(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

I think I've got piles!! Should I call dr or go GP?

I read that it's common to get piles after delivery?

Today I poo with blood.. Kinda of worried..


Maid: my indon maid is here. first day she came close to dinner time. I had to get my hubby to buy a dozen of eggs and Cl fried one for her. She ate v little and she said tummy ache so couldn't eat well. We asked her to rest early and sleep in the other room while my Cl slept with bb. Yest she ate v little too. But her household chores were done by 8 plus. I let her sleep at 930pm after her hair was dry after shower. Today she's sniffing away. Said flu. I had to give her two panadols just now. Haiz. She seems so weak. Tonight gotta ask her to sleep in separate room again. She's supposed to shadow my Cl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Actually baby can't tell day and night. Was baby very active at night during your pregnancy ? Most likely it's baby's body clock. What you can try is make the place bright (but don't shine the lights directly at babyand have some noise (music but not lullaby, TV etc) and as dark and quiet at night. Try to avoid eye contact and dont talk to baby during night feed. Eye contact simulates baby a lot ! Charlyn also kept us awake till almost 3am plus the 1st few days. Now she'll sleep soundly thru the night only up for feed which she'll drink and goes back to sleep. If you on aircon at night, do make sure baby is nicely kept warm and room temperature should be around 26 - 27 degrees and not too low.

Bam: did hospital give you medicine to soften stools? That will help.

Tenderheart: All the best!

Swelling feet: Read somewhere that the body is adjusting to having more blood than usual (to support baby) hence the excess fluid. Mine still ok, remember to keep feet up while sleeping.

BTW: what's the vol of FM you supplement baby? Mine is drinking ~70 ml for 3hr feed. Is it too little or too much?

Bam: Yes, piles are common. Ask your GP for medi to apply on the piles and also the medi to soften stool. I got the cream when i was in hospital.

Seet Yoke : my bb is abit on the small size(2.3kg when I delivered), he is drinking 60ml every 4 hrs. I think hard to judge if yours is too little or too much cos every bb different size... my CL says as long as after feed bb didnt ask for more then should be enough. Cos like my bb if satisfied with his feed he will go into sleep mode within 5 mins, so for him I think it is sufficient at the moment.

tubao, woohoo!! u're a champion, twins w/o epi.. this shall be another motivation for me! hahhaa.. going to tahan..

jun, my swellin gone abit..nt sure if its due to the brown rice i took or, its the sign of labor.


other den backache since Mon, last nite n this mornin, ive been havin cramp. but cant differentiate whether is gastric or low tummy. but can fee bb engagin herself, keep pushin her way to my v, damn pain.

nana, take it easy..watch comedy or smething, dun be so tense ya.

naf, so gynae says its ok to delay afew days isit? ignore ya hubby la, guess he is stress w work or nervous abt QE too. me also feel emo tat day, tat i cry.. hubby kenna shock. lol..

Thanks Mummies for your advices. She sleeps like a baby should during the day but becomes a lil' terror at night...I am trying to brighten the room as much as possible now so that she can differentiate between day and night. Not sleeping at night is really bad cos I actually dozed off while latching her...which can be rather dangerous. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

She likes to be rocked to sleep at night...funny! But day time she can just go to sleep on her own...really dunno wat she wants.

Btw for those mummies who r pumping, how do you store your milk? I am using milk bags but find it rather uneconomical and environmentally unfriendly. Only into her 9th day into this world and I've used up 2 boxes of milk bags...thinking of getting storage containers instead...any comments?

orangebb, red bean soup ah? can we take that during confinement? If can I'll try it...hehs.

re feeding baby water. I brought bb to PD earlier today. Asked PD about it too, esp for jaundice. He said yes, it's preferred that we feed bb some water, so that bb can pass out the jaundice. this is esp so if bb's poop and urination is not very frequent. The light therapy / sunning will help convert the bribulin (forgot how to spell) and direct it to the poop/urine, So drinking some water can help flush it out and reduce jaundice faster.

re maids, yah, I also heard that PH maids are tough to get now. am thinking of trying out myanmar maids...anyone having a myanmar maid?

oh yah, the PD also said, for slight jaundice cases, we can use normal reading light at home (any flourescent light - energy saving ones also can....as long as it's white light), put 3 feet away from bb and shine on bb's face. coz these days got not much sun....hehs...

