(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


Bblibran, yes use the purple color Desitin cream if the nappy rash is serious. Like Tiffy mentioned have to apply thick thick so that when bb pee or poo, it wont really come into contact wth the rash area, else they will be screaming n crying. That’s what happen to my girl, and now her nappy rash is still on and off coming.. no choice, I have to apply thick thick layer and its looks much better, at least I don't see her uncomfortable or screaming away when she pee or poo-ed.

Stella, Thanks for the site! 

Diveera, speedy recovery to Cae!

Starry, my vote for the 3rd bag!



I vote for the 1st one. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: coach bag

seems like got quite a lot of votes for the 3rd one! hee hee!!


i saw someone carrying the 1st one before, in black, very class! but yes, matured. need certain dressing to pull it off otherwise won't match.

coach/lv/gucci all very common nowadays..everywhere can see pple carry 'repeat' design as u walk downtown..

'less' common ones..BV..chanel..prada.hermes..

but coach buy from US very cheap wor..(if u know of someone going there)

starry, nope lei. nv thought of using cloth diaper lei. i did thought could it be diaper brand. using pet pet now. but when we first use it there was no problem at all. in fact we have been using pet pet for many mths already. only lately she develops redness down there lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

teoong, my gal behaves as per normal. just that when we change her diaper see red red heart pain la. so now u using desitin too for athena?


That's wat I thought so too ! I dun own any coach bag , just my personal opinion ! If you would to get their signature monogram design, they ll b no different to compare to their others bags be it sling tote or handbags ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I like detailing stuffs!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the first bag sure has it own character! It's still your choice ![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bblibran, yes i'm using desitin cream for Athena. The purple color tube and apply thick thick lor. so when comes to her bathe time, I will use tissue to gently wipe off the cream on her butt leaving a thin layer nearer to the skin then use cotton lor. No choice, super red butt and fungi infections leh. No joke! She ever cries all the way home when we fetch her frm MIL place back home. Then we realize she poo-ed and her nappy rash is super red, cos during day time MIL nvr put the Desitin cream on her butt when we tell her must put! Her olden days thinking, dont need to put so many cream on baby la. Not good. Biangz.. she said must put powder then wont get nappy rash easily! which i strongly disapprove of bcos of talc in the powder. I rather slapped on thick thick layer of desitin cream as suggested by my PD too. Prob you might wana change diaper brand as Starry suggested, that's what I did also.

Ian, wah!! BV, chanel , prada, hermes.. very very expensive leh! Do you buy these for your wifey? Nyiak Nyiak..

Mummies, i got a questions. Since you are started baby on cereals / puree and porridge, do you then already replace one of the feeding totally to cereals or porridge liao?


the seller i know buys from outlet shops i think. 'cos US coach website listed the first bag at USD498 but i can get it at only SGD398. quite a big diff.


could be she started getting sensitive to pet pet lor. you got other brands at home? switch and see how? hope you find a solution.

princess d,

yah lor. don't want those common ones. they were very very hot 2-3yrs ago. those fabric type. now i see my friends carrying them already start to 'ki moh' (fabric started pilling) liao.

poor Athena.. that time when Nat has redness at that area..we brought her to see pd liao. he did prescribed a cream but can only use 7 - 10 days. then later i know that cos it contains abit of steriod. cos after using tht a few days later, it really reduce the redness and back to normal.

what brand are u using now? i m switching between petpet and mamy poko


Those 3 pictures u posted are at the same price? if yes, then leather one more worth it loh.

Not too sure of the 2nd and 3rd ones but the 1st one should be the new design so outlet store may not have it.

BBlibran, oh yes, she was prescribed the steriod cream as well! on top of the cream ,we apply Desitin cream. but the steriod cream cannot use for more than 2wks. Now whenever i'm changing nappy for Athena, i will take the opportunity to air her butt as well. At MIL place, she is using cloth diapers and Mamy poko, but recently we stop using mamy poko cos we think tht might b the cause of it.. as Usually during wkend when i look after her, the little butt does gets much better and improves. But comes Mon / Tues, back to nappy rash again cos MIL side is using mamy poko and cloth diaper which I think she doesnt change out fast enough. Now we switch her to using nepia which is easier for MIL to see in time to change diapers when the color indicators changed. Else my MIL will wait till diaper of certain weight then willing to change de. I tell her dont save this type of money, her butt is more impt! once color indicator changed, change out to new diaper pls. I also nagged at my hubby till he buay tahan too! Can you also tell your mum this too, not so nice for me always to tell her leh. And hor the cost of seeing PD I can buy dunno how many packs of diapers!! Till tht fella surrender and side me to always remind his mum to change the diaper as often as possible now. hahaha..


I still give my baby milk. Usually I'll let him drink before I give him rice cereal.

hahahaha!!! nag till ur hubby surrender :p i shall 'dig' my hse and see what other brands i have. cos that time i have received samples from different brands. i cant even remember it. i don't see nepia in NTUC. or perhaps i didnt pay attention to it. hehe... thank u for ur advices!! i wld also need to monitor this wkend le


each bag as present for each trimester..

Ur hubby is late by one trimester alrdy!! Hehe..

Anyway.. all r nice. Its ur personal preference. I dont like #1 coz looks very diff to maintain if get dirty or smth spill on it? I dunno.. hehe.


ya im scared of the long flight! Last time 2 hrs flight hr alrdy fuss so much. I hope we dont see bunch of monks again or he will laugh staight 13 hrs and they will b aware of it! Lol

Btw if i left him with my mum last time, he always sleep because noone entertain him! then at night i will suffer. Now for u ur mum suffer during the day.. hehehe..

