(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Is super tired today aft the JB trip. No joke at all to handle Jaren and Sherry while hb is driving. Jaren give a mega poo. Aft cleaning him up in the car, Sherry want to pee and I have to unclip her from her booster seat and move her to the potty while the other hand carry Jaren. Furthermore from S'pore to JB immigration jam and when coming back also jam at the JB side.

1 gd thing is FIL drive us to eat his nasi lemak which is v nice. Wow FIL's driving skill superb same as my hb because my hb learn fr his dad



what kind of teething toy u get?

i also see some at tanglin yesterday but all indicate 6mth plus.. n also they seem so big..

saw one on bp thread too... the elmo one is so cute...


anyone know where in spore can buy blanket with taggies? heard kids love to touch n play with the tags....


Re: HS

Can I ask those mummies who are already bk in action, hw do u all managed to do it? I feel so painful lor. In the end had to stop. Cos really so pain. Feels so dry n weird. How??

Hb had been hinting but I no mood leh. Scared of pain.

it's a stay home Sunday for me! we all stayed home and watched DVD for a change. usually we will go out for makan, shopping, etc.


my stitch is quite long i can still trace the outline. i tore at the same site twice. so far ok. didn't affect my HS thingie but if press hard can be painful.

baby staring,

my baby is staring in the air too!! and smiled and laughed! if i bring him to my mom's room, he will always stare at the same spot where the night light is and started smiling like as if someone is there to play with him! scary huh. don't know why.


first child my menses came back six months after lochia cleared and second child even faster at three month after lochia cleared. i breastfeed exclusively. thought it should be longer. so disappointed. so i'm not hoping for miracles the third time aroud. some people are so lucky their menses came back only after they stopped breastfeeding their child.

cleaning baby's tongue,

my mom taught me to use glycerine. it came in a small bottle brought from the chinese medical shop. it works. been using it for all my three kids.


if you're breastfeeding it's likely that the hormones in your body will cause you to have a lower libido and makes you dry. sometimes we have to resort to lubricants as well. as for pain from stiches, mine went away after 2 months. must be gentle ok.


Who's going to look after Kayden when you return to work? Will you be taking no pay leave?

Both my parents and IL working. So now I'm looking after Baby Claudia on my own. Will be back to work end Feb. BB will be 4mths den and intending to send to infant care. But at the same time worried that BB fall sick easily. And also worried about being too tired to look after BB after work.

Any mummies can share their experience?


I bought a simple lucky baby water teether can put in fridge to sooth sore gums.. Not sure will use it yet, some packaging i saw says for 3 mths onwards..

got elmo one? which thread?? *interested!* =D


i use gauss, dip a little glycerin, dip in semi-hot water, then clean baby tongue, cheek sides, gums, roof. not sure if i'm using it correctly.

can i ask, baby boy 6kg at 2 mth is it too heavy? I was told that my boy is too fat and should be on diet! *worried* His double chin is very obvious!


i use wet towel, dip a little glycerin and clean his whole mouth inside like empress did.


my boy turned 6kg only when he just reached 3 months and he's on 50 percentile so yeah likely your baby is overweight! haha. then again to some it's genetics. my hubby and i are small sized couple. our babies are always at the 25 percentile [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all! Looks like most of us are having bz Sundays! Hubby, Jadelyn and I were at JP for breakfast and some shopping. Tiring for me!! Carrying her in the sling the whole time. Hubby went for leg massage. So envious of him. Now just came back from a wedding dinner. Tired TTM..

Princess d,

I won't go get my nails done now, although very tempted to! My nails are very very short now so not worth it to get done. Thinking of doing before CNY when they grow longer. U wanna go back to the salon soon?

Re: gathering

Can't make it already as I've a company Xmas event to attend in the evening. I miss my crazy colleagues so thought it will be nice to meet up with them and have some fun before ML over. Scared too rushed to travel so far to seabreeze's place then go back home settle baby at mum's place and go out again.


Sounds like u went on some shopping spree! Hope ur wallet's hole not too big after that. Haha! I bought stuff for myself, portable changing mat, baby clothes, etc etc. Shldn't spend anymore liao. Wallet's hole getting big!! :p

All except Claudia and Ann should rec my address and HP via PM.

Those who are keen to join, do PM me for address and HP by Monday k.

