(2010/11) November 2010 MTB


I will be delivering my 2nd son via c-section tomorrow morning. Having mixed feelings now. Excited and yet apprehensive.....Hopefully, everything is fine and hope that I have a smooth delivery!!!


congras jean for successful vbac [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ptb, ur c-section is on tue? Me too in afternoon. Am still hopin my meimei will come out naturally before tue but seems like she is not hearin me leh...

Patricia, all the best for tmr.

Rest of mummies, jia you on bfeedin, rest well durin confinement. For mums waitin, take care..

Jolyn: My tummy went down abit but maybe i didnt wrap too long so i find effect not that big.

piggydig: u so steady, can tahan so long. Same with my ML, always changing time n on my second last session last min msg me at 10pm ++ to tell me change time n when I told her I cant cause I have visitor in the noon, I had to do my session at 8am. Then I woke up early n she was late for 20 mins. Damn angry. Regretted signing for 7 days luckliy the whole thing is over.

Dimple: hope your bb is doing fine now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

naf yah...my C sect on tues afternoon too... haha...i tot junior will come natural before tues but seem like bb too comfy inside so no choice...haha good luck to you on Tues ...

jewel...so good u only put on 10kg i already put on 13kg sob sob ...dunno how to lose them we will see after C sect ...and hopefully can lose some before CNY and lose more before going back to work else i have to change the whole wardrobe hahaha

mummywong think i will do teh same as you...when BB sleep during day i also follow hahaha...else cannot catch up on sleep :p

hi all

hope all ftm n stm mommies r coping well wif ur nb... its not easy but we will get a hang of it. my bb was also vommitting quite abit last wk. tis few days getting better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] she been feeding 90ml every feed 3 hrs apart. tis few days can c her thighs more fleshy n face rounder liao

so far my bm ss is ok.. been pumping up to 280ml per x both sides. my bb oni consumed abt 700ml per day so i freeze 2-3 pkts of 250ml everyday. so far hv abt 60 pkts in frezzer. actually tis x my bulk ss came in much earlier than 1st bb. last x i oni reached more supply from 2nd to 3rd mth onwards. so mommies wif not so much ss dun despair. jus keep latching or pumping will do the job! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


personally i dun feel tat if u dun latch on anymore but do pumping exclusively ur ss will drop cos i been pumping more than latch on but my ss still come in. during my #1 after confinement i exclusively pump oni also no prob wif milk supply, no drop, tink the ss is determined liao...

Hi all, sorry for diverging, but I have a couple of extra brand new Sophie the Giraffe teething toy lying around at home courtesy of friends, wondering anybody here interested in them? I don't think my kid will need more than 1 so the extras are just collecting dust.

Available for sale COD or by post, will let go cheaper than local bulk purchase price. Pls PM or email [email protected] if interested tq!


Jean: Congrats on your successful VBAC and thanks for sharing your birth story! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Patricia: All the best & smooth delivery tomorrow!

PTB: Thanks! Will check if hubby and I decide to order from them eventually.. one more day for u so rest well feast well!

Jean: congrats and rest well.

Patricia: all the best for tomorrow.

Clover: good that you feel better. I latch exclusively, no bottle also. I pump only at night when bb sleeps

hammiebao: my doc check with u/s whether bb engaged..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] bottles and pump parts and any bb related stuff i also use bb bottle detergent to wash...

vividip: i really shiver like mad when i had my epi...no control over it at all...not everyone will though...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] maybe you won't!

hammiebao: maybe you can try to increase the feed gradually by 10 ml...my girl went from 60 ml to 70 ml and now 80 ml....burp baby well too to lessen the vomiting...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i find it easier to burp baby 2-3 times throughout a bottle feed...meaning i burp her every 30 ml she consumes instead of burping once at the very end...

trismom: wow your bm supply per pump is very good...i wished i could have 140 ml per pump at least...hohoho...can share how to increase the supply? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi ladies,

