(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

princess d,

i would hate to use words like these. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but i guess there will come a time when the kids become the victim and no choice, us parents have to stand up for them. i really hope next time when i grow old i won't become like them. 'cos seems like most old ppl are like that?? sigh...

you know, my mil was sniffling very badly yesterday and i saw that she had a raw and bloody patch right under her nose and above the lips. i thought she fell or what, didn't wanna ask. then during dinner, she herself said it was because of the dripping nose, she kept using tissue to rub the nose until the part underneath became raw, skin peeled off and bled! wah lao.. first time saw ppl having such 'injury' from a cold lor. in my mind i was thinking.. pls lah.. if tissue hurts, use something else!!! put moisturiser, or just use water at the sink area! what's so difficult, right? asked her see doc, she said no, just drink liang teh. WAH LAO!! I TOLD HER ALREADY SICK UNTIL LIKE THAT SHOULD SEE DOCTOR! she insisted on liang teh. i really wanna vomit blood talking to her. as if her liang teh so magical? if really so, clinics can all close shop!!!



YES!!! i went to buy kirei kirei hand soap last night already. tonight go buy masks! i think my hubby will sure get angry if he sees me handing out masks to HIS PARENTS, but heck care lah. i rather fall out with him than see jadelyn sick.


Your hubby same as my hubby -> always side his parents! Not only no good for Jadelyn to fall sick but it is not good for you to fall sick too cos you are preggie. Yr pil should be "zhi dong" since they are not well and shouldn't spread the flu bug around.


y your hub like that? then u sick and jadelyn sick good meh? u are just doing it for your kids, nothing against IL lor. think u tell your IL and dont involve him, maybe like that ok?

Starry i also quarrel many times with my hubby regarding his "precious mum"! Really v pissed loh.


my hubby is like that one... very close to his parents. i don't blame him, just wish that he would see things from my perspective. he wasn't the one taking care of jadelyn when she was sick, so don't know how bad it really is. everytime he comes home from work, she is usually asleep and he doesn't see the 'drama' before that. maybe he really need to take care of a sick and fussy child for once then he will know how serious it is.


this kind of thing, never ending one lah. we will quarrel about it then over le. but it will just repeat again. i also don't want to be a small-minded person, but sometimes this kind of thing especially when it comes to our kids' well-being, i really can't help feeling very frustrated and angry towards the 3 of them.


Yes agreed with u. its really true test to the marriage.. kids can make the family but also can indirectly break the family.


at least he is going to pick u up tonight! ok lah, can forgive liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so far no apologies from my hubby. think he is also pissed off. good! let his blood boil a few more hours.


I told him no need haha pick me up at MRT I will be v happy already, at least no need to rush to take bus to fetch the kids at child care.

As long as you practise the same for your parents n even yourself, he will soon understand.

Princess Dia

Your mil also itchy backside lar!! Know your pattern still come n provoke you! Agree that she should learn to relax man. Slog whole life also can't bring the money with her.

There is this theory by this rich man that I can't rem his name - the money is not yours until you spend it!! Haha


actually im quite lucky liao cos we moved out. i am very happy not staying with IL, less quarrels that way. everything also better! i think they feel better too! thinking back all the nonsense, haiyo... wahahhaaaa.


your hub also kiap in between la. tonight sure say sorry to u! men all eat soft no like eat hard so that's y he angry too. but your mil running nose that bad until skin break, quite serious lei, and belong to more contagious illness. not just sore throat or headache lei.


Relax relax! Dun let this affect your mood ! Calm

Dwn..!! I oso taking a break now! Muahaaa! Nvr ending !


True la! But she dun believe in such lor!


Come on! Today is a HOT topic


you really have nothing to rant??


don't know if he will apologize tonight or not. but i won't lose sleep over it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess d,

more relaxed now! thinking what to have for lunch. very hungry..

Hi all mummies n Ian

Cool n gloomy morning!

My poor baby down with bad cough again! And he barely recovered by last Friday from bout of cold n cough. Sian...

Now he totally skips his morning nap. At most 15 mins power nap then will be fully energized, giving me his wide smile. Can faint!

Princess, your mil very interesting hor? Asked your bil along never mind, still can ask the inlaws and parents? Sounds like she super sour abt her life.

Starry, take more vit c!

Muahahah.. just got time to read all the posts!!

Princess d

Ur mil is so kpo!

I think just jealous with ur mum la.. wahahaha


Calm down!!

Talk to him again?

