(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Good afternoon mommies and daddy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yah lor...lol...thought of trying her out since she loves pose her and there...let her go and try it out..but really doubt she will get in..well,we are not giving up...LOL

Granpa and grandma all voting too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Oh come on!!!Who would want to say that??

Meghan is already 6.2kg 1 week b4 she turns 2mths old lor...i was a big baby and so as my hb

It depends on the parents...and also,if you are bfg exclussively,there are no worries..cos those store in the baby are good fats!!

JAde was a big baby too..at 3mths she already weight 8.8kg..but because she was bf..her PD shows no concerned on that and said she was growing well..she is always 95percentile......

Don't worry..if he is growing well adn eating accordingly..just be it..they will lose those baby fats when they starts moving...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

SebamEd Bubble bath

Meghan is using it...everytime i filled up the tub Then i will put s small drop in n mixed it..no bubbles le..maybe slightly foamy,tat's all[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i was thinking to go over cos i remember we still have 1 session with them..don't mind going down but to do it la..but maybe not now...quite tight up this week...BIL and his wife coming back from US...lots of meet ups and family dinner ahead[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

see how la[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hahhaa..i was kidding about having 4 la!hahahha.can die le....im a person who loves food...and to asked me to go on diet is a torture..Im doing it now...having really less carbo and i felt restless...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

How's your wound?still pain?



sure i am keen to meet in the west. when? where? JP?


i don;t have a blog. too tired and lazy to do a blog. will see if i can to start one soon. hee


8.8 kg at 3rd mth?? @.@

woooow.. u must be very toned!! hehehe..

good job mummy.

zuen n othe r mommies..

i hv blog too since ever but the new one (not quite updated) is since wedding then to homemaking time n pregnancy time. u r welcome to look see n link but i dunno how to put link bck using mobile phone.. just decided to blog daily again but i think quite unsuccessful.. hrhr..


Hi Seabreeze,

Not coming for the gathering liao. hubby disagree me taking mrt from boon lay to Bishan with baby alone. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] you ladies, enjoy yourselves ya.


aiya... I can't go to your place liao.

Hubby forgot abt it and called up some cable guy to come check on our tv antenna tomolo.

Thanks for the invite anyway.

Hope to meet up again real soon...

I noe some mummies have asked b4 but no replies.

It is normal for one breast to have more milk than the other breast. But how to increase e ss of the breast with less milk huh?

ZuEn, thk u. So if going to bf for a Yr then cannot do e brow for one yr?

My right also more than left breast .. Dunnow how to increase

Thanks princess Diamond for the explanation. Dun trust the doc here. Think when I have #2 then will ask on the issue of restitching to make it better. Max length of cut is very near to the @ss area liao right?

Thanks empress, will ask Hb go and see my stitches. He haven really done so or wat I think.

Empress, I just did a search on when menses will come back on Friday and the ans I got was that it dep on individual regardless of bf or not, so come back in 2mths time, some 6months, some 2 yrs later aft stop bf.

ZuEn, I just read yr thread on blood boil. My elder son also like tt recently. Purposely (I think) do something wrong. Dunno whether to get attention or wat. Throw tantrums more often... I think prob is becos of the presence of the second one. My pd ever told me before, with the second one, the behavior of the first child will change. Jia you ba.. Not easy to have two!

ann and empress, I just can't tahan how my inlaws were smirking at my 'ignorance' of my son! Kept saying he doesn't want to sleep, eyes so big. I mean if you are being carried out in the bright room, being talked to, you definitely wouldn't be sleeping mah. And babies need help to fall asleep!

After that my MIL kind of insulted me saying I'm short! Cos we were comparing my 2 boys and the baby is not growing in terms of height as fast as the elder boy did. So she looked at him and went, aiyo then u will be short like your mummy! I'm considered more than average liao for a girl of my generation! Her own daughter(ie my SIL) is shorter than me!

