(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

princess diamond,

Thanks for answering my doubt. So good your insurance covered up to 80%. Its a lot, considering the expensive consultation and scanning fees every check-up. Good for U[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Take care too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I have constipation problems as well. No urge sometimes for 4 days plus and stool is very hard til I wanna cry[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] My friend was telling me maybe before I drank Anmum milk. I guessed so too caused when I stopped for a week, the stool was ok, hence not aggravating my piles. Now I only drink formula milk on alternate days and other days I drink Soy milk to get at least some calcium (though not meeting the 1000 mg daily requirement)

Yes....after reading about all the posts on mummies visiting gynae to do scan so as to see BB dancing and waving to them......mine is coming too this weekend after a long long wait of 4 weeks plus[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Adelyn, now that u mention the Anmum milk, i think my constipation was caused by that too.. coz now i have stopped drinking becoz it makes me wanna puke, so dun hav constipation problem.

babytiger, ya i run awhile without any sign of cramping or spotting so far.. hope everything is okie! phew..

Adelyn: i also drinking Anmum milk, and also having constipation. For the pass few days i stop drinking Anmum milk and i can go toliet.

Think about it maybe really Anmum milk.

Empress, yewee:

Ya, I am quite sure it is caused by the milk too but if I dont drink, I worry I dont get enough nutrients for the BB.

Any one drank other brands of formula milk like Enfa Mama or Similac having same problem? If other brands are better, maybe I will switch to other brand then.

Craving for Rojak now...but I was banned from eating cause MIL say got lots of Hae Kor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Reading posts of mummies eating Instant noodles also make me drool.

MIL, my parents and hubby all stated things that I cant eat...all 4 of them add up, I have got a lot of restriction to my diet. Sianzzzzz.......

hey mummies, maybe u all can try soya milk as what my gynae advised? He doesnt encourage milk drinking at all. He says there is no value. Soya milk is better. I've stopped drinking milk and am taking those carton soya milk regularly instead.

Also, to help ease your constipation, are you all taking enough vegetables and fruits daily? If not, that could be one reason for the constipation.

Good morning Ladies,

Thank you all[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]I am feeling much better now![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]been douching myself with lots of perrier![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]only stuffy nose now![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Why Oscar test will be painful?The doc or sonographer will only take measurement through the scan and take a longer time than usual only la...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]The painful part is the blood taking my mine was okay la..painless cos as he was taking the blood,midwife cam n talk to me and same time we were looking at my scan on the monintor!Small distractions!ngiak ngiak!


No worries[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yes it is a good deal!But maintainence is the expensive one..agree?hehehehh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]too bad they don't cover that too!LOL[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I'm sure in good hands of Dr.Ho...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yum yUM!When i had my first child,i had durian almost every week or sometimes twice a week!Lousy durian i eat too..hahahahah,And everytime when ther's good durian,they boss will call and let HB know!We bought the one from 717 at upper serangoon![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Then slowly i was call a FAT PREGGERS!

Go slow k.....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i remember somewhere last week i was havi9ng sharp pain on my back and was looking for medicated plaster like salonpas.Think there is a warning use on pregnant mum and nursing mum have to consult physician first..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Then i bought yoko yoko instead cos it does not have the warning!hehehhe but hten i only appplied twice then stop cos afraid the oilment contain certain ingredients that might be harmful!

pls take care![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Adelyn, i haven't try other brand, but was complaining to my friend that sometimes the milk make me wanna puke, they tell me other brand are worst, Anmum is so far consider the tastiest. haha. so i never go and explore others. Before preg actually i love to drink milk especially the Meiji one (and must not be low fat!) But now drink any milk also feel like want to puke.

