(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Hey anyone can recommend suitable apps for our babies?? Wanna download onto my ipod.

Groovy, that is so cute! My sis went to Bali and bought matching Bintang singlets for us. But havent wear out yet.. hehe shy la.. pple will be staring at us!!


Cherry: thanks, trying to enjoy pregnancy but with all the vomitting quite hard hehe.

Zuen: ya can imagine the chaos at hm with 2 somemore age gap so close. Mayhem everyday haha.

Starry: dec baby means youngest in cohort, Jan baby hv to compete with dragons even if though he/she won't b born a dragon. Guess cherry is right. Leave it god and see wat happens lor born Xmas, new year or in between, as long as healthy n happy baby thats all that matters.


true! let god decide for you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope you have a smooth delivery, faster than the last time.

re: huggies promo

buy $100 worth of huggies products from cold storage and redeem little tikes backyard BBQ grill for free. gd deal! huggies ultra now 2 packs for $21.85 only.

Starry: thanks! Hope you hv a smooth delivery as well. Will u b able to go for vbac? Last time 21 over hours, this time it better b faster.

hi mummies,


mummies, no teeth can eat the meat? i have nt introduced meat to bb yet.


my bb have rashes near her mouth, i just hope she grows outta it cos it seems like whatever i give her, her mouth area will redden. dont tell me she allergic to rice!


maybe all wear same colour, dont need get same clothes? maeve does stick to me but loves to call daddy "ba ba ba". everytime she sees daddy she will go ba ba ba. she doesn't call me yet.

Stella, glad to hear that. Which Gynae did u see?

Cherry, yes yes thanks thanks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

STarry but no cold storage near our place....hard to lug the things back.


I saw the ad too!!! SOOO tempted!! Do you know if its e big pack that is on offer? Cos I realised some places sell M40 some M64 packs. The M64 one per pc is cheaper.

hi zuen,

ya lor..thank goodness all paid for by insurance. As for his eczema, its not really tamed at all. it keeps popping up. if i put the steroid cream it will disappear after a few days but i dun really want to put the cream so frequently because of the steroids. Doctor also said dont put too frequently. So for now also dun really know what to do.

Hi gsm, dun think its allergy la. but just continue to monitor and see if it also becomes red when she eats other things.


don't think can vbac. got small risk of wound rupture 'cos gap too close. if rupture will be very serious and gynae warned that heavy internal bleeding is very likely if it happens. then will need operation to 'patch' back plus blood transfusion. err.. too scary lah. lol!


true lor. unless you go shopping somewhere in town with hubby then take cab back.


not big pack, i bought the M34s.

Starry: wah that's really very scary. Hope all goes well for you and hope we both get over this nausea/vomiting phase really soon.

Apple: I'm seeing my previous gynea frm kkh. Dr C.K. Khoo.


Wow... He was my gynae too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wish ur ms goes away soon.


Luckily covered by insurance.

I m using physiogel. I got it from watson n guardian, so u can probably get it easily in spain too. So far, this is e best. Doesn't tame but his condition did improve.

When Isaac gets flare up, I really wish I got steroid cream to help him tame his condition.


i tried looking for the cream from iris but cannot find. my pregger brain cannot recall where i placed it! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sorry le.. meant to help you. think you can ask iris where she got it from?

Angelkkk: really? Hb n i find dr Khoo very nice that's y we decided to stick with him for this pregnancy as well. I hope e ms goes away too. Now from the time I wake up to the time I go to slp I'm puking. The vomiting pills now helps jus a little. N my mouth got a permanently weird taste.

morning mommies and ian!

been so bz and tired with baby and work! Even weekends like no rest oso.. coz come weekends both grandparents insist we bring baby over to their places. very tiring!

Stella, hope yr puking ends soon! every pregnancy is diff i guess, hang on.

porridge: din kow some babies here already started on meat. i haven't feed baby real meat.. just chicken or beef broth. but my gf, who's indian already feed baby whatever the family is eating. if that day they haf chicken curry or dahl.. she just take out some, boil until soft then puree wif rice for baby

mommies, i'm going on a holiday with baby next week. from wat i know, babies need to bf em or let em suck on paci or bottle when plane's taking off or landing to prevent ear pressure. but my baby was never on bottle or paci and now refused to latch when we r outside. how huh? is the ear pressure v painful for em?

Hi mummies!

Im a silent reader in this thread...Would like to join u all for discussion...My gal is 6 months 3 weeks.. Can yr baby sit or crawl liao? Btw any north-east mummies here? hee..

apple> I heard can use teether too when taking off!

