(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Ueno, butterfly2 has the flap too. Only Gemini doesn't have. Went to YouTube to chk out last night and now deciding which model. Guess only when the child is toddler then easier to bfeed in carrier. From YouTube, seems like Gemini paddin is thicker, not sure whether it will be too hot for bb


Michele: Me maybe bringing bb to Bali when she is 6mths old... I duno if its advisable to bring them oversee when they r so young.

No. 2:

me stopping at 1 also. *high 5* to Chloe. 2nd child is not in my mind now.. retirement is... hopefully in 5 yrs time. haha.

Ptb: my gal had fever after her first jab...lucky the medicine works quite fast...we had a sleepless nite then...tis week bringing her for 2nd jab...so worried [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but not all bb get fever..maybe urs won't...jus standby thermometer to check temp after jab...

Ml: i bought enfalac small tin b4 at centrepoint cold storage...maybe some other cold storage hv too...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ptb: my girl developed slight fever after the jab...and gets more cranky and sleepy after jab too. these are the normal symptoms u may likely see after everytime jab but dun worry it usually last for the 1st and 2nd day only..after that everything will return back to norm.

and if only slight fever no need give medicine, just use those cooling pad will do.

only if fever go higher than if i dun remembered wrongly 38C or higher then give medicine as PD mentioned bb still young so not really advisable to take too much medicine

Thks Aphrodite. Jus cal up poly to mk appt liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Apparently Hospital 6 in 1 include Hep B bt nt Poly.

Chris, my understanding is that PD's 6 in 1 includes Hep B but not Poly as Poly u need to take Hep B on the second month then the so call 5 in 1 thereafter.

As for Jab, my boi had fever for 2 days cause i didnt feed him regularly on the med. Thot ok liao then fever came again.

Gals I heard from my gf, there's a shop in sq2 allows us to try the carriers. Y not go there hands on.. She din tell

me the shopname & level yet. Tot it b handy to fig out first b4 committing eh..

Let's go sq2 together? Hee..


I tried on #1 when he's 7mths n it's v hard for the both of us. Didn't try on S cos I feel it's not enough support for him yet. But i think if u really wana bf then bb nd to be smaller not bigger

I oso agree nt to let young bb take medication unless really needed..

My boy been having abit running nose & cough, thx to my #1.. I din bring him to doc.. Let him heal naturally..

juv, no harm changing milk powder as what my pd has mentioned.. as long as it is for infant de, also can be mixed.. In fact when bb on enfalac A+, she vomitted milk out v.easily whenever she uses her strength to stretch, so hb went and by NAN HA, same issue also.. In the end, dont wan to waste so mix both of the milk powder..

Who knows after visit to PD, we did mention the situtation to her, she says maybe can try enfalac AR, and hb heard le, went and buy.. Faintz.. The PD says can mix all 3, but we discard the NAN, only mix the enfalac..

RE: Infant milk powder samples

I have called up to require samples before.. They do not have milk powder for stage 1 only stage 2 onwards.. As government is encouraging bfg hence company cant distribute infant one.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

clover: Am keen on the beco carrier too... so can i check we are getting from the seller from SMH right? Cos am looking at the design or print available...the link said she only have 3 designs avaliable, right? When must we finalised order? Which one will u be getting huh?

shan & Jo: Why did you decide on gemini instead of butterfly? Care to share? Still undecided which to get ..Seems like the butterfly 2 and gemini not very big big difference..except the carry styles..

Jewel: I already booked a trip to taiwan in early Apr when bb is ard 5mth plus... i hope he will be guai guai during the trip...


The shop name is baby slings and carrier. I go find the website later and post. The unit no is #01-57

Anybody hav mothercare dec receipt? I needed at least one to be member. I've got oct, nov & jan. But to be member, receipts needed to be consecutive.

Clover: I also keen in the carrier but I need to discuss with hb first. Cos we recently bought I-go. Dunno he'll scOld me for getting another one or not.

Shan: on! I want to try Gemini. Saw ueno's butterfly and tried lightly, like it, good and comfy material. Light too.

