(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


My dd slept thru since she was 6 mths old. If she does wake up in e night now due to nightmare or terror, a bottle will comfort her better n ease her back to slp easier.

I dun see anything wrong abt comforting kids to slp leh, so long as I hv e manpower. Until now, I still tuck dd to bed, still need to pat n sing to her.


Jia you. Well, at least it hb also wake up wif u lor. My hb usu slps like a log n duno wat happen or pretend not to know. Lol. Isaac oso eye big big after his milk last night. Wat I did was to put him on the sofa beside me n I will steal a nap until he make noise n I will either offer my breast or rock him to slp again. If both dun work, the cycle repeats again until he falls back to slp. The whole thing can take up to 2 hrs but I just steal slp in btw lor. Heng he seldom torture me like that.


Xin> That what happens to Josie too when she's nearing her 3 months old and above. She suddenly doesn't want breast, when wake up at night only fuss and wants to be carried to sleep. Huhuhu..


She's also like losing appetite, she will cry when we try to feed her. Only want to be fed if she's half asleep. So tiring. Need to carry her first for a long time before she can drink milk and it messed up my last pumping timing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Last night I'm asleep until my hubby wake me up because Josie wake up at 11.17 pm. BUT she doesn't want breast! Sigh.. Need to carry2 until 00.20 then she's asleep and want to be breastfed. In the end I pump at around 1.30. Argh.. She's not waking up again though, even at 6 AM I'm the one waking her up.

Then I told hubby, we should have dream-fed her at 11. Just wake me up next time. huhu.. I can't pump before she took her last meal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Thanks Marissa for sharing the rent a toy website.

My boy doesnt seems to be interested in toys.

My boy has also crossed the 100days old myth. The difference i noticed in him is he can sleep through longer after that though he has already started sleeping through the night before he turns 100 days old. He turns in to bed at 10pm and wakes up at 7.30am for milk then rush off to sleep again. Sometimes he can sleep till almost 12pm. But, he's very active during the day, only nap for a short while. He has no problem falling to sleep at night. just put him inside his cot and turn on his classical music & turn off the light or turn on the orange light, he will drift off to sleep within mins. When we're staying over at my inlaws place, i have to lie down beside him & he will turn his head left & right & smile at me and slowly drift off to sleep, sometimes i m the first one to go to sleep. If u leave the bed, he will cry within half an hour. If u lie down together with him, he can sleep throughout. Weird baby.

But he can have difficulty sleeping during the day, sometimes need to be carried to sleep, sometimes want to be placed on his side. He cant turn himself maybe too heavy. So far, he only managed to flip himself successfully once. He tried many attempts but get frustrated after he failed & u have to give him a little help & then pat him to sleep. Sometimes, he doesnt want to be pat, depends on his mood. My new Myanmar maid like to carry him so much which i instruct her not to carry my boy too often else he will alway cries to be carried. My maid alway like to squeeze in the middle of his diaper to check if his diaper is wet, i told her not to do so but she still do the same. Faint. Groovy, glad that u got a good maid. Sometimes, talking to them can vomit blood.

My boy already has his first baby teeth. 2 middle teeth at the bottom. He has been drooling quite a lot recently & sometimes fusses, don't know is it due to teething. He depends on his soothers so much nowadays and sucks very loudly.

Another difference i notice after the 100th day is he actually not crying at times when i put on clothes for him as compared to last time when i tried to put his rompers into the head, he starts to scream loudly already.

Btw, when can babies go to the public pool?

Hi mummies & Ian,

So busy recently.

Re: Sleeping

I give my son 1 feed at 11pm (either dreamfeed or feed it he wakes up). After which he will sleep till about 4am and wake up with big big eyes. After milk and some coaxing, he will continue sleeping till about 8-9am.


I tried coz if the milk is in the fridge for more than a day, I usually will test it to ensure that its fine. Kiasi... lol. For my #1, I had to make the FM more dilute when I intro it to her coz she was on total BM for 1 year. After that I intro 1 FM a day so that she can get used to it.


Block or blister. Check for blocks part by part and also on the nipple for white spots.