My hubby also like that at first till one day niko cough at abt 3 mnths n the pd said, who is sick at home? He was!!!

Since then he is quite protective over the baby.

But still when we go back indo n his relatives r sick n all touvhy he also nv say a thing!!!!! Only at home then he said sorry sorry cant do a thing coz its their first time meeting with baby... zzzzzzz lucky nothing happened. Just blocked nose n sneezing for abt 1 week plus.


Almost impossible now. Im so saad! Unless apply via other embassy.

Thry will have meeting abt this at office! Huahaha. I feel so important. Lol


Jaeden also like that?!?!?! So funny!! Huahahah

Hope all the babies who r sock recover soon.

Tqke care mummies n daddies... hope u all hv enough rest


Haaa! Rant it here la... Buahaaa![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Interesting ppl!she ended up quite upset cos my bil's IL's suddenly had so much thing in common with my dad! Buahaaaa!

Iyo.. How's your boy now? Meghan just recover too !

Hopefully your boy Will recover soon after meds!


That's good ! Go n eat! Your HB will b okay n I'm sure tonight you both will comes to n understanding ...

Just had a pasta n an 7" pizza! N I just burped after n Italian soda! GOOD!!

Thanks for the welcomes~~

So many mummies here, Kinda lost as to who is who....


Yup, I'm a SAHM.

My boy is 11 and my girl 8. So I feel like a new mother all over again. Have kinda forgotten how to take care of baby when I just gave birth, so have to learn it all over again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: Thumb-sucking

I need some help here.

My girl sucks her thumb when she wants to sleep, but she does pull it out once she's asleep. I have tried giving her the pacifier but she just refuses it. I want to stop this habit but I don't know how? Cause she will keep crying and crying if I tried to hold her hand away. My 2 elder ones never had this problem cos they were on pacifier. Any suggestions?

FB: I would like to add mummies into my fb.... can I have your email addresses? I do see some address in previous post, but it's like not very nice to just add without asking... hehe... my fb name is "jsz jess" if you wanna add me as well... thanks!~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Haaa! Rant it here la... Buahaaa![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Interesting ppl!she ended up quite upset cos my bil's IL's suddenly had so much thing in common with my dad! Buahaaaa!

Iyo.. How's your boy now? Meghan just recover too !

Hopefully your boy Will recover soon after meds!


That's good ! Go n eat! Your HB will b okay n I'm sure tonight you both will comes to n understanding ...

Just had a pasta n an 7" pizza! N I just burped after n Italian soda! GOOD!!

Hope every one get well soon...ESP all the little baobeis

they suffer the most when they r sick.. So heartache..


better go see doc asap... There r preggy safe meds for flu. I also kana from my kiddos.. Bad throat infection n cough lost my voice totally... Up your Vic c to 1000mg at least..


What's the corset n girdle u wearing??

I must do something abt my tummy if not very soon pple wil keep asking if I'm preggy 

hi mommies & ian!

lucas' fever is gone for now, hope it doesnt come back!!

wah.. all the rantings of ILs, i feel for u gers! i have my fair share of rantings!

(1) MIL not following instructions

is it so difficult to follow? its my baby, not urs. can u respect my decisions as a mother?!

tell my HB, he oso dun believe his mum do all those stunts until he sees them for himself.

(2) spoilt lucas

thnks to my MIL, dad, siblings & nephews, lucas is super spoilt.

he likes to scream now when he dun get his way. always want to be carried.

i already cnt stand how MIL spoilt lucas for tt short 30mins when we drop/pick up lucas in PIL's, its probably a good thing tt i dun see how MIL handle him during the day when i'm at work.

i alr showdown with my dad last wkend liao.

lucas is tired, but dun 1 2 slp, want to play onli.

my dad bcos he only sees lucas once a wk, tell me dun force bb to slp, then he just carry him away & play with me.

i damn pek chek leh! i really BTH, i ren for 5 mins, go out, grab lucas from him, close the door & nurse lucas. he slpt for 3hrs aft nursing for abt 30mins.

i really hate it when old folks esp push their weight around.

esp on how better they can care for my baby esp my MIL. Pui!

i'm already v open minded liao, close 1 eye to her "stunts" but she will suan me whenever she got chance.

that day i just told my HB, she behave different to me when HB is not around. tt man just brush me off! smtimes really pissed me off lor.


The taiyo one i get from courts. They r having discount now, 99 only, retail at 139..

nice nice!!!