Originally wanna go to you rong zi for BB's name. But yesterday saw someone introducing Long shi fu for BB's chinese name calculation. Can't rem who liao, but seems lik he is highly recommended and also quite popular in this forum. Does anyone here has his contacts? Can send to mi? Many thanks in advance. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Whitecookies: to differentiate night and day, you can change settings in bb's rm. You can try this: Day- let her sleep with curtain drawn, fan, blanket slightly cover over her body. Night time- air con on, swaddle her, lights off, except for night light, soft music... Whatever you do, just make a clear distinction between day and night. Soon she will know, they are very smart. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi tenderhearted , I got loose stools before I went into labour hrs later . Jia you!

Any bb here rarely wakes for milk durin the day? Do u wake him/her up every 2 -3 hrs for feeding?

Hi Ladies,

I find my no. 2 beri diff from my no. 1 leh....

for no. 1, i do not recall hving backache or cramps before (or mayb i hv forgotten). but i do remember how the labour pain or contraction is like for no. 1....where the pain start from the back then all the way to the tummy lor....so i am keeping a look out for the pain lor....

nw i am 38 weeks and 1 day le....and so far my last gynae check up also did nt do VE check lor...so see if this coming monday check up will do VE check or nt. in fact for my no. 1, i dun remember my gynae do VE check for me at all lor....heehee

or mayb tat time before he could do VE check I already deliver while he was away on leave lor.... ;-p

went to c gynae yesterday. I m in wk39d2. BB is 3.7kg, he put on abt 0.1kg since last wk. Last visit doc adv mi to consider induce if Bb nt delivered by this visit. Bt yesterday I tld him I prefer BB to choose his own bday. Somehw I don't feel comfortable deciding whn BB shld cm to this world. So doc run a few tests for mi, VE, CTG and etc. My cervix is nt open yet. Bb nt fully engaged. BB's heartbeat and water level is ok. Doc also uses his hand to chk BB's head and body thro my tummy. Thn he gives mi the "ok" to wait for anthr wk, which will b my actually EDD on 18 Nov. But I mus closely monitor BB's movement. Any decrease in movement mus go to him immediately.

Jus heard it fr a fren tat since I chooose to wait, ther wll b a high chance of emergency csec, since BB is alrdy 3.7kg. She also share w mi tat someone's BB was delivered at 4kg although scan shows BB was only 3.1kg. Gynae actually break BB's collar bone to get him out. This stry freaks mi out. Nw I m nt so sure i hv made the rt choice. I m leaving everything in God's hand nw.

Thanks Mummies for all your well wishes in advance but my BB prefers to stay in still!

Just back from Gynae and thank goodness I chose not to admit first because my (first) VE check shows that I am only 1cm dilated nia..... Gynae gave me the option to go home since I prefer BB's birth to be as natural as possible.. BB is 3.5kg at Wk 38+1 while I lost 800g..

Gynae advised me to wait out for bloody show (she asked me to ignore some bleeding which may occur shortly due to VE), waterbag rupture or very strong contractions/backaches (must be so strong that I can't walk or talk)before getting admitted.. or else I can choose to induce since BB is of a very good weight..

Funny thing is even the nurse who touched my belly thought I looked and felt due since she said my belly is so hard.. the contractions are still coming in even as I type now.. Anyway, muz tahan the cramps & lower backaches.. home again for now for more rest & food... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

VE: Not painful.. I remember to take deep breaths as discussed here.. tho 3 fingers were stuck in with some force...

Chris, ur BB sounds big.. I guess its true that u might end up doing C-sect.. cos BB quite big wor.. maybe discuss with your hubby again and see how lor.. I think if end up BB too big must C-sect then no point going thru natural birth before it..

