(2010/11) November 2010 MTB


u can pm me if u wana try the carrier. I stay in the east


it's thinner than bjorn but not as thin as the MIM sling. If u wana try can come to my place


oh dear! Hope yr boy n hb r feeling better now


Gerene: u're not the only one ... Mine too, super hyper in the day .....worst thing he needs me ard... I hardly can do hsework [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Ueno: thanks for the effort but I'm at north leh.

Shan: yes, I'm the one in yishun [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u are the one at khabit right?

Clover: thanks for the info....

Naf: think u can count me out first as I need to bring my boy to try on if possible... Ultimately he will be the one sitting, he must be comfortable n easy for me. I don't want to delay ur order n the rest...unless u are ordering much later but I doubt as I believed most mummies wld like to get it before cny bah...

Evelyn: my boy is like hving phlegm like that ... He also has quite alot of mucus to clear... I need to clean for him abt every 3 days to get rid the mucus..

Ueno: this carrier has back support? Cos my current one dun hv lower back support n I'm suffering... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Bathing net,

I'm using it, on days when my arm hurts too mug from xarryig Bb. I would say it's helpful in a way however due to e siZe of e net n bath tub, u can't use e net for very long. My girl now is 61cm? And her legs already has no space while lying down.

Michele : u mean yr bb hv phelgm n how do u clear it for him? I feel so heartpain to always see my boy hving difficulty swallowing his saliva n choking on it. Wonder if it's the FM (enfalac) dat is causing his throaty issue.

Tks Clover n Ueno for the info and the offer to let me try out the carrier. I alreadyPM Naf to order but not sure if the Paige design of Gemini is available. Really cannot decide which model to choose so just go for Gemini since it's slightly lighter and seems like lesser straps.

My baby really loves to sleep. She can sleep from midnight to 8.30a, the next morning and I wonder if she has enough milk. She is only 6-7 weeks old.

clover, nana, jen, shan, hpc - have send ur order to the lady and kept u all in the loop. price is indicated there too.

Sorry for the late reply and update as hb down with fever as well and I am having terrible headache and giddiness due to lack of rest and taking care of hb and kids...sigh...really terrible week...

hope everything will be fine next week...

Evelyn: I didn't clear his pleghem but his mucus [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] his mucus cld block his nose then caused him breathe 'noisily'.

Hpc: previously my bb also like urs, kept sleeping... Not to worry, this shd be a passing phrase only... Mine after that starts to be normal already - dun sleep in the day, nap little n sleep in the night. Anyway, PD ever told me that baby could sleep 12 hr w/o milk, that's okay.... I was like u, worried doesn't know what's hungry n kept woking up every hour to check if bb needs milk.... ;) PD also told me if bb stays awake max number of hour to stretch for milk is 6hr. Mine could stretch more than that but usually by 5.5hr I standby milk feeding cos I try not to let his digestive system to over-stretch too much.

Naf: u must take care too... dun fall sick ya! Dun worry both ur love ones will be okay very soon

Hi mummies: how do u gala shed off the fats or extra skin? My target is to tuck in my old jeans .... Anyone has any effective method to share?

I learnt that by delivery thru natural birth can't go jogging so soon, at least 4mths later as utreus yet to be contracted back fully.... Is it?

Any mummies who are doing exclusive pumping can share how you plan to do so during the coming cny period? Wondering if i really have to plan my visits round pumping hours? Or resort to carrying my PISA with me? A bit pai say if I gotta borrow a room and lock up and pump with my manual one. That will take close to 1/2 an hour. Cooler bag gotta bring out out too?

hi Chris, i do try to swaddle him but sometime he will cry like mad to free himself. does ur bb guai guai let u swaddle? the worse thing is tat he wake up he will cry like mad cos he cant find his position to get back to sleep.