Re: Sippy cups

For my #1, I went straight to open rim cups, skipping sippy cups. Partly coz she does not like sippy and partly coz my husband is the distributor of a very good open rim training up (Doidy). Managed to teach her to drink from an open rim cup rather quickly. But, even though she can drink from any cup after that, she still likes to have her milk from bottle... if any of you want the cup, we can organise and I will get my hubs to give a special discount for this thread regulars if got enuff pple to justify ok... :p

Re: Beco

Beco is a fantastic carrier. I am still using. Nevertheless, the source of this BP is unknown. So do beware. My hubs is an authorised retailer and from what he told me, local distributor has no stocks. Beco also does not allow any "tom dick or harry" to ship from them... have to go through the distributor. So...

Ok time to go to work. Tata.

Kayden wakes up at 7.45am today n start fussing again. It has been like this for the past few days leh. Wonder wats wrg with him? He's 3mths today. Isit some growth spurt or wat?


Josie still refusing to drink from the breast? So weird leh. Kayden only suckle the left side. Offer him right side he cry lor. I'll try again later to see how. Wen I feed him the right side last night he drank leh. Well, mb he's just nt hungry n wanna sleep ba.


So good that ur boy become much better to handle after 100 days. I'm still counting down n hanging on. Everyday look forward to his nap in the morn n hoping he'll sleep longer. N also look forward to hb coming bk. At least gt another person to help out. If nt sure go crazy Liao.

These few days also dunno y he cry lor. Wants to be carried but carry still cry leh. Try feed also cry lor. Really frustrating.

Oh no... salary of maids going to increase to S$450 liao... Even at S$300+, I already find them expensive as the maids who come to SIngapore are very green and many cannot perform simple tasks properly. Some of the maids who come here are not even 23 yrs old. My last maid only admitted that she is 18 yrs old on her last day of employment! I don't know why the agencies compare salaries to HK and Taiwan.. The maids there are usually seasoned maids.

I find it such a headache cos maids give a diff set of problems - attitudes, expectations,hanky-panky,lazing around,etc. I would not want a maid if I have a choice. But sigh... cost of living in Singapore is getting higher.. We women cannot afford not to work .... we have no choice but to leave our kids to the maids...quite sad

Zuen: Yah, those CNY goodies are really difficult to resist. If really cannot tahan, we can indulge once in a while bah. I usually take a small serving into a bowl, eating directly from the containers can be "dangerous" ... hehehehe

Weight-loss: I still remember when I was younger, it was quite easy to find friends/colleagues that are willing to share a meal, cos we share the same weight lost goals. It seems that I've reached an age when my peers are less interested in losing weight. My friends who are mothers seems to have accepted their post pregnancy weight. So this dieting and exercising road is getting a bit lonely. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Maid Salaries:

OH DEAR ... I hope my maid doesn't get this pc of news. I'm paying her 500 a month, and she has close to 16 years of experience. If new maids are commanding 450 ... WAH ... dun know how much I have to pay her then -.-"

Hi Mummies,

Need help. My boy today 4 months old already still haven sleep through. I will feed him at 10pm then he will ask for milk again around 2am.

Usually he will go into deep sleep at 7pm but around 3-4am he will start stretching n making noise n I need to carry or pat him to sleep and this can continue a few times in the night.

I am already back to work and this is causing me not to have enough sleep.

Anbody can advice me how I can let me boy sleep better? Some colleague told me to let him sleep later like 9pm but he can't he will be very cranky after 730pm if he is not in deep sleep.

Xin2> ya lor.. Nowadays it's worst, bottle or breastfeed all the same she doesn't want to drink if she's not half asleep. I think she has associates drinking milk = sleeping already leh.. Because she's always asleep after drinking milk.

Breastfeeding sometimes can force her sometimes cannot. huhuhu.. headache..

Lucky I got a maid already! Phew.. Hopefully she didn't see this news too. No wonder the new maid I'm getting is not arriving after more than 2 months, until I change agent and request for transfer maid instead.

I also find her wage 360 already quite expensive lor. Me too after Josie's birth keeps thinking, how can we afford to be a housewife nowadays. Got a very huge debt for housing loan itself. Huhuhu..