I never tried though, but plan to use teether if ever traveling overseas becoz same like Hebe, Josie refuses all, bottle an breast. She only like to suck her sippy cup and teether

So quiet on the forum lately. I miss the banter and advices fro everyone. N reading e HS posts too!! Haha

I'm feeling extremely mentally tired lately. Dunno y for some reason I feel kinda depressed too sigh. Maybe it's cos bb turning cranky is getting to me or wat but I'm totally exhausted by the end of each day. Dunno how long I can keep tis up. Wondering if anyone else feeling tis way too?

Marrissa: thanks I hope so too! Does ur gal suck or chew on teethers/ rusks/ sippy cups/ or even fruit candies or lollies? Anything that will make her hv the sucking or chewing motion will help. The pressure is wat u feel on take off or landing where ur ears feel blocked. Adults can clear it easily, babies tend to get irritated by it because they can't clear it as easily, hence the need to suck or chew. I dunno if it's allowed but maybe u can try a piece of fruit in one of those mesh bags for infants n toddlers to eat through without choking?


Can i check is zucchini also called japanese cucumbers?

i check with the vege hawker stallholder, he says is the same but after i bought back realise it looks different from google images of zucchini.

mummies pls enlighten me. thanx!

Jaime: zucchini is from the summer squash family. It is not a cucumber. Japanese cucumber is similar to English cucumber only bumpier.

I'm steaming apples now to make apple puree for Faith. Do I wait for apple to cool dwn before I put them into blender or I could blend the apples immediately right after steaming?


There were times I felt exactly the way u did too especially when I was home alone with baby before I started work. Some days were just bad days lah. Can u arrange to take a whole day off from baby and just spend time pampering urself a little? Go book a spa massage or what and have high tea with hubby or close gfs. Mommies need pampering sessions too! Otherwise will feel burnt out. And a mommy's job is NEVER done, plus constant worrying at the back of our minds. So take time off and relax. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ange, Jaime,

What's the reason behind steaming apples? I just grate and serve direct. Or squeeze out juice from grated purée. Thought steaming is for those hard veg like pumpkin, squash, carrots, sweet potatoes etc.

Baby food recipes - can buy those books from popular too. Come with many colorful pics and step-by-step instructions.


i read that steaming makes it softer and easier for babies to swallow. but as bb grows, their internal systems develops can slowly phase out steaming and just grate and feed bb.

Partly, i scared bb choke. my own timid lah.. :p


I see! I was wondering why cos my mom nv did that, straight away grate and give. Thanks for explaining. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thanks for the advice on porridge cooking.


Did you buy chicken in the wet market? the stall owner will mince for you?


Bunny baby also very lucky and bright. Welcome to mummy of 2. Rest assured. Delivery should be faster than the first one.


THanks for the website. i will check it out.

Jaime, Starry,

my MIL also just grate and give. Although Darius has no teeth, he can digest. Fruits is best to give without steaming as it won't lose the nutrients,

I am still blur who is who at the west side gathering.


Are you the one sitting opp me?

mummies... i am super upset now.. tears just cant stop flowing.... i am damn pissed off and upset with my hubby.

i was just discussing things with him abt Aedan... like i wanna get a playyard to put him inside so that he doesnt crawl so fast and knock himself onto the tv console, onto the windows and fall backwards and thud himself onto the floorr.... etc.... cos sometimes i wanna walk away for a short while just to do smtg (eg: making milk) i can go in peace and not worry that he will crawl elsewhere... playpen itself is too small for him to really explore his ways.. i just want him to have a play area that is safe from potential dangers.

and guess what he said? You think its right.. u go and buy. i dont agree. i dun wanna treat my son like a dog. u should let him learn. experiential learning so that next time he knows he cannot go near the (eg: tv console). i was like "HUH?" he is just a baby! its our job as parents to make sure he is safe now..at least until he's old enough to understand what we say right???

he says i am too overprotective. everytime i insists on things that he never agrees.. like getting a proper bed for Aedan so that we dont need to sleep on the floor... or getting a mattress to put in the living room so that Aedan has a play area... he blames me for having to carry and rock Aedan to sleep. he says you should just leave him be and if he dont want to sleep... thats his problem....

