(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Diveera, Can tell me the exact NUK sterilizer name n the pdt code u bought? Paisei, in a foreign cty tt do not write nor speak eng, ask the assistant is v hard too.


Anyone having insomia? I started having insomia more frequent than pre preg Time n i sleep less too. Use to sleep 8 hrs or 9. Now i sleep 6 hr or 7 will auto wake up.

got ar like these few days i feel fine leh.. no nausea, appetite ok..but i always use my boobs and my bland tongue as judgement of symptoms.. lols.. sometimes ask dr lim also redundant dun really get answers but in fact more question marks hahaha

maybe u go some cinema near you? this is like my 1st movie in 3 mths hehe

Melissa, ur hubby also v sweet. Usually there Will be less romance in couples when hav kids. He still take the effect to surprise u, so so so nice.

Same for Starrymommy. Enjou okie. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BabyTiger: So far no insomnia. everytime i hit the pillow i v tired wanna sleep already. but sometimes in the middle of the night I'll wake up even thou i woke up not to go toilet. but got once... i keep drifting in n out of sleep the whole night... that was when i 1st knew i was expecting.

starrymommy, sometimes when there are no obvious symptoms i also feel non preggy. hehe

Babydes, just yesterday i force My hubby to place his ear or My tum tum Baby tt area for th e 3 rd Time to hear Can hear heartbeat or not. I show n tell him that some of the gals Hb here Can hear, but he cannot.... He Heard something simimar to wat ur Hb hear i believe, he say dunno is stomach or water gushing.....

Starrymommy, i m more than 11 weeks n My Hb 3 rd attempt to hear, he cannot hear....

Sulwaiwai, i bet My Hb must hav hear My growling stomach too. I ask him if he really did not hear, he ask me back say if i wan him to lie meh.....


yeah, will enjoy my "date" later. but if he cheapo bring me to kopitiam i sure knock his head. :p you also very funny, force hubby to listen. haha! actually i must confess, last night i also forced him to do it. hee hee!!


it is kinda unsettling when there are no symptoms hor!

starrymom, I do have the same worries too! If i missed the MS for a few days, I'll get paranoid! that's why i was thinking, if i can hear the baby everyday with the doppler, i'd definitely feel better! When I told the nurse my concern, she say i think too much, she says no MS good la! enjoy your pregnancy! >.<"

Rachoho, I'm also judging by the boobs, becoz when i lost in first pregnancy, I remember that morning woke up with totally painless boobs and I've a very bad feeling, true enough immediately, followed by heavy spotting. That feeling still haunt me till now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so if i'm in doubt, I'll feel my boobs first thing to make sure it's still swollen and as tender.

Babytiger, I'm having insomnia too! sometimes i guess it has something to do with the restless mind. Usually after wake up to pee in the night i'll stay sleepless for 1 to 2 hours before i dozed off again.. sometimes is becoz i start to think - what should I eat tomorrow, should I cut my hair, what if it's a boy/girl? Should i continue working etc... LOL!!!

Empress, yar... So bad of me when i always said Hb gu niang when he Wash the plates, pots n pants for me..... Because it is always not that clean. The Rim always still dirty. He always din wash throughly n hard engh.....

Rachoho, i do feel baby heart pumping sometimes too... Like yest, when i feel it, i ask Hb to listen... But all he got is water....

Starrymommy, sometimes like now, i Dun feel preg also n i feel a little afraid sometimes but if i havé a little bloatness like yest nite, even thou uncomfortable i Will be assure a little that it is ms n means bb is fine. Hb Think tt baby is thé one causing My ms but i told him No la is thé body n hormones....

empress7, rachoho,

i also squeeze boobs to be sure they are still sore. then i wonder if they are sore because i squeeze too much? hahaha!! only pregnant women can understand our "paranoia"

Re: insomia

starting to have this too.. the mind too active even though even though whole body wants to go to sleep. when finally sleeping, will have all the weird dreams, wake up suddenly, back to sleep then weird dreams again. tiring lor. the funny thing is, when alarm clock rings and it is time to wake up, i get the greatest desire to sleep and really feel sleepy! so dumb lor.

Hi All,

To anyone who is interested in banking cordblood. Just share my view..

Thinking which cordblood storage is better. And after go through all the research, i decide to opt for Cordlife. However, please do not think that putting the baby cord blood in public bank and later u able to use it. Cos i did make a call personally to Public cord blood and they feedback to me out of 10 only 5 or a few will have success rate of storage of the baby cordblood. So u all better think twice if seriously want to store the baby cord blood.

