(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Jolyn - try to pump more. 2 times too little. The more u pump the more u yield.

Yes I also got sng sng feeling at v area.


Hi cherrie77,

I'm not that disciplined lah. I just make sure I dun wash my hair or bathe for first 2 weeks. I still use normal tap water to brush my teeth and those tap water to spray my bottom. I also on the lowest level wind speed for my ceiling fan cos bb is sharing my room. Haha I try my best but sometimes hard to tahan cos too hot liao. Luckily weather recently like windy and rainy.

Hi bam / enmummy,

I also pump ard 90ml only. Today is 12th day. But in between I did try and latch bb. Dunno if he drank any bm. After that will feed ebm. Day time I rarely feed him fm. Tonight gg to start pumping around the clock hopefully I can cos when bb cry for milk I've to feed him ebm or fm first then pump nobody is helping me with night feeds. I look after bb myself.

Whitecookies- yes i also freeze those and let bb drink fresh ones. Decided to give bb those maybe one packet daily starting next mth

I still pump ard the clock with mostly 3 hours intervals. Only sometimes really lazy or tired then I will skip 1 or 2 cycles.

How much of fluids is enough. I'm drinking 2 flask plus of red dates tea daily. Plus Milo and I'm adding on annum to increase milk..

Mummies really wei da..let's all jia you!!!

CSI: my CL can even tell which part cannot be sterilizered under heat! N She knows how to assmble the parts!! So I let her wash cos she keep telling me to stay away fr the washings. Think if urs know just let her do it or else teach her lo since u shld aso stay away from water.

Hi mummies, my milk is coming in today n starting to feel engorged. Bb is too young to clear the milk m i tried expressing. The nurse gave me cabbage leave to relieve the hardness feeling. Wonder if this will reduce my supply drastically?

Jo: thanks for the encouragement.

I sometimes also pump till pek chik ... i pumped max of 3 times a day only... if my interval between pump is too fast ... i will only yield 10ml from both breast. If I wait longer then pump at least ard 30ml - 50ml. Started taking fenugreek and find the milk comes out faster compared to last time but volume wise still not much improvement. Will continue to pump. Thanks for all the encouragement.

Think I've starve my bb for the past 2 weeks. Though I'm giving her ebm but on 3 hrs schedule.. Actually on 2 hrs she is hungry already but we jus gave her pacifer to drag the time to 2.5 or 3 hours..

Think I'm going to switch to every 2 hrs feeding too.

Then nite time feed fm see if can last her sleep longer or not.

strawberrys79> maybe u try to tune yr timing/bb timing so no overlapping? like by the time u pump finished just nice to feed bb with the bottle or pump one bottle in advance in fridge to feed bb, then after feeding pump yr milk?

hmmm..seems like quite a number of mummies pumping..anyone just latch all the way and no pump??

I have been toying with the thought of pumping 1side cos the nipple is sore and bleeding...seems difficult to heal cos i keep latching..haikz...but i m quite persistant to fully latch on this time round cos for #1 i was pumping exclusively..wana try latching this round...and i dun wan to expose bb so early to bottles cos i scared bb will be lazy to suckle at the breast..how??

strawberry i see...heng my mom dun insist on 40days haha... think i will die :p

tenderhearted i did not say they have no license cos i dunno..unlike sweetest moment..they never mentioned anything abt their license and neither do their website show any sign of their licence haha

jolyn same as you i find some of the confinement rules simply dun make sense and have no intention to follow them too haha

just visited gynae this morning...BB only gained 70g while i put on 600g...guess he is slowing down the gaining already ...so todate weight 3.47g...i think partly also because i cut down on milk...instead of the usual 2 times per day now only 1 time per day and hb say i starve his child :s also did CTG today... heartbeat ok... BH /contraction at irregular timing so not likely to have any action so will proceed as per planned... i was also given lung booster cos gynae say because i will not be going through natural process and BB cant expel the water in their lung naturally which they normally do when they go through the birth canal so need the injection to help them clear the water in their lung ...the shot surprisingly abit pain...but it goes away after awhle ..other then that all went well for 38wks 3day

mummies, i just went for a 3 hrs baby photoshoot today. bb is 14 days old...quite a bad experience, cos bb was crying half the time. She didn't like wearing the woolly knitted costumes that the photographer provided. And she also cried when the photographer put her in uncomfortable positions..

