(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Nana, its like that, I stay with my MIL I also feel stressed, recently hubby on leave so all the talking done by hubby, I know MIL not happy with that but I don't wanna talk to her.. but hubby back to work this week, so sad.. I can't wait to move out!


Hammie: endure!!!

Piggydog: i was told that if bb start to suck thumb or finger a lot, its better to intro pacifier to avoid the big finger

Ptb: my bb dun wear mitten during daytime now. I cut his fingernails when they r long. I will know it coz he always scratch me when latch. I trim bb fingernails a week after birth. Couldnt stand it coz his face has lots scratchmarks since birth, even My breast also got scratchmarks. Its like having a little cat at my breast.

Huh? Is it? I use pigeon baby scissors to cut it. Its quite easy, just need to ensure bb is calm. Best done when bb is in good mood or sleepy

I am not sure about the baby carrier cos I got another kind from korera, the sarong sling type but I think nicer than mums in mind that kind. Tell u wat, I just cut and paste the questions u hae on the Korean carrier and msn my sis for answer ok?

Breakfast at Cova I will skip. Hhaa..my office is actually at Paragon and I always got to Cova for meetings. Too early for me also [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


after 1mth he stopped using mittens, now wearing socks only. I cut his nails v often too. I have started eating normAlly after confinement. Cos I'm natural birth so I didn't have any restrictions. Ate prawns during bb shower

Oh, sems lik a few mummies hv alrdy start cuttin bb nails. Hmm.. ok, I will try to d tat tmr too. Wish mi luck. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ok, managed to catch my sister on msn. Here's her input on the baby carrier (I literally cut and paste):

j e n. s o o. says:

the max weight is 15kg

actually i think this person got email me. then i mentioned max weight is 15kg and said i going back end of jan. beco is same concept loh. just that asians think beco is angmoh brand so more stylo. haha.actually all same one la.

HPC says:

they said about the waist support?

someomne said beco has waist support this one doesn't have

j e n. s o o. says:

have la.. from the pic can see ma.

this one is like copy of ergo la. u know koreans like to copy. haha

but then they smart cos they add the mesh feature to make it cooler

if not beco and ergo is actually very hot one

cos it's canvas material

it's the mindset la.. i also will want to buy the angmoh brand even if it's more ecxp


cos angmoh ma

but then the angmohs will wanna buy this korean brand loh

cos u know the moon on the other side is always brighter

HPC says:

and ang moh brand cos more designs right?

i will post this reply to the forum k

j e n. s o o. says:

the prints are different loh

but this one got the mesh feature

cooler cos if not the whole thing is covered up very hot for baby

As for me, I think for now, I will focus on getting baby used to my sling cos she is very active and hard to keep still.

Hpc, haha, Ur sis v funny leh. Think she is referring to me. I can't see the waist support from pic n there is no descriptions on this also. The descriptions are too brief. Paiseh paiseh. Did u ask her about

Clover's question, is the carrier only for small size ppl? Hubby wil need to use the carrier too. Thanks. So if we got a few mummies buying together then can get further discount?

Hi mummies

Need some advice on bf when returning to work.

How much ebm to store in freezer?

How to express milk at work? Do u get extra pump parts or sterilizer at work?

Does that mean we will need to thaw the ebm for bb's daily feed? Do you freeze the bm in exact volume per feed?


Btw for nail cutting, the nurse advice is not to cut in the first 6 weeks as there might still be blood vessels under the nail even though it looks white. Anyway all our babies are past 6 weeks Liao. To take note for no 2. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nana, here's her reply:

j e n. s o o. says:

the carrier is good for petite people but doesn't mean that the big size ppl cant use.

sammi is 1.78 and 75kg also still got alot of allowance. just that it is able to adjust down to very small compared to western brands la..

even angmohs who are 100kg also can use leh.

HPC says:


j e n. s o o. says:

and tell her no fuirther discount cos i already providing free registrred mail

the normal price is $128 but i doing away the shipping and so it's $108 leh. And I got to carry the stuff back to sg.

Nana, if u keen, u email her direct k [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My baby yesterday super cranky. I think went out whole day and went past sleepy state to difficult state. So kept wanting to suckle but for coimfort only. And refused the bottle for a few days already. Cry like mad when we just put bottle into mouth. Wasn't like this all along. Maybe its a reflux thing but I got no choice but to just latch on...but worry when returning to work on 1 March. Hope this is just a passing phase...

