(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Congrats new mums to be! I'm from Sept09 thread.. and sorry to intrude!

Not sure if any of you wants to read past issue magazines...

Reading is pleasure ~.~

Felt them it would be a waste to throw them as the conditions are very good.

Mother&Baby: Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec 2009, Jan 2010. (8 issues in total)

YoungParents: Mar, Apr, May, Jul, Aug, Sept, Nov 2009 (7 issues in total)

Motherhood: Sept 2009, Jan 2010 (2 issues in total)

$1 each copy. Usual price is around $5-$5.50 each.

Self collect @ Simei/Sengkang[to be arranged] or add another $2 for us to *deliver them to you as it will be quite heavy.

If getting 6 issues and below, can go by postage. Buyer has to pay for the postage.

If getting all 17 copies, it will be $15 including *delivery! :)

*Delivery to only Simei/Tampines/Pasir Ris/Seng Kang with more than 7 copies.

Feel free to drop me an email if have any queries!

Good deal!

Do pm me as i might not be able surf the net often. :)

Thankssss in advance!


curry puff!!! i hadnt had nice ones recently! i wanna eat the a1 chilli crab curry puff.. drools still working now and damn hungry man.. zzz

Starrymommy just saw that u hav a faint line appearing. I also hav a faint line but runny part is is a horizontal red Mark line just below the bra line. Not make by the bra nor by the underwear. Haven check if disappear already or not.....


Congrats!My gf who had the rice counting also got the opp answer..heheheh she got odd and doc told her is a GIRL..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nevermind la,we were playing it to pass time[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess diamond

u so cute ah...haha went to swallow ur mouthwash! LOl...never mind alittle shd be alright la...


congrats first...got your wish come true one boy one girl..how many wks are you now?? i asked my sonographer but she said too early cannot see le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hihi ladies.. M the guilty one that talks abt soya bean milk coz hubby said so (reading from other forum thread)..however, i still drink despite all the nagging.. *hehe*

Been so busy rushing budgets, workplan and welcoming new CEO on board! *sigh* Hubby 'force' me to take mc so as to rest.... Since have to wait 1 month before the OSCAR test, I spoof cramps to see my gynae so as to ensure baby is still in there! silly hor... i felt silly once i looked at the bill.. $122.80! so much of 1 day mc...my edd dates keeps changing. Kept going later and later...hope not becoz my bb too small..

Did you ladies put on weight? I put on 2kg in 2 weeks time! if every week put on 1 kg means...?

i also have mac's craving at 12.30am.. but instead of humble nuggets.. i ordered mcspicy meal.. *yum* mac breakfast has been top list too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

think the funny taste in metallic taste? heard from my sil that she drinks oj to help with removing taste [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

you guys using doppler already? can recommend any good brand? and where to get?

i m thinking of getting one coz the doctor visit of once a mth is really killing me.. i guess i'm the more paranoid type.. lol.. thx thx.


get this for what? and do we know how to use???


40 weeks of pregnancy. every week put on 1 kg..u do the math...LOL but no la one week 1kg too kua zhang la...try not to eat fast food too frequent..put on weight fast and not much nutrition..but sometimes easier said than done...when craving is there LOL...

i do get the metallic taste too especially when drinking plain water...LOl and i keep thinking whether the water has been boiled or not (even though boil le)

huh! just to make sure that the baby is not too quiet in there.. anyway, on second thot, some ppl say may not be able to hear depending on baby's positioning.. will ask the gynae for opinion.

compare before preg and now, i only gain 1kg..

Empress> i hv seen many ladies posting the sale of doopler.. so perhaps can consider getting 2nd hand? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh no sad!! read that 1st trimester no weight gain lei...arrghh

I can't resist after reading from here that i had nuggets meal today! Lol! Satisfactory!

Now i saw chips! Hee.. I'm a junkie person too! I've got a packet of chips from NTUC! Maybe going have tomorrow then!

Talking about pimples, I'm a pimples prone person. But during my wk 6-8 preg, my skin got so much better. But now turning bad again. Lots of little bumps on the face now. Just now went facial. Hee... My beautician asked me why don't i come for facial after 3 months when bb are more stable. I do not know if now can or cannot go facial. Did you girls go for your frequent facial as well? I only know now cannot do shoulder massage anymore...boo hoo...

Aiyo, I didnt manage to buy my chios last night wor. Went for buffet dinner last night and my tummy alnmost burst from overeating. Time to watch my food intake for the next few days to compensate for the overeating. Hohoho.

Chips, I want to eat Calibee, original favour de. Hoho.