Hi Michele, ya totally cant do anything or house work cos i have to keep going back to the room and coax him back to sleep and sometime it will take another 15-45min..... and it has been happening almost every afternoon!!

he is now 2mth and 5 days old.

ginger > he wil let me swaddle. I tink dpd on y he cant slp bah. Yesterday cant fall into deep slp cos pacifier kp droppin as he kp stretching n use his hand to rub his face. Thn last nite also had hard time put him to bed. Usually he is ok wan leh. Hopefully its a passin phrase. Thn swaddle him he struggle, lik wan2 free himself. Bt my hubby jus carry him to walk round the house n carry him while we chat n bb fell aslp lor.

try nt to kan jiong mak him slp immd aftr fd. Thy hv grown up n usually thy nd sm activity aftr fd b4 thy wil slp. Otherwise thy gt cranky. I find the activity time cn gt longer as bb grow. Cos thy dont slp so much liao? Anyway tats fr my experience w my bao bei. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope it hlp.

Chris, i can differentiate my bb crying whether his crying for milk or tire. once i see him tire i will put him to bed and he will start rubbing his face, arm and leg kick boxing but just cant find his position to sleep. ya hopefully is a passing phrase.... and get over it soon!!!

ginger > u r better than me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i cant tell the diff. So i hv to record dwn fd n poo time. Thn i wil roughly knw whn he nd to b fd. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] lets all jia you bah!

Hi mummies

My bb was choking n struggling badly on his saliva last nite. Although he sneezed and a big pc of mucus came out n was slightly better. But he seems to be struggling n feeling uncomfortable everyday. Would like to bring my bb to see an ENT specialist.

Any mummies know of any good ENT to recommend?

Chris i learn from baby whisperer and is really a gd book. it is from there i learn to hear my bb, initially i also cant tell the crying and whenever he cry i will stuff the pacifier which is a very wrong way! at the end the bb crying will be the same tone cos the bb also give up telling u wat he want. hope this book will help all mummies. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Naf, thx.. U must b so worn out.. Hang on.. Last nite my hubby starts to hv fever too, then MIL went home Liao.. Gotta tend to kids n unwell hubby myself... My boy ytr din slp well keep making noise since 2am.. Wake me up then I canT fall to slp until 4am, then he cries for milk again.. Vicious cycle..

Cherie77, I plan to bring pump & my FTG along too don't b pAiseh.. Else engorgement v painful., had tat during cny for my #1, coz hubby don Allow me to pump outside say so troublesome.. This time I din care Liao.. HAa my breasts or ya breasts I'll qns him.


it doesn't have any back support. What it does is it distributes the weight of the bb evenly to the hip instead of the shoulders so it's better than bjorn for bigger bbs.

Ginger glad tat baby whisperer works for u.. I couldn't find it so gv up. I can't tell my bb cries too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif].. For me juz trial & error.. My bb drink milk every 2 hrs, if ard tat timing. I straight gv milk.. If he reject, I will gv pacifier n rock him to slp.. If aft 5mins still cry.. Shd b got wind.. I'll burp him if still continue to cry aft like 5mins.. I'll repeaty cycle.. Offer milk, Rock to slp, burp..

I only swaddle my bb during nitetime & when he's drowsy else he will get super angry tat he couldn't do his dance moves.. My MIL called it '踩油".. Stepping on the accelerator.. HAa

haha.... Shan ur mil so funny.. what u did is exactly what i did when the CL left. during the 1st mth i was so depend on CL and when she left i was so lost. also dunno wat he is crying for. also agar the timing then give him the milk, if still cry i will rock him on the chair. if still go on i will stuff the pacifier n keep rocking till he is too tire then fall asleep.

Chris just now 10.15am he wan to sleep but keep crying then i let him cry awhile the i 'force' swaddle him and he fell asleep shortly and now he is still sleeping!! hopefully this will carry on work on him for long term!!

Sigh! Feel like stopping BF. Pumping w freestyle is a pain while bb takes v long to latch n unable to empty breast. And lumps always appear if I overshoot the time by 5hrs n its hard to get rid.... Cannot go out too long w hubby n cannot eat a lot of things. Neither do fenugreek & domperidone works for me.

