N for the dryper promo, juz take other brands bag n show to counter b4 payment n we can get another free? Till when ?


btw yesterday newspaper insert "Mind your body" mentioned playmat has some chemical on them too.. so prolong exposure to these chemical is harmful to baby's growth. they advise parent against the use of it if possible since they cant measure after how long usage/exposure on the child to the playmat will start to have implication.

Hammiebao- I oso wanna buy. Shld go amk tat super big guardian n buy..wonder can go different guardian n stk up anot...2 feb, still gt time to grab.. Lol.

hi hi, anyone has too much ebm with nowhere to keep. I used to have that problem, then got myself a upright freezer, and it's solved. Now that i have no use for the freezer, just wondering if anyone will like to buy the freezer.

csi: oh ya the rota is oral vaccine not jab...hee...got confused liao...

ptb: tks for the link, seems from the link can take by 14wk 6d...im gota try calling the mtA clinic tmr to try if can still get her on the rota 1st vaccine as next week she will be 15wk liao...feel safer if she can have the vaccine..have been feeling that im a bad mummy to have missed her on this vaccine...

ML: tks, ya i will try the PD, hope can still vaccine her.

but for those mummies bringing ur bb for rota vaccine at polyclinic, think better to bring her in before 12wks...i also not too sure why need to vaccine before 12wks..guess it will not be effective anymore if taken after 12wks bah...

Jen: wash the playmat as often as you can with laundry sanitizer. It should help a little.

Neolette: Sent the packaging to you already.

Only received clover, nana & Jen pm on the carrier. If no more, will proceed to inform the lady.

Sorry to rush as my elder boy fell ill today, vomit, stomach painand fever so not much time to look at forum as got to look after him as well. Really not a good week for me...

CSI_Fan, 1 box 4 packets, I brought 3 wrappers.. hubby just open up all unopened diapers keep everything in those big red plastic bags and take the wrapper to buy at guardian.. will stock up more on M size..

Guardian at NEX,

When I reach there, they only left with 1 pack of M and 1 pack of L.. lucky that the delivery man was pushing in a few boxes of Drypers.. so we asked for the box of M and we got 2 packs of L.. asked the sales girl if we can get more but she said the supplier wants to see the wrapper so she can't let us buy more..

BTW just wanna ask, any idea around how many months then bb will need to change to L size? cos my friend's son is wearing Huggies M size in his 6 mths.. so I suppose M size can use for quite a few months? as am thinking of stock up more M.. now got 4 packs.. maybe stock up 6 more packs.. will it be too much? I had just ordered 3 packs of Goon M size too..

hammie, think also depends on bb's bum size also...hehs. although it's suppoosed to be for up till 11kg, some bb bigger size, will find M a bit small liaoz.

hammie: not sure if u use drypers before, l noticed the cutting abit smaller than other brands...for their M size although written start from 6kg when my bb is ard 5kg I started using it since S size quite small but he still can fit pampers and Goon S... like what CSI mentioned, depends on bb size too... as they grow bigger the weight increase not so much liao... i got 2 friends whose bb are just 2 weeks apart and when they are 6mths old, 1 is ard 8.5kg and 1 is ard 6kg. Maybe u can calculate your bb per day usage then stock roughly loh.

I think dryers and huggies have smaller cuts. My boy outgrew s v fast.

He's on dryers, nepia and huggies medium.

But goon still on small cuz the cutting is bigger.

Maybe shd stock up dryers 'L' size since it's so cheap. I have two at home already.

Hi mummies

can someone help or advise me?

My bb always while drinking his milk n after will stretch n arch his body n head backwards n will turn red in the face.

While burping him on the shoulder, he will tend to force his head backwards too.

Wondering is dat a symptom of some reflux or just that the teats are not suitable for him?

So stress to always see him drinking his milk so anxiously yet in such difficulty.

Hi Clover, my husband saw the Beco website and he is keen as he thinks he will carry our bb using it. Can you let me know the designs available again and we are deciding between Butterfly and Gemini.


Cherrie77: u very fast leh! I only hv quite number of M size nia....need to buy S size

Clover: when u confirming the order? When can get then? I probably need to bring ah boy to try it on if possible. Square 2 has har?

Michele.. Nana called sq2 n was told nt available hence I din go try oso.

But based on the popularity shd b nt bad I guess. I think ueno hv buttrtfly2 perhaps u can check w her..

Hey u the one stayg in yishun?

I feel drypers S is bigger then huggies S leh.I still like huggies more.

Thinkg of gg jb to buy oso but hubby nt free.. ;(

Michele: that's cuz I have 1 pkt of nepia (medium),5 pkts of goon (small), 2 pkts dryers (medium) and huggies (large) now.

The reason why I have so many goon now is cuz of the 1 day sale on g mkt (14.50 per pkt instead of the usual 17) and need to exceed 40 dollars to get free delivery. The nepia and dryers were cuz of the Ntuc sale two weeks ago. Ha I feel I'm so auntie these days. Always lOoking at diaper sales.

Ueno, the butterfly carrier is not the thick n warm kind ya? I scared bb hot n I also scared warm but now Hibbing I keen to get but undecided on butterfly or Gemini.


My boi have the same problem but i did put Lu Yi Oil and initially i thot it was becos he dislike breast milk n prefer formula...

Jo: thanks indeed he is much better le...

Hpc, can u refer to the post I made 2,3 days ago. I lost the link. The available designs are mentioned in it.

Michele, naf is the one sending in the order to seller. She is sending in asap. I'm just helping to pool the required no. to get the discount. Someone said sq 2 dun hv the model to try.

Bb stretch,

I thought it's normal for bb to stretch after feed? I read that bb will stretch it's body when bb feel satisfied after feed..

Hi Mummies, putting my to nap during day time is a nightmare. He will wake up every 5 min after he fell asleep! Any mummies experience this?

ya, my bb also stretch himself aftr fd n wakin up. Last time i did chk w pd if bb got colic, he sy nothing excessive, jus normal. Bt i try nt to let bb stretch too much or sn aftr fd, cos little bit of milk wil cm out. Thn waste my milk. Haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ginger > same here. Bt for my bb is periodic. Nt everyday. Bt these 2 days hv. I usually dont swaddle him in the day. Bt if i c tat he kp wakin up n he has bn missin too much slp, thn i will swaddle him. He usually slp better aftr tat. U cn try.

Nana : Thks for the feedback. But i dun tink my baby having colic. Cos he seem to be doing all these actions since the 2nd week of his birth and his arching juz got worse. Asked PD but he say its nothing.

Hammiebao : My baby stretch is super jialat. Not the normal stretch he does. Sometimes stretch till he spit out milk.

Now he also always seem to be choking on his saliva the whole day. Tot it was phelgm but asked PD, Pd said its not. Aiyos but my boy keep swallowing his saliva with difficulty as if its very sticky. Nvr sleep well coz he always wakes up halfway choking on his saliva. So scared he will juz choke on his saliva while sleeping without me knowing. Anyone had dis problem with their baby?


Nelotte : I have a baby bath net which I oni used once. After that mum is helping me to bathe baby and do not need to use the bath net anymore.

If you wanna I can sell you the bath net. Will send you the pic if u interested okie.