I think I may be having a girl this time too. I had salty craving, which is the same as last time. My friend who had a boy was craving for sweet stuff. I used to have sweet tooth, but dun really sweet stuff this time. Aiyo, I was hoping for a boy wor. Then he dun have to inherit all my PCOS, high bp and pre-eclampsia next time.

Anyone Heard of tommee tipee sterlizer? Btw, got those kind put in microwave de sterilizer is it the same?

Good morning all

yesterday night i ate chip and sip some coke! LOL...then before turn in, ate 2 pieces of peanut butter bread...ooops fat fat fat but feel like eating so just eat dun want to torture myself...LOL

tommee tippe

i never heard of this brand has steriliser but heard of the brand.yeah put in microwave the steriliser also can sterilise but i somehow dun like the feelng of using microwave though...

Good morning Etelle. Here Dun sell pigeon brand sterilzer n alot of the sterilizer is microwave kind.... Oh, think here got sell avent brand. Is avent which is aso Philip brand sterilizer okie? So sian.

Gd Morning everyone,

I love Calbee Barbeque potato chips!! hehe....but have been abstaining due to my bad cough!!

Etelle!! *high 5* I had coke last nite too!!

Fifi....the Universal Studios annual pass is not transferable. You can check out this web page for more info.


Talking about macs.....now I am thinking whether I should have the egg mcmuffin meal for b/fast!! As for dinner, I have already decided!! I am having claypot rice tonight!! Yum Yum....my favourite.

BabyTiger, I agree with Etelle, don't think I am comfortable with using steriliser that can put in the microwave. You can use steriliser tablets if you don't want to invest in a steriliser.

Morning ladies!!

I'm feeling asleepy at work alr after a heavy breakfast.

I had 2 small curry puffs & 2 pieces of bread loh! LOL…

felt like a pig!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

momotan....that is a heavy breakfast!! Makes me feel hungry!! I haven't had breakfast yet!!

Yewee....do enjoy lazing around in bed while you can....when baby is born....no such luxury already!!

snoopy okie okie. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh, not that I really want to get a microwave sterilizer, but here alot of such kind...dun really understand the wording also.

I am in a cty that do not speak or write English.

Can share with me the exact avent sterilizer name and pdt code u got? I want to look out for it....cos I am confused by wat is wat...got alot of different type of sterilizer. Got steam kind also huh? Steam kind is safe de?

Here dunno y, alot of avent philip pdt including Breast pump but is single pump I think.


yeah avent shd be fine...as long as non microwave bah..haha somehow feel not so good to use microwave le..LOL


haha yeah i din drink alot la sip a few mouths to satisfy that crave LOL....dinner me order tingkat de so no selection one...LOL

pigeon rapid steam steriliser is good. done in 3mins. life saver when the baby is screaming for milk. hoho.

Hi ladies

It's been a while.

I've been totally knocked out lately. I just hit 12 weeks yesterday and my cough escalated real badly. On top of my morning sickness which seemed to pick up at 11 weeks and have yet to stop and getting worst!

I'm 12 weeks 1 day today and still waiting to see the light of day.

I don't think i'm putting on weight anymore and my tumtum seems to be getting smaller and on top of feeling miserable, I'm now worried for baby.

At 11 weeks, we saw baby and hb, but past mc is still at the back of my head. Sigh.

Hope all of you are feeling twice better than I do. :\

yeah.. ladies.

just came back from oscar test.. heheheh.. the baby is waving hands and bouncing around heheeh.

seems to be an active baby. yeah.


yes, agree pigeon rapid steriliser is good. and it can be used iwth other brands of bottles and teats. whereas avent steriliser can only use avent bottles. tat's the main reason i chose pigeon too.

Morning ladies

Finally it's the end of the working week! Looking forward to the long weekend.

Not feeling too good today. Having backache [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Realise my backache only starts when I lie down, esp after i wake up in the morning.


where's your scan? upload pls [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i am over 14 weeks and my MS hasn't completely left me yet! i am still bloated at times but good news is i don't puke anymore. i still can't finish a full meal but that's ok because I've been eating frequent small meals. that certainly helps! accidentally kept my weight at bay too!


oops i don't use steriliser. lazy mom. i thought sterilizing is only good for the old days where water is not drinkable. singapore waters is cleaner than clean and some bacteria is ok for my babies' immunity. so far so good. they're not sick or anything. but don't quote me :p


yes i'm having backache in the mornings too especially when i wake up. i try to sleep on my sides but i always end up waking up on my back! coupled with my big butt, that really hurts my back. but by the time i'm ready for work, it eases. can't wait till i get to my 3rd tri where it will only get worse! yiipeeee!!