I jus came back frm a wedding dinner too. So many couples brought their bb there, even 1 ard same age as Logan. I dun dare bring him for such noisy occasions. Dunno how he wld react to e noisy environment n e yum Seng! The poor bb there kept crying coz tired but too noisy to slp.

I dun dare hs either, scared pain coz I heard that while breastfeeding lubrication is a prob n I'm always feeling so exhausted. Even get dizzy spells which doc says is due to lack of slp. My hb hints as well but I told him til e day he let's me hv at least 8 hrs uninterrupted slp he wun b getting any action.


I'll be taking care of Kayden after my ML ends. Will be taking no pay leave till June. Then after that see how it goes.

Experience with infantcare:

My SIL sent her baby to infantcare after ML. Well, got pros n cons ba. For pros, I guess the baby will be able to learn to interact better with pple. For cons, think got more leh. My nephew was a giant baby at birth (4.3kg) but now very small size n skinny after send to infantcare. He falls sick quite easily. Doesn't like to drink milk n eat very little. I think the teachers at the infantcare also wun bother so much if the baby eats or not.

If wan to send to infantcare, muz really be able to accept all these lor. Muz close 1 eye ba.

Think by the time bb goes hm in the evening will be tired n sleep Liao.


I'm @ 307 Sembawang.

Oh you are at Yishun? I thought you are at Semb.

But either Semb or Yishun we can still meet and go together since so near.

I PM you in FB den we coordinate from there.


I'm also thinking of taking NPL till June.

Can I know which infantcare your SIL send your nephew to?

I know bb will fall sick easily at infantcare and cannot expect 1-to-1 care. But easier said den done. If my girl really keep falling sick I think I'll really vvv heartpain lor.

Really in dilemma.

Re: Pump level

The way to decide which is the suitable level is as follows - increase the level 1 by 1 till you feel some pain. Then drop 1 level. After dropping should be no pain.


Any nursing bra will do. There is a gadget that can allow u to fix wide neck bottles to the pump. Alternatively, just transfer.


Bumper playmat is a kind of mat that is like a padded playmat. Its very good for cushioning knocks, etc. My daughter had problems learning to flip/crawl when I put her on a mattress. When I got my mat, she learnt in no time. The mat is firm enough so they can learn to support their weight but yet cushions knocks. Mat can be cleaned easily too. I sound like I am selling it hor. But really worth the $$. Parklon brand is enuff ($100+), no need to pay $300+ for LG Prime.


Milk tainted with blood can be drank fresh. But cannot freeze. Do check why you bleed though ok...


You can try to use Calendula cream to heal his scalp. It moistutizers and heals. Good for cradle cap, eczema, dry skin, etc. So should work for flaky scalp.


Depends on individual and whether breastfeed or not (and whether full breastfeed or top up with FM). Breastfeed usually longer. Mine came back only after 10 mths for my #1 - Full breastfeed with no FM but dropped night feeds/pumps rather early.


serious!! then my boy really overweight.. dunno how to deal with it I never force him to drink but he keep wanting to drink le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Or maybe he drink FM so heavier.


no wonder the GP told me cant advise. thx for the info

Hello, didn't have time to check this thread for the past few days. Brought baby Ivan out for shopping in town for both Sat/Sun. Wah.. everyone is out of Xmas shopping, so the traffic (Car/human) is terrible. Bringing BB out can be so challenging, but it is still fun. We just keep learning and get better at it each time.

Seabreeze: Can still squeeze me into the meet up? Just PMed also :p


thanks. I will try ur method to clean my baby's tongue. The gauze can get from guardian pharmacy right plus the glycerine?

My bb is 7kg at when he turns 2nd mth but pd didn't say overweight? In fact, he said good job,well done, a very beefy boy! I must eat more these days to carry him as need a lot of energy,it's like carrying a sack of rice. He's heavier now. He drinks every 3 hrs, quite on time.

Ncymum, I remembered there's mum who stayed yishun but can't remembered who, i tot is u. My hubby happen to be ard on Tuesday as he will be receiving the domestic helper, he said can drive me to seabreeze hse, i was thinking to fetch u too. He asks me if I want to bring the domestic helper over to assist us? That's her 1st day! Finally helper is coming! Waited for 4 mths & even changed maid agency. Before preg till now! Haiz


i'm using the remaining stock of gauze giving by confinement lady, yet check out the pharmacy, i suppose should have. As for the glycerine, my hubby bought from TCM, it's yellow & green color packaging with a baby face, not sure if there's any other type.

