(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

gsm> She asked my neighbor's maid to buy for her!!

I never allow her to go out, so she talk with neighbor maid then ask to buy for her. Sigh.

Oh ya, another rule, told her never ever talk with any stranger, including neighbor maid. Last time I allow her and this is the result.. She even got busted with my other neighbor that they are talking with neighbor maid + 1 Bangladeshi, and she's standing in front of my house!!! Dunno whether neighbor maid talk from inside house or not. This happens on Sunday where I always go to church at specific timing, and apparently my neighbor that has maid also go at those time too!

So right now I alternate going to church sometimes evening sometimes morning. My neighbor is more extreme, bring their maid to their church. hehe. And we make rules for them never to talk to each other anymore. I addition, if want to go out to throw rubbish also need me to be inside the house then she can throw rubbish..


seabreeze, on fri night when i changed for Nat, i also apply THICK THICK.. my hubby was LOL when he saw it. i also find it quite amusing.. really VERY WHITE. hahahaha! super wayang


My girl is drinking about 6oz (180ml) every 3-4 hrs. If it's only today then maybe you try to monitor and see how? Maybe cos of tummy upset or something? I remembered there was a few days where my girl just refused to drink her milk too...


he's very scared when i get mad at him. most of the times lah. unless it's something major then will escalate into a real argument. otherwise he will let me fume one corner for a while then ask, "oi! still angry arh? i buy you dinner lah". you would think it's something nice right? but when i cooled down and ask for dinner, he will purposely ask what 'liao' i want in the veg rice from downstairs. =_=..


he say only! i think (and HOPE) he will still buy! wahahha! otherwise he can look forward in sleeping in the toilet. you managed to go to the coach store?


what?? serious? ... walau, i thought i hit jackpot, my maid really quite good. dont want her to show pattern lei, she seems really nice. i ask her how many times she wanna call home, she tell me she wanna call home once a month 10 mins. i agreed. say will get her call card.


why he tell his mum make dinner? you have dinner at your ILs?


It has been 2-3 days already and his milk intake still quite low. Really dunno what's wrong with him..haiz

Dovey, I just request to add u in FB. I am VH in fb.

momotan, like u, my mil also dun respect my decision. sian.

Marrisa, yar lor, those pple will bend rules behind our back. So now u are a SAHM?

Lilbluey, Y see mirror will cry when sees strangers/unfamiliar faces?

Starry, hi 5, I had chix rice today too ;)

Thanks Princess Diamond. Is it like cooking apple?

Then to keep in freezer or in chiller? Can keep how long? So exciting maybe try tomolo or wat....:p


it's my mum. our girl at her place. so usually hubby will go over pick her up, shun bian have dinner there and ta bao back for me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] he won't eat what his own mother cooks. 'cos not very edible.

Just sharing - Rashes

My girl used to have these red rashes at her neck due to double chin. I tried lotion, powder and clean the area every few hours but nothing works. Someone introduced this propolis balm from Aust as her son was having severe ecezma and the rashes slowly disappeared after she used the balm on him.

I've tried the balm. Used it on my girl's face, neck, tummy, backside, almost everywhere la. Whenever I see rashes appearing, I'll apply it on her and the rashes will disappear after 1-2 days, depending on the severity. Since I started her on cereal, she started having rashes on her chin, and around her mouth, for dunno what reason. It took about 5 days for the rashes to disappear, after applying the balm twice a day.

I find it really good, and it works on my girl. So mummies can try it out if you want.


** I'm not related to the company, not taking commision or whatever. I bought it from the mummy who introduced it to me, as she'll order it direct from Aust every few months.

gsm> Really!! I at first also thought my maid is quite good. But in the end she show some pattern already. Really nowadays can't find good maid already.

My parents actually already seen her pattern, so already told me to be more careful, such as must alternate go to church. But in the end I failed to do becoz I thought better to go at same timing as it's good to have sort of scheduled life, especially with baby, need to schedule the pumping etc. sigh..

My maid is basically too smart and my parents already saw that.


i see. scare me, i thought still wanna ask u go over to IL's.


sometimes like that, after few days will resume. no fever, no nothing right? teething? solids? maeve drinks 4-5 times 5-6oz, with breakfast and dinner solids of 4-5oz each.


LOL.. Your hubby is better than my hubby. My hubby wont even offer me veg rice from foodcourt. So sad..


I rather White than red lor!! See alr v heart pain. That day my fren wife w/out kid can still say - apply cream then they so protected, my mother help ppl take care of children also never use. I told her, now small skin v thin of cos must protect, when they grow older, skin automatically thicker then no need lor! Wait till u have your own kids n they got red buttock see if you will say this or not =p she just shake her head like why I so protective. Crazy!!


