(2010/11) November 2010 MTB


do u mean that u mix cereal n feed via btl? I will never do that cos choking can happen. But some old folks will suggest that. But just like Jo said too, no need to start so early cos their digestive system is not ready. If they r hungry can give more milk. I served my cereal in a weaning bowl n initially I only gAve 1 tablespoon, n I still need to bf bb after meal. The first few times r to let bb get used to solids not to fill him up. Plus we need to monitor for allergies so can't give alot in the beginning. It's a big milestone n I suggest that u do some reading so that u have a better idea how to go abt feeding bb.


diff carrier for diff stages. Now I'm using bjorn in 4 mths time il change to beco. I like beco cos the weight is evenly spread out to the hips but bb can't face forward I like bjorn cos bb can face forwArd n it's harder so when they r small it's more comfortable for them but when bb gets heavier the shoulders seem to be breaking.



Healthy Times cereal or Happy Bellies are good. But I dun like the smell of Happy Bellies...like cardboard smell.

chloe, i heard salary for ex-sin indo maids start from 370 with off day. no off day, compensate additional 20. fresh indo maids are 340 - 350 with off day. no off, add 20. Phil maids, fresh is abt 360 - 370 with off. no off, add 20. ex-sin is 380 - 400 with off. some agencies will try to push maids to you, disregarding what your requirements are...so you really have to interview them yourselves to see if they meet your requirements. do 't trust fully what you see on the maid's bio. o e agency i went to, told me that the preference rating (which job scope they prefer - baby care, elderly care etc...) is the admin staff anyhow input one or it's standard order...every maid has the same preference. like HUH??!! and the responses to the questions at the back of the bio are also standard answers (eg. are u willing to work without off day -- yes), but when u interview them, it's not the case. sometimes their names can even be wrong!

can go to http://singaporemaid.blogspot or http://singaporemaidcomments.blogspot to read. the blog also lists down procedures on hiring a maid.

Ueno: I don't see beco carrier around. Where can I go to try out? Want to check it out before I decide if I should get one.

Thanks CSI,ueno, Jo and Janiviy for the inputs on food... will check out the books on weaning.

Btw i grabbed Gina Ford "The contender baby's first year" at $10 at Harris Jurong Point... if anyone interested can go there and get.. i think still got one more .. only issue is that the loose cover is slightly crumpled only but inside condition is still as new... they also have Gina Ford "Top ten tips for contender's baby and toddler" (cant remember the exact name) .. it is a very small book going at $8.


last time I tried on my friend's carrier n we ordered direct from US n that was 3 yrs ago. If u wana try i can bring mine when we meet. Cozybabies let u try on b4 buying too. It's just like the ergo except that beco has got much nicer designs


Help....need your advise. Enfalac AR helps with the reflux problem, finally can drink calmly. But! her poo poo is damn hard...always straining to shit then even got some blood...DOH!!...how ah??

Hi mummies, so is Mon gathering at Clover house still on?

Anyway, I have an unopened box of Drypers S size to let go at only $45. Bought too many adn I think my babay cannot finish.

The good thing is the diapers come individually wrapped in packs of 2 so great for going out. Collection in Punggol.

Mummies, interest to learn Bb massage with a massage lady, Mdm rokiah? Need 5 person to open a class. $48 only for 1 session. The massage can help to reduce wind in tummy plus whole body massage. Pls let me know ya. She said she got special oil for massage n wil help Bb fart to release the wind.

Csi, at her shop, yio chu kang. So count u in lo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we need another 3

Mummies, thanks for e advice on fm+bm.. I shall continue to feed Bb w Ebm and let her have 1 bottle of fm before we head to bed. Am going to taste e milk before I feed Bb.

Shan, u're feeding Nan right, how many spoonful do u feed ya Bb for how many ml. Cos I wanna let Bb have nan cos they say it taste nearest to bm. But dunno how to prepare for Bb..

Bb bjorn Carrier,

I've bought e synergy model from the taka sales todAy. Having 15% + additional 10% for card members.. Abit heart pain but I hope it's a good investment..