you know how tiring it is to take care of a baby from 9am to sometimes 9pm until someone is home to help me? i am not complaining ... i am very very tired but becos he is my son... i am willing to spend this time i have to take care of him. so sometimes at the end of the day, i just need him to sleep so that i have some ME time. so that i can eat, bathe and take a breather. it takes abt 10-15mins for me to put him to sleep and i only need to carry him for awhile... only on days when he is cranky then i need a longer time. but my hubby blames me for it. cos Aedan doesnt like it when HE puts him to sleep.

he always tell me.. why u always copy what other mummies wanna do? why cant u have a mind of your own? how come XXXX (his friend) doesnt do all these things? Hello? people house is big, has loads of place... people has maid....

i dont.

i do everything myself.

so what isit that i have done wrong to insist on certain things that can make life easier for me?

i am really super upset and i cant stop crying. and we had such a huge fight.

so what have i done wrong? this is so frustrating and exasperating!

at the end of the day.... he says " go do what u want since u will insist no matter how much i disagree"

no matter how little ME time i have now.. how tired i am... sometimes i really wanna give up.... i take a look at Aedan and i tell myself to press on... cos its for the sake of my child and everything will pay off eventually...

i take a look at Aedan and say to myself... i dont mind all these sacrifices now... and that what keeps me going on as a sahm...

now this is what i get. i really dont understand.

woops sorry I thought it's apple :$. Actually I refer to Marissa in my prev post..

Shin> Take care.. Hopefully your husband will be more understanding.. Playpen is indeed too small if you're going to do something in a longer time.. Josie will also starting to make noise if we leave her inside the playpen and leave her alone.:S.. The same thing with her cot..

My maid still use stroller anywhere inside the house when cooking etc, so Josie can watch her and won't make noise.. But my friend said sooner or later the baby won't want to be quietly put in the stroller anymore.. :S

I haven't bought the playyard too.. Simply because nowadays Josie will make noise if we leave her alone and she can't see us.. Put her in the stroller and bring her together with us is slightly better..

Maybe put this into consideration too.. What if u bought the play yard but if Aedan being put inside, he doesn't like it because he can't see you?

Shin> Treasure the times with Aedan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].. Now as working mom, I always look forward to go home and play with Josie.

Especially nowadays we can play together with our babies already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]..

Now I always play stack, stack her toys until I make a tall tower. Then when she notice, she will always crawl to destroy the tower. Hehehe.. Like a Godzilla :p. So cute.. Haven't taken a video of that yet. She crawl so fast sometimes I haven't even finished creating the tower yet. hihihi...


Thanks for ur words.

Aedan is fine with me leaving him alone as along as he knows I'm around. He's so fast now that I can't contain him anymore. All the bolsters and pillows put as barricade doesn't work anymore cos now he can climb over them. Hais.

Yup I'm treasuring every moment I can with him that's why I'm willing to be a sahm no matter how tiring or tough and even though I'm alone most of the time.


I am like u. Daytime alone with our boy. Will have prob if need to go toilet, do cooking, eating lunch n resting. Hmmm my hb understand how tiring it is so he said buy the playyard. If I am too tired n need some power nap, I will lock myself n Jaren inside the playyard. He moves ard inside while I take short nap. If I take quick shower I also lock him inside too. Will b safer not treat them like dog. Sigh... How can ur hb said that. Nowaday when I expressing milk I either put him inside or put him in walker. Really v useful for us without maid.


Thanks for understanding my situation. Sorry I didn't mean to say that those mummies who use it are treating their child like dogs. Hais. That's wat I'm pissed and upset abt also. He say he doesnt wanna set a boundary and should let him free... I rebutted "at th expense of his safety? So just let him knock his head and then say sorry! U should learn". I find it so ridiculous. Dunno what his brain is thinking. He says the way he wanna bring up his child is different from me. I say... He treats his child like robot. Can computerise the behavior he wants. Hais. He says now" as long as it benefits the child and it's to my convenience then go ahead"... I dunno why am i doing so many things but not once he would agree with me right from the start. His fav line "house no space and waste money". Sighs



i can feel for u the tiring days tking care of bby alone.

Perhaps explain to hubby safety first esp aedan is so mobile now.

To b honest, when i studied bout children psychology n development during uni days, i also think parents nowadays r cruel, because of routines, caging baby, strapping a walking bby like pets.

But now that i have a child n get to take care of him alone, i realise it is no cruel at all!

What is cruel is to let our bby harm themselves.

True, they cn learn through experience of falling or knocking themselves on something but for niko, i dont really see that coming fast to him. He still approach the edge of the bed despite having fallen from it twice! N some more time i lethim fall under my assistance (hahaha) but he still go there!