Wanted to go today but my eyes v swollen n red, think not enough zzz plus my silly colleague go n take part in this pilot trial for gps services, they track where she go for 4 days to see if the reaction time of the service is good! Told her like that how to sneak to orchard for lunch!! Btw when must you cfm ar?? Me thinking of going on fri. If u need earlier then I go down tom


yes! have accepted! Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Is he on cereal? Maybe he kinda lost interest in milk? When my girl milk intake dropped from 8oz to 7oz to 6oz, I started her on cereal (at 5 mths old) even though I intended to start when she's 6mths. She's taking it very well now, and has begun drinking her milk more willingly.


No fever and no teething. Already 6mths but still no sign of teething. I only give him rice cereal once a day.


my hubby shows love in very funny ways. i'm sure yours love you in his unique way. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummies, sometimes do you all feel like you are living with your best friend under one roof?? trying to find some romance in the marriage but nowadays like a bit more challenging. we sit side by side on the sofa, sleep side by side on the bed and don't feel very lovey-dovey like last time. now we joke more, laugh more, but kiss/hug lesser. HS even lesser ('cos of this pregnancy). the feeling is like very very comfortable (cotton undies), not exciting (lacey undies) anymore. need to spice up a bit!


I hope it is just temporary.

Sleep thru the night:

My boy used to sleep thru the night but the last few nights he wokeup 2-3 times for milk (but only drink abt 30ml). I am going crazy soon cos dunno what he wants.


oh, i think can wait. been told that the seller went on hols, back next week. so take your time bah. sorry haven't given u contact. my gf haven't reply me.

buahahaha!! i like ur description 'the feeling is like very very comfortable (cotton undies), not exciting (lacey undies) anymore'

Starry, which childcare did you enquire?

Talking abt Powder, I suspect the nanny use powder after bathing Hebe, which I dun like! Actually if I put Hebe with Nanny care, I really dunno if she will bend the rules behind my back, like let her sleep in sarong, and use the powder aft bath, but nanny at this point seems better than inf care.

One of the reason, I wan to go infant care is that easier to advance to child care...Haiz. So confuse now lor.

Xin, old folks are naggy. My MIL will repeat again and again and again......until i feel so irritated inside my heart.

Dovey, u r welcome. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gsm, yar I think ur maid really good life.

Starry, hahha, cos Hebe birth place ma, so was thinking of going back with her, let her see.

I already thot of going HK disneyland maybe when she is 5-6 yrs old? Not sure. hahha just thinking.

Starry, last time when u have Jadelyn u also stop eating crab?

gsm, if u put $50 then she take it, how ? send her back or? Will u be wary of her if she really take the $?

Teoong, haiz, my HB argue that he sleep in Sarong also come out okie. I told him that if MIL install than I dun wan Hebe to go to her house, but he like one ear in, one ear out......

He ask me to tell his mother myself....But I think she also one ear in one ear out.

Haiz, Like that I even no trust to put with Nanny, cos the Nanny also like if no sarong, cannot cope, say okie okie, then behind my back dunno will put Sarong or not. I told Hb that Infant care pple also no put sarong wat, he argue other things with me. Sian to the max!


same as my gal, she is teething. make noise wake up, but dont want her milk. i dunno wasted how many oz... so now i let her drink water, maybe she thirsty mah, drink water, pacifier, stretch... until she hungry then drink her milk lor. maybe milk teats? too slow?


Still waiting for his unique way of showing me his love :p kekeke...

Yes, especially after the arrival of my 2nd child! Now we have more disagreements (over his mum & kids), we hug and HS lesser. May be too busy attending to kids so no time to find romance.


I really hope that this is just temporary and he can sleep thru the night like before.


exactly, i dont want her to take the $50. cos i dont want to send her back cos up till now, i think she's ok. so my hub tell me "dont test, test for what? if she take u wanna send her back issit?"

how to sarong AH? then must buy sarong at nanny's, sarong at own house, sarong at IL's???


yes, Jadelyn is cute TTM! she has such big round eyes! gorgeous!

My maid told me that they are being "SOLD" here instead of working here. Simply becoz they owe the agent so much, around 9 months of their salary..

I heard their salary has increased? GSM, how much you paid for your maid monthly? And how many months is your maid's debt now?

Thinking to change maid but really scared can't find someone as good as her when taking care of Josie.. She can cook, can do housework too. I'll be a stupid employer to release her..

But then, I'll monitor this 1 month to see when no one is at home, how's she doing. Sigh..


Last time I have 1 maid in Jakarta which is smart too, but she's the quiet type, so she's a very very good one! She's with us like 6 years (or maybe more), until she need to go back to her village to get married.. I thought at first my maid is like her, becoz she's smart. But then my parents said way NO. My maid talks too much. Like can be leader of organization type..