Maybe u can adjust his napping time. Try to get ur bb to nap around 4 to 6pm so that he can last till 9pm. My bb used to want to sleep at 7pm and this is what I did. If I let her sleep at 7pm, she will wake up at 3pm to play. May have to ask bb caregiver to cooperate with u. Make the environment conducive for napping in the late afternoon n may have to adjust for 1 week at least to reset his biological clock.


I have the same prob as u leh. Kayden doesn't sleep much in the afternoons so by abt 6+. He'll be very cranky n wanna sleep already. Usually he'll go into deep sleep by abt 8pm. Then he'll wake up ard betwn 10-12am. Depends on wat time he drank milk before sleeping. Then again wake up 4hours later for milk again.

Are u breastfeeding or fm? I'm total latching so dunno how much he drinking n sometimes he drink until fall asleep. Can't wake him up.

Same as Xin lor he doesn't sleep much in the day regardless how my mum try to made him sleep.


He wouldn't wake up until 2am but I will still feed him at 10pm cause his last feed will be like 6pm. I stop breastfeeding already so he is on FM now.

But will your boy go back to sleep after drinking milk?

Passion: I had the same problem with my boy. Always waking up easily during the day. I also noticed that if he is not well rested during the day, he wakes up more often at night. Also, he is crankier when he is awake. I introduced the yaolan, and it got better. He is able to nap for as long as 2 hrs during the day.

My boy usually sleeps after his last feed at about 8.30 to 9.00pm ... he would want to latch, and feed till he dozes off. Next feed would be at 1-2am ... and then it would be 5-6am. These are dream feeds, and I nurse him while lying down. He has no problem drifting back into dreamland when he has nursed enough. Most of the time, I will also doze off, and wake up some time later to find that he has unlatched and in deep sleep already.

I've heard that it is common for boys to feed more as they have bigger appetite, and hence unable to sleep through the night.


My boy also sleeping in yao lan during the day lei. When he was in his early 3rd month he still can nap for 1hr plus but this 2 weeks he change his habit can only nap for 30mins.

Do you let him sleep in yao lan in the night?

Passion/ caris:

I used to let my boy sleep in the Yao LAN during the day when he was abt 1mth to 2mths. Then I stopped cos hb scared of the risk of Yao LAN. Dun wanna shake him too much. Since then he has been sleeping on bed or sofa lor.

Kayden can sleep for max 3 hours in the day rite after bathing. Tats the longest nap. I'll usually nurse him n he'll sleep. So I put him down on the sofa sideways. He'll continue to sleep. I'll take the time to wash his clothes, eat, rest.

After he wakes up, then I'll move him to his bed in the room. Then play with him n he'll nap there. Usually not for long. The most 30mins lor. Cos he'll sleep on his bk this time round n startle easily.

Mb u can try this method which worked twice for me today. When kayden cries to be carried to sleep, I'll offer him the paci. If he still criEs, I'll just leave him alone out of sight. Then 5mins later go to him n offer the paci again. Did this 2 rounds n he took the paci n fell asleep. Mb he cry until tired also. But it works!!

My boy usually will fall asleep while nursing at night or if not just let him kick kick a bit then give him paci he'll go bk to sleep.

I just went shopping for new clothes as I m starting work next week n cny cmg. Pants size went up one size n cannot find tops at all lor. Hate my bulging tummy n big breasts! Boohoo. Hate cny too.


Hi 5! I hate cny too n confirm going back to hubbys hometown. Booohooo. :,,,,,,(

Im still wearing pregnancy elastic pants :D

I also dont see prob comforting child to sleep. But most see as spoiling. Even hubby sometimes.. no support to spoil my son at home. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Nursing wear,

Any place to buy except bp thread, spring maternity, mothercare? Im looking for affordable one... maybe below 30?? He he he..

I think i cn only wear 5 'nice' tops now.. lol. One fo them is nursing wear, the rest i hv to pull n stretch under mursing cover which now my son REALLY hates.


Xin2, my son can sleep well in the day but keep getting startled at night! Hahaha

Just wanna share smth, wrote it on my fb this morning too, so some mummies might hv seen..

We bought the pool set n let nikolas swim for 15 mins yesterday n he slept really well! Like from 4-10 then 12 to 7.