Sighs, spend $ to torture my gal. The pics have better be good.

Hi ladies...

Can I join you? My bb girl was supposed to be born on 18 Nov, but due to cord round her neck, I was keen to take bb out in her 37 week since she is full-term and hit 3kg.

So bb Alethea was born on 30 Oct. She's our little princess; third child after two boys [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

May I know your fb page to join as well?

Bluesoda – Possible to be that is the difference from east and west.

Chris - wk39d2. BB is 3.7kg looks quite big, since u are small size may be u should consider c-sec to reduce the risk.

Ange - My maid is from Indo.

PTB – I think bb active or not depend on several factors, I’m 37w5d bb very active, and her movement is very scary can from one side to the other, I guess is because I am tall and bb is small size. If bb is big might no room for them to move so much.

Piggydog: so fast u bring bb for photoshoot?

My mum forbids me to bring bb out except for doc visit. She says they are too small liao

Bam, ya... nb photoshoot is supposed to be taken within 14days. So bring her out loh... really regret leh. Her skin went a bit red, not sure if it is cos the woollen costumes are dirty. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

NB photoshoot, I also thinking if wanna do the photoshoot.. but hubby find it exp leh.. all around $250.. any good one to recommend anyone??

VT, i told gynae this morning she said likely there is no space so all i can feel is twist and turn and occasion punch ...no more those strong punch cos no room for him to stretch...maybe that is beacuse i am not tall...just 1.6 and room is limited haha

woah piggy 14days old photoshoot already...well like bam..my mom and hb sure object cos too young.. guess if i want photoshoot i will follow tradition ie 4 months old take cos that's when they can react and smile when provoke haha in the mean time i will just use BB as subject to practice my photography skill hahaha

anyway, jus visited my gynae, everything is good.. as usual we were unable to see BB's face thru 3D scan cos his hand always cover his face!!

Blanche: welcome!

piggydog & cherrie> thanks! so we can use shampoo during confinement rite? just that we need to use da feng cao to rinse off the shampoo rite?

today went for gynae visit and gynae did a VE for me..a little painful..but the pain still bearable...sad that my bb still not engaged at Week 38...can anyone let me know when is the latest for bb to be engaged?

bluesoda, should be ok to use shampoo bah.. don't think the hair will be clean if we just rinse it.

PTB and Bam, my hb was not very supportive of taking the photoshoot, but I still went ahead with it. The session went quite badly that my hb almost quarrelled with the photographer loh.. Now I just hope that baby doesn't fall sick. I didn't think of so many factors when I made the booking for photoshoot. Sighs. Bad mummy.

Hammiebao, if you want to take nb pics, you can consider paying a bit more and let the photographer come to your house instead. At least the baby will feel more comfortable in homeground.

Im intending to DIY just like wat I did for my pregnancy shots.. guess my bro can do it well.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]




I'm latching exclusively. After confinement I will pump once a week on sat when I'm going out n leaving my bb w hb so that he can feed him. Otherwise it's going to be 100% total latch on.

bluesoda> i use shampoo & shower head water to rinse off before rinse again with da feng cao over the head as i afraid the water not enough to wash off the shampoo. most importantly blow dry yr hair.

Blanche> welcome, you can pm me your fb email for me to add you & send you the invitation to join the fb group. wow u are a mother of 3!

orangebb, no leh.. bb is not anywhere near. only felt the irregular contraction last nite. im back to the waitin game now. maybe i can take what jollymummy suggest. hehee!!

nana, have u called ya gynae to check?? dun worry abt false alarm, most importantly is ya lill one n u.

tenderhearted, ofcos cant do very tedious one la.. its jus very light exercise. squats, strenchin. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

RE: Shower

I also shower daily and wash my hair once every 2 days. I use shower head for hair since requires more water....as for body I will use the da feng cao then final rinse with shower head. Really breaking all the confinement rules but dun care la...all the food are making me really warm and I perspire like mad...plus I think its important for us to keep clean since we are BF. I will prob regret in the future when I am older but heck for now...hehehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mommies, hope u are all coping well.. been totally busy n tired looking after BB..but seeing her grow healthily makes everything worthwhile...

