(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Oct/Nov 2010 Birth List

Congrats again Caityz & Ermmm! Have a really good rest amidst busy motherhood and happy bonding with your BB!

Congrats again Jean! Thanks for sharing the birth details of BB Joshua! Rest well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

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bam, dun be upset. Now jus pump or latch bb. For my #1, my milk supply was like 20 to 40ml in 2nd month. 1st mh, supplement with FM as hb & mil kept preparin FM for bb and said my milk not enough. I slowly build up my milk supply by latchin him on demand and with support fr my gal colleague, managed to bfeed my elder boy 2 years.

Bam, ur bb got enuff supply?? if not, maybe wana feed some FM, dun stress urself too much. jiayou k! i know its not easy, dun let ur emotion affect the milk supply..maybe u wanna try callin the experts?

Juz muz share...

No BF or BM supply doesn't make any woman a lesser mother... our mothers who mostly fed us with FM are great mothers and we didn't turn out too bad - we're at least healthy enough to now be mothers too...

C-sect/e-csect or no c-sect.. natural or not natural birth .. epi or no epi also doesn't make any woman a lesser mother too! Whatever works to keep our BB safe & healthy and also keeps us in good enough health to deliver & nurse them safely ought to be celebrated! In the recent news, mortality rate of mothers and babies is

still a major cause for concern at delivery in some parts of the world... we are indeed blessed to very rarely be tortured by the threat of losing our lives & babies' as we go into labour...

Don't let social pressure, social opinions, media and even ourselves put us on any guilt trip... conception is a miracle already.. pregnancy is not easy either and delivery is yet another miracle.... there're really more reasons to celebrate ourselves as mothers, more reasons to rejoice over our miracle babies and not be held hostage by guilt-ridden conscience, family/social opinions and loads of hearsays...

haiz.. sorry for this long-winded post ah mummies... juz have so much thoughts on a few things all of us are braving through together now or soon in the middle of another sleepless night...

Lastly, jia you..! We just continue to do the best we can as we decide according to the best knowledge we have of our respective unique situations. Let God and let go and be a happy healthy mother whom our babies really need above all else [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tenderhearted, well said!! thats goin to encourage many of us. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummies, i jus did something crazy, doin my pilates at this hour.. tummy abit cramp now, can feel bb pushin down my v area.. omg!~

Lovebyte: thanks! Just remain very calm and i'm sure uours will be the same also. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Am enjoying it while it lasts! Hopefully, the sleeping patterns don't change very much as he grows. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oneegg: don't be discouraged, 4 days post delivery only, for some, milk will kick in later than others. Sore nipples happens

because it's your first time breastfeeding, bb haven't learn

how to latch properly and bb's position is not right. Continue

to drink stuffs that Koori suggested and apply lots of nipple

cream. Once everything is corrected, things should get better.

I still get sore nipples during the first few days post birth, now

ok already. Use the breastfeeding pillow, it's really useful. Massage lady can help also, Jia you!

Bam/Jen: don't feel demoralized, continue to eat lots of fish and drink milk, they really help in the production of milk. I think besides all these, rest coupled with proper latching will help in stimulating the milk flow. If ml is around, get herto massage your breast, it will work too. Still early to give up, maybe your SS is just enough for now so when bb's intake increases your SS too, will increase. Jia you!

WAhaha mrs lee I was doing yoga at 1am too, now wake up drink bird best read forum

Tenderhearted: Wat u say are true. Sometimes we expect too much, n when it's not met, we broke down thinking why others can, but we can't.

Mrs lee: I guess BB is already very near! Hee!

hi mummies

finally have some time to post birth story [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

on deepavali night, went for dinner at a friend's place and out of the 5 dishes served, 4 very super spicy. guest at the party all said that the spicy food is bound to trigger baby to come out next day - how right they were!

left friend's house at 1030pm and felt contractions 5 min apart even while walking to the car. came home and read if it was truly contractions.

got hubby to take me to Mt A - reached at 1130pm and immediately told nurse that I want my epi...LOL

1230am - got my epi *happy*. VE check ever hour but did nt feel anything *happy*

5am - nurse came in and prepared me to push..i pushed about 10 times and they could see baby's head and told me to stop pushing.