Dont mention walls n floor. Many times he fell down from sitti.g position or he jump towards a wall!

U can watch him all the time but how can u do that???

Sometimes im there but our babies r too fast alrdy. We r getting old le. Hehehe

Safety first! Not cruel! Definitely not like dogs coz u r not going to put him there all the time right?

Hope u get ur hubby to understand ur point.

Cheer up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks. I agree with u.

I am already watching him and he still can fall and knock himself cos by the time I reach out for him... It's too late... It's that split second when things happen and maybe cos it also takes time for me to react.

Yup I did explain abt the safety part and I seriously not sure what's wrong with his brain today... That's decides to spew such nonsense. I mean... Isn't it common sense that safety comes first? Yes, we can educate but that can wait when they start to understand. Not now when they r merely 7months??? He can't even express himself saying "I want milk"... They still communicate by crying so how to expect them to learn from experience... Just like niko.. He still crawls towards "danger" despite his experiences right? They still so young to know lor.

I think he having pms so he talking nonsense. And too bad I don't agree with his nonsense. Sighs


Still up at this hour?

Wajahha.. pms! Lol.

Maybe try few days later when u all cool down, propose to him again n hopefully he understand!!

Steaming apples

I read that lil baby may not b able to digest the sigars in fruits thats why steaming helps in doing so.

But i think after 8-10 months it is quite safe to give raw fruits to bby.

Some baby has good digestion. Mine is quite bad!! He always give me nervous time waiting for his poo! Hehehe


Pls post the vid on fb. josie as godzilla is surely something i wanna watch!! Must b very funny!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Glad to hear ur maid is better. Hopefully she will stay thay way ya!


Where r u going to?

They say as long as baby suck on something it is ok.

If sofea doesnt wanna latch maybe shr will cry, n just let her while taking off. Maybe she will want to latch coz in new n uncomfy situation for her! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] enjoy ur holiday

For the jg clasees sorry i dont think we will join!

maybe later we want to try trial class but not sign a pavkage first. ive been wanting to write this here but always got problem! Only now that i remember. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So r u still joining?


Couldn't get to sleep until now finally I start feeling sleepy. Guess I'm finally tired from all the tearing. Thanks... Yah.. Will see how it goes lor... What to do...


Cheer up!!!

Maybe take a break one day? Leave ur bby inder the care of ur hubby or parents?

I think it is normal for sahm to feel depressed. Me to, prone to depression! That is why i know i need to get myself busy, shoppi.g outside, just step out from the house is already a step closer back to sanity!



glad the little one is doing ok!

Must b excting for u.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

take care okay!


sleep le!!

U need ur energy to face lil aedan tmr. Remember his smile! N i could even imagine his cute frown now! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tmorrow WILL BE a better day! Good night!!

Morning mummies n Ian:


Hey babe! Cheer up. I can fully understand how u feel. It's really nt easy being a sahm. I also feel depressed sometimes n really tired out at the end of the day.

My hb will try to understand y I wanna buy certain things. If it's reasonable he's ok. But he'll also always mention that no need to get so many things. Just make do with whatever we hv. Even our parents also say don't buy this n that. They always say last time they also nvr use this n that n we still grew up well.

Think it's really up to individual. I also did mention abt playyard but hb nvr agree or disagree. Mb cos Kayden still nt that mobile yet. Will see he things go ba.

U try talking to ur hb again k. Don't get upset Liao. Think if u get him to understand that it's for aeden safety, he will agree eventually ba. Cheer up.


Hi Shin

Hugzz for all the hardship. I can fully understand as I just ended taking care of baby solo 4 days in a row for 24 hrs daily as hb was travelling. No maid too and no playyard which meant that even stepping away to make milk was with heart throbbing, scare bb will knock her head on something during that few mins of stepping away. Others meant find it strange why we find it so tough to take care of bbs when our parents' generation can take care of 2/3 together as SAHM. But they forgot that bbs nowadays are so diff fr our generation, so fast, so smart, smarter than we can imagine. Too much DHA maybe and also the evolution of the genes.

Hang in there, u are not alone and u are perfectly normal to feel that way. Sometimes I do feel guilty why I feel so tired even taking care of my own bb but that does not mean we do not love our bbs. In fact, we love them too much so that is why we are so hands on and end up so tired.

Don't let ur hb make u feel lousy or guilty. Guys are just wired differently. Go ahead and buy the playyard if u deem fit. Don't care how they think as they are not the primary caregiver. U have our support [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