Uego: thanks for the info....my current carrier makes my bb's head 'hanging in the air' / 'tiao tiao' (in hokkien), I'm afraid not good for his neck esp I go out for long. I saw from the beco website, the carrier base is broader right? That day I brought him put n when got home to wipe him, I discovered his 'birdie' area like being 'smashed' like that (very heartache to see that) ... I wonder was it been carried for too long or the carrier base is small n not suitable for him. So, I would like to explore other carrier n if is good then buy for him.


yes it's broader. I think if u carry bb for a long period of time the birdie area will be squashed. It's the same when I used my bjorn. Cos it's meant to carry them close to our body. It's actually safer if too loose bb might fall out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shan: My experience was like yours before. I gave bb milk every 2 hours when he cried. But when I read the books, baby whisperer and gina ford, they said 2 months old bb can last 3-4 hrs between feeding. And that means if bb cry before 2 hrs, not necessarily becoz of hunger. So I tried to read bb cues. Finally now he can stretch to 3 hours and sometimes 4 hrs (very rare). Usually after feeding, he falls asleep, if he wakes up before 3 hrs, we give him pacifier, if rejects, I put a little honey on it, most of times he would suck on it until fall asleep.

But if after feeding, he doesnt fall asleep, we play with him.. but actually its recommended to have activity with him after feeding. When he starts to yawn, or rub his face/eyes, we know that he's sleepy and have to put him to sleep before he gets cranky. I half swaddle him. I tried full swaddle him before, but he screamed so loud and high pitch like a girl hahaha.. so I just put the swaddle on top of him and tuck the ends behind his back, just so he cant free his hands to rub his face over and over again, making him unable to sleep, and then put pacifier and usually he will fall asleep this way...

Btw, I borrow the books from Toa Payoh library. I still have them with me. You can borrow when I return them I guess....

HPC: No paige, that's what I want also. Only lucas and Natalie for Gemini; Lucas, Natalie and Lauren for Butterfly.

Michele: Can't try at shops already. According to them, it's out of stock islandwide. But it's very comfortable to use, I tried lightly on Ueno's butterfly, good and light material. The entire carrier is light. The belts are adjustable, fits both male and female.

Sharon: Good to hear that. If bb sleeps in air con room, just continue to apply thin layer at night.

Thanks ladies, now all fell asleep. Can relax a bit but still monitoring hb as the dentist said he need to go A&E shld he have fever but must ask for oral surgeon to see him. Hb rather wait till tmr to see specialist instead.

Jo, the lady seller manage to negotiate Paige for Gemini. R u looking for tat?0

Btw my gal has bad cradle cap and I applied olive oil but still come back and heard cradle cap shampoo will cause skin to be dry. So stress as realize her face also has rash...

Saw someone said use oat or somethin else to bathe bb and her skin will be better?

My elder one used to have rash and cradle cap but not as bad as my girl leh... Stress...

re: rota vaccine

just to update all that I had managed to get my lil girl to have her rota vaccine at PD clinic yday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] feel more at ease...

the nurse there told me rota can still be given before 6mths old....hmmm not sure why polyclinic stricter and said only before 12 weeks.

re: swaddle to sleep

seems quite a few of the mummies here swaddle their bb to sleep and seems to work well..

im gg to try tonite also...cos been carrying her to sleep and need to carry for 2-3hrs every nite..really tiring...somemore my wrist still hurting..think sprain it since after full mth and not able to recover since always need to carry her...haiz...

Naf, don worrie diligently apply olive or baby oil on the cradle cap will do n ensure no one itchy hand go peel it. My #1 hv alot, it came during his 2nd mth, on head, forehead, eyebrow n side burns area... Keep apply lo., by 4th mth they r almost gone. Tat I latch him, nothing to do hand itchy go peel abit, expose a bit red flesh.. Ouch! But no scars aft tat la.

Ya Jo, naf got us pAige for gemini.. Alot of us ordered tat..

Ya nelotte, no honey for <1yr, I rembr..

My boy suckle 5-10mins only, small & frequent meals, tat y every 2 hr, confinement was worst, almost every hr cried for milk then 5mins KO, no matter hw I wake him.

But recently my boy milk intake drop.. Is tat normal? Still drinkg 90ml but can drag 3+ hr instead of usual 2hr.

Ya Irene, I swaddle my boy at night, he can slp for ard 6+hrs. I leave 1 hand out. Daytime no matter hw I swaddle he can't slp long, I put him in yaolan lo. At least Ez for me don hv to carry.