Naf, relax, I guess now we all quite emo.. I think sometime when I think of deliver I will cry.. not those scare type but I just find it very touching.. and for me FTM.. maybe even more emo.. haha

Insurance for BB,

Anyone looking for financial planner please PM me!! haha.. hubby just started working as one with bank.. no obligation!!

Nana, relax relax!! I think we all have some fear as date drawn near..

VE check, weird that I didn't feel any pain when my gynae did the check.. -_-""

Did anyone do the massage..(forgot what it call but massage the V area)? I was curious and I try to insert 1 finger in my V and I think I can feel something hard leh.. don't know is it BB's head or what..

TuBao, Congrats!! twins without Epi!! rest well!!

GF book,

will check out the GF book and Baby whisperer later at Times!

tenderhearted >> seems lik we r almost in the same situation. My Bb is also feeling vry comfy in my tummy. My hubby even tell my gynae, in chinese, tat "BB eat well n sleep well inside. Still don't wish to cm out." Haiz...

hammiebao >> ya, doc also says he is nt a small BB. Bt bth hubby n I quite small size leh. Wonder wher BB gets his genes fr. The problem is my hubby super easy going type. If I ask him, thn he will say,"Watever u wish lor." [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Equals to talking to the wall.

Chris, cos my friend went thru natural birth first n BB can't come out.. But dr already cut her V then went for c-sect.. Then she had to suffer 2 wounds.. Which is quite bad leh.. If can't get ans from hubby then discuss with ur gynae again see what he recommend lor.. Or maybe your mum..

Mummywong, don't think my parents will come back cos they having business in HK and very difficult for them.. Haiz..

Chris: Let's relax loh & do what we are really comfy with...? There's risk or pros & cons in every decision made and no one perfect solution.. btw, there are also instances when the birth wt is lighter than the estimated foetal wt on scans..? There are also mummies here who have delivered big babies even without epi ya... I'll take c-sect for medical/emergency reasons like some mummies here.. at the end of the day, we all do our best for our BBs to the best knowledge we have of the different situations we are in [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] However we decide in the end, let's not be too stressed.. Jia you!

VT> i read from books on BF that it is advisable to drink a glass of plain water b4 bf...could b that books meant for Americans..not for asian..

Re Hair Wash during Confinement

Anyone tried washing hair using Da Feng Cao? How's is it?

Chris: this was wat my doc told me too if I had decided to wait to deliever the bb later. Cos my cervix bone is high and structure different so bb difficult to come out. In case she was stuck he had to break the bone. So he reminds me next delivery bb shouldn't exceed 3.2 if I choose natural birth.. Scary.

Jen: I dun feel the pain now as it was overcome last week or so. Jus that today my stool hardens and when poo got pool of blood. There's a lump outside will it goes off on it's on?

Strawberry: My bb is a sleeping beauty! He can sleep through meals if you don't wake him up. After suckling one side, I'll have to burp him and tickle him till he is awake enough to suckle the other side. I wake him up every 3 hours and he seems comfortable with the timing. Sometimes I don't have to wake him and he will wake up within the 3 hour timing also.

hammiebao, tenderheart,

ive no experience abt VE, but from the way other describe, it seems painful.. n may cause bleedin after tat. tat truly freaks me out. perhaps ur gynae is doin a very good job, tats why its not painful?? Am considerin of request VE check next tues w my gynae if my bb decide to stay till den.

whitecookies: Wah so good u got so much milk *envy*... What i pump also not enough for my bb...

Bam: Will go off eventually but longer. If got the gel to apply it will go off faster.

strawberry79: Initially, I tried waking up my bb to feed him everytime he misses his 3 hour interval but he is not easy to be woken and he doent drink so end up I just feed on demand. After a week, his feeding schedule is more stable already, almost every 4 hrs he will wake up on his own.

Jen - so good every four hours. My bb only took 60 ml or less than fall asleep after that awake for more. Feed is still irregular sometimes 1.5hrs sometimes 2-3hrs still cant catch her feeding pattern


This is my 2nd pregnancy, dilation is too fast within 40 mins from water bag gushing out water. No time for epi.