6am - gynae finally made his entrance and got me to push 3 more times and baby Hayley - our little morning tigress joined us wailing loudly.

it's been a week and i still find it amazing she's now in my arms and no longer in my tummy. miss her little movements but getting to smell and touch her now really beats the cake [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BF has been tough and painful with sore and bruised nipples. have decided to pump for now as the pain is too much to bear. jovialz - i did meet sis kang and she was fantastic but baby stil nt latching well so i will try again after nipples heal ;)

congrats to all mummies who have popped and hang in there with the bf and sore boobs.

all the best to mummies popping soon..the feeling of holding baby in arms is out of this world [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

happy weekend all!

hi mummies

finally have some time to post birth story [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

on deepavali night, went for dinner at a friend's place and out of the 5 dishes served, 4 very super spicy. guest at the party all said that the spicy food is bound to trigger baby to come out next day - how right they were!

left friend's house at 1030pm and felt contractions 5 min apart even while walking to the car. came home and read if it was truly contractions.

got hubby to take me to Mt A - reached at 1130pm and immediately told nurse that I want my epi...LOL

1230am - got my epi *happy*. VE check ever hour but did nt feel anything *happy*

5am - nurse came in and prepared me to push..i pushed about 10 times and they could see baby's head and told me to stop pushing.

6am - gynae finally made his entrance and got me to push 3 more times and baby Hayley - our little morning tigress joined us wailing loudly.

it's been a week and i still find it amazing she's now in my arms and no longer in my tummy. miss her little movements but getting to smell and touch her now really beats the cake [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BF has been tough and painful with sore and bruised nipples. have decided to pump for now as the pain is too much to bear. jovialz - i did meet sis kang and she was fantastic but baby stil nt latching well so i will try again after nipples heal ;)

congrats to all mummies who have popped and hang in there with the bf and sore boobs.

all the best to mummies popping soon..the feeling of holding baby in arms is out of this world [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

happy weekend all!

Good morning mummies. Am up pumping milk now , always tend to miss the 3-4hr interval at night drag to 5 hrs (really too sleepy) yawnzzz.

Cl told me bb awake like 1-2hrs middle of night don wN sleep after milk (anyone else also encounter this)?

Bam> my milk supply also reduced alot, equally demoralised with you, but i tell myself don't give up, now i wake up diligently every 3hrs even in midnight to pump, as i heard the more we pump it'll generate more supply. initially i can pump about 150ml in total for both breasts, now i can only get about 80ml for both breasts & my son drinks about 100ml per feed now, which i think he'll increased his requirement soon, like u i'm worry not enough. initially i have many packets of EBM in fridge, now i see it reducing i also very sad. but let's dont give up! i also believe determination will continue to produce the ss, jia you together k!

Mummywong: Jia you, positive thinking is important for breastfeeding. Jia you!

Breastfeeding: FYI, eu yan sang sells this fruit call 王不留行 which helps in milk production. They sell it at $1.50/37.5g so can buy 100 or 150g to use for a start if you want. Use it to boil fish soup, or steam fish just add a handful. It helps also to reduce water retention and swell. I saw it on a tcm lactation program. Eys website also explains it's uses. Hope this is helpful. At your discretion. Jia you all mummies!

Hi mummies, the idea of storin bm in chicken essence chicken bottles is gd. Going to try that. But I haven't touch any chicken or essence of chicken cos I worry my wound will swell again.

I'm considering getting a mini fridge to put in bedroom for my expressed breast milk. Cos my bedroom and kitchen is a

distance away. Managed to find one online at $50.

Rgding increasing bm supply:

My gal fren who bf her kid for 1 yr say to take fenugreek supplements and pump ard the clock. I wanted to start the night time pumping but after latching bb I was too tired to

pump so I went back to sleep. Maybe I shld feed ebm then do the pumping cos. Bb may not empty the breast totally by latching on.