Im also interesdted in princess' one but hubby will say im crazy lo.. buying so mny things at once. Maybe next month wahaha. Good price at 59 some more hv proof alrdy that its still working well for princess d for so many years.

I went n look for double boiler last week, the starting price is 150++!


that is a wide age gap!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re thumb sucking, i regret taking the thumb out for my boy.... :p


Thanks for the add!! Your boy is really cute!! And you look really young n pretty huh.... *Envy*

You know, looking at few of you discussing how ur in laws spoilt your kids, I feel kinda envy. haha. Weird right? Cos my husband is not on good terms with his parents, so my girl has no in laws to dote on her. And my mother is really busy with her shop, so I don't really see much of her. So my poor girl only has me, plus her dad is always out of town. Maybe back home only every few months. Sad huh... I'm lucky in the sense that I have no in laws problem, but no good as my girl has no one to dote on her!


Have added you, awaiting confirmation. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wish I can buy more hahaha but staying with mil who Is a neat freak she may nag how come I buy so many stuff while she is away on hold hahhaha...

The aerogaz one is nice... Dun need to worry any fire... Jus add water if drying up..

Mummie with sick bb's,

I went yo buy those humidifer plus purifier for the kids ESP their nose is so block.. I add in eucalytus oil as well.. Somehow works very well ESP in air con room... Even I feel my throat not so dry b itchy last night n I woke up with moisturised face.. Hahahha


I also regret not giving pacifier earlier so now always tug of war with my boy for his fingers... He doesn't want tu tu anymore at 3 mths

And since I dun allow fingers, I got to be the mobile Yao LAN lo...if not hard to make him sleep

ian, haha i like how everytime when a bunch of mommies r ranting u suddenly do a cameo appearance!

Wahlau thread going so fast. I hqd to go back 4 pqges to catch up

Ann wah! Going euro!! Go go go.. Its only a mth mah. Hope yr visa goes thru

Snoopy, wat weirdness!! U mean dat woman stand behind u tinking she can do a better job at consoling yr child? Siow shes a stranger wat!

Talking abt sick babies, ya i tinknits e 'season' now. I visit my mom every wkend n my cousin's kid is there oso. Every wkend he sick. Im so scared coz he likes to b near sofea. But if i tell him not too, m scared e parents will b offended. But thank god, sofea is strong enuf to 'fight' e germs.

Teoong, I tink its a trust issue. Even if u set boundaries or rules for caregivers esp grandparents. U r at work so they can still bend yr rules n not tell u oso. I hate hate it when i say they ya ya ya then behind my back they still do it. Dats y i decided to take care of baby myself. Coz iF i talk too much, end up i will fight wif hubby instead coz of ILs.

Princess_d my mil too..i tink she countdown everyday frm e day i deliver sofea to e day im supposed to go back work. Told her relatives she wanted to take care of sofea. BUT she never discussed it wif me. I was basically transparent. She will pester hubby (in front of me!) everytime we visit that she WANTS to take care of sofea even when hubby told her nicely dat im ard, so not to worry. She damn persistent n i was fed up like hell! Until now damn persistent!

Like how hubby n i take turns to eat at her plc so one of us can take care of sofea. Sofea has stranger anxiety but wif mil she really cries bloody murder la. So heartpain c her cry dats y we take turn to eat. But mil so persistent say come grandma carry u let mommy eat. I jus ignore her. She came to me n repeat like 5 times n finally grabbed bby frm my arms. Of course sofea cried like mad. But lucky hubby finushed eating n quickly took bby back. Irritating! Not like i dun let her play wif bby. In fact sofea will laugh n smile everytime she coos at her its jus dat e kid doesnt want to b held by strangers. Shes fine to play wif others as long as i Or hubby carry her. But frm wat i c so far, e more u forced carry e kid away e more she doesnt want u. Dats how sofea end up not liking mil. Coz this woman would jus grab sofea away frm me. P for sofea, its like u r e bad person who takes me away frm mommy.

Jac, Ur mil so stubborn! Bur u lucky see yr ILs less than 5x only. I haf to see mil every wkend!


Yes, she started recognising the pple ard her when she turns 4 mths old.

My mum always tell me dun expose her to the mirror before she turns 4 mths old else she will cry when she sees strangers/unfamiliar faces -_-""

Guess some old wives' tale ;p


Hahaha...hope never scare you with my appearance ;p~


The Gramps always spoil mkt lar lol ;p~

Over the wkend, when we scold/punish my boy, he will say he wants to go "Grandpa's hse" -_-"" fainted!