Emmie, yar today Hebe full day in infant care, last week only half a day trial. I must quickly decide whether for her to stay in Infant care or be with the Nanny. I dislike the Infant care teacher assign to Hebe, otherwise the rest of the teachers are nice.

Y are u talking dialect as in, your are commenting abt the helper?

Tigger, yes IFC is Infant Care.

Emmie, yar lor, I was telling HB Hebe has never use Sarong before, so never start, why need to start now...again he ans me someting else, I also cant rem, maybe I also too stubborn to listen, but I agree is dependent on the child but I am her Mother leh, like no respect for me like tat. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Some elderly say that it's not advisable to let babies see their own reflection before they reached 4 mths, if so, they will tend to get very wary of strangers and cries alot infront of them.

Guess it's some superstition..


My gal oso the same pattern, drinking lesser milk and it's always a uphill task during feeding time. I notice she prefers her solids more these days. Hv u tried feeding more solids instead?


just insist. if she has no problem sleeping well otherwise why must sarong now? and can u insist u want the other nice teachers?


i think my maid very soft spoken. yes yes mam. learn things fast, do chores fast. polite and humble and refuse to rest even tho no more chores to do. got initiative to do things even if i never ask her to. whatever i teach her to do i will show her once and she will repreat. i think she seems nice la.


At least you still best friend haha me already like room mate liao we do make the effort to take half day leave to go shopping n have lunch together just to have the dating feeling. Am totally guilty of neglecting him but there are only so much energy I have on hand so when he just step on me, I will just flare up. Must 反醒 abit


I am not too bothered abt sarong cos like what some mummy say - they do outgrow it. My #1 slept for 2mths only n my #2 totally never intro cos he could sleep well tummy down. I let my mum decide since she is the main caretaker when I go to work. Anyway if u won't leave hebe alone with your mil, she can go ahead to install cos it doesn't mean you need to use. What's the point of fighting when ur hb dun even stand by your side, just make yourself look petty. Let them do what they want, can install for all you care, as long ad you do not put hebe in, there is nothing that they can do. If she ask why, then you just say you earlier alr say dun install cos hebe won't use.

IFC you can still control but not nanny cos they oso our mil's best friend. Personally I always vote for IFC n CC over parents, even though its my mum taking care. Rem the article on the Japanese education syst? It's a matter of time they get exposed to such viruses only, going to IFC just let them start building their immune syst earlier that's all.

GSM / Groovy

I got my phil maid 3 mths ago and she owe agent for 7mths salary. Her salary is $370 only with 1 day off from 8th month onwards. Now i think their salary has increased to $400 or more.


I tried to give him 2 solid feeds sometimes but he also doesnt show much interest.

gsm> Hopefully your maid is the quiet type and afraid of stranger..

My maid only say she's afraid of stranger, won't open door if any stranger knock the door. But I don't believe it NOW! Everytime we go market, she's the one trying to talk to stranger!!!! Really!!

It's not about human right anymore when we feel our house & baby is threatened.. Huhuhu.. I can't even work without worrying for Josie.. Dunno today she spend most of the time in the camera's blind spot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. Maybe she knows already. Sigh!!


wahaa!! we are on undies topic also mah. :p isn't it true though??? don't know about u, last time i would look at lacy, frilly, see-thru nightgowns and buy them. now? forget it! cotton undies and cotton nightdress can liao. see thru??? hubby will say pls cover up. lol!


i went to enquire the one at JW st 41. cannot remember the name. guess it is easier to advance to childcare from infant care also. also headache now..


thanks!! :D hope she has more hair fast lah. now still ok, looks cute. with hair will be better. lol!


your hubby got any change in the way he treats you after marriage? so far, mine quite consistent. i already know what to expect from him before the "i do's". any tips on spicing things up??


Got pro n cons for smart maid, at least you know that if anything urgent crop up, she should be able to react. My helper is hardworking but v blur. We only date to ask her to carry yx in front of us, otherwise she just do housework.

They all got alot of stunts one. Like we say - got maid oso headache, dun have also headache!!

Starry, he made u angry still say no Coach...so bad...

Yar, once I start the chicken rice, 1st time I eat here last week since back in SG, I cannot stop, been eating every now and then.

gsm, ur maid seem nice.

me and hb also just like 2 individual in the same house now....

Seabreeze, but think they will put Hebe inside the sarong when go MIL house, well, I think u put some sense into me liao, think they wan to install I dun care, But I will tell her I dun like her to be in the sarong, so when I go to her house, won put Hebe in the sarong.

Yar Lor, I think Nanny really MIL best friend, and literally, this Nanny whom stay close to us, is found and intro by my MIL....and she keep harping and nagging to me that Nanny is Better Nanny is better nanny is better, until I wan to go crazy liao.

Seabreeze, what brand of baby wipes u using now?