Really suffered when I got home... baby was over-stimulated. Took me quite a while to stop him crying and fall asleep. Thankfully he was so exhausted that I got a good 5 hours sleep! Strangely my boobs didn't feel like bursting.

Ann, is the taggies really good? I've seen it on pillows...but wondering how useful it will be...Think my friend got the pillows with taggies from MAternity Exchange.

Apple, hee... trying to see if I can get anything for the baby. Even xmas shopping, we didn't buy anything for him. So poor thing. Thomas & Friends series have quite a number of characters but not all are popular. If you ask my elder son, he can rattle off quite a long list. Actually so can I! hahaha


I totally agreed with you. My stupid MIL also said that same thing " eyes so big." A few times, my bb jus begin to fall asleep. then she purposely talk loudly and my bb open her eyes again. Then she began to say, "who said u sleeping, bluff ppl...." And i realised a few times, my bb will cry loudly at night when she visited her during the day time. I think as what you said, my bb was over-stimulated as well.


Yah lor..u look through my Fb photos la..you see her..BIG and fat esp her 7mths old pics...gosh!!!

but then again i was assured that she is doing well[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


No worries,

the most come back to s'pore then seek some advise from gynae here..think this will work the best esp during your pap smear test..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yes,he cut till almost reach the anus..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

it was ugly during the first 2 weeks but now nothing liao,very happy with the recovery ...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

taggies pillow case

PUPSIK is selling it..think they are having sales now....go online and check it out!


Your MIL very super duper tactless!Everything that is not pleasant it have to be from the mother..Glad that you are not putting up with her otw can die!!

hi apple.

think my boy also getting smarter liao, prefer breast then bottle. Every nite he still takes 1 bottle but in the day he tend to reject it. But yesterday hubby tried and was successful..but mil tried..failed again :p

So to stop her nagging, i am trying to stop direct latch and give ebm instead. But then i feel bit sad like going to miss the closeness with my boy.

Tiffy, need to one hand carry jaren, one hand handle Sherry must have been v diff for you. Peifu you. Endure a while when they are bigger will be more easier for you.

Thanks Melissa for all the info, the best I hope for me is for Menses not to come and yet can have #2. Do you have any premenstrual symptoms before it comes?

Nycmum, my mil dun wan to take care and no one else can really take care of Hebe so most likely I will put Hebe in infant care. Infant care more structure and routine and thou baby maybe more easily fall sick but will be able to socialize better and expose to some or little germs might built her immune system. Dun think I can't find good nanny on my side n erm, think sch might be more safe? Anything easier to complain?

princess, yes she super duper tactless. When I replied her that I'm not short, she can still say, you not short meh? *faint*

Saw the video of Jade. So cute! She loves longans? And Meghan is super duper cute too...so generous with her big smile!

Empress, I know or a friend whose baby recently at 2mths plus going to 3mths is abt 7plus kg and some other friend also abt same weight at 8 mths. U been bf ur baby? Diff baby diff weight gain. Unless the pd tells u that ur baby need to go on diet, otherwise shld be alrite?


Can go, just have to pump n throw for 3 days lor. My bb still not used to bottle so I fun dare to go now n end up starving my bb. Intending to go towards e end of my ml when bb is more bottle trained. I will pump n throw then. I will have enuff stock to last him for that 3 days.

Haha, my dd always have new patterns to boil my blood. But hard on her too, suddenly has to share her mummy. It is prob a passing stage, they will one day grow out of it. Jia you!

Seabreeze: Sorry, I just realised that I have to be home tomorrow for HDB inspection (upgrading works). Please count me out for the gathering [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

GSM: My baby's stool is usually orange .... I read from books, BF babies' stool is usually described as being mustard color .... But I've also read somewhere saying that it's common for the color to very from orange to green .... it's all considered normal


you know her pattern,nx time just walk away lor...i can b nasty too if i want..just say..you are the best la...nothing beats you...!!lol

thanks,Jade n hb are often like dat!She likes everything the father is eating n drinking!!!!dunno y?

