(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

princess d,

wah sehhhhh~! chicken rice burp! wahahhaa! he faint on the spot. :p no lah, i won't keep the burp too long. very bloated now! hahaha!! oh, may i say i fart a lot esp in the evenings? lol!! very 沒有形象 hor? cannot help it. 1st trimester symptoms. hee hee!!



what about work? here will be a good place to rant about work issues.

starry, marissa

hah! my mil also wanna take care of my bb. tell my hub never tell me. and the best thing she went to buy many many stuff, pacifier, bathtub, shampoo body foam, clothes, pillows blankie, rocker etc .... and everytime she buys something, she tells my hub. i dont mind her visiting every weekend, she's her grandma and she dotes on her. but TAKE CARE?? hell no.

Lilbluey, you so right! the Gramps always spoilt mkt! Now i can 'lun' for 1st time, don't say I jump the gun, give them chance tell them nicely. If this evening i go pick my girl and MIL tell me that FIL bring her go for a spin again just to make her slp, I sure to blar out to them this is not the way!

Princess / Starry, you both funny la.. Chicken rice burpping.. sure to faintz one.

oh yah, sidetrack a bit... remember our talk on childcare a couple of weeks ago?? went to register jadelyn for April 2012 and was told FULL, wait till 2013! super sad.. now don't know how... hopefully can find one near my mum's place. otherwise not sure how she is going to handle 2 next year all by herself.


huh.. why go buy so many many things??? just like my mil (they can be good friends!!)... go and buy so many things and more than half not suitable for jadelyn's use. she bought talcum powder, blankets, towels, shampoo, soap, paci clipper, toys etc. aiyo.. see liao headache.

dovey> my girl also suck her thumb to sleep and self soothe when she wake up in the middle of the night..

I realize she only suck her thumb when she's overtired and want to sleep. So I didn't take it away from her. Otherwise she'll mad to us..

But I dunno for those who has the habit until childhood, do they suck their finger when they are not sleeping too (like when playing or when have nothing to do)?




i brought my maid to buy underwear. thinking cotton would be more comfortable, i asked her if she likes them. she tell me, "no mam, this one can?" she chose the ultra lacey kind!!!!

Hello Dovey, Welcome. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/5329007.gif]

Zuen, endure jia you jia you...Hebe like to kick me whenever latch on in sleeping position and sometimes is so painful, I think they still dun understand when u tell them is painful.

Is ur supply still good? Maybe pump out.

Tiffy & Diveera, wow ur meet coincidentally but not sure if who is who?

same as blur me, Lilbuey saw me and wave to me but I just cant recall who and How I noe her cos only saw her pic....Then we went busy at the baby competition so dun have the chance to talk. I wanted to pm her last week but so b z...

Lilbuey, paisei me so blur dunno who u are cos I only saw yr fb photo. Congrats to you again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jadefeet, hope u rest well and recover soon so that u can have the strength to take care of your kids.


Cool down. Cool down.

Wat stunts she do to make u so angry?

I can understand wat u mean wen u say they old folks think they know a lot.

Well, yest my parents came over n I was bottle feeding Kayden. Then he make noise n don't wan finish the milk, my dad say don't force him la. Haiz. I don't wan to quarrel with him so end up nvr finish feeding the milk lor.

MIL also always say this cannot that cannot. Like so scared we will hurt the baby lor. For goodness sake, we got so silly meh. Will purposely hurt the baby meh. Everytime see us will say the same things again n again.


Cool down.

My hb also same la. Quarrel with him many times over his mum Liao. He's very filial la. I always not happy that his mom will suddenly pop by my hse lor. Nvr inform earlier or at least call to ask if convenient or not.

That day just suddenly turn up lor. She called my HP but I don't wan to ans. Before I knew it, the doorbell rang Liao. End up baby was awaken by the doorbell n Cld not sleep Liao. Was so fedup. Furthermore hb not ard lor.

Told hb to tell her not to come wen he nt ard or at least call first before coming. But hb nvr tell her lor.