Shan, I apply olive oil and massage on her scalp then use brush to get rid of the dry flakin parts. But duno y today seems more red? Jus hope goes away quickly or else mil see liao again make comments. Lucky today need not go back as hb unwell.

one question- what do you use to clean the feeding bottle nipple and pumping parts ? I am using pigeon liquid cleanser and I notice I used 700ml of the cleanser every week. Why do we need to use the specialized cleaning cleanser and yet need to sterilize the bottles ? Is it overkill ? Why cant we use normal dish washer and sterilize?

swaddle at nite is gd. Kp bb warm n he feels safe. Day time prefer nt to swaddle cos i feel bb shld stretch n exercise to grow. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] bt recently no choose hv to swaddle him in the day if he misses too much slp in the day.

ptb > my guess is tat the cleanser is nt so harmful even if bb accidently eat it. Sterilise is more for bacterial. Btw, y u use so much cleanser? Recently i find it vry dryin for my hand. Mak my hand dry n painful.

Naf, same I comb at the hair part.. Gently..

Red red eh.. Or maybe stop comb for a while juz apply oil?

mIL dunno this is pretty common meh? It will go away soon de.. Sometimes MIL or even parents' comments .. 1 ear in 1ear out.. Don brood over it.

My helper eh, v clever eh.. Told my mIL when I showered bb he will cry.. Well ya but nt all the same.. Coz I massage him he don seem to like it leh will Mk noise.

Then today MIL asked me with those typical tone.. Well I know She don mean anytin but juz don feel gd when she asked, though it's true.. :p

my helper v good eh know to 拍马屁。sheknow when I go wrk MiL will tk care of bb.

PTB, I'm

using tollyjoy.. I feel pigeon one v light.. I tend to press alot to get foam..

Detergent is to get rid of the grease mah, sterilize is to get rid of germs etc.

U can use normal detergent oso, but if never rinse properly

got residue etc, v strong mah.. I more ks.. I use bby's for kids..

Orangbb, I understand what you mean. Bf is really tough, so many things to worry about. I also asked Mdm Rokiah to massage my boobs today - very blocked she said. Sigh. First worry about supply, then about blocks, then afraid bb not having enough. Endless.

Ptb: I'm using pigeon baby detergent for all bb's stuff... Usage quite high... No choice... Bb still young, be safe then sorry. Normal detergent too much chemical..

Naf: thanks for the link n info given. I try to see if I could try on as I'm a practical person [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Milk pump:

My T-loan pump set (medela) broke down again... Just gone to buy another set (Ameda)... Sian... Now pumping n texting at the same time...

Btw, how many times u all sterilize ur pump set? After every use or just once a day?? I sterilize after each use, am I right? Or being over-do it?

Initially cl and i sterilize after every use bur I later read from that it's ok to sterilize once a day. Now I do it twice a day. I'm using medela. Not sure abt ameda.

One more mth before resuming wk but I'm already feeing v lethargic. Cham. Dreading it.

ptb: i used one bottle of 900 ml cleanser in my first month too...haha...are you squirting the cleanser into each bottle individually to wash? i was doing that until i decided to make a solution in a small basin (squirt a few drops + water)...now my second bottle two months still haven't finish...hee..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i believe it does help in bb sleeping better...i stopped swaddling after first month but recently started doing so again with nappy cloth and my bb sleeps an average of 6-7 hours every night...her longest record was 1030 to 630 once...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummies...how heavy are your bbs now? my gal is 6 kg at 12 weeks...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



First bottle I got Pigeon, then I find that I seldom use as I do fully latch on so I buy Tolly Joy.. much cheaper..


I swaddle my BB at night, only swaddle his body, his legs still can dance..

Re:BB weight

my boy wt 6kg at 8 weeks.. grow very fast..


cheer up! can understand how tiring it is for u, I think u really tried your best to provide for ur BB, if u really feel its too much for u, then switch to FM.. no stress yourself too much..


My boy got abit of cradle cap, my MIL apply coconut oil before I bath BB.. -_-"" don't ask me why.. she got alot of funny funny things one..

Re:BB hair

My boy got 1 white hair leh.. is it normal??