Mummies, found there is a cheaper baby carrier, Korea brand. The person wil be coming to spore, she wil bring back the carrier and no need to pay extra shipping cost. Lots of nice design. More info here http://thekoreanbaby.blogspot.com/2010/11/singapore-preorders-for-boom-carrier.html

Jewel, u interested to join the massage class? Mdm rokiah said malay Bb hardly got colic coz they use their traditional oil to apply on Bb, she don recommend to use ru Yi oil, forgot what's the reason le. My Bb sometimes wil cry at night coz got wind, she curl her legs up to tummy, I see her in pain I also heartpain. Hope this class wil be useful lo.

Ueno: thanks! Shall try yours when we meet. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] maybe we can do breakfast one of these am after we dropped #1 at school. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nana: I saw your post on thekoreanbaby.....Jen, the owner of the shop, is my sister and I look forward to her coning back with her 2 cute kids....And she cannot wait to carry my baby girl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


even ur bb's vomit discharge sounds exactly the same s mine... quite a few of us have reflux bb eh... i was telling my hb its kinda common n he suggest we can form a reflux bb club... haha...

f c can dissolve in warmed ebm leh.. been doing tat in every feed except morning 1st feed cos wanna gv pure ebm so tat can create some loose stools hopefully


frequent large qty vomitting definitely will slows down wt gain for bb. logical thinking ma. bb dun digest the milk how to absord nutrients n fats n grow heavier? last x my #1 drinks a lot n dun vomit at all even no burps. guess tats how he gains 2kg every mth... abit sad... tis x round bm yield so much but bb dun drink s much... but my situation is improving well since f c comes in...

Trismum, hopefully this will go away soon. Comparin her with 2 kor kors, she more difficult. My whole body now badly as took 2.5hrs fr 7 to 9+pm to coax her sleep and she was fussin and cryin. told my mum that my girl really 母老虎! Hehe

Trismom.. Sigh.. For me hor.. I got experience coz my #1 oso lidat but wasn't tat bad. This lil tiger more severe hence I bought special fm for him, for #1, he juz outgrown it lo..

But for my both boys.. Wt gain were quite good.. My #1 wt gain slows when he on solid.. B4 tat during infant, his wt gain among my frens babies are consider #1, but on solid he took the last pl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hope my #2 won't b lidat.. My #1 is really small size..

Ya jiayew to all the reflux babies.. Outgrown them soon!!

Jen, there is only 1 session. So up to us to decide the date [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hpc, oh she's Ur sister? Haha, so qiao!!

Nana the carrier can't sit bb to face front rite? U buying?

So hpc, the carrier is good & popular in korea? It's cheaper compared to the US brand wonder they having the exact ftn..

Hee.. Wan save $ but of coz want

quality oso.. :p

Cherrie-my mum live in amk. Easier to send the maid off if any problem. The more agent I view,the more confuse I m. Lol. Hiring a maid can oso b a headache...

Csi- gd web.let me haf a beta understanding of the agency island wide.went to 1 agent which has does media advert but was told onli bio to c. No interview and their bio is accurate as they haf their own base agent in indo,tell me to rest assure wat I c on their bio, is wat I get. And the maid can reach me b4 cny.tell me to put a deposit 1st. Has exp in handling a 1 yr old kid n no ex sin experience.juz wonder how many % can I believe her words.f

Shan, I read from website, Bb can't be carried facing front coz of the spine behind, it's not ergonomic For Bb. Thus u can see beco also only got back carry. Ya, Mayb u can ask Hpc about the quality.

So jewel n Jen, r u confirm to join the massage class? We gr csi, Orangebb n myself. Next week Mdm rokiah wil be away to indo, so the class Shd be aft next week.

Shan, IMHO, if u only use the carrier for v short period eg not for carrying Bb during the whole shopping session, u can consider the korean brand. If u want to use the carrier for long period, u Shd consider beco coz got waist belt support so u won be so tired carrying Ur Bb.