Super sian that got to face her n entertain her lor.


maybe this go-out-for-a-spin method was also used on your hubby when he was young? so now doing the same thing to athena. if he does it again, tell him next time athena cannot sleep and demands a ride in the middle of the night, he has to come over pacify her for you! :p

re: chicken rice burping

if really wanna keep the burp for my hubby i'd have eaten more chilli and garlic just now. wahhhaaa!!!


wah, how did you do the animation?


your maid also knows how to select undies.. so in the end you bought for her??


i hate it when ppl drop by unannounced. think it's really rude of them. even if call before taking the lift up, it's rude. 'cos already there and still expect the other party to be home and ready to entertain. next time don't answer door see how?? or better yet, disable to door bell. which was what my mum did when for a period of time there were a lot of salesmen ard her estate. almost everyday would have someone selling yakult, aircon service, incense, insurance... you name it... she got fed up and took off the bell.

Groovy, I won force feed Hebe even thou she drinks and eat quite little in the past but there is improvement now.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tiffy & Diveera, hope your boys recover soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Seabreeze, u woke up in the middle of the night to pump? Thanks so much for ur suggestion, I think really better to give that reason than told her I dun wan her to install sarong.....My Hb he also with his mother on installing Sarong, make me super sian lor. He die die dun wan to disuade his mum when I told him I dun wish for Hebe to sleep in the sarong.

Momotan, Wishinging Lucas speedy recovery too.


buahhaha!!killer siah....the after effect of eating chicken rice!!!LOL

so what are you gonna do to them(IL)??


youb should have!!!!BUahhaaaah!!!!LOL


she buy many things then tell my hubby so that we get her hint she wanna take care of Maeve at her home. i didnt like the idea of having Maeve away from home.

Starry, haha.. YA manz! They think petrol cheap meh? now the cheapest petrol is already $2 per litre leh.. give me this stun to bring her out for spin! WTH! anyway, i told hubby about this also, and this morning purposely tell MIL that Athena behaves during the wkend when she's at home wor. Eat and slp as per schedule, dunno why huh at her place like tht?? obviously hinting tht seriously there's smething not right? I also hate that tht i know tht everyday my FIL will go home in to afternn to carry her during his break. Really making it a bad habit! This girl also la, she will cry it so loud when she dont like him to carry.. still a bad habit la!

CC: been hearing a lot of pple saying that 2012 all fully booked! sianz leh.. scary lor, now find CC also so hard, WTH! Even matured estate like Jurong also FUlly book!! I don't dare to think of the rest of SG. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I ever saw one 4yo sucking his thumb. And his thumb has a black bumpy scab at the knuckle there. It's really unsightly! Therefore I hope to wean her off asap.


Woah! Thanks for that pretty welcome!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My ex-maid also.. every month her salary dunno spend til where. When I asked her, she said she spend it on lingerie when she go marketing, cos she cannot resist lacy and pretty underwear! I see liao I feel so self conscious lor, cos mine all those plain plain cotton type! Anyway, why you need to buy for her? For me I ask her to buy it using her own $$...

Zuen, Hebe never been sick since born and there is this once, so cold outside abt 0 deg she wore very thin, we so scare for her yet she still v strong. But I quite scare now that like everybody say infant care pass dieseases v easy. Thou I know she is one very strong Gal, even crying v strong too lor. She is a tiger really, when quiet, v guai. When cry, omg de lor.

Starry, is an emoticon actually. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I still got quite alot in this laptop but lazy to put.


Just put Jadelyn on waitlist cos some ppl might just change their mind nearer the date. Meanwhile look around for other cc, how abt somewhere near your office? Then you can pick her up n go home together.


Yap woke up to pump milk since can't zzz always find a reason that will sound good to her or provide another alternative like rocker or playpen instead of just brushing off with I dun like cos they will just get angry n shut off. No matter how valid our reason are, they won't like it.

Seabreeze, u got stuck in the mrt?

gsm, We dun give Hebe sarong to sleep but the nanny does and MIL want to install a sarong.....Haiz. I miss those days when I am far far away from MILs! No one to nag, so happy that I did my confinement alone, my own ways...

