(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Finally, after three days of latching with nipple shield. My bb is finally able latch without it. I have two successful attempt since morning. I think i really put in alot of hard work to latch bb. My bb is 10 weeks old now. It is really not an impossible task. Unfortunately, my stupid husband dont seem to appreciate and recognize my effort. I have been battling with my bb for the past three days. Tears almost rolled down when i saw her latching for more than 20 min on my breast.



I bought alot of rompers, leg warmers and socks for Baby Claudia. Got a Qipao for her, but smallest is size S which is for 6-12mths. Haha dunno can wear or not.

Got clothes for myself and the body shaper. Hohoho...MUST get rid of flabs before CNY!


I got one piece form Semb shopping centre Giant. But 1 piece hard to tell good or not.But it's really thin and soft.


I;m at 307


Wat did you get for Jadelyn? Haha...really vvv hard to resist.

I;m looking for cardigans/jackets for Baby Claudia. But those I saw in BP and Gmarket are too big.


yep,tried piccolo..not bad,but felt that its more like pampers than MP..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]It's very soft and thin...almost the same as pampers lor..

since pampers and MP was on sale then...i bought the usual 2 brands...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

few months later?uh uh!!no no!!hahahaha..scared le...sianz la...the dieting part is so torturous..unless if i can dont put more than 5kg i don't mind 4~~!!!!hahahahha


Ohhh that playmate!

I bought one previously from smallsmallworld (I think that's the name) during motherhood expo. $140 lor!!!! Intend to use when he slightly older like maybe 3mths or so [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: baby staring

Yah I know baby likes to stare but maybe that was first time I hear him cry like that. Hehehe so scary and literally gave me goosebumps sia!


Just 2 weeks only and I "damaged" my wallet... I bought things for myself and baby and spent close to $800 Liao. I make myself feel better by saying I haven't been shopping when I was preggy. Wahhhh but it's high time I stop buying Liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Tinggy, congrats, so happy for you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nycmum, what is the use of leg warmers huh? Then baby so big Liao still need to where sock ar?

princess diamond, wa 4 if can lose wt is alot.

Groovy, yar lor I can feel the scar too, feel a bit sian thot once the stitches dissolve won feel the scar Liao.

Shin, wat did u buy for $800?


leg warmer for her legs when she's wearing rompers. Cos most of the time she wear rompers n legs exposed. Might be useful when bring her to air-con places.

My girl out-grown booties so getting socks. Their feet gets cold so to keep them warm. Plus it looks nice with her clothes. Old folks said not to let baby wear shoes till they're 1 yr old so my girl will be wearing socks till den.

Haha but ultimately, there's no reason for shopping.


thanks for the info!! but im way out in tanglin. now goig back home..

bath tub,

finally bought big tub at motherworks.

i think it is the biggest tub i ever seen (checked kiddies palace n mothercare only)

took photo with baby too with christmas decor hehe. so happy


mummies do u feel the elastic leave marks on the foot?

try to pull it loose but still leave marks.. poor baby. now i dress him in really loose long pants and just use the clothes to cover foot. super ugly.. haha

or issit my son too chubby? lol.


i think my gynea really did a good job. i cannot feel the stitch. even though my cut was really really really long that i had a scare when paasing motion after delivery coz it is so near alrdy!

Ann: logan's socks also leave marks but it's normal. U can go mothercare to get socks with sizing or other kids shops. Sometimes He wil jus wear those pants that are fully covered w built in bootees. at night he wears sleepsuits

Ann, how you know ur cut very very long huh?

Those who have 2nd baby naturally I want to know If the doc will cut the same place or not? I was thinking if same place then maybe I can ask the gynae to stitch back nicely wo scar if possible.

ann, hand puppet? sounds interesting...

apple i dun mind if becomes need... cos 2nd boy liao, he doesnt get much new stuff :p

princess, skidamarink a ding ading skidamarink a doo.... hahaha... still going round my head

aiyah i want to see all the cute babies but thats the only day hubby is free to take leave so that we can go xmas shopping. enjoy! hope i can make the b=next one.


i see... but i hate those overall. very difficult to change diaer esp he always poo in the middle of the night.

maybe i try cutting the elastic band later..

hows logan today? cn it be he cry for ur attention, wants u to sayang him? today nikoas was playing happily witgh my mun. i walked by and he cry suddenly want to eat @.@


my boy loves the hand puppet!


i touched after perios is almost gone. can feel smth protruding. but now all smoothen up alrdy. cant feel a thing...


Not only Thomas, I still want to buy a few other train.

Re: socks

Mine also leave marks on his legs so I upgrade him to wearing 1-2 yr old jazzy toes socks but but but jiejie one lor so he look girly on his legs. Hahaha


Ever since I have my girl, always shop at BPs. Now those cute cute romper all in 1 big plastic bag liao. Sigh.... Boys really nothing much to buy


i alrdy let him wear big socks.. for 9mthh plus.. got half dozen for 1 yr old also very tight. huhu

agree nothing much for boys on bp or anywhere else...

so sad.... (got no reason to shop)

end up buying things for myself.. lol

tiffy, have fun buying them! it's never ending cos they introduces new characters every year!

ann, that's a great buy then!