Snoopy, princess d,

Thanks for the notes. Snoopy, can pm me ur lists for cold eeather travelling if u hv it? Its going to be cold, abt 10 c i think. n we dont hv any cold wear. N not sure what to buy too!

Btw how to handle the time difference? Will affect bbys routine right? Cant imagine the first day there n the first day we r back at spore again.. :$

here's the scan pic from last night. not so clear, can only see head, body and part of the arms..



not sure about 2nd bag, but 1st and 3rd roughly the same and both are leather. 2nd one is fabric. see what hubby says tonight.


don't mention it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hahaa!! you arh....


with all the pleats, it seems more difficult to clean. but so unique!! aiyoh.. now cannot decide 1st or 3rd bag. :p

Nappy rash

my boy usually doesnt have rash, but maybe now that he is older he has a stronger urine n sometimes will have. Usually in the morning coz i change his diaper every 5-6 hrs at night.

I use the purple one too.. the srller send wrongly n i desperatrly use it. Yes very sticky n smelly n i dont like it.. but will help the rash..


Who is she?

Ian, is she your girlfriend or mistress? kekeke....

Ann, why monks and will laugh?


Hope cae get better soon..

Take care both mummy n baby!

Princess d

For ur back, have u try applying hot pillow on it?


So exciting seeing scan pic..


he loves botak people n will laugh at them.. :p

Last time we were in the plane with a bunch of monks n he keeps laughing.. :p


So cute & funny leh!!


no time to sleep liao so where got time to follow news.. Who is she and why is she famous?

wahahhhaaa!! no wonder ppl commented that she act cute. actually she's quite pretty lah. sunshine type, really don't look like politics girl.

piangz..lagi worse than tiong-land

Artificial egg was sent to Kuala Lumpur for laboratory testing

GEORGETOWN: Penang Health Department has sent examples of artificial eggs that are believed to

eggs obtained from two vendors at the Pulau Tikus market, for laboratory testing in Kuala Lumpur.

Deputy Director of Quality Control and Food Safety, Ku Ku Nafishah Ariffin, said

egg sample was sent to a laboratory in Kuala Lumpur about 2 pm today.

"We will examine examples of the egg and the test results are expected to be obtained within a week," he said

when contacted here today.

He said this was his first time dealing with the case of artificial eggs over 22 years working in


According to the Food Regulations 1985, legal action may be taken against sellers and manufacturers

eggs if the eggs are certified not authentic.

"We need to wait for test results before deciding on further action to be taken,"

he said.

Meanwhile, Professor Abd Karim Alias from the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia, said he

Such cases have been heard a few years ago.

He said everything must be tested to determine whether it can cause an artificial egg

health hazard.

Yesterday, the President of the Consumers Association of Penang (CAP), SM Mohamed Idris said he had received

complaints of a homemaker who brought the eggs to his office after discovering a

suspicious when it tried to cook.

Investigations conducted by the association found the fake egg shell is made of paraffin wax,

gypsum and calcium carbonate powder and the egg yolk and egg white using material from

sodium alginate, alum, geletin, benzoic acid, calcium chloride, water and food coloring. – BERNAMA

Coach bag - vote for no. 3 too.

Sigh .. brough a diaper bag online and it was delivered today but alas got a small hole. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Now emailing with seller to get it exchange. troublesome lor... esp the seller stays in Jurong and I stay in Punggol. headache - want to go exchage personally also sian and incur petrol. Sent it back incur reg post charges. nego for seler to bear the return charges. still not settle ;(

Malaysian MP - think he intend or already have 2nd wife so he said that. Stupid selfish man. so if wife have affiars its husband who "neglect" duty lor.

Nappy rash - I use bottom butter. 1 small travel size tube from KP already $5+. Even my frd thinks I crazy to use such ex stuff (and also recommends the pink box one) but i like the small compact size (easy to bring out). I read somewhere in internet that we must air the butt for at least 5 to 10 mins (best 20 mins) when have rashes. Let them lay on their stomach and play with them while airing butt.


In Islam, wives are supposed to stop everything to fulfill their husband's demands




I vote for #1. I like coach stuff have a few of them from outlets in US...

Diaper rash

went pd for review... Pd gave triderm to apply thinly n thick layer of desitin...

Hope both my kids get well soon... Both on inhaler.. I m so Xian to hear the coughing...'miss the bb's active self..

is that why i see that nowadays the malays girls prefers to date ang moh more than those of the same religion? really PUI!! such comments come from an educated MP of MY.

Huggies - note that huggies got 2 type. The more ex one - Ultra - is the one which is proven for less nappy rash. So dont buy the wrong pack

these so called 'educated' men are all led by their penises. still can be MP??! should call them Masochistic PIGS instead, taking wives as sex slaves. all excuses only. feel sad for their wives.

The islam law is also not favourable to the woman as well! Should scrap the ruling that man gets to married as many as 4wives legally!! totally doesn't makes senses!

urgh the seller refuse to bear the return postage cost. Is this normal practice? anyone have this bad experience?


huh? how come seller not the one to bear postage costs?? not your fault that you receive faulty goods mah. you bought from forum BP or other online shop? my hubby's tactic, call/sms flood the handphone. and keep writing in to complain. works 9/10 times for him. if from forum BP, i think u can post on the the thread or write to moderator.