7kg at 2 mths! I thot mine is already champion! LOL! very heavy hor.. my arms want to break especially he reject stroller when going out so hubby and I have to take turn to carry him. very keen to join the gathering at seabreeze house but that would means i'll have to carry him all the way if he is not sleeping. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

btw, don't mind me asking if he's on FM or BM?


i've the same question as you, goin to rebond my hair next week! Anyone can advise?

Sebamed Bubble bath :

Anyone using Sebamed Bubble bath? May I ask how you use it? Have to make the whole tub bubbly? or apply straight on body? Is it non rinse? can't find instruction on the packaging.

pillow :

Anyone let baby sleep on pillow already? or still on nappy clothes?


Look out for bp? Sometimes will hv taggies blanket.


Lots pf lub is my solution lor. Hb hint non-stop n very often. Lol. I oso tired n no mood but cannot kip rejecting him mah. Haha.


hmm have u thought of looking for nanny instead of infant care. I feel nanny is better than putting her in infant care. Try looking or asking ard your blk.


i taking mrt and take cab from station. where is Bishan loft? walking distance from mrt station? Want to go together? we can share cab or take mrt together.

Stella, okie thanks thanks, yar I dun feel much pain too.

Emmie, hope to see you at the next gathering. When got nice, cute thing sure u will buy for ur boys de. Hahha. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thomas the train have diff character every yr? They must have alot diff characters already then.

Tiffy, have a #3 girl girl and you can let her wear all the cute cute stuff n shop shop shop, buy buy buy. Ur boy boy rompers all v cute too.

Loca, started partially bf in the first mth then 2nd mth is like 75% bf, recently became 95% bf dunno is cause or effect, my girl prefer to suck and latch then bottle now. She use to bd able to take fr bottle now she dun take as much fr bottle more fr breast. Maybe u need to slowly introduce 1 more bottle feed with ebm?

loca> my son started off with breastfeeding for the 1st few days..then switched to bottle for remaining weeks..until recently my wife tried to BF him again,and surprisingly he could still latch on w/o problem, in fact almost instantly.

Stella, jia you jia yo be positive, give your baby sometime he will like you more, listen to you more and be more obdient.

Xin, that shld be cradle cap, I think guardian or Watson got sell medication cream for cradle cap.

b{Ian that is good to hear tt ur wife manage to bf indtantly [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]}


Good to hear Loca is 95% bf. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Don't worry so much. your boy's reaction is temporart. No matter what your boy will be closer to you cos you are the mummy. spend more playing time with him or singing rhyme with him. when he is used to your rhyme, you try singing and feeding him at the same time. see if it helps. if you sing, try to stick to 1 song. don;t confuse him with too many songs yet. i find talking to baby help too. talk to him when he is bathing,,do tummy talk - place your hands on his tummy and talk to him.

Nycmum, my #1 is in full day infant care/care care since 2.5 months. The decision was made because 1) can’t find nanny near my house, 2) infant care regulated by MCYS, so anything not right can lodge complaint. Hygiene usually not compromised and 3) more exposure and learning (it also depends on the centre what activities they do with the kids, it may not be a concern for 9 months & below). The first infant care that my #1 attend has water play, arts & crafts, story telling, morning/evening stroll, simple gym cushion, etc. Whether the child will fall sick, I think depends on individual immune system as well. She adjusted well and only caught a cold once and mild HFMD once also. But after I stop breastfeeding, she came down with cold/cough quite often. She however have weak immune to stomach flu, so anyone in the centre got it, she sure will kena but that is when she is 18months or older. Selecting infant care, it is important to ask the teacher/child ratio. MCYS stated 1 to 5 but some center offer 1 to 2 and above. Of course the lower the ratio, the more expensive and more attention given. Check also the kitchen where they prepare the milk, the bath area and what activities they do.

Nanny is good if they are babysitting for one child. Recently, when I enquire, I learnt that some babysit more than one. I’m not really comfortable with that. They are usually more flexible so if need to work late no need to rush.