We want to bring Hebe back to France for Holidays after her PSLE also...another 11+ yrs hahha.......

princessd, dovey

when she came i saw she only have 4. so i brought her to buy those 3 for $10 kind. got cotton plain ones and lace ones for the same cost. dunno whether i am too nice or not, thurs she eat scallops, friday she eat crabs. then go market buy 3 for $10 bottoms. she only has denim bottoms, i see liao also feel hot AH! i got her to call home on first night, next night her swami call again, i told her to tell her swami NOT TO CALL sir hp. she understood and request call home once a month. will get her to buy her own call card bah...


Wow... your maid good life huh!! But be careful... cos if you're too good to her, she might climb over your head in future... not all la, some will appreciate and be even better to you....


i've ever considered that. but at that time, she will have just turned 18mths. and my office is very far away. 75-80mins journey! don't think she can take the long travelling at such young age. now is just try to find a cc near my parents' place. hope got ppl drop out lor.


the emoticon is nice. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and you so fast thinking about holiday after PSLE! wahaha!! i only dare think 2 years ahead from now. you are much much faster. lol!

Princess, well I strategize to make my hubby talk to them first. His son talking got more power than me la! Cos I tell hubby if they spoilt her and makes it hard for us to handle her, he will have to spend the wkend taking care for his precious and have a taste of the 'ba-wur'. I'm gonna wash hands and dun tell me that he wants a 2nd child! it's gonna be a NO NO NO! YOu know cos his parents ever go to those fengshui to calculate and says tht we will have 3 children lor. Aiya, I one ear in one ear out!


she cooked herself or wat?

she got experience in singapore b4??

Better lay down a strict rules to her and write it down for her to understand!!until when she is able to perform up to your standard then u released her freedom a lil otw they will staright away climb on your head!Cannot be too nice!


your maid really good life. got scallops and CRABS! (i am banned from crabs and sometimes got craving)


don't say no arh, later you are the next one to have 'breaking news'. hee hee!!

good afternoon mummies..

thank u to the mummies (you knw who you are *wink*) who has provided me with nappy rashes advices last week. Nat's condition has improved over the weekend. So glad! You ladies ROCK! Thank u once again :D


Eh, so fast Year 2012 is FULL [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] any recommendation around Clementi area? =P maybe i should be more kiasu abit


we have other dishes, but chose to give her the crab. i could have kept the crabs and eat myself la... but i didnt want her to feel sucky so ask her to take the crabs. she was a maid in indon 2 years, new in singapore. i tell her what to do, schedule them for her lor. so far ok, maybe havent show pattern yet. now i working, i scared my precious stuff at home lei... my mom tell me put $50 in pants see whether she will eturn me or not. but i dunno if i shd do that...


yes,your hb must support you if not NO NO NO !!

Its diff if the bb is spoilt ttm!!I agreed!Im sure your hb will do it la...give him some time to digest n put it across to his parents!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hahahah....yah!maybe got breaking news le...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Apple, now then i see your post on the sarong. I have the same issue, my FIL go n install while i was out of town. Manz, I blew my top! I tell my hubby, how do you want to settle your girl in future if we go out and she wana sleep? Are you going to carry the sarong everywhere? BTH!! I was very blunt , i tell him how much $$ FIL spend to install, I pay him back! Don't ever use? If I caught him using, i'm going to find IFC and put Athena in. No more going to ILs! He have to understand that this is like giving in to baby cos they fuss when they wana slp & its common that babies fuss to slp. Taking care of baby is never easy, if easy then every mother will be giving & giving birth! Also comes wkend will be torture for you both, cos it's hard to put her to slp.. No need for such thing. We want to enjoy quality wkend wth baby!

Princess, Lucas coughing badly with phlegm now. Think I might have passed back the virus which I caught from him, actually I'm guilty of kissing him while not well. Cos too used to giving him a kiss when I carry him. :p.