Call up Stemcord, cordlife and public bank ask them to explain the difference and if possible meet up the agent and listen more.

If you all want me for referral of cordlife in order to get 50 dollar discount. Do let me know and can drop me an email at [email protected]

Starrymommy, yar sort of force him cause he try the 3 rd Time n i Think hé was thinking how Can his ear be able to listen to thé heartbeat just like this. But i insist hé listen hahaha.... I saw someone say made him listen, is it u? Kekek made him listen sound nicer.... Thou similar to My force which sound a little too harsh too....

Btw, i had weird dream today too... Dreamt abt My sec sch n etc.....2 class of 40 combine to 1 n some student decide to boycot... N thé vender machine No longer sell milo pack or can....

haha yalor starrymom.. sometimes if feel a bit discharge i also keep checking to make sure no red color. haiz.. can't help being paranoid. haha.

haha babytiger are you having milo crave? talking about it i feel like having a cup of milo~sio now. mm..


Yeah,im in for MSn..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]you accept PM then can Pm you my email.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So mummies.. in conclusion, cannot hear BB's heartbeat from tummy la!! haha we all so funny, go and try.. but we'll have great stories to tell the little ones when they grow up!!

I don't sleep very well either. Keep waking up for a variety of reasons- pee, finding the right sleep position, puke, hungry. Sigh.. very tired all the time.

Princess diamond.... Pm me also la....:p

Empress, My last drop of milo was drunk last week. Hope for new tins to Côme v soon.


can leh. My hubby can hear bb hb from my tummy.

He will read out the rythmn to me. So I din think it's my stomach growling. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

momotan, you very lucky!! All my HB heard was my tummy growling!! hehe...

Hi ladies

Wah...cant catch up with u girls, I missed lots! Am so busy with work that unable to come in. OK here is my scan which was done on monday at 11wk 4d [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hehe sorry for the late post.


I have also done the oscar test on the same day but yet to receive the result, probably will get it by next monday.

momotan, princess diamond

we have gynea appt on the same day and where is your scan? did i miss it?

Princess Diamond, just added you. But 2 accounts were found and so 2 were added.......

wow irish coffee, that's a clear capture! so cute, congratz! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks ladies!

I am so excited when doing the scanning, can see baby hands and legs kicking up and down. Doctor even tell me baby is sucking thumb...hahaha

princess diamond,

when u format the size, select the file size to show in cm, u try to reduce your picture to less than 5cm.

Or before u double click the picture, move your cursor over the picture it will show u your picture dimension if its more than 600 x 600 than u have to edit your pix to reduce less than that.

wanna try again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

irish coffee,

i did reduced it to 600x600 d...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i m still trying since the day i come back!wanna give up liao..hahah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess diamond

i tried to give my boy avocado but he doesnt like it leh...just cut and eat is it? or u have other method to do it? end up i blend it into juice with gula melaka for myself...

Irish coffee,

Yes,cut and eat like that!you can try mixed it with papaya!it will be sweeter!Sometimes i think it is the taste that some kids don't like!How does it taste like when you had it with gula melaka?hehehhe..hey,fattening k![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]heeheehee......

irish coffee,

wah! ur scan so clear!!! envious!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i hv the same prob as princess diamond.

alr shrunk the pic but keep getting that error msg.

gv up too!

irish coffee,

Thanks for the offer..i gave up..shrunk until cannot see bb legs liao..forget it la..hehhe,now my Iphoto jammed!die,Hb come back sure get scolding!hahahhahahah.LOL[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess diamond,

okie, np. but hor, i really seldom online. hahaha

i hv probs with PM, can u PM me ur email?

or any other mummies want to add on msn, pls oso PM me.

i think we must be the only 2 poor souls at home on a wkend nite. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

No I'm home too. Was just watching tv all by my lonesome self. Just had a mac apple pie!! Yummy


u shld hv join us on msn!

i just left the chat with princess diamond & snoopy only.

gog to slp le. "see u" girls tml. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I just added princess_diamond...

me go pm my addy to the rest below:




who else har???

Oh, I also got FB... pm me if you have too!


hi gals, im on msn too but usually only at work. can pm me n add if u want! :D

starrymommy: how was ur date? hope u had a blast! :D

irish coffee: that's a nice beautiful baby scan! ;)