Rgding full month cakes:

I've 3 more weeks to bb's full month. But already thinking abt the full mth cakes. Anyone ordered frm sweetest moments before? Nice or not the cake?

agreed storing bm in chicken essense is good idea will start loading my hb with chicken essence wahahhaha

strawberry i also thinking of getting full month cake from sweetest moment hehehe... or papamama... both seem equally good

and dunno why i have been waking up every 2 hrs to pee...but i dun remember i drank that much water haiz... guess it is my body training me for the 2 hr feeding bah haha

me going gynae visit later...wonder how much weight BB put on hmm... if all goes well...next Tues C sect and will be able to see our paobei liao hehe

Hi bam, dun worry abt ordering of cakes cos the vendors need only 2 to 3 days to prepare. Besides sweetest moments I'm considering choz and bengawan solo. Stay sane! Talk to us here! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Actually I'm left with 2 weeks not 3 even though I'm doing 40 days confinement

Hi ptb,

I ordered frm sweetest moments before but it's their cupcakes only. Not sure abt their full mth cakes and stuff. Papamama is quite new. Saw their ad in today's motherhood. Hehe dunno gd or not

I slept less than 5 hrs I think but I feel energetic man funny! I think I better go rest abit

strawberry you have tried their cupcake before is it good ??

i din know papamama is new to business maybe that is why they dun have any shop and neither did they mentioned do they have the licence to prepare food hahaha....

5hrs sleep and still feeling energetci...guess the energy must be from your bundle of joy hahaha... woah u are doing 40 days confinement that is alot... is that personal choice or religious reason ?

bam, jia you...it's not easy. I really pei fu those of you who can wake up in the middle of the night to pump. I just can't! Too tired!

btw, do you all let your CL wash the pump parts for you? I scared mine will spoil it or she dunno how to wash properly. Hahaha...maybe I'm too KS already. hehs.


I think you are referring to perineal massage of the perineum, which will be stretched when baby crowns.

Some gynae will perform episiotomy to enlarge the opening of perineum. IF you wish to avoid an episiotomy or prefer to tear naturally, then you would want to consider doing perineal massage. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Don't blame yourself, such things out of our control. Try to climb more stairs, do squats or more sex with hubby bec sperm has proglastarins (sp?) to encourage onset of labour.

Take care and God bless! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Don't stress yourself too much, or you'll have a difficult labour. Fear can hamper labour process.

Think happy thought ok, like how you'll feel when baby is finally in your arms. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Clover & Tubao:

Congrats! Glad both of you are doing well! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Lee:

Wow, painless BW again! Good for you la! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

strawberrys79> as my bb always sleep while sucking, then suck not enough after that sleep a while will wake up & cry for milk, so it makes us "confuse" how much he has drinks at night recently, thus these few days i started to switch to bottle feed him direct from the expressed breastmilk so that he can sleep better as we can gauge how much he drank (in the past was FM cos of jaundice). thus for night time/early morning, i don't latch him, i expressed out direct, while my CL will feed him with the previous session of EBM.

CSI_Fan> previously i had the same worry as you, whether the CL knows how to wash the breast pump but i think they are more experienced than us as they had done many confinement & all mummies used that few brands of BP, thus they do know how to sterilise, else u can try check with her whether she knows before letting her sterilise/wash for you.

Hi ptb,

I ordered the mini cupcakes as a birthday surprise for a very gd fren. She said it looks too pretty to be eaten and it is tasty too! That's y I'm considering their full mths packages cos looks nice, tasty and price reasonable. Can pay by fund transfer too easier for me to order for office ppl.

Confinement 40 days is set by my mom. She say by right confinement period is 40 days so I follow lor. I did 40 days confinement for number 1 also. But washed my hair at 30 days. Bathe on alt days til end of confinement.

Mummies, occasionally my bb will have milk coming outbfrm nose and mouth after feeding. Is this normal? Quite scary leh. Anyone's bb is like this too?

Hi mummywong,

I think I will follow yr way - express during the night and feed ebm cos my bb also wake up very soon if I only latch on. Dun think he emptied the breast enough. Gotta express round the clock to increase my milk flow.