Dovey, welcome! Wow...big gap between your kids! My two boys are 5 years apart and I'm feeling the need to relearn also!

Hee...so your mil's plan backfired?

Starry, can put jadelyn's name down on the wait list? Cos might still hv chance when the time actually come round. But of cos meanwhile still look for another backup.

Apple, so Hebe now in IFC?

Now I'm practicing my dialect with my mum cos dun want my brother's helper to know what we are talking abt. So funny. Yesterday, we were all chatting in Chinese too. Never spoke so much Chinese to my 2 brothers in one sitting for so long...hahahah

gsm> Why do you need to buy undies for your maid?? I thought she need to bring them herself?

dovey> ??? spend money on undies? Dunno what those maids thinking.. I'm very afraid if later I got maid try to seduce my hubby type...

This maid my hubby already did a wrong move. He tried to be FRIENDLY to her. So now she likes to ask him for anything instead of to me. I already told my hubby next time if we have new maid don't ever talk to the maid directly, must go through me. Usually my father and FIL never talk to maid type. My hubby is just too kind and friendly. Sigh.. Wrong moves but cannot be undone now!

Now I already told hubby try not to talk to the maid or jokes to her. But I just heard he's still joking with her. Like last week got Indian men come to my house to install fiber optics, then my maid talk to him saying still got some not nice smell after she sweep and mop. Then hubby said becoz the guy so smelly....


Your MIL oso one of a kind -_-"" cmi!


Yr maid oso v happening hor! lacey ones! whoa!!


Bring yr gal for car ride to help her sleep is abit to the extreme...better ask yr hb to tell them not to do it.

But then, having said so, just hope that they do it behind yr back!


It's ok no issue about that [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Becos we only see/communicate with one another thru FB so it tends to be difficult at times to identify each other on the streets [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats to Hebe and you guys too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Too bad din manage to catch up with you much that day!...The cheerleading was reali loud! so many supporters!! hee hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


$50 too obvious!you put 20cents or maybe 10cents...LOL

must be strict to them when they first come la..!

my maids all like dat..kns type!!!but some we give chance n they repent!Some can tell really teruk.com!!

gsm> Like princess_d said, don't be TOO NICE to HER. I already make wrong move, too nice to her, until she dare to buy handphone without me knowing..


glad that the rash cleared up! you have a happy baby nat again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] which method you used? now jadelyn's turn to have sore bum. not a rash, more like an abrasion on the right side, near the thigh crease area. don't know what caused it but it looks like what we get when we have blister and the skin burst. got a small oval patch that looks very much like blister burst and like quite painful. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] been applying the california calendula cream but don't know whether got help.


i've placed her on wait list. but was told chances are quite slim.

Ann, how long is the journey from SG to Indo?

Hello everyone, I also understand ur blues......Cos I also feeling blues already........xian to the max.

Teoong, omg, if I hear my In Laws drive my girl girl one round I will nag like crazy and complain and complain lor. I also dun like walkers etc etc and I dunno y the elderly-actually only my mil too love Hebe liao will intro this and that and my hb will side with her. Argh.

Seabreeze, hope he no more next time moving for just 30mins...not like meng mu san qian....

My Hb has concerned when I mention abt #2. He feels that we cannot take care of 2 since Hebe #1 already so tired, alot of things to do. I assure him that Hebe will be more easy to take care by the time #2 is out but dunno if his concern is valid or not.

Seabreeze, good to hang up and sell for a while. Yar lor agree with what u say on fighting once have children....We use to be so lovey dovey now I find that every little things I bu shuang him and he keep going against me. So sian lor.

Starry / Princess, CHOY CHOY CHOY!! No breaking news for now la! This baby already headache, wait till my ILs gets the things into their head than can try for 2nd one la. I don't want to have my wkend guessing what baby wants leh, want to spend quality wkend wth her. haha..

Lilbluey, ya manz.. They better dont do behind my back la! my MIL is okay now, only FIL cos he's the stubborn one, even i think my MIL also give in to him.

