(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Irene, me too.. Going back to work on valentine's day after cny.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I thot pigeon scissor is rather useful on cutting bb's nail.. i have been using that, so far so gd!

Re: Mittens

I tried to put her off the mittens during daytime.. But once i see her rub her face with her hands and leave red marks.. Abit bu she de, so put her on the mittens again..

enmummy, taking med i tink wont cause any side effects.. but heard frm frens tt took the med to stop bfg.. their breasts become smaller than pre preg..

Jewel, me too.. have stopped bfg since the last week of dec.. menses also havent come..before that i was doing partial bfg wor..


JanO: My hubby and my zodiac also tame tame de. 1 pig and 1 horse.. end up we have one tiger. But i dun wan snake.. and if wait for horse maybe old liao.. so will try dragon.. but again.. let nature take its place..

haha....now talking abt zodiac huh....u all so cute....but hor, my gal zodiac tiger is the fiercest of all in our family coz, my son is rat, me is rabbit and my hb is snake.

She replied tat Gemini can carry front n back facing whereas butterfly 2 can only front facing us.

Is her price cheap? She will email me more details and will keep anyone who is interested.

i heard bb same zodiac as mummy will most probably b a gal. I m snake. Bt i wan2 try for 2nd one earlier leh. Gettin old liao n i dont gt preggy easily.

Re: BF

I am still doing partial BF.. coming to 3 mths liao. I pump 2 - 3x a day. Once when I wake up, once before I sleep, and once in the afternoon if bb is asleep and I am RnR.. milk supply is dropping. I am quite happy with this schedule as it does not affect my day schedule. Will perservere until the milk supply drops to zero.

Bam, then I think I have to avoid dragon cos my sis is dragon. LOL.

Thinking of trying for a horse, cos my hb is a horse. A fortune teller once told me, Horse and Monkey are not competible, unless the Horse lets the Monkey rides on it. haha. So I would like 2 horses in the family to ride on. :p

Halo mummies..


all along i also give Enfalac A+, bb will poo everyday. Then 2 weeks ago my hubby went to JB to buy cos cheaper, but i find the colour of the powder different as S'pore one leh and oso like more sticky...after 1 week bb refuse to drink le, so no choice i go ntuc n buy Friso to try lor, now bb poo once every 2 days nia. Tot of changing to Enfalac A+ again, this time round will buy in S'pore le. Any advise whether bb can keep on changing milk powder mah??? Any harm???


when bb 1 mth old i tried dun put mitten but she will keep on crying and like very scare leh, and she will keep on grabbing onto my shirt when i carry her, so no choice i put the mitten back. And now she already 2 mths+, yday i try to take off her mitten she seem ok liao but today she scratched on her face and hand...haiz


mine came in last week, wah the flow for the first 2 days alot lot leh, every hour i got to change the pad, b4 pregnancy not so heavy leh. Duno izzit after birth my mense only abit only like those 4th day flow and last for ard 5 weeks. So this mth come so heavy.

CSI, hpc - Hi, I share the same problem of baby refusing milk from bottle. Started last friday nite he was extremely cranky and cried like never before. Till now he is refusing to drink except by suckle.

Tried the bottle at every feed, enduring all the cries. After 10-20 mins, me and hubby gave up. Same as hpc, no choice but to latch on.

Any mummy here can help advise method to overcome this problem? The crying during every feed is making me very stressed out and worried. Worse still, I am returning to work next Monday, how to cope? Appreciate some help and advice, thanks.

mummywong10, here is the blog for the brownie http://www.berrycot.com/


I also don't like snake, cos my aunt is snake and I don't like her -_-"" sorry to mummies who is snake here.. I was telling my hubby, if we get a dragon baby, we can be "left green dragon, right white tiger"

Wow u mummy reali fast in action! So fast thinking of no2 Liao.

Haha I officially declare to my hub tat factory closed. Stop at 1!

Anyway, any mummies here keen in pet pet s size diaper? I gt 1 new pack letting go at $7. Will throw in loose pcs of huggies s size diaper as well. Self collect at amk. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] bb pigu too big to fit in...

Naf, her price is good. She will email me the design tonight. I prefer butterfly 2 coz I hv a bjorn that can also face front. Retail price for a butterfly 2 is $250. Dun think Gemini is available here yet.

re: menses whilst BF

mine were very short, and quite diff fr pre-preg.only little bit of flow

re: cutting nails

i've b using pigeon's nail scissors to cut..very easy! my girl will scratch herself otherwise..have bn letting her take off mittens for short duration whislt she's awake, cuz i find she wriggles out of her swaddle more easily if she's mitten-free

re: carrier

i have an ergo..i just bought the infant insert 2ndhand off another mummy on sat, so am going to start using it instead of my sling (more ergonomic)..ergo as is can only be used after bb is about 4-6 months old..can beco be used without additional insert for our young babies? as for back-carrying, to be honest i never did that with my boy..don't like not being able to see him if i'm back carrying!


no issue w bb changing milk powder usually..unless ur bb is v sensitive to tastes? u can actually call up the various milk powder company's hotlines to ask for samples if ur worried about ur baby having bad reactions to certain brands


u can try to feed the bb w bottle when bb is not so hungry..cuz if bb is already hungry=feeling frustrated...if don't get the breast=even more frustrated. also try changing the teat to a faster flow? also see if someone else can feed the baby, and that u leave the room? think bb can smell mummy, so it's better to be in the next room..

