(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

princess diamond,

those anti-nausea wrist bands target some acupuncture spot on your wrist, thus helps to reduce nausea. Have not tried it because the Watson's & Guardian near my place don't carry it. Not going to get them now cause MS has already improved. My girlfriend bought it before to help her deal with airsickness and she said it works. For MS I'm not sure, but I believe it also depends on how serious your MS is.

Body aches are quite common during pregnancy. If they are temporary then it's probably because of the weight but I personally don't believe they should come so early in the pregnancy. Try to find a comfortable position to lie down in, and if it persists, best to seek at least a GP for help. Don't forget to mention to him/her that you are pregnant. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I booked my CL about a month ago. First time hiring a CL. Didn't have 1 when I had my girl and only ordered confinement food. Not really sure of what to expect. She'll be coming down to visit me once she is in Singapore.

By the way, anyone has any idea when is the next Metro Expo sale?


Good morning ladies! Back to Monday and back to work. Hope this week passes by quickly for all of us!

Were you all catching star awards last night? I totally forgot about it and had to attend a wedding dinner anyway. Had very good appetite le. And I think my MS really gone for good. Didn't really feel it over the weekend and this morning.

Baby: 14wk1d

Me: waistline expand and expand now.


My waistline is expanding so fast over the weekends, i cant fit into any of my working clothes anymore...

Baby: 16wk4d

Morning ladies,

I am still in the "Dead-Tired-Even-Without-Moving-a-muscle" Club...

And being a monday makes it worse... sob...

hmm... talking abt maternity wear hor, I want to highly recommend a fold over bottom from Old Navy... this is the only thing I want to wear now whenever I am going out... the material is soft and comfy... I got 3 of those... hee... and their foldover yoga capri also good...


Actually my bump still not really showing (my students dun even suspect anything) so still wearing my usual work pants to work but got the feeling that few more weeks, I got to dig out all my materity wear liao... Anyway, my last preg, ppl only knew I am preggie when I start wearing materity wear at 6mth preg... hee...

And hey, today hor, I think I saw my waist leh.. haha... lost 3 kg and I got back my waist... piang... as long as bb is growing well, I dun mind the extra weight converted to her's...


Me:Tired,not much appetite and overwhelmed by tons of work...


have you started showing? i think i am le. the baby bump moving upwards and out about an inch below belly button plus the fats around the waist. hubby said i am looking more and more pregnant. jeans are uncomfortable so i'm wearing those fold-down loose yoga pants (knee length) instead. so much more comfy. lucky my co very casual every day. no need to buy expensive work clothes.


i have that! wearing it now lor. but mine not from Old Navy. mine no-brand one, which i bought from KL when i passed by a market stall selling stuff from Thailand. i think costs me about SGD12 per pair. think Old Navy one better quality bah. i feel like buying more pairs. going to make a trip to JB City Sq next month, hope can find more there.


mine can be seen le though not very obvious coz im kinda skinny bt to me is very big compared to before i'm preggy

Good morning ladies !


ML=massage lady[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

the one I used , has seen expanded her co n packages offered are not as great but then she is really good so, I'm still contemplating in getting her or not!

Fold over bottoms!

Thumbs up for me too! Old navy stuffs are pretty good!the pants from Mothers @ Work are expensive but investing one or two is not too bad too anyway it can be wear casual or in formal outings[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I only catch a glimpsed if the star award, nothing I missed cos was having a feast at my gf place!

When I go out people already started to congratulate my HB n I., my tummy is showing mote than it supposed to be ler..... Heeee[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my hip bones are expanding for sure cos last few weeks I still can putvon my shorts at home despite of the huge tum tum, but not lately, sooo those short like undies to me now.... Tight n fitting! Ngiak ngiak![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I m getting myself busy this week! Planning for more outings n activities just to kill thus 4 miserable weeks before my next appointment.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

have a great day ahead![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i guess you just look like you had eaten too much! i was like like that at week 12. if you are skinny, i think you will show very fast in coming weeks. so how are you going to deal with your formal working clothes? getting new ones soon?


wah.. only $10? i must go bugis village soon to shop! haven't been there since it became air-conditioned. i think some of the clothes there are really a steal. cheap and can wear during and after pregnancy.

princess diamond,

the hips will expand arh?? i am "blessed" with wide hips and i don't really like it very much. now you say will expand!! i'm worried i will look really fat le...

Morning! Monday blues..

Grace same here! i can't fit into my work pants at all. Now i'm wearing dresses most of the time to work.