My first delivery 3 year ago was natural with epi. It took 18 hour from water bag leaking


my helper is from myanmar. But she has 2.5 yrs exp in sin so I don't have a problem communicating w her.

hey mummies,

am feeling uncomfortable in my V area now..kinda sore,but no regular contractions leh...hmmm....feel a bit crampy just now when having dinner only....wonder if bb wants to come out soon?!!


piles post delivery is v common..is it bleeding cuz ur stool is hard? try to take more water or a stool softener (can get from pharmacy also) which can help! can see GP for some meds to apply topically too..


the weight of bb is only an estimate from the scan..may not be as big or small (think can be +-400g) and i know of another FTM who delivered her 3.9kg boy about 2 weeks ago in Australia (she's Singapore Chinese n very petite!) with no issues, so don't worry! there is always a chance of emergency c-section, for a number of reasons, including failure to progress during labour...unless there r medical reasons to induce (which ur doc did not indicate) u r doing the right thing! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ask about the possibility of collar bone breaking etc..but don't let urself get scared by all these birth stories..honestly we will hear the scary ones, but no one tells u about the normal, good ones!

tubao> so u have to experience labour pain 2 times for your twins? very curious, the other twin will auto get into the position after the first one comes out? finds it amazing to deliver twins naturally.


Currently I am storing the expressed breastmilk in chicken essence containers. It is a wonderful idea from my CL. Just keep your chicken essence bottle everyday, soak in water for 2 days to remove any chicken essence smell/taste. Somemore the containers can be used again and again after sterilising. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I've washed my hair with the herb water (not sure if it is da feng cao). Well, the hair is not soapy, no matter how much shampoo I apply. But hair still feels clean after washing.

Jen: thanks. My milk supply also drop. Now I can only pump 80ml both breast add together. I also dunno how to increase the supply Liao.. Currently my gal is drinking 60ml and maintain at this level for 1 week plus Liao.. And like koori's bb mine very irregular hours. Sometimes can tahan 3 hrs. Sometimes 1.5 to 2 hours hungry Liao. Has it got to do with the amt they poo? If they poo alot for that day, they will go hungry easier?

Bluesoda: I've washed my hair with shampoo and rinsed off with da feng cao today. Cl brewed super thick portion for me today and cut ginger inside the pail for me.

Like piggydog said it's not really as clean as water from the tap but it feels good. My Cl took pity on me yesterday after seeing my unwashed hair and suggested I wash my hair today. It's exactly one week. I went to salon for cut and wash just last thurs night before I admitted after midnight on deepavali[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies & mtbs

i need some advise on bb drink amount..

my bb has been drinking every 2hrs during the day and abt 80ml each feed.. she is about 3.7kg last weigh 2 days ago..

she cries alot for milk and wondering if she is drinking too much..


Gd job Tubao!.. You make delivering sounds so easy.

Finally I bathed today!... with Da Feng Cao... feeling is damn shiok.. hheheheh.

Settled my engorgement problem (MDM ROKIAH is soooo gd [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ) & PD said bb's jaundice is ok liao. Dun need to go back to hospital.

Now is just to regularise my milk production & reduce my swollen legs. Its more swollen than when I'm preggie. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I sleep better oredi yesterday nite, I think Im too worried abt bb & bfing. :p

Jiayou to all those mummies managing with new born babies, CLs, Maids, unkind in-laws, relatives, bb problems & confinement prob. JIAYOU!

congras to all mummies who pop...

Jillz, hammiebao, guess cant avoid being emo tis period due to our hormones. Sometimes jus cant control. Guess I was also upset tat hav to go c-section next tue as kept thinkin can go natural. Really dun like epi & being cut up... My boys made me so upset whole afternoon but lucky evenin till now still not so bad as hb iphone kept them bz.

Whitecookies, if u take those bottled bird nest, u can use tat to sterilise & use it as milk storage. I only use pigeon milk storage bottles & like wat

Piggydog using too, chicken esscene bottle. Jus tat only can store abt 70ml.