Nana, will it be a weekday or weekend? Morn or afternoon?Have to see schedule b4 I can confirm cos I'm working n bb with nanny already. Sms me ok, thks.

Nana: Im keen for the class.... preferably weekend.

Dangerous for BB to sleep on tummy:

I think last week, few of us are still reeving abt letting bb sleep on tummy, however just saw a taiwanese talk show last nite, the doctor does not recommend bb younger than 1 year old to sleep on tummy.... it is closely linked to increase the possiblity of Sudden Infant Death syndrome (SIDS) which is peak btw 2 - 4mths. I did a search on internet and below is an article that provides more info on SIDS


Thou articles in the web mentioned mostly to American kids, however i guess it is better to be safe than sorry...

Jewel, Jen, ill contact her admin then inform u again ya

My house is in a mess now. Mil, fil, sil, bil all staying in my house now. Super noisy till my Bb can't sleep soundly keep waking up coz of their loud noise n scream. Alr told them dont talk so loud but they don listen. House so small and so many ppl squeezing i really overwhelmed. Hav to endure for 1 mth Til they go off. Now I'm more tired than when I'm taking care of Bb alone in the past 2 weeks

Nana/hpc, wats the weight limit of the Korean baby carrier?? Didn't see on the site. I look at the pictures n found the models on the small side. Then tried to goggle for more info, a Malaysian seller recommend it for petite moms. Saw some description that the carrier can be used till bb is 3yo, but if bb is big, means can't use carrier for long?

Still no reply...

Hi mummies,

i got a Medela Electric Plus Dual Pump Singapore set bought from Kiddy Palace at $309 with 10 percent discount on the 24 Dec 2010. Used less than 5 times, condition very good with a pair of brand new valves. Now still under warranty. Now selling at $250 with 50 Lactagreek (Fernugreek) pills bought from my gynae @ $30 for increasing breastmilk supply and 3 ebm glas bottle with a bundle of plastic caps. Will throw in 2 boxes of Pigeon Diaper Liners too.

package at $250

-Medela Electric Plus Dual Pump

-50 Fernugreek pills

-3 ebm glass bottles and a bundle of plastic caps

-2 boxes Pigeon Diaper Liners

interested email me @ [email protected]


do you ladies still let the bb wear mittens and booties ?

as for me during day time i stopped letting bb wear but night time when sleep in aircon room then i let him wear

Hi mummies, how to differentiate between thrush and blep? I think I have a blep which I poke it yesterday. There was a little blood then after that looks like a lot of thickened milk. Today, it seems like there is dried blood covering the duct. Felt that the duct is still stuck as I can feel it with I do manual expression. How can I get it healed? And can still give baby ebm? I'm scared it's thrush and I didn't get it cured and baby also gets it.

PTB, daytime I never put on mitten for bb, but will wear socks, night time both on..

Nana, endure! Sometime let bb get use to noisy environment easier for u in future! Haha..

Ueno, breakfast too early for me! Haha u all enjoy!

mitten n booties r on all the time. Nails so long. He jus scratched himself on the face quite badly recently. Hope it will nt leave a scar. Hv anyone started trimming bb nails?

Chris, I started trimming her fingernails just before 1st mth. Now I do it every 5-6 days as bb's fingernails grow very fast. I have not trimmed the toe nails yet.

Re: mittens and booties

BB seldom wear mittens nowadays, unless we are going out to aircon places. She wears booties on cold rainy days only.

My bb is always licking and sucking her right hand nowadays. Today worse, she grabbed hold of my finger and started sucking, refused to let go. -_-" I am quite worried that she will form the bad habit of sucking thumb. We hardly give her pacifier..


I think all babies at this stage will want to suckle... my bb started to suck his hand at around his 6th week.. we also seldom give pacifier but he will try to suck his thumb or fingers..

my hb's niece still sucks her thumb, and she's now 3 yrs old. She has a raised bump on her thumb, which is most likely caused by the constant sucking.