Hi mummies, anyone using steralising tablets? I used a few days last week so that I do not need to watch the fire for the last pump and go to bed last week. But we realised that everything turned yellow.. Pump, medela bottles and the teats. Is it normal? Or I have to change all of them? I'll be changing the teats since they look really cloudy after being in the solution. Before that, I was just thinking that they were really clear. Sigh

Chris: I started trimming when Bb is one mth old n they grow pretty fast . Use those small safety scissors. When u are feeding your Bb, get ur hubby or mum to cut it. That's the time when they don't struggle n guai guai for there.

I oso cut bb's nail when he's 5wks +, day time I do away w the mittens.. Nite time I still put on coz like orangebb's bb, he scratch his face u until hot scars lo.. Mine v difficult to cut keep moving even when napping.. Only I can cut no one dare to do it. I using clipper, scissors c difficult to use leh...

So nana gettg the Korean carrier? I don mind try try..

i don't dare cut nails yet and haven't tried. my gf helped my baby cut when she was 5 weeks old. My mum recently helped me cut off the label behind a brand new H&M baby short my gf bought for bb. Then she accidentally cut one hole in the shirt....I heart pain. I told my hubby, eh..wanna ask my mother cut bb's nails? haha

Chris: I cut my bb's nails with the bb nail clipper one day before full month. After that I cut every other day cuz I stopped him from wearing mittens even for night against the wishes of my mum and mil. Want him to practise his motor skills. Only wear socks or bigger booties now. Some booties have gotten tight for him.

Food: I eat everything including prawns and sotongs already. Cold drinks are my fave! But I heard better wait till 4 mths for c sect births.

Bfast is too early! My bb usually has his bath between 830 to 9am. Cant make it by 930 for bfast.

First day at work - Back in office and good thing is.. my gal that took over me. never come today.. then everything i have to find and investigate.

Everything is in a mess....


Holly, slowly will get used to it.. Motivate u to get a house fast! Haha

Nail cutting,

I cut bb's nail when I feed him.. Few days ago I went out to toilet n when I back to the room, bb was sleeping with his mitten off and some scratches on his face! Heart pain!! I cut his nails every 2 or 3 days cos grow very fast..

Ermmm, I tot Sterilising tablet is mild bleach so shldnt discolor your baby stuff??

Baby nails

Nipped my no 2's skin 2 weeks ago. Heart pain lor but lucky he healed fast.

Anyone keen to come my place on Friday afternoon, 2pm.

Mummies: wanted to ask if anyone know of any spree selling cute BB pyjamas in set?

also would like to know if i take med to stop breastfeeding, would there be any side effect now or later on if i wanna no 2?

Michelle, I nv feed my bb FM but what I heard from my friend is that similar is very sweet, her bb got phelm when taking similar..

michelle> i also giv enfalac. Beside it being ex, i hv no complain. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] bt my bb only tak 2 fd of fm a day. My sis usin simila, she is happy w it too. Bt i hv nt use tat myself.

im also giving enfalac.. never let me bb try others cos he never make a fuss the first time i fed him with it..

sharon, y take med to stop bf? let it stop naturally la.. i also did that.. try cold press, it will reduce slowly to nought..

CSI, my mense finish liao lor, last week.. duration same as pre-preggy, last abt 4 days.

Bam> must be excited going back to work? miss ur gal or not

Dunno why these few days my baby can never finish her milk. The other time I was saying she drinking 160ml right. But now she's drinking 120ml -130ml. If the other time was growth spurt. Then the qty will reduce? Or will maintain after the growth spurt period?

My mum keep saying her stomach got wind.. But that will affect her drinking? Now.. She's not crying at nite or for long.. Jus that during noon she only catnap. HArdly long nap...

So many things to worry.....

Jun: ya.. Miss her lots! Back at work seems lost leh.., somemore the stupid contract gal never come today to handover.. Everything I have to self search email and investigate on her mistake.. Plus today first day of mense so tired!! And hubby not in Sg this whole week. I have to look after bb at nite myself... Siongz siah..