I'm craving for laksa now, funny since preg i keep craving for spicy food, assam fish, laksa, curry, prata, maggi mee. but i'm trying to cut down coz it make gastric worst. Now also feel like having A&W Float, half boil egg!!! Sianzzz... Adelyn i know how you feel.. keep craving for the wrong stuffs.. and always forced to order the food that i least wanted!


just read your post that you fell. take care okay! ask hubby to lightly massage for you bah. better ask your doctor whether can use salonpas or not (this is stated on the salonpas website) first, in case there are ingredients that may be harmful if used too much. hope your back gets better soon! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i also have bad constipation every time i poo. since young on and off will have le. somehow now pregnant felt even worse some times. very sian to sit on the throne and force it out. :p maybe i've been eating too much heaty stuff like long john and mcdonald's. hee!


a little bit is fine. it's a horrible feeling when you have craving then cannot eat at all. i don't know about rojak, personally i have never liked rojak at all. for instant noodles, i believe it is perfectly fine to have it once in a while. i have my weekly portion of instant noodles just to satiate my cravings. many mummies here do too! can you share what else you are told not to eat?

princess diamond: Think i not going to put any medicated plaster. Will just do normal rub. Hope the pain will go off soon.

yewee, do take care hor. bb loves mummy alot so ur bb is very strong de! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i read from sept thread they were recommending bengay something like yoko yoko (preggers cant use yoko) maybe u try?

bblin, yea i went TMC for oscar. so had a feel how TMC is like. i think i went MAH many yrs back to visit a relative.. but in my impression is nice.. but dunno how it have changed to now hehehe

bbtiger, i also had the same prob u feel read back few posts.. but after having MORE fruits i dun experience bloody toilet bowl liao hehehe mine was 3 - 4 times of hard and bloody stools.. zzzzzz anyway when i visited my gynae i also asked for med to ease constipation but til now i haven take yet hehehe


Ok,Hope your pain will go off soon!Let us all blowwwwww our pain away k..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


laksa..hmmm!Sounds good!i had kangkong cuttlefish and chng teng for supper last night!wahahhahaso satisfying!

me too craving for spicy food!Now sore throat still eat spicy food!wahhaha[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]nyum nyum![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oohhh..that's not too good..can negotiate with them?maybe like just for the ONE time?They are concern but sometimes when preggers dun get what they craved for can go berserk..like me!wahahhaha.just kiding k...


me going to TMC for oscar tmr too. but super early lor. 815 to the gynae clinic to draw blood then teh scan is 830am.

keep telling the little bump to be guai guai in a good position hehehe...


i remember pple recommend durians when i was told i was having a small baby. it's a good way to increase the weight since ti's high in sugar and protein. but end up the weight all goes to me lah. so just be careful with the sugar intake.

lilac white,

haaa i agree with you! i don't need an intelligent child, i don't require them to go to sap schools. i just want a happy, all-rounded, healthy child who's well-mannered and secure. so must have a good combination of iq and eq. it's ok if she doesn't do well in school (but must pass lah) because everyone is always good at something, not necessarily academically. think the system in singapore is too damn competitive. i'm starting to see scholars acting like robots, void of emotions. influx of foreign talents? you think the govt care? they just ask that we keep competing but the middle income earners suffered the most. haizz. i don't want my children to behave anything like the "govt". lol.


i agree with etelle too, they just make you gain weight fast but it's high fibre, means it helps with constipation too.

ooo i'm feeling little kicks as i typed this haha. maybe bub is happy that i didn't expect her to be academically excellent (means can slack a bit izzit? notty child!) LOL


you may not sleep well but baby is. that's the reason why you're so shagged. your body is working extra hard to make sure baby is comfortable.


any brands of milk is better than taking no milk at all..haha. this pregnancy however, i'm not fond of milk at all and those prenatal milk powders really gives me diarrhea. so i took soya drink instead.


haaa i'm encouraging all to post scan pics too! aren't they nice to look at?!

My restriction on food by MIL, hubby and my parents do not sound reasonable at all[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

MIL: I hated the smell of steam fish and requested for fried fish instead but was rejected cause she very health conscious[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Other than that, cannot drink barley, cold drinks, spicy food, cannot eat too much beef (say BB will be hairy) and crabs (the usual conservative thinking you all know lah)- miss chilli crabs[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hubby: No instant noodles, no seafood (just because I have anaphylactic shock to limpets, I was banned from all other delicacies. During new year, was banned from abalone also[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] He overly Kan chiong lo.

Parents: No food with coconut, like nasi lemak cause will cause bloatedness (I always have lots of wind in my stomach haahaa) hence there goes lasksa as well[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Friends: Even yellow noodles say got this thing call "kee" or dunno what so dont eat too much. I try to cut down on mee goreng lo.