Btw, it is also advisable to store in smaller quantity so tat it is easier to thaw.


Finally got time to update abt my birth story on 8th nov.

I have a false alarm on 6th due to contraction but reach gynae clinic to do Ctg monitoring as the contraction is consider quite far apart n irregular. So continue to home and monitor.

On 8th nov, another round of contraction occurred after lunch. This is quite intense, and make me don't feel like doing anything and lied on the bed. After 2 hrs I decided to go gynae clinic to check on the contraction interval again as it really make me very uncomfortable.

4pm reach clinic , 3 cm dilation and regular contraction but quite far apart. Gynae said should be tonight. She asked me to go n get admitted then she will break the water bag.

5pm in the observation ward n water bag burst. 3.5 cm dilated.

6pm nurse checked on me n mentioned gynae request me to go on drip in order to dilate faster. And also asking whether to take epi or not. I freaked by the drip cos I know I can't Tahan the kind of contraction pain. N give in to epi.

7pm epi was given and relax n waiting for the ripe time.

8pm pushed to delivery ward and wait. Gynae come in n checked on dilated n reliase is ready for pushing. She called a nurse in to assist her.

815pm start pushing. I don't really know how to push properly. After 1.5 hr of pushing I really run out of energy and she use forcep to assist my delivery.

1030 finally bb is out...

I really salute ppl go without epi...

Today is 4th day after delivery, I still dun have much milk supply... Even I tried my best to latch him every 3 hr but after sometime he can't get something he started to be angry n bite on me... Currently I m having sore n bleeding nipples and very scare to latch him... N given him formula.

I did try to pump out but after pumping each side for 15-20 min only like a few droplets. So demoralising.

Any mummies here k provide some guidance on Breastfeeding.

Sorry for such a long post.

Oneegg - continue to pump if it's painful to latch with sore nipples. The first few pump is very miserable one but din give up. Drink alot of soup, red dates, milk to increase ss. Pump or latch every 3 hrs to relieve engorgement, its so painful. Ss shld come in soon around 6th day so jiayou!

Oneegg: I gave birth on 8 Nov via ecsect, as my bb is small, only 2.5kg, i very heartache so I told the nurse that I will bf my ger on demand. So they bring my gal in estimate 2 to 3 hrly. i just latch n latch. The nurse warn me against pumping bcos it will yield very little milk. I think if you can, continue to latch your bb, massage and compress on the lumps while u r feeding. Air your nipples (erm... Meaning expose ur breasts after feeding n apply nipple balm after each feed) I have scab on my nipples, tik my initial latching is not that good, end up kena bite by my ger. Take care and jia you.... I think the mummies here will more or less experience the same prob in bf. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Koori: thanks for ur encouragement. I will try my best to continue.

Vt: ^5 our bb share the same bday. No worry abt bb weight now cos as long as their feeding is gd. They will continue to grow well.

But latching wise will always depend on bb and normally I latch him till he fall alseep dun know is too little milk so he jus suck as comfortness. Then put him down back to the bed he cry for milk again. Stress lei. Bring him up to latch and be fall asleep after 6 min.

Actually now I m trying out jus to use hand squeeze out the little milk flow cos either latch or pump I also very scare. But dun know will this hinder ss to come or not. Sigh

tubao: you are amazing...twins without epi!! double pain but double gain [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hho: how old is your baby now? mine is 14 days and drinking 80 ml too per feed (around 2-3 hrs gap)...crying can also be due to other reasons like wet diapers or seeking attention...if she cries like she is in pain it could be colic...my girl has colic and it can be really heart pain to see her grimace and cry her lungs out when there is an "attack" lor...

whitecookies: i use the philips via cups to store breast milk...


my nipples were super pain during the first few days when there was only colostrum altho' i latched ok...but when the milk came in it feels a lot better now when baby latches...if you have bruised or blood on your nipples due to baby biting can pump in the meanwhile to let them heal before latching again...