When it's time for feeding during the night , how do u heat up the bm? Put in hot water or warmer before feeding time or u wait til he/ she cry before doing the heating up of yr ebm?

re confinement 40 days, that's what my mum says also. for #1 I did confinement (i.e. stricly stay at home) till 30 days but continued to eat confinement food till my throat started to get sore (means body cannot tahan such heaty stuff already). Think I'll do the same for this one.

mummywong, hmmm, yeah true. Think i'll check with her. Although this is my #2, this is my first time having CL. Confinement for #1 was handled by my hb. hahaha. He was my confinement nanny. kekeke...

Orangebb - u are so blessed. Which maid agency did u use?

Oneegg - on my 2nd day of latching, I had sore nipple n was bleeding too. Frm then on I told nurse to feed fm while I was waitg to go hm on 3rd day to start pumping as I allow my nipples to heal. This went onto 6th day when droplets of milk started to come in. Today Im in my 17th day, supply not high yet. Pump abt 3-4 hrs once n yield 60-90ml. I still feed fm cos bm not enuf to meet my baby's demand. Am still tryg so u also dun hv up ok? ;)

Csi_fan: my Cl washes all the parts. They are experienced one. Don't worry so much. Mine even knows abt USA import sets, service centre at Jurong area (Toh guan to be exact) etc. I'm also v lazy to wake up at night to pump. My last pump is at midnight and next one is 7plus or 8plus. Really not disciplined enough. But a bit heartpain when I saw the leakages on the disposable breast pads stuck to my bra.

Strawberrys79: you are so disciplined. I really can't adhere to all the rules. Like brushing teeth: my mil said need to rinse with boiled water else gums will be painful in future. Washing of our bottom area too. I use a mug to rinse my mug for brushing teeth so that I minimize the contact with water from running tap and I use the hose to spray the bottom area. Plus I dont wear long pants in the hse. My pj are mostly dress type that reaches my knees.

My 4-day old maid still hasn't recovered. Haiz. Gave her cough syrup and flu tablets yesterday. Asked her to sleep at 930pm for all 3 nights. Such good life. Cl has been taking care of bb qt night. Hubby has brought her to see doc. Still waiting cuz it's Saturday. I'm wondering if I shd get her to wear a mask at home? Too extreme?

strawberrys79> if i intend to give the EBM soon, i put in middle layer of fridge (don't freeze), then my CL will just warm with hot water when baby crys to feed him. If i realise my EBM in middle layer of fridge not enough, i standby my frozen EBM out to thaw at bottom layer first in case my CL needs to use it, likewise she will only use hot water to warm it when my son cries for milk, i did not buy warmer but i have a thermo flask which always has hot water at 85 degrees available. so my CL knows nowadays don't use FM at night/early morning since jaundice clear. but i got tell her if really not enough, you can supplement abit with FM, so she knows i'm pro BM. meanwhile, i just diligently continue to pump every 3hrs, hoping my BM supply'll increase again.

CSI_Fan> thus on my CL first day, i happened to just pump finished from BP, she told me she'll sterilise so I asked her whether she knows how to use my steriliser she said she knows, so i just (to be sure) repeat for her you have to pour 90ml of water in. then initially i "secretly" checked whether she got washed my pumps and bottles with baby bottle detergent by going into the kitchen pretending to take something & i saw she did use so i "fang xin".

Hammiebao, Lilyn, Jollymummy, thanks.. Ftm really gam cheong.

Yesterday experienced 2 fake contractions, just now lost my mucus plug again, this time round got some blood stain.

Mrs Lee & OrangeBB: Wow.. one is pilates and the other is yoga.. but wondering how you mummies stretch & balance with bigger belly now?

Thanks cin_bunny for sharing your birth story & encouragement! Quite a smooth short labour! Congrats again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Papamama: Recently received cupcakes, eggs and ang kukuehs from a pair of close friends - quite delicious & pretty packaging! But they have no license to prepare food??! So they outsource?

Confinement: Why some 40 and some 30 days? Is it the longer the better?

Nana: Fresh blood stain like red red kind? Must take care! Seem like soon!

I still haven't bled from VE leh.. still no show.. :p contractions still every 10-15 min apart but telling myself to tahan the increasing lower backaches and cramps with the contractions till I cannot tahan....