The list goes on and think my BB also not happy le. Haa... when I at work I secretly drink fizzy drink[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Melissa: Hahaha your bub so cute!! I agree with u on the kids part. I also dont wish my child to succumb to the stressful education system. Wont top the class doesnt mean my child cannot chu ren tou di next time. My parents nv gave us pressure when it comes to our studies. They just want us to pass can liao so i hope i can raise my kids the same way! :D

Adelyn: Opps i have been eating beef leh. But I think if not everyday ok la hor. I only avoid food that is too cooling n raw stuff. Too oily food I also nv take cos makes me feel nauseous.


I sure feel like eating them now! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: Fish

I hvnt really hv proper fish for awhile.

The smell turns me off! Shld I get a supplement??

Re: Oscar Scan

will we know the results the same



ur MIL & hubby is really strict.

I think can eat bah. Just in moderation loh.

Btw, sm1 tok abt soya bean drink earlier.

Sorie cnt rem who, my memory is failing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tot there are myths tt canot drink this til we noe bb gender??


don't feel so bad. at least your hubby and your MIL really sayang you!


i can't eat fish as well but the supplements is even more oily and smell worse! eeeks. hopefully once my MS has fully gone, i am able to eat all those once again. it's even more important in 2nd and 3rd tri than 1st tri yeah.


how come can only drink soya milk after knowing baby's gender? i have been drinking all along since week 4 or 5.


your hubby and MIL really very strict. i have asked my gynae about drinking cold water. he says no problem, can go ahead. of course moderate the intake. after all, you know your body best! fried stuff also okay one.. just don't eat too much till you get too "heaty". for me, my cravings are mostly for junk food and my hubby allows me to indulge once in a while.

last night i even ordered mcdonald's at 10.30pm! 'cos i saw rachoho's post about nuggets. haha!! so i ordered mcnuggets meal. it was soooo good! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hubby nagged me a bit for eating junk, but after that couldn't resist and also joined me on the couch. lol!

2 nights ago, i spotted this faint line going from above my belly button all the way down to pubic hair. it should be the linea nigra. hopefully it doesn't get too dark at later stage, scared will look ugly.

ya loh shiok right.. last nite i ate alot also.. thanks to the pasar malam at my house downstairs hehee

btw my office having minor reno for my MD's office.. wun affect preggers hor??

Thks Melissa,

I will try to find none smelly fish to eat for the sake of bb. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


soya bean drink & soya bean milk same or not?

Rem we were hving this discussion in the thread few

wks ago.

Sm1 said soya bean drinks will increase duno wat hormones in boys. Thus will increase risk of "broken wrist" aka sissy in boys.

But research shows that it seems to only affect angmoh boys.

starrymommy: I dun really know the reason but i think its old wives tales that pregnant ppl shld stay away fr reno. Plus my mummy told me when she was expecting for the 1st time, she didnt know she has to stay away and she sat one side looking at someone nail something on the wall at home, that very evening, she bled and lost the baby. So my mum kept reminding me that when there is knocking, nailing or reno going on, stay away fr it. Others I heard was there are marks on the baby or something. Hehe Anyway, no harm listening esp if the reno has got nothing to do with me, I'll just stay away fr it.

Momotan: I also heard abt the soya milk n sissy thingy if its a boy. But my gynae has done a lot of research so his advise is its ok to drink soya. He is very experienced so I trust him bah. But I also read that one shld consume only between 1-2 glass a day. Any type of food if over consumed is always bad for the health.


i think no difference between soya bean drink and soya bean milk bah. oh i remember the discussion. not sure how true.


i'm not sure about this leh. don't know the logic behind this old wives' tale.

wow I seem to have missed so much already!!

Thanks Melissa and Fifi for answering my question on the tummy scan! So exciting coz this is my 1st tummy scan, tho the gynae didn't mention anything about having to drink water. Actually the nurse always ask me to do the pee test before I see the doc! Since I've opt not to do the oscar test, the gynae will be measuring the baby's neck this visit. Can he do it with the tummy scanner? I'm quite nervous about the test actually.