Btw, mommies, may how much does BB drinks at diff stage, eg: 1 mth old / 2 mths old, etc... I dunno exactly hw much does BB drinks so till nw i still give 80ml (she is few days to full mth le) but it seems tt she will want milk often n timing shorten.. sometimes after an hr after i feed her she still seems like looking for something n when i latch her on she is sucking milk as well n at times can suckle for 25mins or more.. im confused n i wonder shld i increase milk volume... any mommies can advise?? any guidelines to share...

Jo> have you tried the EYS herb 王不留行? is it effective? im worried im not producing enuff bm after delivery..so wondering shld i gt fenugreek supplements or i shld try this chinese herb

Babywonder you can try to increase the milk by 10ml if the time shorten from 3hour to 2.5 or 2hour. I think you can try to feed her 100-120ml since she's about a month old, cos my Bb who is 16 days old is drinking about 100-110ml BM (lasts about 2.5hrs) and 90ml FM ( lasts about 3+hrs)

bluesoda i did a quick search

王不留行 known as: Vaccaria Seed

Source: Seed

Property: Neutral

Taste: Bitter

Channel: Influences the liver and stomach channels.

Actions: To stimulate menstruation and Blood circulation; promote lactation and disperse swelling.

Indications: Agalactia; amenorrhea; dysmenorrhea; mastitis with swelling and pain of the breasts.

but it didnt say how to eat...scully need brewing etc .. = troublesome right

Thks rxsti for ur help! Shall try to give her more.. else i will be so confused over her amt of feeds.. But will tt be too full for them ah? thks!

Bluesoda: yes, I just ate it yesterday. I bought 200g to try. I saw the tcm program and it happened to talk about lactation. Ancient people use them when they Ve engorgement or want to stimulate milk. As for how to eat, the show recommended that it is to be boiled with fish soup. Very small seeds like bao ji wan. I'm not sure about the effect yet, I think it's like fenugreek of Chinese med?

Cheerios: I latch exclusively since my stay in hospital. So far I pumped to store- bb slept through feeds and nights.

Blanche: welcome!

Babywonder: your girl may be going through the growth spurt, increase slowly so you won't overfeed.

Clover: cabbage is a no no, pump it out. The effect of cabbage is instantaneous and potent. When my milk came in and bb not drinking fast enough, I pumped and store.

Jo: Im buying this to try aso.. Since u recommend ;) will tell my CL to cook this ;) the name of the seeds is aso kinda cute.

Ptb: thks for the more info on this.

ashgray: yes the nuk ones that come with the bottles are disposable...use once and throw....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

OrangeBB & Mrs Lee: Too late for me to learn any yoga or pilates now I guess.. thought of gg for a swim this afternoon but hubby didn't allow saying it doesn't seem safe for me & BB so went for full-day waddling in the malls :p

Nana: How are you now? All's well?

PTB: Oh.. so not confirm they bo licence hehe.. you're 3 days away from cuddling your darling woh.. so exciting!

Blanche: Welcome & Congrats too! Placed you on the Oct/Nov Birth List here. Please feel free to share more of your BB girl's birth details with us when you can via:

To Add/Update Birth List via Online Form


To View Birth List


tenderhearted. To play safe email ask them lor :p

Yah 2 more days to go and guess what nurse suggest I go eat what I want within these 2 days else I have to wait longtime before I can eat them haha

PTB: Funny to ask "Harlow, do you have licence for making ang ku kueh & red eggs ah?" wahahahahahaha.. ya! Go eat ALL you want woman! Totally understand & agree with the nurse [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Just saw the list that you have given birth!

Do share your birth story here with us! Managed to have a VBAC with Dr Lai? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Babywonder if Bb is too full, when you burp them they will burp out the excess milk or Bb can sleep longer time than usual 3 hrs.

Jewel: me thinks it's a no harm trying dish also. I think there's a story to how the name came by in the program, just that I was more interested in the usage of the seeds.

PTB: thanks for the extra info on the seeds.


Came back from gynae today, next visit will be 1 week later, bb weight same as I jus visited gynae like 3 days ago.. Cord still there but blood flow and bb heartbeat is good.. N bb move alot.. Bb nit engage yet.. Today is my 38th weeks

Mayb I know how u ladies' gynae check if bb is engaged? Cos I asked my gynae if bb is engaged then he jus use his hands to press press my tummy then said not yet.. I tot he will use U/S to check..