I have tried giving her the pacifier once I noticed her trying to suck her thumb (about 8 weeks?) but she just simply reject it. Tried all different types, short ones, long ones, weird looking ones, but to no avail. She prefer her thumb. If I don't let her suck now, she'll just scream and scream and scream....


hi! you can add me too at [email protected]. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my girl LOVES her little sausage-thumbs!! will suck when she gets tired. last time will ask for paci, but ever since 4 or 5 mths old onwards self-weaned off paci, much to her daddy's delight. now also having headache how to wean her off the thumb. rub garlic? :p

princess d,

hope so lah! had chicken rice for lunch. so exciting hor?! many stalls at my office building's coffeeshop closed down. left with either econ rice, chicken rice or nasi lemak. sianz... i want pasta, pizza and soda! wahaha~ :D


Oh i see...

Regret like jadefeet...

No more quiet moment, hv to pacify baby to sleep n when he is fussy at night also must pacify him.

Thumb sucking is a self pacifying skill.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] no need to sterilise, will not drop..

But the cons are possible bad teeth, broken nails, n hard to wean off if it gets carried over for years.


i see them almost every weekend! hahaa! but been to their place with baby ard 5 times so far only. cannot avoid seeing them lah. they are jadelyn's grandparents after all. and they are not bad people, just old folks with some queer habits. sigh... your mil and mine a bit similar, will keep asking and asking, very persistent!! sometimes i act like i nv hear too. :p and jadelyn also doesn't like her very much. i think it's her way of carrying her.

Saw my maid ON/OFF the AIRCON in Josie's room at noon even though we NEVER TEACH HER??

Last week when PIL here, I saw them ON AIRCON in Josie's room. But I asked my MIL said she never teach my maid leh.. Now asking her whether FIL teach her!

Last time when Josie was born, the AIRCON is ON 24 hours becoz PIL & my parents said the air circulation not good lah, need to ON aircon lah!! Sighh!! Then after 1 month I stop doing that, since I see Josie is OK with no aircon! Only at night we'll ON her aircon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I suspect my PIL teach my maid, but dunno!! Hubby said so far when he's at home my maid never ON aircon. Sighhhhh.. Really that maid [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif].


I've heard about blisters on thumb if they suck too hard, and also the teeth alignment. That's why I wanna wean her off. But after reading what you and jadefeet said, I'm having second thoughts. Cos sometimes when she wakes up too early in the morning, she'll suck her thumb and soothe herself back to sleep... dilemma huh... To suck or not to suck....


Rub garlic? I hate the smell and taste of garlic! And it's kinda spicy for kids no?

asked my PIL they said they never teach her how to??

Arrgghh this maid of mine is TOO SMART! OBSERVE THEN CAN DO IMMEDIATELY!

Pretty scary!!

But so far I saw her quite ok in handling Josie. Hux.


Maybe your maid learn it by looking at how your pil did it? And it's quite easy, just press 1 button to turn it on/off, so maybe your maid saw and then knew....

Paisei, maybe someone mention before, but I dun really cook in kitchen, can I ask how to cook the butternut pumpkin for baby to eat?

dovey [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh wow ! But starting all over again can be fun too! The ladies n only gentlemen here are funny m helpful ! Glad u came in here to join us

My email [email protected] fb name Axx Oxx[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Haa! Chicken rice oso can do! The most if your HB still angry , burp rite into his face with all tbd garlic smell !! Eeww!!


Got many at home ! Blush , warcoal n triumph le.., warcoal not bad ! I Like!


Haaa... Nx mth buy again la! Tell your HB, if hr want hood food! He must buy for you ! Muahaaaa

Momotan, marrissa

Actually grandparents are all like that but just gotta c how severe it is only !headache hor?

Had an acupuncture just now n I SWEAR I'm not doing it anymore ! #%^*++$&@!!!!!!

just had coffee.. feeling more 'alive' now. just now was like dead fish, so tired.


last time heard ppl say use chilli, but i think that's a bit cruel for kids. :p garlic milder. oh, there is a medication sold at pharmacies specifically for weaning off the thumb. i don't know what it's called though. probably can search for it.


don't panic. just ask her not to do it again. maybe aircons are not new to her?



cut the quash into cubes n steam it for about 15mins..then mashed it using a sieve/strainer...this is per serving[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

if you wanna cook more n keep,its best that you use a blender to blend it after steaming..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