even if she had a full meal,but if she sees my hb eating..she will attack!!lol

Meghan loves to smile..lol..only after a powerful nap..lol

in da morning esp,she will chuckle,coo n smile...but when she cry...-.-''' you knw la,,wahahahahaha


Sorry don't think I'm able to come for gathering as well! My boy needs to go for vaccine. Supposed to be in the evening when my hb can go with me but now he has issues at work so I changed the appt to morning so my parents can go with me so it will be kinda rush to turn up for the meet up and esp after his vaccine. Sorry mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

But really really thanks for offering ur place.. It's a pity this time round it's no no for me again.. Boo boo.. Hope my boy will not be cranky after the vaccine *prays hard*

Ann, I got the giraffe but my girl dun seem to be a toy person. She prefer talking to daddy. Think I can save on toys liao.

Princess Diamond, my would these few days suddenly okie liao. I am thinking whether I have piles or not and is the piles that is causing the pain. Dunno wor.

Emmie, some mil just so insensitive de. Next time u become mil must not follow that footstep. All child are diff and grow and develop at diff rate, even studying too. Some pple just need more time to realize n went fr normal academic stream, to university than others and even have a better career

Than those others.

Princess, yar but back to SG I wan to see a gynae whom I wan to see when I am having my #2 but not seeing him now. Not sure possible or not or when can see. Will see how it goes.

Abt taggie blanket, I dun understand if it wld be very useful. Any mummies using can share?I already got a normal blanket which I have yet to use fr ikea....

Loca, I think u shld try not to compromise with ur mil, latching is still the best if you wan to bf.

Dun exchange the Bond you will have with ur baby to stop your mil la.

Emmie, ur mil taller than u meh? Piss off for u.

Gsm, my girl girl on both bm and fm. All the colours u mention she got except orange I think. Now the trend is for her to fart with poo watery coming out.

Empress, I know or a friend whose baby recently at 2mths plus going to 3mths is abt 7plus kg and some other friend also abt same weight at 8 mths. U been bf ur baby? Diff baby diff weight gain. Unless the pd tells u that ur baby need to go on diet, otherwise shld be alrite?

Good evening mummies,

Had been following the posts but lazy to post anything. Haha. Well, had quite good sleep last night cos kayden managed to sleep from 8+ till 1+ before waking up for milk. After that 6+ then he woke up again. Hoping that tonight will be the same. Usually at night after milk he'll fall asleep. If he's awake I'll just let him lie down n kick, after that he'll doze off on his own.

For mummies who are taking care of bb alone, do u feel bored at home? Currently hb having sch hols so at hm with me. But come Jan, I'll be alone at hm Liao. Wonder if will be bored anot leh. Nobody to talk to. Don't think will be adventurous enough to bring bb out alone. So most likely stay at hm until hb comes bk.


Saw the video on jade. She's so cute. Can't wait for my boy to grow up n be more interactive. Haha. By how many mths will bb be more responsive?


Thought if you are concerned now, you can get it dine quick.. No harm seeking opinions from other gynae .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Think many of us can't make it tmrw .. I'm going for lunch with IL, so gotta strike off my name too ! Sorry ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Depends on each bb.., Usually by week 6-7 they should b able to see slightly clearly n then at 2mths they can response to your facial expressions ..

When I start Meghan with poo at 4.30pm.. I always pout n shut my eyes then make poo poo sound! Now she is sort off imitating me everytime Iake her poo.. Shr will gek then smile !!

She reacts with a smile everytime I greet her morning ... N hello after nap .. N when I read to her.. Though I guess she dun understand but she responded with a coo n smile when my actions are big .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] you can try.. Do it daily .. Meghan loves to chat !![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gathering tom

There 4 mummies who are meeting tom are cyn, nycmum, claudia n myself. I am ok to continue to meet since small grp n v easy to chit chat heehee

U ladies ok? Or prefer to change date/venue?

apple, my MIL shorter than me... my ILs are not tall people... interesting that my hubby is tall. Anyway I'm sure my boys will not be short. :p

princess, I will try to walk off next time she makes such comments... just taht at the point in time when she was making the comment, I was cleaning up baby's poo...:p


i know it's unavoidable sometimes...me too!LASt time i had all this shit till i fed up!Really can't tolerate anymore...enough stress on the mother alone while handling the kids...here this ppl with such comments makes it worse!