Jen: I want the extra side carrying function, not sure if will eventually use but no harm having it. I'll decide once I try. So we go together try or on our own?

Mummies who are bringing bb on trips, don't forget your flu jabs for bb one month before. All the jabs definitely help.

Jen: I think of all her barang barang to bring... I headache. Cos now we go out, she has more things than the 2 of us combined. Hav to think of the logistic like bathing, moving ard etc.

Jo: oh yeah thks ... get more info from you during our lunch tmr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jo: thanks for the info. If we all go an try at the same shop but never buy there like not so nice leh ... thanks for the advice on flu jab, totally clueless abt it... what other things to take note huh?

Jewel: Yah, same here... like my friend her kid already 2 y.o she also dont want to bring overseas, she said go overseas like moving the whole house...lolx...i also xian to pack all the things lah ... but hor im going crazy soon if i dont go on a holiday. I'm more worry abt his milk.... i think must bring the whole tin(small) one there. Was thinking if by then he can start consuming abit of puree and cereal then will be better.

i am also bringing baby to Bali when he is about 6 months! Already booked ticket for whole family when i am preggie coz of air asia promo... but haven buy tic for baby yet. need to buy soon. I think juz have to make sure you bring enough FM and remember not to use the tap water, best to use mineral water. Diapers if not enough can always get from overseas too, so that part not so worrying.

Beco carrier

I will be going for butterfly coz hb n I r used to front carrying. I also like the head overlay v much which Gemini doesn't have.

I suppose if we can pool together 5 orders then we can send to the seller. She mentioned that hv to wait 2 wks for the carrier to arrive. Collection is at Sengkang. Any mummies staying there?

Bam, then I ask u to save $$ lah. Until yr hb declare he doesnt like it then u buy it lor, coz he will think u like to spend $ etc.. Lol. Initially I had a hard time convincing my hb to get. Pre-loved baby bjorn carrier... Lol. Oh! Forgot to transfer DTF $ to u. Sorry. I do it tonight, k.

Baby carrier,

wah everyone buying same carrier? I got alot leh.. but see u all buy like very tempted.. haha.. I got 2 slings.. 1 aprica carrier, my friend got me a Ergo carrier, and 2 of those X carrier.. haha..


I going to HK in May.. hope BB will be good..


I not getting the carrier but I don't mind meeting for lunch at Novena when u all go try for the carrier! haha

Hey which date u ladies going.. maybe same dates? we going 24-28 Apr.

ooo... scubabe, u going there to dive? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]... was joking with my hubby, we take turn to dive & look after bb. How to bath bb in hotel room? in the bathtub?.. :p

Woah so many of you planning holiday already wish I can go too haha but dunno go where leh

Just returned from clinic. Bb having his 6-1 jab and rotavirus today. Total damage almost 600 but lucky can use bb bonus :p

Pd said my boy is above average in terms of height and weight haha and he got sensitive skins that's why the pimple and dry skin ESP face

Jewel and scubabe u guys going diving ?? Yah we shld organize one and take turn to dive haha have not breath nitrogen for a year abit NWS already hahaha

Jo & bejewel u all gg sq 2 tmr Liao eh?

Haa nevermind take it we hv gathering there then shunbian go c carrier lo.. :p

ya clover I oso think if we gettg beco can pool together. Sengkang if after cny I think I can dropby to pick. Coz sat noon, normally we tk TPE from my place to Bedok.

U all steady wanna bring bb oversea liao.. I only bring my #1 out, oso to Bali when he's 16th mth.. I kiasee.. I even bring a big bottle of cooled boiled water...

Bam: need to spend $300 within 3 mths. I threw away some receipts then realized left with 3. Lucky they added up to $300.05! Bulk of it came frommy bb bjorn carrier and the rest from clothes for cny etc.