Hi All,

It's been sometime since I popped it here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Like you, my MS seems to be getting worse than ever, moreover I'm having severe backaches/pains [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Dun worry too much, muz maintain a positive attitude, am sure your bb is doing well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Am using Avent steriliser with NUK bottles and they work perfectly fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Take care, try to change position from time to time to ease the pain, else ask hb to give you a massage [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hurray! tomorrow's a PH! this makes me feel good. some more my hubby so cute, call me just now, wanna date me tonight for dinner at vivo. makes my day! lol!


sama sama, backaches when i lie down. i don't know if can really say aching, as it is more like "suan" than pain. the few moments after waking up also have but after that gone. just beginning to feel this only.


keep your spirits up, okay? don't need to dwell on the past. we understand your feelings perfectly, but you have a healthy baby in you. must believe in him/her and also your ability to take care of him/her. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


you make me want coke!!! will have some later this afternoon. hee hee!


That's what my gynae says too. He said the pain is normal and it will get worse. Really 'looking forward' to that! =$

I normally sleep on my sides, dont thk it helps much. Tonight I will try sleeping with a pillow at the side.


sleeping on your sides won't work. it didn't for me, lah at least.. i was thinking maybe get a pregnancy pillow early that offers back support. but hubby insists too early to buy.


i just saw your post about the red line under the bra area. i don't know what is it leh. could it be a folding of the skin when you sit down? i have that too especially when i am bloated and tummy fats get in the way then the part under the bra area gets folded in causing a red crease.

Raindrop, base on My experience, if u rem i had 2 bad history too... That if u got ms, means ur bb shld be fun.... Hang on okie My Dear.

Now I am reconsidering whether I should take epidural during my delivery. Heard epidural will cause backaches after delivery, is that true?

LilBluey I do get migraines now and then but even before I got pregnant I was already getting migraines.

Lilbluey, so Can really use NUK bottles with avent sterilzer? When I saw Yanling post, i thot jia lat. Because there is No pigeon sterilzer in the place i stay. Saw that many friends including the mummies here use pigeon one.... So tempted to

spend alot of trouble to go get 1 in SG n see how it can reach My hand.

Was thinking of getting NUK bottles n avent sterilzer at least i saw it here. So fan sia.


Till today, I still get that occasional backaches here and there. I've asked my friends who had epidural during delivery and they also experienced the same thing hmmm...

I'm oso a migraine sufferer but after the birth of my 1st child things start to improve but lately it's come back to haunt me and the pain is so intense that I've to pop panadols...

I m having bachache too n i look really pregnant with the big tummy... Dunno y i m first Time mum My tummy also so big.


Am using the NUK BPA wide necked bottles with Avent steriliser, still using till today. Can even include the sippy cup while sterilising 2 big bottles.

Just need to adjust the tray abit and they fit...Pigeon is definitely a highly recommended one too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Starrymommy, oh yar, i Think is that Mark cos by sitting. Btw, ur hubby is so romantic. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


the sonographer never gave me any printouts leh. hmm... and today i only went for the test and didn't see the doc. so only see baby on the screen. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] mayb will only get the copy when i see gynae on 17apr.. long wait again.

sleeping position

actually it's better to sleep on sides left sides especailly. once the baby grows bigger it will press against some blood vessel at the back which is not very good.

one way is to buy a pregnancy pillow and put under the tummy when u sleep on sides. the other is just put a normal pillow in between of legs and hug the pillow when sleeping

halo ladies...

My bb is 10w exact today... hee...

still got 2 more weeks before i can see her again... long wait...

Meanwhile, all the tummy bloatness and LS + constipation is killing me...

I am so frustrated here coz my block was dun know doing what... knocking the floor tiles and putting them back again... the nailing and knocking makes me want to scream!!!

So rare that I can be on leave and stay at home and now, home is such a horrible place!




I am using NUK steriliser and it is great! All types and sizes of bottles and breast pump can just dump in altogether... hee...

Hmm, same as some ladies here, i also dun like microwave type coz can you imagine the oily oven with your bb's bottles? eeee....


My tummy is big too due to the bloatedness and all the gas trapped inside [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Taking gaviscon now to relieve the symptoms from time to time...


Lilbluey, i din hav much migrane before preg, but havé quite acute headache 3 Times or so these 2 weeks.... Feel like head bursting. Read that it is normal to hav headache becos of change in hormones pdtion or smething like tt.

Btw, Can share with me the exact pdt brand n pdt code of the avent sterilizer? Why did u decide to buy avent sterilizer?