Clover : I'm also puzzled. Dunno why all turn yellow. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ermmm, I used pigeon tablets for about 1 mth, as my mil's place did not have a sterliser. The valve part turned yellow too. I thought it was due to prolonged usage, didn't link it to the sterlising tablets. But now that you mentioned... I think ya, shd be caused by the tablet. The plastic feels a bit sticky also.

halo all,

been MIA for quite a while liao...real tough taking care of bb on my own...

how's everyone?

bam: wow so fast gg back work liao! im gg back work right after cny..haiz sian..and sure will miss my lil girl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


btw can check if those having ur menses (not lochia) after birth..is the flow/duration same as pre-preggy? i hv stopped bf for a month plus already and menses seems to come last 3 days ago but seems there's only brown spotting (lasted only 1-2 days) and these 2 days no spotting at all liao...wonder if its normal...cos pre-preggy my menses is quite a lot on 1st to 3rd day and last ~7-9 days...


seems most of the mummies is letting ur bb go without mittens liao...im still holding on to both for my girl as she real fierce and will put scratches over her whole face...scare will leave scar on her face leh...

ya i also have started to trim her nails on full mth...n now like ~1 wk at least once..nails indeed grow fast! and somemore their nails are sharp even when its short...not to mention when they are long...even more sharper...

im using pigeon nail cutter(scissor type) to trim her nails...wonder if those typical nail cutter type works better??? most of u using which type???

Irene, my mense started off with spotting, was like brown brown discharged. It lasted abt 3 days then my mense cum. Duration is the same as last time.

Irene: for me my first day today seems normal flow leh.. No prior notice one. It's those first day flow kind.. Think tomorrow will be heavy if it's like last time.

hi mummies..how is everyone? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my bb taking enfalac since birth...so far ok...no constipation altho' she usually poos every alternate day...hehe...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mittens/ cutting nails

i have been cutting my bb's nails for the past few weeks...using normal bb nail cutter...first time very scared...now quite ok already...practice makes perfect [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]...just don't cut too deep during the first few times if you are worried...i also find my bb's nails growing so fast...less than a week long again!! i took her mittens off since 1 jan...she will rub her face when she is sleepy and sometimes will leave scratch marks but the redness goes away quite fast so we are not worried...the good thing is being mitten-free she is starting to develop her motor skills...recently she discovered her hand and fingers...we caught her staring at her hand quietly which was so funny to watch...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] think she is going to start sucking on them soon...and ya she is also learning to grab things...

jun: how to stop bf naturally? i also scared taking medicine will have side effects...

seems like quite a few mummies got menses liao...i am doing partial bf but no menses yet...hope it will stay that way for a few more months...hehe...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Menses: I've stopped bf for abt 1 mth, menses havent come yet leh. I hope it'll come soon.. so that at least I know my body has been regulated back to norm.

Nails: Nipped my bb fingers twice while cutting her nails. Was trying to cut deeper as she can still scratch herself even with short nails *dengz*. Will try with scissors instead of nail clipper, heard it is safer.

Mitten: Once I take off her mitten she will start to lick & suck her fingers... *yummy*. Her fingers will be stained with saliver. I'm leaving the mitten on.. maybe later will remove them during the day time.

Hi Clover, did u rec any update fr the beco carrier distributor? Saw someone selling in the WTS section and apparently is pre order and selling beco butterfly2 at 165 & Gemini at 150. But I duno wat is the difference between this 2 models.

Hmm, seems like quite a few mummies wean baby off Bfeeding already? It wilI certainly be difficult to continue when back at work. But I still have 2 mths of maternity.. Only gg back in April.

Now still struggling to keep up supply. Just manage to meet her needs. She drinks ard 150ml 6times a day. Have been trying to pump every 2 hourly to hopefully increase supply. So tiring!! And I bring the pump with me whenever I go. Even attending wedding dinner! Luckily got nursing room nearby.

Naf, no reply. Maybe she dun wan to entertain me. Ha... I SMS her again. Can u copy n paste the link of the thread selling the beco carrier here? I can't find it.


Distributor replied me that she doesn't do BP anymore. Oh well. That's too bad for us. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jan: that's why BFing quite leh chey... bring out the pumps everywhere can be quite tiring. now go out with BB must bring 2 bags. haiz...

Bam: I also scare i go back my contract gal give me shit work or shitty handover... we can plan together hahaha.. am planning for a Dragon bb also....

Jun: where can i get cold press? cos i did ask my gynae to give me med to standby...

2nd kid - wah, seems like you girls have 'recovered' from labour already and start planning for the next?

Dragon baby... heard that Tiger and Dragon get along quite well. But both so fierce lei!

My hubby and I are both of zodiac that "eat grass". If have 1 tiger and 1 dragon, surely kena bully by these fierce babies :p But, I would prefer dragon baby to snake baby. Hmm..