Anyone got Dian Xiao Er receipt? hahahaha

need to collect $500 spending then can be member.. my hubby throw away a few receipts.. I now got about $170 only..

shan: my bb also dun want to sleep in the noon leh.. Lucky i start working liao.. But after work go home i die.. cos i'm the one who is coxing her to sleep at nite.. she'll have a hard time gettin to sleep is she dun sleep at nite.

PLUS!! these 2 days i'm working late!!!!!

only 3rd day at work leh..

And the contact gal.. this whole week not coming in.. I really come back at the wrong time! Damn!

PTB: GP's jab more expensive. My gal also has sensitive skin leh.. every nite she eat her yummy mittens & rub on her face, next morn face all red [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Think the amt of luggage for bb & dive.. I sian already... most likely it will be a leisure trip... shop, eat & sleep. Anyway we dived Bali b4, water there v cold. Best time to dive there is in Aug & Sep can see manta ray & mola mola. With bb now, our diving equipment can collect dust the store room for a few yrs.

Shan: We just need a break.. & r bringing bb there to get ourselves stressed... muahhah. So ironical. Maybe after the trip, we'll promised never to bring bb oversea le :p

haha jewel I agreed with you. The bb stuff and dive

Equipment macam like moving house I also sian. Guess diving really can put on hold until bb is older haiz

Yah I dived Bali before .... Shiok loved the water temp

And the marine life. Lucky did all that b4 I got pregnant haha

lilyn - thanks for the advise. Last nite tried getting hubby to bottle feed while i stayed away but still failed. Sigh! will chiong out later to buy the different teats to try my luck [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

PTB, my boy just went for jab too. 6 in 1, pheumo and rota all done tdy. Was told he may hav fever. When I came back, his temperature inc by 0.5degree. But 15min later when I wan to feed him paracetamol, his temp went back to normal. I still feed him. Now he seems ok.

Sigh... Bb at this age should slp 18hrs.. I think mine is abt 10hrs Nia.. Dunno hw to Mk him slp more..

Bam, hope ya work gets bettersoon..

Haa gathering at Dian Xiao er..

Orangebb, recently I ate alot of Dian Xiao Er.. But hor only got 2 receipts..

Argh.. Can someone tell me how to make MIL disappear? Argh!!! I wanted make bb sleep n bb cry which is normal he always cry when he left alone to sleep.. Then she come in say bb not sleepy yet then carry out to play with bb!! Argh!! Now she took off his mitten let him suck thumb!! 2nd time already!! As if later bb don't sleep she will help!! It will be me n hubby who suffer lor!! Argh!! ]^}*}€~*#£+[>|

Shan, my baby also sleep less than 10 hrs in the past few days. I was super worried, spend whole day patting but bb just can't have a good nap. Colic wil cause bb unable to fall into deep sleep. He can't fall asleep due to the pain/discomfort. Try to massage for him.

Clover, how come Gemini is cheaper compared to butterfly since it has an additional feature ie front facing? Has the distributor reply you on the discount?

Argh!!! My MIL sneak to her room n sleep when I went out to throw rubbish!! She play finish with bb then just let him on the sofa n run! I really very very angry!!

Orangebb, u interested in the carrier also?

Nana, u missed my post. Distributor dun do BP.

Who is interested in beco butterfly 2 or Gemini? List your name below.

1. Clover/butterfly 2

2. Naf




Hammbiebao.. Haa sighz MIL.. I know wat u mean..

My MIL oso introduce thumb sucking to bb.. Nw bb wan fist don wan pacifier Liao... Thumb sucking difficult to get rid comparing to pacifier..

Nana v worrying hor.. Bb slp so lil. I do simple massage to

bb only, but he don like n fuss.. So I don hv the chance to massage him. U went to the lesson Liao? Useful?

For the carrier I maybe gettg beco instead of the Korean brand since only a bit price diff :p

Posted on Wednesday, January 19, 2011 - 9:12 pm:       

Orangebb, u interested in the carrier also?

Nana, u missed my post. Distributor dun do BP.

Who is interested in beco butterfly 2 or Gemini? List your name below.

1. Clover/butterfly 2

2. Naf

3. shan