Clover, she said if more than 5 orders, will give 10% disc. U keep me posted too ya once she email u.

I went to check YouTube and apparently gemini can use as hip carry too.

Goin to ask hb to get this for me as a belated birthday present hehe

Clover, I received the email fr her Liao. Did u? I will be getting Gemini as can nurse bb whereas butterfly2 has an insert so can't nurse.

Mummy with bottles prob.. Issit the teat flow prb?

I recently changed mine from avent #1, to #2, he still reject bottle sometimes but wasn't as bad..

So naf/clover, tat beco is good deal? Wats normal retail price eh.. U all talk talk sound so tempting..

Menses.. I prefer it nt to come back :p hate the cramps & the troubles.. But of coz if no come, we worry abt our health.. Hee contradiction.. During my #1, I think it came during my 4th mth of breastfeedg.. Then the duration is same, last abt 5 days but all super heavy flow.. Hope this time rd won't be so heavy.. Gotta keep changing scare I stain my bottoms..

Naf, it's possible to Breastfeeding using a butterfly 2. I will get a butterfly 2. Share my opinion ah... Coz I dun need hip carry or front facing carrier. I like the head overlay to shield off sunlight n to make them sleep! Haha.

Shan, the carrier is BN but limited design. My friend bought her butterfly 2 for $240.

re: 2nd bb

wow some of the mummies here already thinking of making "dragon bb" liao!

u gals really strong!

me seems still in the "recovering from birth and busy learning to take care of bb" mode...no time to think of other things...but if do think now..quite scare to go into another round of preggy n giving birth. thus i'll say u gals already planning for 2nd one...*thumbs up* strong mummies!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Clover, can nurse with butterfly2 ah? Me now watchin YouTube on the carrier. Haha I like Gemini becuz of hip and face out carryin. Like butterfly becuz of the head rest for shade!

Any idea abt the thickness of both carriers? Wonder is Gemini thicker or same thickness as butterfly. My girl scare of heat one,

Naf, loosen the shoulder strap and lower baby to boob level to nurse, but not everyone can easily do so coz boob shape n nipple positioning is different. Not sure abt the thickness. My friend''s butterfy 2 doesn't seem hot to me.

Clover, happen to jus see one video on nursing in butterfly2...hm now undecided between the 2 liao! Btw which print r u getting?

Shan, am getting one as MIM sling giving me backache if carry too long as my 2nd boy wants to sit in pram now, fightin with meimei so got to carry bb for quite some time and hb tis time round dun mind to use carrier wor.

for those of you whose BB had their injection already, do they develop fever after the jab ? Or any unusual happened after the jab? My bb going for his jab later so not sure what to expect hehe

Hi mummies,

Thanks for sharing! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] now my bb is on enfalac after I was convinced by my hubby that similac constipating my bb. Well, I personally feel all FM the same (bb will get constipated). Hmm....at this moment in order to finish up the tin of similac, I'm get my bb to take both together, so far so good.


I'm still giving my bb to wear mittens n booties but will try to stop putting on for him soon as I hv been putting cream on his limbs n massage after bathed daily, must get rid of the cream first from the hands ~ by frequent washing. My bb starts to suck fingers now... Though I gave him pacificer, he will sometimes preferred his fingers then pacifier.

I also have been cutting / trimming his nails since his full mth. So far so good and I'm using baby nail clipper, think easier by using baby nail clipper.


I think I already had my 1st menses liao. Hmm.... Mine wasn't like blood flow, more like heavy spotting instead n lasted me 4 to 5 days like that. I'm not total bf my boy but on expressing n FM, on/ off latching only. I also hope to latch him n be total bf but my boy make alot of noise when latching him so i gave up that latching idea cos I believed everyone would know I'm bf-ing him in the public .... Hahaha I can't do it discreetly at all..!! Haizzz [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

2nd baby:

Infact I'm like some of the mummies here, thinking of 2nd

Bb already. My thgt of 2nd baby comes immediately right after delivery of my bb...hahaha... My hubby laughed at me n said 'shall see how u can handle this one first!'

I told my hubby, age is catching up n I dun wish to hv huge age gap for baby sibling too, furthermore, not always a few tries n u will get pregnant too. I'm consider quite lucky for this one (Tried less than 5 times n I got pregnant) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PTB: My bb gotten his jab ( 6 in 1) already... PD said 10% will develop fever, my boy so far didn't leh but PD gave us medicine lah, just in case. Think it also depends on individual bb's body condition bah. Dun worry too much...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm gg to send him for more jabs at the end of Feb... Hopefully he is tough enough (his body could take it).