Brought him to the baby spa few weeks back n he also slept like 3 hrs straight after the swimming, on stroller! (He usually sleep on his stomach, usually sleep in stroller max 1 hr only)

Maybe u mummies can try letting ur baby swim too? Make them tired then can sleep well in the day.. (n night too hehe)

Hi Mummies,

Sorry to disturb, i'm a July Mummy..

I had 1 tin of Enfalac A+ formula (Expiry 29 July 2012)for sell..

Brand new unopen.. Selling at $35.

Anyone interested can sms me @ 91459082.

Pick up location can be arrange.. Prefer Bartly MRT or Tanjong Pagar MRT.


anyone interested to buy 4tins of 900gram each for:-


900 G Quantity:

NTUC selling at $40.45



I got one $5discount voucher for it too (first buyer gets it).

Self collection at my house here only(admiralty link) cos 4tins very heavy.. LOL, prefer to sell either 2/4 tins at a go please.

Me can let go at $35 per tin.

PM me

Passion: My boy sleeps in his baby cot at night, not yaolan. I nurse him on my own bed ... I usually wait till he is in deep sleep before i attempt to burp or transfer him. Otherwise will run the risk of waking him up ... :p


My boy started sleeping thru around 2 mth plus. When nanny was ard, he wakes up twice for feeds and has to be carried to sleep. Maybe when he cry abit nanny will pick him up...things changed after nanny is gone. He will wake up once ard 3 am for milk and after that we will put him back to the cot, off the lights n let him drift to sleep on his own. Of cos he will make some noise cry abit, kick here kick there but after some time will sleep on his own... Hee once we see the flying kicks get lower and lower we knew he dozing off soon!

Every night same thing last feed at 10 plus then change into his sleepsuit, swaddle him off the lights and he will sleep on his own le won't even cry at all. He somehow knows it's bedtime[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we will watch drama in the same room and he can still sleep! Now we don't swaddle him he is also able to sleep through...I guess there were a few occasions he woke up in the nite but bcos he din cry very loudly only both daddy n mummy sleeping like a log n din bother so eventually he also don't want to wake up for milk le haaa[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My boy very easy to manage in this aspect but his biggest prob is bottle rejection!!! Really headache ah making me so tired[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] can't even leave him with my parents n go out n shop! He suddenly reject bottles after 3 months n before that I only latch him once a day... Can't understand why so "addicted"??? Totally clueless man!


So good lor. Ur boy can sleep thru. My boy still can't leh. Will wake up n kick n move 4hours later lor. Dunno isit cos n r drink enough? But he always drink from 1 breast then fall asleep Liao. Haiz.

How abt daytime? Ur bb can sleep well?

I broke down this morning lor. Now got a bit phobia Liao. Scared he keep crying. Everyday praying hard that he can sleep longer n wake up later.


Please don't despair, it's tough but it will be a passing phase. By one year old, babies sleep cycle will mature, also, as they gain more weight, they can sleep longer. My pd said thAt heavier babies tend to sleep for longer stretches. Understand it's still many months before they reach one year old but at least there is a finishing line n this non ideal sleep cycle is not indefinite one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Adelyn> Maybe try my maid method, carry your boy until half asleep then put the bottle inside his mouth and keep knocking the bottle. hehehe..

I dunno what's wrong with Josie, maybe she associated drink milk = sleep. Because she can reject both breast and bottle. Can only drink when half asleep...

Re: 100 days

Nothing much has changed. Baby still wakes up 2-3x at nite but she does it wif eyes closed n v fast go back to sleep. N another, she now can cry her head off when its past her feeding or sleeping time. she pretty much haf a fixed nap and bedtime. At home when she starts to fuss i know its time to sleep. But outside esp when wif her grandmas they insist shes ok even tho she fuss coz they still want to play wif her. they dun want to let her go even when i tell em its her naptime etc. So i let my baby cry n make em panic a bit. Dats when i discovered now she can really wail her heart out!

Ann, like niko, sofea also needs to latch or carried to sleep. Mostly latch. I got no prob actually wif this. But ppl ard me also nag partly bcoz they want to haf complete control over baby. N i still do it coz partly i want to annoy em.. Haha

Adelyn, so good yr boy can doze off on his own!