GSM, wah! your maid still dare to ask you to buy so sexy undies! OMG, what does she think she is here for?

Starry, slim chance means still got chance! Anyway still 1 year away...U might get lucky...just like your breaking news! Heehee

Re : sarong

My two cents worth. My two boys both sleeps in sarong. My older one took it for naps. But he's ok when we are out. He is able to nap anywhere, anytime. He somehow self weaned. Actually I cant quite rem how he stopped using. For my baby, he doesn't use it for naps... At most last a 30 mins in the day if he actually falls asleep in it. But at night, he can sleep in it from 7-7. Now he's off it also. But we still use it at times when we needed to put him down for the night if he's too cranky. But he cant nap well regardless. So my conclusion, it's all child-dependent. Of cos now that all our babies are already 6 mths old, if haven't start, then dun need to.


My boy's milk intake suddenly drop. He is taking only 100ml 4-5hourly. How long should the interval per feed be?


My maid brought along her handphone when she came to singapore but I only allow her to make call home once a month.

starry, like what you have suggested.. change diaper brand. one of the mummies here suggested huggies ultra.. the one that prevents nappy rash. and so heng that i have 2 packs of sample of huggies ultra at home. so that night i quickly try it out on Nat. then princessD mentioned used clear water and avoid wet wipes which i diligently follow too LOL! so now i kinda 'suspected' it might be the wet wipes that are creating 'havoc' to her delicate skin. cos yday i have switched her back to pet pet again since i have used up the ultra huggies already. then this morning i saw her condition, at least not so red.. Also also, air dry the area which has been suggested by many mummies here (if missed out the names, paiseh hor). LOL! so A+B+C = better condition now. :D so happy!


i also said NO very loudly to hubby that time and still... haha!! *winks* that's why now trying to teach her sign language as quickly as possible! then won't be so mang zang when both cry together. headache thinking of it.. but think will be fun too. whole house like zoo. lol!

BTH my hubby... i text him abt dinner and see his reply.

me: FYI, i told mum to make ur dinner as well. if you do not want it, pls call her. thanks.

hubby: FYI, i wonder if u are still angry?

me: yes, with you!!

hubby: oh, no coach bag for you then.

me: NVM, i don't want already!

going to 'skin' him tonight. grrr...


haha! really A+B+C! i'm going to try on jadelyn also, change to huggies see how. already stopped her using the cloth diapers, in case it's the diapers causing the abrasion which i doubt though...

just now called mum and she said her bum looks better. i actually wrapped her bum in the traditional cloth nappy during her nap time and placed mattress protector beneath her, at least let the wound dry a bit. seems to have worked. hope will fully recover soon. 'cos over weekend there were times she screamed for no reason. think pain down there. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Yup, IFC = Infant Care [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks!! :D


Ya, I also dun like it when my husband talk to my maid. Initially he really don't talk much to her, but ever since I was pregnant and he went Korea for 3 mths, my maid really cmi lor, talk to her 1 ear in another ear out. Then my MS quite serious so I'm always in bed. Hence when my husband back, he scolded the maid for not doing this and that. Since then my maid afraid of my husband liao. Even when he try to joke with her or what, my maid also don't dare to respond.

But I've already transfer her out, cos maids will be maids. after being here for too long, all their funny patterns come out liao. Asked me for hp, I say cannot, if wanna call home or what, use my house phone. Then from that day onwards, show me black face liao. I bth, send her back agency. Maids nowadays... tsk tsk.


i used calendula cream because the normal nappy rash cream doesn't seem to help (since it's not a rash anyway) so tried the calendula.


Can tell that your hubby is still gan chiong about you..

If it is my hubby, he dun even bother to reply my sms! haiz..



Your hb deserved to be beaten up n skinned man ... how dare he take the coach bag n 'threaten' you!!

Re: diaper rash

That time yx forgot to apply cream once n kana bad rash so now I dare not skip the destin cream n that was the first time I tried the mamy poko wipes. Dunno it's the no cream or the mp wipes that caused the rash. Now I apply THICK THICK before she zzz at night too.