I don't really believe in the old wives tales, my mom had to shift house when she was preg with me. In fact, she proudly boasted to me the other day that she even sat at the back of the lorry (with the furniture) when they were transporting it from old home to new flat!! I guess I turned out fine!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

And I'll be moving house this June too!! Except I will not be so gungho like her and sit at the back of the lorry!! haha.. my HB and I plan to activate our families and friends to help us pack up the place so that I don't exert myself or carry heavy boxes. I think that is most impt.


dun be depressed! Sigh there's good n bad!maybe CSM eat something you craved for during your lunch hour? Go back then whatever they cooked lor! It is also good when during your next visit , please sit your HB in and asked your gynae to explained what n which food to avoid! Hope then he CSM be less strict on your diet n you lll have more varieties ...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my gynae said wait for at least 4 working days for the result!I'm waiting anxiously too.. Hope everything is fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I ve been advised to take more beef n red meat for iron by gynae[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

SuwAiwai ,

yes I agreed! I don't believe much in old wives tales! When ppl tell me I just listen only.I moved house too when I was 4 mths pregnant with no.1 ! She good !

Sometimes too much intake of old wives tales can lead to unnecessary depressions[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ladies, take things lightly k... Dun over dress yourself [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

woah... 3 archives!!!

You all are really active!!

Me just went offline for a day for my wedding anniversary nia leh... now got to read 3 archives long of posts...

Sigh... talking abt my anniversary...

Quite rare for hubby to initiate taking his leave just on that day... so quite happy actually...

But then, ended up feeling pukey and horrible during the whole movie show... plus no appetite to eat at all... no mood to go anywhere at all...

you all know what... it actually ended up, I bot BurgerKing meal and he bot Subway sandwich for dinner and we went back home to watch a movie at home... haa... wat a way to celebrate leh...

Kinda sad coz seems like it is becoz of me that the whole special day is so dead and boring for him... sigh...

I really need something to cheer me up...


I agree with what princess diamond said. Ask your gynae about what can eat what cannot when your hubby is around so he'll be less strict after hearing from medical expert. Of cos we need to eat in moderation la. My hubby lets me eat anything I want, coz he see me so poor thing having to puke daily.. hehe plus he knows its not like I eat the same thing everyday.. so quite safe. We just avoid the raw stuff and half boiled eggs! Actually I had half boiled eggs for the 1st few weeks of pregnancy coz we didn't know we cannot eat it!! haha

Princess Diamond,

Ya people say say I just listen too.. like how they tell me I cannot hold scissor!! How not to use the scissor for 9 mths??!! Usually I exercise some logic la, like don't climb up stool to open the top cupboards. I'm already so clumsy, if I use the stool, higher chances of me falling off now right.. so I avoid if I can.

Happy annivesary!!!

Tickle tickle!! Cheer up! Sometimes spending time together is good enough! I'm sure he understand n also praying that you ll b fine soon ( no MS)!I'm sure when comes 2nd trimester, you ll have more energy to do more outings with ur HB ![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Don't worry about it. I'm sure the hubbies all understand. I was apologising to mine the other day coz now it seems like he does all the housework over the weekend. He stocks up the groceries, cooks for me (he is more of the chef at home), clean the place up, change linen and I only do laundry when I feel up to it. So I felt very bad that I didn't do much. But he was really understanding!! I was so touched!

Besides, this is a passing phase, we WILL feel better soon and then we can make up for everything in the coming months!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wah really poor thing so many things cannot eat.. my hubby is equally kan cheong at the begining and i throw tantrum several times coz sometimes MS is already making me no appetite and still control over my craving i can get really fed up, so how we solve the problem, when we come face to face with the doctor, we asked him if those food can be eaten, my gynae is so nice! he says not that i am eating one of the food particularly alot alot, as long in moderation everything also can eat. Of coz i didn't ask him about can food, soft drink, instant noodle that kind coz obviously those dun hav nutrition la, those are for pleasure only haha! so after the clearance, now i get green card to drink barley liao. Not that we are going to drink a lot, at most is only one glass and at times it's diluted too, how liang can it be! That's my opinion lor..


just to share with you, my friend who can't take fish smell during pregnancy also can't take the fish oil supplement, she says when she burp, the smell is equally bad. I'm the opposite, I beginning to like fish alot since preg and i eat more frequently then before, maybe u can have it in assam taste so that it's not too fishy? or better quality fish maybe less fishy such as cod fish?

lilac white,

yalor laksa without 'hum' is so boring right.. haha no choice lor, so i'm only taking the vegetarian laksa for now to ensure it's clean. Just crave for the spiciness.