Xin2, aiyah my baby also same. Till now havent slept thru e nite but at least now she dun stay wide awake for an hr everytime she wakes up for milk at nite. Jus b patient.


My boy is ok at night. I'll feed him then either he'll fall asleep n I put him down, or he'll kick a while then give him pacifier n he'll sleep Liao. It's the daytime tats chialat lor. Morn still ok but once he wakes up from his morn nap. It's fighting battle with him.

Ur bb can sleep well in the daytime?

hi ALL mummies

I have an Ameda Lactaline dual electric pump which I only used very lightly (only bought in Oct 2010 after giving birth) cos i didnt manage to bf. If any of you or your friends interested to get another set for office, pls PM me and I will let u have my hp no for fast deal. I hope to get rid of this soon...


No need to worry PD say within 7 days is ok cause bb is absorbing all the nutrients [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Before u know yr bb will poo n a mega 1 so be prepare for it ")


thanks for the info on formula! since jadelyn is happy and well on similac i will just stick to that for now.

re: sleeping

seems like this is the most headache issue for many mummies here... mummies whose babies are not sleeping throughout the night, don't despair okay? as baby grows older, they will be able to drink more and naturally sleep longer at night.

my girl is finally back to the routine of sleeping from 11pm to 6am. was a bit hard to get her back on track because she had her jabs like 2 weeks ago and i think ever since that day she hasn't been eating or sleeping very well. very tiring for me to wake up at 12mn, then again at 4am to feed her. now so much better! hope won't change when she has another round of jabs at 4 months old.


same with jadelyn, will fuss when she is tired and wants to sleep. and she will "eh eh eh" with her eyes closed and use hands to rub her face.


your boy seems to be a good sleeper! watch drama in room also can sleep. haha!! good! me and my hubby's biggest worry is waking jadelyn up when we go toilet in the middle of the night because of the sound of toilet flushing. sometimes she will also "eh eh eh" a bit in her sleep but won't wake up although i will always be very kan cheong scared that she will! think she was dreaming bah.. few times even heard her fart lor. so loud. :p


don't despair.. maybe kayden is really hungry and can't help it so wake up. have you tried giving him FM for his last feed? BM is digested faster so naturally doesn't keep him full for too long.


Isaac oso wake up one time now when he used to slp thru wor. Since I bf, I just take it as his help to maintain my ss lah. Hehez

starry and Xin> Josie is on total BM but she already started sleep through the night since she's 2 months old.

I used to sleep with her in her room, but suddenly I realize, when she wake up, I said wait a while I go toilet first to pee and wash hand. When I came back she already sleep again..

She moves a bit when I'm going to sleep and put my handphone and glasses next to her cot. In the end I told hubby it's time for us to use back our master bedroom and sleep peacefully in our Serta Bed. Hehehe.. Usually hubby sleep on a futon for 2 months until Josie is able to sleep overnight. :p

Last Wednesday when she suddenly wake up at 3, actually she wake up to poo. Maybe also because of the sudden change that I'm going to office that day. huhu..

After that, she's able to sleep overnight again.. Hopefully this will stay.

But for Josie case, I find she's almost never cries because of hunger, because everytime she's fussy and I offer breast/ bottle, she almost never want to drink it. Argh, most of the time she only want to drink when half asleep. Huhuhu..


I'm nt SK worried abt waking up at night cos usually kayden won't fuss much n will go bk to sleep quite fast. It's daytime that I headache lor. So difficult to get him to sleep in the afternoons. Haiz. Headache la.

Envy u that jadelyn can sleep thru. At least u gt more rest lor. Sometimes I feel so tired in the day lor. Giddy giddy n headaches lor.

Nvr give fm at all. Hb not keen on the idea n I wanna TBF for as long as I can first. Cos nt going bk to work so soon yet. So just let him latch for nw


Does ur babies still startles? Kayden still will startle quite a lot in the day when he sleeps leh. N so very fast wake up Liao. How? Tried putting beanie but still he'll startle lor.