Don't worry,come in here and rant it out lor...

as what we have talked before...all those bad habits are inherited from mother for sure..good ones only from their son!haahaahaa...

i can't be bothered to argue anymore too..just listen lor... when i hear such comment,i will always say..yea lor..she looks exactly like the father..the father give birth to her...the father breastfeed her...lol

then you 'll see my hb rolling his eyes!muahahhahhaha.....


dunno whether useful or not. but seems fun to give for my boy since he now likes to grab n feel things (and alson put it in his mouth... sigh..)

thx mummies on info for taggies.. will look out for pupsik n mtrty xchange after this.


i think i will say smth to ur mil if i were u esp if she has insulted you few times alrdy!

but the best to do is of course forgive and be deaf against those comments..

i also hv one relative who loves to "insult" me in her way. yhe ulimate one is saying that i am FAT and no wonder my baby is big n OVERWEIGHT. she also said i feed him TOO OFTEN and he must go on DIET, dont give him milk when he cries for it. @.@

i told her off one day n she sensed i dont like her. when she left my house (she stayed here for 2 nights) she gave me big angbao. i sort of scold her again but she refuse to accept back. like she's buying my love n respect loh...

really cant stand such ppl who thinks money can buy everything and is the best way to resolve every problem... haih.

princess, yea yea...bad genes/habits all from mummy! LOL

hahaha... i can just imagine your hubby rolling his eyes at your response. yeah, this is the only safe place to rant it out... just need to get it off my chest.

ann, she probably doesn't think she's insulting me. She's just tactless... Got to have big heart i guess. trying.. :p


I experienced the same problem as you. Some of my relative also sort of comment that i feed my bb too often but no choice he cries for it, & he can cry non stop one. sometimes don't feed then comment say baby drink milk no fix time interval one. Faintz!! some ppl!!


Sorry to interrupt. Any mummies here looking for stylish trendy nursing wear this festive season?


Brand New MOTHERS EN VOGUE nursing maternity wear sale 60% off

More than 20 currently still in store designs available. XS-L sizes!!


Email [email protected] or PM me for details now til 16 Dec (Thur)!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


How bout we change gathering to another day? Since left so few mummies.

Claudia(Mummy Claudia not my BB Claudia...haha) is not gg as well cos her domestic helper is coming tmr.

So left only 3 ppl.


Feeling so heartache leh. Baby kayden scratch himself on the face n seems so painful. Had cut his nails n file them but dunno y still so sharp leh.

Mummies who took off baby's mittens, how to prevent them scratching themselves? I'm worried that scratch the eye. In the end now wear bk mittens for him Liao. 

Hi seabreeze,

it wld be great if u could change gathering date so I can go , hee.


any cot mobile to recommend? Anyone bought the fisher price rainforest cot mobile?

morning mummies~

thinking of exchanging the pupsik sling tt i bought to XL..cause wife feedbacked tt its kinda cramped when trying to fit xavier inside..i also tried personally..also experiencing the same issue..

lol..current size is L..but my weight only belongs to a high Medium. perhaps we dont know how to adjust?

the lowest end of the sling shlould be 2-3 inches below the belly button..and we achieved tt as well..but somehow we find it abit to cramp to squeeze xavier in..

and once inside, his position is like a curve..is that supposed to be so?


Oh now Claudia cant make it. Or we meet somewhere central for lunch? How abt United Square? There are alot of bb shop there then we can eat n shop around heehee

You sms me then we arrange?

ZuEn, I also wish too. Not enough how to stock hehe.. Now every feed sufficient I oredi happy liao .. My boy drinking 140ml. Think soon he needs more, hope my supply can catch up with him.