U gd leh. Me buy nothing for myself[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


What! Every year new character, hmm.... I saw 1 seller selling in fb. Thinking of buying now but scare my girl will take n play because now she know Thomas & Friends.

hi mummies...

long time since i last logged in..

my mil has came to visit, first time she is seeing her grandson. She is very against breastfeeding!!! Every time my boy cries, she tell me...he wants your breast la...even when its becos he is sleepy and is fussing to sleep.

Usually i supplement with 1 bottle every night and if we go out in the day. But dont know why suddenly my silly boy dont want to drink from the bottle in the day (esp when she feeds)! Then she start saying i told you so..MUST give bottle one!!! Any mummies encounter the same problem with baby accepting bottle?

This whole thing is making me very frustrated and upset..like i am trying to give his grandson the best but i get shit for it...

i brought 5 toys from leapfrog online for about USD$59 but shipping charge S$70+.. Leapfrog toys are very expensive in Singapore.

There are promotion going on till 12/12, some of toys are cheaper now.

I did a shipping consolidation for my purchase of polo ralph dresses for my bb.

There are 15% discount on shipping charge if you using POSB MAster card using vpost service.

1) http://shop.leapfrog.com/leapfrog/jump/Twinkle-Twinkle-Little-Violet/productDetail/Scout-Toys/SCOUT19164/categoryId

2) http://shop.leapfrog.com/leapfrog/jump/Learn-%26-Groove%AE%3A-Color-Play-Drum-Bilingual-Spanish-Eco-Friendly-Packaging-/productDetail/Learn-%26-Groove-Toys/LEARNNGROOVE10064/cat90021?selectedColor=&selectedSize=&navAction=jump&navCount=0&categoryNav=false&categoryNavIds=lfBabyToys%3Acat80042

3) http://shop.leapfrog.com/leapfrog/jump/My-First-Book%3A-Hide-and-Seek-at-the-Farm/productDetail/Scout-Toys/SCOUT19154/My-Pal-Scout?selectedColor=&selectedSize=&navAction=jump&navCount=0&categoryNav=false&categoryNavIds=lfBabyToys%3Acat80042

4) http://shop.leapfrog.com/leapfrog/jump/My-First-Book%3A-Hide-and-Seek-at-the-Farm/productDetail/Scout-Toys/SCOUT19154/My-Pal-Scout?selectedColor=&selectedSize=&navAction=jump&navCount=0&categoryNav=false&categoryNavIds=lfBabyToys%3Acat80042

5) http://shop.leapfrog.com/leapfrog/jump/Developmental-Spin-and-Sing-Alphabet-Zoo/productDetail/More-Baby-Toys/lfprod10242/cat90018?selectedColor=&selectedSize=&navAction=jump&navCount=0&categoryNav=false&categoryNavIds=lfBabyToys%3Acat90018

Ann: today brought Logan to tampines shopping w my mil. Used the mim sling. He still prefer my mil. I carry he cry but wen I pass him to my mil he fall asleep! But I still insist on carrying. Eventually he quieten down n slp. But come hm try to put him to slp he keep fussing n my mil couldn't stand it she took him frm me n put him to slp.., she can't bear to c him cry...

Good morning mummies n Ian,

Hehe. Just finish feeding kayden n now he is bk to lalaland again. Well, Yest night he managed to sleep from 12 to 4+ before waking up for milk. Then just nw 6+ woke up again. Give him drink then he fall asleep again. Hopefully he can sleep longer n don't wake up soon.

I cried Yest night cos feel that how come bb keep crying n I dunno wat he wants. Feels sad that baby liked so ke lian. Wonder if I'm a good mother or not n whether got take good care of him anot.

Can I ask if any of ur babies got flaky stuff on the scarp? My boy gt flaky dandruff thing on his head leh. Is that cradle cap? Wat to do? Will he feel any discomfort?

good morning mommies n daddy

Great Sun morning ![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bringing Jade for Gap casting ... Reason to shop more too!! Haa, hubby already rolling his eyes, shaking his head when I said I wanna shop for the girlsss later ( yea, that's including me) hyiak hyiak hyiak


Haaaa... Me too! The song just naturally comes out when I see Meghan ![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I'm not too sure if it's the same spot but I guess there aren't many place for gynae to cut except the usual spot!

My gynae explained my cut was at the max length due to the size of the bb ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

That's is why I will feel a lil sore for the first few days .. However I I'm ok when walking around the nx day after birth even going to toilet ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The scars was lumpy due to the stitches during the first few weeks then subsequently subsided n then now, smoothen ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I should say the wound closed up nicely for my two pregnancies n i have to thank my gynae stitching skills.