Keep feeling bb is beri near my V area today and I keep hving the wan to pee feeling....guess she might hv engaged le....but will wait for gynae to confirm 2molo. today, she is moving alot...and my tummy also keep hardening the whole day...and i dun even hv appetite for my dinner juz nw lor....

her movement kind of keep me awake even though i am rather tired lor....hmmm....I wonder if my gynae will do the VE check for me 2molo coz I did nt do any when I was hving my no. 1 lor...


i din specially eat or do anything special to increase my bm supply at tis pt in x. But i do consumed lots of soups n liquids daily. dunno its will affect the flow anot. s i dun like to latch on (personal preference s bb dun empty my tank so gotta pump again after latch on) so i pump regularly in a interval of 4-5hrs ever since the day im back frm hosp. 2day is day 18 since delivery.

trismom: i do consume lots of liquids too and pump at 4-5 hrs interval but its still a pathetic 80-120 ml at most...haha...i tink your bm yield is amazing...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Trismom - ur ss is good! I only managed 200ml per 4hrs hope cAn increase further. I also prefer pumping so I knew how much bb drinks.


finally my MIL and SIL can feel that BB is coming!! my SIL bought some clothing during her Europe trip for BB, but I haven't see it.. and my MIL actually gave hubby some money asked him to let CL to buy food for me to "bu"..

waiting waiting..

abit tired of waiting for my EDD.. haha but I also not very prepared.. reading that all the mummies talking about BF & taking care of bb makes me feel sian about waiting!!

My aunt commented that my tummy is lower than before.. I felt abit of different but hubby say he don't see any different.. BB not engaged at week 38.. hope bb wont come out late!!

to those who still waiting, let Jiayou together!!!

Hubby say I can give birth now coz after my bdae n immediately after I give birth he can fly for his business trip.... *super roll eyes

Jo: I just install britax carseat. Rear facing. (i think u r the one whom bought the carseat fr US too right?) Is it suppose to b unmoveable or u can still move it a bit coz the back of carseat wasn't attach to anything. The back Is using the front driver seat as support right?

Dang Shen: How do I choose this? Wan to get some now so that when I'm in hospital, the maid can start to boil it w red date+Ginger+blackbean drink at home.

Oh, do mummies start to drink red date drink in hospital or come back home only drink?

Orangebb - i started the drink in hospital after delivery. Do u intend to bf? If u do, maybe u want to avoid putting ginger? We are supposed to drink this instead of plain water during confinement. Too much ginger might cause jaundice to baby.

Any mummies working 3rd shift now? Lol

Mummies who r going 4 c sect, do take care when feasting. Dun end up like me, coughing away and end up hurting the wound. Quite difficult to supress the cough!

Orangebb, I started taking the red dates h2o during my hospital stay. 2nd day onwards...

Chloe: I am! Overslept , didnt hear alarm ring! Breast hard like rock so woke up!

Orangebb: yes, me. There should be one safety catch to hold the Seat firm and make it unmovable. I'll check with hubby what's the name of the whole thing then let you know.

Hi all, no chance to log in at all. Bb is latching as I type ha.

Wow so many of u have very good ss if bm! I juz tried to pump yday coz going for a day surgery to remove the lump from my breast, so Cham only less than 50 ml each pump. Hope can tahan baby for the next few hrs.

Any of u taking or planning to take fenugreek? Heard from my friend it helped in her ss, tot of starting it myself soon if ss still so low

Good luck Patricia for e c-section! & to PTB and Naf for e c-section on Tues..! Looks like we r among e last few coz now everyone's toking abt bfing... Only we r waiting for our popping day... Hee! Btw, anyone knows if e red date water is available in Gleneagles? If not, I may ask my mum to prepare for me.