Me too, my tummy is super obvious now. Met my frds last night and they said my tummy is obvious.. and tummy has bcome more hairy. Gosh!

Hips expand:

OMG! no please. I also having the same issue with starrymommy. I have wide hips. I do not want it to expend anymore!!! please ....

i will look like a pear if still expand.

Obvious tummy:

Think my tummy is not very obvious. I am in my 15 weeks now but i think i look fat rather than preg. Took train again last friday and was sitting in the train but no one give in their seat to me. Think i really don't look like a preg lady.

any idea roughly how big it will expand?

my gf was telling me tht seems like my hips looks lowered since preggie? got such thing meh?

Starrymommy: Yes $10!! Hehe and they have alot of colours. I also bought some flare dresses there at $10-15. I think they are roomy enuff to last me for the next 3 mths at least. And after pregnancy I can stil wear them. if can go on weekdays better.... weekend very crowded!

Yewee: My tummy is obvious now but even so no one give me seats leh. This morning, got this aunty in her 40s sitting in a priority seat. she look at my tummy liao she pretend to sleep!

Morning mummies

Yesterday was not a very good day for me. Was having a migraine, backache n constipation. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Now there is a new spot for my backache which is at the right hip. Was quite bad as after sitting or squatting for a while and when I move somtimes I get a sharp pain at the hip.

Vivian the pants looks comfy. I am still putting off buying those maternity pants as I think here in SG all the maternity wear are overpriced!

I dont mind paying over a hundred for a normal River Island jeans but not over $30 for maternity which I will only wear for a few months! =P

Thk I will pay a visit to Bugis village soon to check out the pants.. $10! cheap!

Thinking to get those cute 3/4 leggings too. Anyone has suggestions on where to get those at a good price?

I tried the normal ones but the elastic at the tummy is not very comfortable on my bump.

Starrymommy if you go City sq in JB you can check out the FOS. I got some maternity tops from FOS when I was in Malacca. Can't find bottoms though.

Last week I wore a more fitting top to work and all my colleagues were commenting that my tummy seem to have grown much bigger overnight! haha I did quite a good job at hidding my bump!

Lilac white,

dats wat happen to me as well...Feel so irraitated by all these ppl esp if they are females lo, unless they have not given birth before lor...

$10 is very cheap, guess i have to see see soon...


that's the thing i am most afraid of. expanding of hips!! scared of it more than i scared of MS! haha! will look like a humongous pregnant pear lor.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Re: tummy size

yesterday i met up with my girl friend for breakfast. she's 17weeks but wear loose clothing so can't even see any tummy. for me, i was wearing fitting shorts and spaghetti top and my tummy was obvious!


never heard of lowered hips. could it be the way you dressed that day? hip bones are fixed, don't think they can go up or down. expand only bah. boo!


still thinking if i shld get new ones as i feel it's kinda wasteful juz wear for one pregnancy, mayb will try to see if can get some hands-me-down...

starrymommy: Lets pray hard that we will turn into a humongous pregnant pear.

lilacwhite: That is the case of same of the ppl. They can "fell sleep" in one sec.

Grace: People are selfish! In the past, if there is any empty seat infront of me, I will sit first. Then I scan ard and see anyone else need the seat more than i do. Cos I know if I dont someone will snatch it and they will nv get their butt off the seat for the needy.

nowadays i stand abt 15 mins of train ride only i get out of the train with backache. no choice also hv to bear with it. cos too many pretenders in the train liao.

yes yes go bugis village! keke but i find the clothings at the stalls downstairs are cheaper than those upstairs.

Babydes: same here. im also not willing to spend too much on maternity wear. partly cos its way too expensive for a few mths of wear plus they are normally not yummy looking. im still a hiao mama-to-be. hahahaa


yeah, wear more fitting clothes then tummy shows up more. for those leggings, you can try This Fashion. don't expect too much though. they are just so-so and designs may or may not be to your liking. otherwise can join the sprees/bulk purchase in this forum. think there are mummies who organize bulk purchases from taiwan. leggings all very cute and cheap!


i also need to buy those empire or flare dresses/tops.

Hi Lilac, I also jus brought the $10 foldover that you mentioned, but at Tampines Century square.

same here, i'm not willing to spend on maternity wear.. so now all the clothes tht i brought are bigger than my normal sizes.. heehee.

Hello babes. Cld not sleep so watch Hachiko. Just finished n teared bucket.

hi apple, feeling better today? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i haven't felt baby moving for a day le. hope it kicks me soon!


Hmm.. Maybe can get from Old Navy? If not, can rent maternity clothes. Or walk around to see if can get not too ex clothes. At least you are skinny, can get those clothes that are bigger in size.