Joshua still startles but not that often. He will normally go back to sleep after that. I am going to try to give Joshua a last feed at 11pm tonight and see if he sleeps thru. he will normally drink around 9pm and wakes up at 2am for his milk.

Hihi mummies

Long time never post here but still read the forum now and then.


Jia you... My baby not sleeping thru yet also. She still wakes up at least once ard 4plus or 5am.. but duno why from last week been waking up twice. Once at ard 2plus and then 5plus. -.-"

My baby also still startle when she sleeps so at night I will swaddle her. Sometimes daytime I will also swaddle her. She sleeps better when swaddled. You can go n get those swaddle blanket with velcro for Kayden. Very good.


Tried swaddling kayden after his 1st mth cos he was startling a lot n wake up so many times at night crying. But guess wat, he woke up every hour after we swaddle cos he cld not free himself. Haha. From then on nvr swaddle at night n he's perfectly fine. He can go bk to sleep n usually less startling at night for him. Only daytime.

I'm so proud of Kayden!

Brought him for his 3mths injection just now n he did not cry at all. I was holding his hands n waiting for him to cry. Haha. He only erk a bit n tats it. I was still asking hb whether injection already anot. Haha. Brave boy!

Kayden's weight: 7.2kg now. Doubled his birth weight.

Kayden's height: 62cm.

No wonder I'm finding it so taxing to carry him now. He's so heavy. Even feeding him n need to switch sides also difficult lor. Butt so heavy to turn. Haha.

PD say his head is quite strong Liao. Can start carrying upright Liao. Hurray!


Woa yr boy 3mths 7.2kg already envy lei... My boy today also went for his vaccination also 7.2kg but he is 4mth liao. I trying to make him rounder lei but cannot lei even if his on fm.

Hi mummies, i used to have too much ebm and nowhere to keep. then i bought a upright freezer, about waist height, to store just ebm. Now i stopped feeding, and the fridge is not in use, just wondering if anyone will like to buy the fridge.

Passion thks! Must pack extra diapers n clothes then in my bag coz we haf to go out tmrw.

Mommies, any of yr babies already teething?wat r e symptoms? Is fever one of it? Sofea has been super cranky n crying extra loud for e past few days. Last nite her temp went up to 37.8. Apploed koolaid on her forehead n gave e medicine which was for her post jab. Now temp has gone down 36.4. No one is sick at home or has she been exposed to rain. E past 1 week she was drooling excessively n kept rubbing her head n ears. I din tink much of it. But could all these b e symptoms? I dun see nything sprouting frm her gums yet.


U cld put your finger in her mouth and feel whether there is something sharp or not... hope the fever subside soon.

I am sooo bored today n hubby has meeting so i am home alone with baby. Just sent my mom to the airport this morning. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] wanted to go out but cant carry my boy in sling for too long all alone.

Just now hubby drop me off at home with taxi n he went again to the meeting. I carry niko n diaper bag n he was fussing coz he wanted to sleep.. he almost fell down!!! Argh. Im so scared now. There was some maintenance for our hdb lift n when seeing me the maintenance guy on the lift for me... he was just locking it or something... fiuuuuh... not funny sia if i were to climb up or climb down like that...

Now it will be just the two of us again during the day...

Xin2, my bb also startle a lot even now. With the bean pillow, sleep on side.. Tried all ways.. He won't startle if he sleeps in our arms but tts not a gd solution so I have surrendered and fixed a yaolan. It really helps. He sleeps much better and less startle

Hi Mummies,

Want to ask you. My daughter has been losing weight as I have given my daughter my excess breastmilk from my son to her. She will drink my breast milk once daily in the morning or night.220ml. She has been drinking pediasure milk but has stopped one feed due to the excess. Should i give her my breastmilk or give her pediasure milk so that she can maintain her weight?

Hi mummies,

Anyone know wen it's ok to use tampons after delivery? I finally got my period- the real thing n it's quite heavy flow. I used to used tampons before getting pregnant but now dunno whether it's ok to use anot.


hi lindatlc, not sure if the loss of weight is due to the ebm. my PD recommend giving the excess to the elder child, hence i think it's good. i gave my daughter for abt a year, and during that 1 year, her health improves.