Caelan is starting infant care this Wed actually. I’m schedule to start work either 4 Jan or first week of Feb. So the next 2 weeks is adjustment for us.

Stella, hope yr bb gets more comfortable with you soon. Don't give up and be positive, just keep trying. I'm sure bb will prefer you in time to come.

SeaBreeze, thanks for opening up your house for gathering. I wish to go but there are things to prepare for Caelan who is starting infant care this Wed. Mummies do enjoy the gathering [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I dyed my hair 2 weeks back but diy kind. I continue to bf n bb is totally fine! Hehe. Oni didn't do eyebrow embro. I think the latter cannot bcos invasive like tattoo. Dye hair external so shld b no harm. R u e one asking me for ctc? I m gg to do with erabella when nearing end of ML when bb more comfortable with bottle. Never try before but friend done with them n bros turns out natural.


U bringing your no 1? Haiz, I tpt of bringing no 1 but she has school n I m worried that she will fuss. Bishan sounds very far when there are kids involved. Haha. I think I wun go. Worried that dd feel left out when she come home from school to find mummy go gaigai with didi n without her.


nope, i am not bringing my no.1. he is in childcare. Bring your gal along lah. there are other kids too at Seabreeze house. i think she has a room full with toys to entertain the kids.

I'm sure she will have fun too. we can take cab down. most likely i will leave around 3pm. i will rest awhile and receive my no.2 when he comes home. where is your gal studying? what time does her class end.

good morning



they also sell sophie the giraffe.i was wondering why is it so expensive..?

any mummies using?

baby weight,

mine hs double birth weight in 10 weeks. now 6.5 ++ i think..

depends on ur built i suppose.. my friends daughter weight hasnt increase since 3 mnth. i think some baby tend to pile up first?? haha my theory only..


have been looking out for it but so far dont hv. waiting patiently though.. hehe

but i think if got a shop then cn really touch n feel the fabric first..


thank u seabreeze for ipening up ur house but i think i cld not make it for tmrs gathering...

been out these few days, i think i cld not handle it alone outside yet.. painful at times when walking or sitting too long... besides.. if i leave my mum with baby at home i also a bit worried

. she has leg cramp yest!! i think she is also tired carrying baby from cot, bathing him n she does the houseworks too... if i bring her with baby... too much logistic for us to handle...

hope i cn make it for the next one.

have fun ladies..

Empress, I dunno. One mummy mentioned before I think that she asked a lc before say dye hair is fine. Like wat ZuEn said, dye hair is external should be ok. I coloring my hair now! Hehe later going back to pump ;)

ZuEn, erabella at where ?

Baby weight

My bb at 7 weeks 5.5kg, nurse didn't say overweight. I remembered my first boy ht and wt always at 90th percentile but doc nvr said overwt before. He's big size.now he coming to 4 yr old but wears 6 Yr old clothes. Overwt is too heavy for the ht right? I oso dunno.

Thanks mummies for the advice n Encouragement. These couple of days I'm trying to do most of the activities like feeding n putting him to slp instead of mil. Everytime she wana do it I wil tell her to go rest. Hope she gets e hint.

Hi Mummies!!

Din know there's a meetup session till I hear from Tiffy. Will not be able to join for this. Will see when is the next one. Din log in as much last wk cos been bringing my boy out.

Would like to hear from mummies with baby boy. Do u all consider circumcision for your boys?


Thanks for the feedback.

The infantcare I'm interested in is My First Skool,but still on waiting list. So now considering Cherie Hearts since no need to wait.

Your #1 is in which infantcare? Sounds v good.

Hi empress,

my mil did the confinement for me & she uses the gripe water to wash bb's tongue but she said though bb has no teeth, he bit her so hard & refuse to open his mouth. Haha. I never tried cleaning his tongue before as my mil & hubby told me better not to try as I'm quite chor lor, later hurt him. They very scared of me.

Bb initially was on bm then later fm as he has a huge appetite, cannot meet his demand, everyday he sucks me dry & bleed. Plus stress, no milk. Then in the end feed him fm all the way. He is feeding on mamex gold.


Nah.. I think I will give it a miss. Too stressful to try to bring jiejie and didi out w/o hb and no car. Lol.

Keen to meet up in the west again? hehe.