puking of milk> do u feed yr bb extra milk after the bb pukes out the milk (if quite alot?), my CL feeds again after a while then everytime she feeds more (maybe 1hr or 2hrs later than previous feed), the bb pukes again. so yest night i saw bb pukes a total of 4 times for 4 feeds! then it used to be every 3hrs for next feed, due to the puking & bb seems to be keep moving the mouth like wants to eat, the CL feeds like in 2hrs, is it ok? in the end after the 4th feed at 12am, the CL "gave up" tell me think he dont want to eat, he's just mouth itchy, cannot feed anymore till 2am and after that ask me if got pacificer so i let the bb take the pacificer...

trismom> if only i have half of your supply i also happy! now i only have about 80ml for both sides & i no longer stores EBM in fridge, i only saw it keep reducing. do u have many holes from yr nipples when u express the milk? my CL said the more hole more milk?

congratulations to all mummies!!!

i just had my check up last sat.. week 39, still not dilated and bb still not engaged yet. my tummy is still high, haven't really drop yet... aiyo, my boy must be too comfy in my tum tum and don't want to come out yet..

anyone with any remedies to naturally "induce" the baby?????

I nvr slept since 1am.

Bb has been crying and crying. I have feed her almost every 1/1.5hrs interval. Aft feed she only managed to settle for 20 mins max! Colic rite? I feed gripe water also same!

How long this will last.. I'm so tired I didn't even bother to pump last nite liao...

hammiebao> can understand it's getting bored & impatient waiting for the D-day but look on bright side, while mummies who pop progress to talking about BFing etc, you can read & better prepared & learn when yr bb is out! i sort of abit regretted that i wasnt as well prepared for small things like ensuring my BM supply did not drop, bathing the bb with "ng kee" before he had jaundice etc, which after u read all these that we discussed, u can actually "standby" what to expect. so jia you, soon it'll be your turn!

Bam> me too, has been not sleeping well past few days as bb also cries & cries & refuse to sleep, like asking for milk, after CL feeds still cries. my CL burp him also like that. while i lie on bed, i'll try to listen is he crying again etc then after a while i fall asleep & i have to wake up to pump again. then when 2nd pump timing alarm rings i keep delaying to wake up. then finally i wake up at 630am to pump & initially wanted to sleep but couldnt fall asleep & soon bb is up again for his next feed so i also dont bother go back sleep liao. do u have CL? though i have CL, now i hope CL faster leaves so maybe i can bond closer with bb & latch him exclusively instead of bottle feed.

Hi tenderhearted, emummy, koori and jo

Thank you so much. It's really useful. I am feeding the medicine with bf. finally I can take some rest. huu...

Scubababe >> wishing u have a smooth delivery!

btw, I am latching exclusively.

how long do u all usually pump each time?

koori >> slute you. you can pump a lot! can share the way u pump?

Another thing about my bb is she can hardly burp after feed. Will it affect? Sometimes it take her 20mins to burp. Sometimes she nvr does..

Feel so useless and helpless to see her cry and I can't comfort her..

Mummy Wong. No I did not enguage CL. My godmother came to cook for me and bath bb that's all. The rest I look aft. So day or nite I not enough rest.

Trismom@ I'm so envious of you. My 3 hour pump is abt 60ml for both sides only. Sometimes morning abit more. I skipped the 12 midnight/1am pump yesterday cuz i was so exhausted. Last pump was 10 plus. This morning woke up at 6am to pump. My breast pads were dripping wet. I think I really cannot afford to be so lazy. Breastfeeding is really tough.

Red dates tea: I drank that from day one as I gave birth at 9 plus. My mum brought it the hospital from 1 plus. I limit myself to drinking boiled water only when taking pills or supplements cuz my red dates tea is always hot. Someone said dang shen with the tea right? So far my mum or Cl didn't use that. I guess first twelve days we don't need to take those herbs yet supposedly cuz the lochia flow is still heavy so no point 'bu' with herbs.

Hi Chloe,

I'm working full shift. Haha

Hi mummies,

Bb didn't wanna sleep after 1am. Even though I fed him fm at 11plus and then ebm at 1plus. Think he wanted to latch on cos that's wat he has been doing since day 3. Today is my 14th day.