Starrymommy, I m good. I aso can't really feel much, keep asking baby to kick me.

Hi mummies,

sorry for the interruption! I guess by now, most of us had our Oscar test. My results is 1:400+. But I am still being advised by my gynae to go for amnio test eventhough I passed the ratio ( failed results will be 1:250) due to my age. Anyone out there is in the same situation as me?


yah hor! don't know leh. if i drink milk in the morning, i will wait like 2 hours after that then eat the prenatal vits and supplements.

Hi Swatchbaby:

Not sure

I listened to 97.2Fm on thursday. A gynae mention that no point doing the amnio test. After listening i think he is right.

For your case as i am not a doctor, i may not b able to advice. why don't you go for second advice. I listend from the radio that actually beside the amnio test, there is another test can b done which is something like the osar test.

The gynae from 97.2FM mention that by doing the oscar test and the other blood test are also quite good already.

I will suggest you to go for second advice.


we're all not doctors and medical experts but if it was me, i'd ignore because i know that i'll keep the baby no matter what. so i'm not going to fork out MORE money, only to end up being worried and unsure if i should keep it or not. unless your answer is clear cut, you don't want to keep it, then maybe it's worth it. btw, i totally skipped Oscar test this pregnancy.

haha somehow for this pregnancy my waistline did not expand, my boobs did not change (although it's sore and tingly at times) and butt didn't expand too. the only thing that expand is my tummy but i can still alternate in between maternity and normal work wear. that's because most of my work pants are beneath the waist line. i prefer low waist then those that totally cover the tummy. it's quite hot too. likewise for my panties, all low cut. so can be used for maternity or normal wear.


hehe that's an ironic type of milk. don't know what to make of that too!

- 17w5d

Starrymommy and apple,

You all felt baby movement already? I read alot of posts of most mummies here feeling some kind of baby movement now and then but up til now I have not felt any baby movement yet.

Is it normal? Cause my last visit is about 3 weeks back. Next gynae visit is next Monday.

By the way, I am a 1st time mum, is that why I will feel the movement only later.

BB: 14Weeks 4 days


yes you will feel it much, much later. during my first pregnancy, i only felt bub towards the end of 17 weeks. so 14 weeks is a bit early lor. patience my friend. you'll get there soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my jeans and underwear also all low cut. hate high-rise bottoms cos feel hot and after a meal always feel far too tight.

it's only 1.30 and i am already thinking of going home and sleep. sigh.. monday blues.


my friend 17 weeks still haven't felt anything. so gotta be patient bah. i started feeling very light pops during week 12. then week 13 like something rolling around in the uterus area. need to feel a few times to be able to recognize it as it may feel like gas at times. sometimes mummies can't feel baby kicking because the placenta may be covering a particular part of the uterus and baby's kicks are blocked by it so harder to feel.


*sigh* i'm also having monday blues but too much work to be celebrating my blues.. lol. have no appetite for lunch too. ordered seafood fried rice then when i opened it i realized i hated the smell. as usual, never finished. so i end up drinking my 3-in-1 cereal drink.


for those who wanted the brand of the gummy calcium sweet.. its under the brand "nature cure" and it states calcium 500 or something like dat..

i'm having the strawberry flavor one.. =p its abt a 20cent coin size, tastes like a sweet.

i got it from my cousin-in-law who got it from TMC.. so those from TMC can try asking ur gyane for it?

Swatchbaby, my ratio was not good, 1:220. Struggled alot, and decided not to take Amnio Test. Cannot afford the risk of miscarriage.

Ultimately, u have to think hard and decide wat u want.

Yewee, I think the Gynae fr that radio might be Chris Chong or wat....if I rem correctly.

what time do you mummies go off from work? i have to wait till 6.30pm. earliest is still 6.15pm. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] at least today can meet hubby at his work place, have dinner then he can drive us back. no need to squeeze with the train crowd. but only for today. tomorrow back to facing the crowds.


yep did it for #1 and #2 and both came out as very low risk. my ratio is something like 1:<thousands>. so i though it's not worth taking it, ironically i'm 33 this year (much older hence more necessary), but it's my choice. no regrets there. i saved the few hundred $$ to buy milk and diapers. they do cost a few $$$ liao! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



i knock off at 5.30pm. even when i'm busy, i still knock off on time. even when i came in late too! lol. i always can't wait to get home and see my girls! missed them horribly. yeah sometimes must squeeze in the packed train but what to do. just take out my handphone and play games!