Hi mums,

my girl has colic. she keeps crying the whole week. really heart pain.

wondering how can I relief her pain????

jundice also didn't goes down to normal range yet. she is 3 weeks old already.

Nana: Since there's fresh red bleeding, better to call Gynae & asked? Remember mummies here shared that fresh bleeding muz be taken note.. we're FTM so it's natural to be more blur & gan cheong.. Gynae would understand.. better for us to be cautious even if false alarm, we will at least learn sth out of it... *hugs*

angelkkk: Read BB will raise knees towards their chest when crying out of colic.. Did you give gripe water? Someone recommended Ridwind Baby Drops too.. What did your PD say?

Mummies also shared that apart from sunning, can alternate BM and FM for jaundice to go down..

Keeping your BB girl in prayers.. hang in there..

Ange: I uses oneclick agency. But I din choose based on agency. I surf Netmaid.com.sg n most of the time I don really see any that I want. I was very slack coz I'm really not used of the idea of another stranger in the hse...

I choose to call agent abt the maid which bio I like. Review w agent was good, n I phone interview the maid for 30min. My gut feeling is I kinda like the maid so I put my bet. Agency

price was so so n not flexible. But I still wan this maid.Hopefully I am right, especially long term wise.

Tenderhearted: do simple yoga that the yoga instructor taught. Good for backache or shoulders ache. So far I don hav much ache. Once I hav I do bit yoga. It really help.

Nana> ya if got show is better ask gynae for advice? that time the nurse also asked me check in hosp, telling me don't let gynae know i called clinic, cos by right any such symptoms should direct admit, so she told me false alarm also never mind.

angel kkk: my girl has colic too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] the pd prescribe ridwind...you can get it at outside pharmacy too...colic won't go away so fast we parents just have to be patient and deal with the crying when the attack comes...i also really heart pain to see her in pain like dat but there is nothing much we can do except to give medicine and hold her in a more upright position when she is crying to soothe her...

bam: you are not alone! i also pump both sides 80-90 ml nia...not enough to keep up with my baby's feeds every 2 hours!! gotta supplement with fm no choice or i latch her direct sometimes...let's all jiayou! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

breastfeeding mummies

besides taking fenugreek supplements what other natural methods can we use to increase bm supply? i have been taking lots of fluids though...but maybe i don't have enough rest that's why my supply seems stagnant for the past week...:p i latch and pump too...now in my 15th day...

angelkkk - colic my no.1 has it before and PD prescribed Ridwind Baby Drops for her, i saw it selling in guardian pharmacy also.

Nana - urs shld be mucus plug before show. I also got brownish red discharge then later show started abt 1-2days later, so look out and be prepared.

Re : washing pump parts

Tik most CL got experience in washing the pump parts, i let my CL do the washing. She has seen many pump parts and steriliser, they very smart one, shld have no problem washing and sterilising on our behalf.

Angel kkk: feed dentinox colic drops, you Ve ml? Ask her to massage bb, will be able to soothe stomach. Sleep on tummy, apply a drop of ru yi oil, all these can help

RE: Expressed breastmilk

Previously I've expressed quite a lot of packets of BM and stored in the freezer. However I realised that I tend to give the bb recently EBM rather than thaw those in the freezer. End up those in the freezer remains in the freezer and bb only drink the freshly EBM. Am I the only one?

Congrats to all mommies tt have popped [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

and jiayou for those popping soon ya..


I have been pumping out bm since day 5 becos i could not find the right way of latching on bb.. I could pump out 80-100ml from both breasts intitally, now yield abt 160ml.. However i only pump twice a day, issit consider little? Im doing partial, hence bb only have v.slight jandice.. The last check level was 11..

Re: Via natural dely

Did any mommies here experience a sng sng feeling or slight pressure on vaginal part when sneezing or passing motion? Or issit just me..?

Re: Confinment

I have been going against some of the confinement rules.. today is day 9, shower abt 3times le, wash hair 2 times le.. Really perspiring like mad!


Re: Weight Loss

Day 9: Preg Weight was 70kg, now 63kg.. Still have 11kg to go.. Really so depressing esp seeing tt flabby and whobby tummy.. Other than post natal massage, any ways to reduce this fats?