If you had a chance, consult another gynae or wait till you come bk ?or ask the gynae over there wat will b the complications on re stitch ?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Baby staring

shin! same here, baby stares in the air then smiling and talking. LOL! gives me goose bump especially in the middle of the night.

Baby biting

recently my boy very cheeky! He will fuss for milk but when i put the teat into his mouth he will push it out and smile, then i kept the bottle away he will fuss until i put it back to his mouth then he will keep smiling but never suck! seems like he just want to play with it! Is it time to give him something to bite on yet?


apple, My stitches go all the way to my piles, hubby says its neatly sewn, now it healed and i can't feel it anymore, except the piles still pain at times. Haven't try HS yet.

big tub

Ann, how much is it that u get from motherworks?


tinggy, some of the toys are really nice! You mean u order through them direct, not BP rite? I thot their website says free shipping till 12/12?

Flaky scalp

Xin, it looks like dandruff right? previous bb has it now no more, but have a layer of oily stuff on the eyebrow, when scratch softly will have flaky stuffs. Doctor says just use baby oil to rub, leave it on awhile then wash off.


Anyone know when will the menses come usually?


i think ur bb not used to MIL feeding la.. When my friend carry my boy, he keeps staring at her and looked a bit lost until he forget to cry for milk.. LOL!


dont b discouraged! hugs


not too bad its 45. comes with stand too but he stand itself is 99!!! so i only bought the tub.. hahaha

happy sunday everyone!! enjoy ur time with family

thx ann, will chk it out!

thinking of goin orchard today, hope it's not too crowded!

Any mummy rebond or color their hair yet?!


That is cradle cap. My boi has a whole head of it, eyebrow too. Not painful. Can use cradle cap shampoo to remove but wun see results overnight. Hehe.


When menses comes back will vary from person to person wor. It also depends on whether u r bf-ing.

menses: i got mine twice in 4 weeks not incuding the lochia for 6 weeks. but its not the usual flow. lighter and for shorter period.


I was initially like you too. Cried when I don't know what he wants & keep on crying.

My bb till now still cry whenever I wear clothes for him. Haiz.. Like I m killing him! I tried eye contacts, talking to him, all don't seem to work. He just hates wearing clothes! He doesn't like to be touched on his face. I wonder when will he stop crying after shower!?

Gd morning everyone [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

can I check how do you clean your baby's tongue? My girl's tongue has this milk lining on it and I wash it daily but find it rather hard to reach the inner region.


I didn't buy thru BP, I diy direct fr US. free shipping refer to US ground shipping to your Vpost address. U still need to pay the Vpost service to sg.

didn't log in for 2 days. i almost lost in threads. mummies are geared up for online and xmas shopping.


Seabreaze, thanks for the invite. count me in. i be there


Ohhh I spent lon clothes for myself, shoes, mani, pedi, spent some on baby things like clothes and mor clothes and toys and customized some stuffs for him. Hahaha!

Re: gathering

Who else going for gathering? Finally I'm able to make it.. But whether will bring Aedan I'm not sure [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm finally gonna see all the cute babies!!!! So happy!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hello..how was your Sunday??

mine was fun but tiring....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Waited 1.5hrs for Jade to get her photo shoot...and the Q was endless...lol

saw really cute babies and kiddos..wonder how Gap gonna pick??I didn't spent Sgd80 to be Qualified..

hundreds of dollars that had just went into GAP and im not complaining cos we really got good bargain...hyiak hyiak hyiak..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hmmm....i might not be able to join le..cos it was Tue..and i totally forgotten that my IL don't work on that day...Busn close on Tue...and we usually meet them for lunch if Hb is in town...

Will keep you guys update again by Mon night[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Grrr...at inlaws place. They r keeping baby up and insist that he doesnt want to sleep. Insist on patting him n walking ard the bright house with him. Urrrgggghhhq...hope I dun suffer tomorrow!

afternoon mummies n ian,

i had a tiring sunday. went to chrurch n suddenly baby is wake in the midst of service. usually he is sleeping. then he kaypoh ard as usual before he goes to sleep, but cant sleep again coz people smiling at him, the speaker in the babys room somehow disturb him..

did not bring stroller n a friend passed us a big parcel so our hands were pretty full... im holding diaper bag, hubby wih parcel n take away food, my mum with baby... just went out for 5 hrs but really tiring!!


so thats the 80 bucks u post on status?? hehe i thought what is that for..

hope jade cn get in..


interesting webbsite.. will see what i "need" hehehehe..


did u get ur bathtub?


cool down ok... once or twice sometimes need to give in to people who want to play with bby... sigh.. know how hat feels..



I can totally understand that! When they want to play with the baby they will either say baby sleep too much or dun wan to sleep already.. where got worry baby sleep too much one! And when they disturb the baby until he cried, they will start to tell the baby go to sleep! pissed!


end up didn't go motherworks.. went BHG instead, and get a teething toy for baby coz he keeps putting his hand into his mouth, not sure is it he wants to bite things?! LOL