Managed to pump twice durin the night . Bm supply very little as I pump every 2.5 to 3 hrs. Only around 70ml for both breasts. If I pump like 4- 5 hrs can get around 120ml. But I'm trying to increase bm. Maybe I'm too tired or lack of sleep or wat the bm like the same. Yest after latching bb, I pumped and could get 50ml.

Hope my bm will increase!!

Bam> my bb also hardly burps but he does fart, which's also another way of expelling air. my CL also takes long time to burp him everytime. oh you also does not have CL, dont get too stress k. i also started to feel stress & emo, & hubby'll always not understand as much as the mummies, thus like many others, i come into forum to "de-stress".

Bam: you switched on the lights at night when bb wakes up? My Cl suggested not talking much to bb at night while changing diapers or using a dimmer light/ night switch whilst doing night feed. It's to help them differentiate between day and night.

Did you try anti-colic bottles? Maybe bb has wind inside tummy and may feeling uncomfortable? I find that the nuk glass bottle is better as compared to the pigeon wide neck bottle.

Or can try applying some 'ru yi' oil on bb's stomach? My Cl will apply some on her palms, rub her palms and cup the bb's stomach with her palms afterwards. Bb seems to fart after that.

Hi mummies! I've been a silent reader since my last post in March. I've just delivered in about 2 weeks ago and I can see mummies exchanging very useful tips here.

Vividip->yes GEH provides Red dates tea. Like koori mentioned, it's not in their menu, so you have to request by writing in the menu sheet. It's only available for lunch and dinner and they'll give u one big flask which can last you 4 to 5 cups.

Hi mummywong! Yah finally have time to post between feeds.

My bb very impatient... Will wail very loudly when he's hungry, I feed on demand so sometimes no time to respond. Same as your boy, mine recently also puke quite a bit, sometimes come out from nose. Heartpain to see him like that.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Poppy> oh comes out from nose ah, so poor thing. my CL said is normal for bb to cry and puke around wk3-4 period but it's just so heartpain to see the bb cries & puke. i wonder if bb puts on weight enough if he continues puke milk. i'll only know at his 1 month fold visit.

Vividip: Gleneagles has red dates longan water, I was given a big flask everyday, thick enough with no Ginger. When they distribute my meal, they gave me the flask also.

Thanks for e info Koori, Jo and Poppy! Ok, dun hav to ask mum to prepare then... =) getting v excited now, last nite cun really sleep, kept having dreams... Dunno if it's due to e d-day approaching.

Orangebb: I don't understand all these terms but my hubby said your hubby will understand- men's thing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] he said to secure the car seat in a 3 point position- 2 at the side, 1 at the head area. That will secure the entire seat and made it immovable. If still don't understand my hb can take pic and show you.

tenderhearted haha i emailed and asked they say they are licenced to prepare food :p

chloe thanks for advice will watch what i eat

thanks vividip... and good luck too and yes gleneagle do provide red date drinks unlike TMC ...only milo hahah hearsay only i will know tomolo :p and i too dun sleep well but then not much of excitment leh... maybe the excitment will kick in tomolo when i head to hospital haha

Bam: you poor thing, must be tough. You are doing great, all mummies will go through patches like this. Jia you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] sounds like colic. Do you have colic drops? Can buy from pharmacy. Dentinox and ridwind are some of the good brands. Put bb Lie on tummy, or in a 3/4 recovery position can help soothe her stomach also. Put her flat on your chest or tummy will help too. Massage bb, elevate bb in her sleeping position, all can be done to soothe unsettled stomach. Hope these helps.

Hi, TMC do provide red date tea. They gave me when i deliver in March. You can ask the nurse.

hammiemiao, i m still waiting also! My edd is still 8 days away.

Gynae said if by EDD still not pop then he wana induce or perform c-sect cos he scare bb too big by then


Hi, can I ask for those of you who employ CL... do you pay them only after they have completed or at the start of the confinement period?