Apple, yup, we were chatting abt the maid. My mum can't quite speak Chinese. She speaks english mainly. So this is 'chance' for me to practice my rusty dialect! IFC has it's advs over nanny. Indeed a tough call. As for being sick, again child dependent but of cos risks higher cos more exposure... Me not very helpful hor? As what sea breeze say, let your milinstall lor. Hebe wouldn't be at her place often right?


You can't control what they want to do but you can determine if your bb is involved. In a few more months it would be v dangerous to bb them in sarong cos they can pull themselves up n can fall off.

If you dun like the teacher, you can request to change, I just did that for my #2 also. Call the director to say want change class cos he prefers the other teacher.

Using pigeon now.


As long he's growing well and healthy shouldn't be too much of a concern for the time being, it cld be just temporary. I see that your boy is very chubby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hee hee..


Only his face looks a bit chubby but his body is quite skinny. He weighs 7.7 kg at 6mths only. I think he belongs to the average range bah.


We still trying hard to improve our marriage life. Trying to make time for each other, go for romantic dinner (without kids), planning for a short trip, etc.

I hope to see improvements.


Think as our babies grow older they are more active thus metabolism oso higher [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Im not too sure how long can you keep in the freezer/fridge for pureed fruits/veg..but i guess a week is fine...sorry,i prepared the girls food daily and per serving..so im not sure how long...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Is the same way of preparing apples!Yes!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope Hebe likes it![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


that cream looks good!!can adult use it too?

Have you got any idea if that cream can be bought off shelves in AUst pharmacy?dorry..got so many questions..:p


Walao!!SKIN HIM ALIVE TONIGHT!!!wahahhahahah!!!1So bad eh!Daring!Still said no Coach huh!!small threatening !!!buahahhah!YOU tell him you don't need a COAch now!!For what he did.....GET ME A BALENCIAGA!!!!buahahhah!!!

Ermmm..living with best friend...my hb n i have been like best of pals always!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

even since courtship days,i always scold him for having one crumpled face!:p

im not that type of teh teh type when will whine for attention....wanna ML?Just jump on him type!buahahha!!like dat lor!in fact he is the very conservative type..so now after having kids...we still behave like dat...bickering is our NO1 hobby !!One day nvr get scolding,body itch!

and even walk pass each other will kick or smack butt lor...dunno how to described..but we are like dat since day one...

te only things that changed is my devilish body changed to a FATbulous body!!Ahem...buahahhahahh!!!!!!!

Bickering stage was only at 5/10 now is 9.5/10!!!wahahhahahhaha.....i like it ...wat cotton/;ace panties..throw them away!!heee


sure can..if you work on it and be direct to your hb,im usre your hb will understnad and work together to have a spiciful marriage![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I will tell my hb that if he forget to kiss me or hug me...even on bed n dead tired n her snores....only thing can really wake him up is his phone!!!!SO I WILL CALL HIM![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]BEST!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


So far i make pear, apple, squash, sweet potato, make them in two serving. One i put in fridge n for next day i just take out n mix with some warm water. I also dunno correct or not. Huahaa. But i always taste before giving to baby.

Sarong is yao lan?

Just wanna share something funny ....

Was talking to my mom about having maids n blah...then my dad suddenly got mad!buahahha

he said their maid...is a GLUT!!Is from bad to worst!!now my dad have to buy additional bag of rice for her..like a 10kg rice n she can finished it within 1mth!!How?nobody knows....

last week ,my dad bought 2kg of bak kwa home ...then in 3 days,the bak kwa is in her tummy..she is kind to leave 1 slice behind!!uahahhahahaahahah!!!!

Then drank up my sis 2L ribena and love ice cold water!!...she can finish a loaf of bread in 1 day!!!CAN YOU BELIEVE IT???buahahhahah..i burst out laughing when my dad told me....having said that....she is a very hardworking n cute!!

She very funny...my dad's neighbour..about 3-4house away also a cambodian maid..that maid always get scolded n the whole estate can her the employer shouting type..one day she was washing cars n my sis found her weeping away!!asked y?she said her friend got scolded!!buahahahhahahah!!!LOL

my sister said,you dun want to get scolding u better finish up your job n go inside!!loldamn cute sia...

sigh...if lucky,you'll get agood n reliable one but when down with luck..you'll get a shitty one!fated la...

my dad complained la..cos at home they eat Basmati n brown rice..so my dad said she asked for WHITE RICE!!scary!!



I do use it on my pimple! Haha... It's quite effective but a little sticky though. As for buying it off the shelf, I have no idea.I buy it from the lady here http://www.mummysg.com/forums/f63/bad-skin-problem-ezcema-babys-face-australia-propolis-balm-49443/ I've ordered 2 tub from her, if you want, I can add it into my order. But as it's kind of bee product, have to test and ensure you're not allergic to it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Love the way you interact with your husband! So sweet. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