Clover: that day during the meet up at bishan, u asked me which carrier I'm using, now then I finally rem to do some search on it.... Hahaha... Cos was passed down by my cousin. It's Infantino~ the model shd be Swift, only front n back position. So far my boy is okay... But I'm also looking into sling cos think easier for me to hv my meals esp out alone.

Ptb: my boy went for 6-in-1 at the gp. No fever either. But he gave up medicine and the syringe just in case. Though there was no fever, my boy was a bit cranky that day. Maybe I should say restless. My gp doesn't have package. Charged us a total of 93 dollars. think it's v cheap cuz 3 jabs lesser than 300 bucks. Negative part is gotta pay cash. The clinic doesn't even have nets. Positive part is 1) family gp so hubby is v familiar with him 2) walked to adjacent block only which means no stroller/diaper bag needed 3) virtually only ten mins time cuz he gave us priority

Menses: gosh ... My menes is like running tap.. Super heavy leh... Scary.. Keep leaking thou I'm using extra long.

Bb: dunno why now bb have to wake up 5plus for milk.. Not sure wat she do during the day since I return work... And evenever I see her.. She's either sleepy or sleeping.. Nor get to "coo" with her.. Abit sad..plus ytd 2nd day return ofc already work OT liao

Re: 2nd baby

I am also thinking of second bb. But I can't start till nov as I csect. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] anyway for me zodiac doesn't matter to me cause I die Liao lah. I 送羊入虎口already...HAhaha


U on partial bf and formula right. Can finish the tin of fm in time? I think it states on the can that must discard 3 or 4 weeks after opening (depending on the brand). I have prob finishing the fm so always end up wasting. Prob is I am using enfalac ha. Only got the big tins leh..

Michele, like I said, sling can be straining on the back.

Naf, evaluate more. If yr hb is using then must choose something he likes too. I like Lauren Design.

ML: ya my bb on partial EBM n FM... Hmm... My boy drinks quite alot.. Est 150ml per feed now. I think can finish in 3-4 weeks time. I also bought big tin enfalac for bb, but my Sis said certain plc has small tin like similac.

I gone NTUC to buy enfalac, didn't saw small tin one... Think need to find a small tin as sometimes if go traveling could use the small tin as container, dun need to n tsf here or there. Furthermore, powdery stuff are sensitive esp on customs clearance nowsaday....

Traveling trip:

Hi mummies, I intend to bring my bb to Bali for short getaway when abt 8 mths old... Is it okay? Anything i need to look out for?

Clover: thanks n will take note. That day I put him in carrier n I also backache leh... Perhaps the time is long ...or my carrier not good bah...

Clover, Naf: I'm keen in Beco also! Likely the Gemini. What about the designs? Do we get to choose? If can choose then I'm in! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I can finalise everything by today after I hear from you guys. Thanks.

Michele: Dont be disheartened. 2nd one easier to try. Now your body is still in the "ready for kid" mode, start trying now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Good luck!

Hi mummies, how to make bb get used to new teats? Sigh... I changed all her teats and she struggle when drinking for 2 days. Also, drinking much lesser. 80-100ml instead of 120-140ml previously. So worrying. She is screaming the house down. After that, I tried cup feed but she is too frustrated to wanna drink anymore.

jabs : does 6 in 1 include hep b 2nd jab in polyclinic? Pd sy include in his clinic. Bt my sil tld me in poly nt included?! If nt included i m in big trouble. My bb havnt tak hep b 2nd leh. Whn cn bb tak 6 in 1 at poly? Mus call to mak appt. Hopefully smbody cn hlp me in tis. Tried to call poly always engaged. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

jabs : does 6 in 1 include hep b 2nd jab in polyclinic? Pd sy include in his clinic. Bt my sil tld me in poly nt included?! If nt included i m in big trouble. My bb havnt tak hep b 2nd leh. Whn cn bb tak 6 in 1 at poly? Mus call to mak appt. Hopefully smbody cn hlp me in tis. Tried to call poly always engaged. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Naf, clover,

im using butterfly n I can't bf in it. It's hard to turn bb to the breast cos of the T flap infront of yr body. I wore nursing top n it was still v diff. He will get upset n plus I don't feel

comfortable at all. In the end unbuckle the carrier n feed so much easier

Unless they remove the flap infront of the body. Other wise it's quite hard. I haven't seen the butterfly 2, is there a flap? I didn't think they will remove it cos they said it was a safety feature


For polyclinic, hep B 2nd dose is taken when baby is 1 month. 6-in-1 is taken at 3 months. Maybe you can call the polyclinic to ask?


Michele- small tin 400g enfalac, I saw it at mt a pharmacy for $19.60 if I m not wrong.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