What's that faint line about??? I also have that! what's that actually?


talking about renovation, the elderly are very particular about it. When i had my miscariage 2 yrs ago, everyone started pointing finger - must be due to change of furniture positioning during pregnancy, u must have changed bedsheet.. bla bla bla.. I dun really think it has anything to do with that! However, it's still good to stay away from it to avoid any accident like things fall down or step on some debris etc.. do take care ya!

hi ladies,

Haven had time to come in since last wk and this thread is really amazing.. itz moving so fast!

i went for my oscar last wed and guess wad.. i think i broke record liao... i got to go in and out of the sonographer's room for 5 times before my active bb allowed anyone to measure! i waited for 2.5hrs and it was like a detox session... drink water... hold.. go in to the room...cannot scan cos bb playing/sleeping/moving/facing elsewhere...feel like smacking the small pipi.. hahaaa...

i also visited my gynae two days ago for my monthly checkup and she told me 70% it is a boyboy cos she saw something protruding out from between the legs when she gave baby a nudge using the scanner. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

empress7:i'm drinking Dumex Mamilgold and i think it is ok leh... i also have constipation

but i drink a little bit of prune juice (without mixing it with water) once every 2-3 days.


if it's any consolation to you, i also celebrate our 7th year wedding anniversary with him, myself and MS! haaaa. so we didn't get to have a good dinner or watch a movie. i was too dizzy, tired and nauseus! however, i know that it doesn't matter to him. he knows i'm carrying his baby and i know that he loved me even more. haaa.. happy wedding anniversary to you! wish you many many good, loving years ahead!


yeah my mom keep telling me not to go to funerals or eat pineapple. the former is because her own mom told her not too. said she went to a funeral one day with her newborn, my mom's elder brother, he fell sick shortly and passed away. so she's very adamant that nobody in her bloodline should ever go to a funeral before or after birth. pineapple, i think u guys know. it is believed that it could cause a miscarriage. i forgot though, i was happily munching pizza hut hawaiian pizza with pineapple, boss's treat! lol. anyway, i'm in my 2nd tri, should be ok lah. just a few small slices won't harm! like empress7 said, there's more obvious danger to look out, don't fall down, for instance.


wow! That is super long!!!!!!!! Haha ... U must have tired out after the scan! Haha... Uu bb so cute! Rollin good time inside[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] good to hear he's well at least ! How far along are you now? Wow can c gender! I'm so eager to know too!but I guessing mine will b a girl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wait till next visit n c if can spot any differents !!! Lol[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


linea nigra is just a pigmentation on the bellies of pregnant women. usually happen during 2nd tri, but i guess mine just decided to come early! here is the wiki link to a couple of pictures and explanation. mine is far fairer than those you see on the pictures.

hahaa.. yes.. really was tired after the scan... according to monday's scan, i'm 13wks2days. But i remembered Melissa or one of the ladies here mentioning that all babies will have a nub during the beginning phase... so probably that's why the doctor only told me 70% sure and not 100%.. hahaa...

Huh!! Oscar results hv to wait so long?

Make us anxious!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


thk u!! I'll look ard for codfish. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Regding pineapples, my gynae did ask me to stay away.

But I think accidentally eat a few is ok de loh.

momo: initially i so much wanted a girl... but come to think of it... boyboy also good... can play rough! fall down also not so heart-pain! hahaa! i'm crazy liao... boy or girl, healthy is a blessing already. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i am also loving fish more after preggy! steamed, fried, poached, baked, whatever. just bring on the fish! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my friend simply can't understand me as she hates all fish now. both of us like the opposite things. she likes all the sweet stuff and i much prefer salty and sour stuffs.


when is your next appt? by then doctor should be able to confirm boy or girl bah, or at least give a 90% accuracy?



eunice chua quite zhun one lah. she said 70% usually will be correct one.

she also said the same thing for my first and it turned out correct.


