(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Starry: ya seems like there's improvement but too early to tell n bluffing him all e time wun get me very far oso... Gotta catch him wen he's jus abt to wake not easy to do in e middle of e night.


Raining day sure either no taxi or taxi stand crowded with people so I might as well take mrt hm. Think faster than waiting for cab. Don't peifu me lah. My bb bag is full of things. Extra clothings n adult size face towel in case if any vomitting can use it to clean bb n plastic bag to put dirty clothing if any.


Congrats! U must persist n win over him soon. Hehe. I m still hearing my boi scream murder everytime they bottlefeed him. Hoho.


Yup. In times like that, I purposely latch right side, with lower milk ss. Bcos too long never latch n a lot of milk, he tends to only latch one side. Then I will express both side after that, hoping to increase e right side milk ss. I have to express else the side that he doesn't latch will explode. :p

When Isaac wants to poo while latching, he also does the pull nipple, wriggle n cry thing. Super painful lor.

Shireen: Thanks for the advice.. Will try to pump after feeds to boost supply [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning mummies!

Long time didn't come in liao.. Only been reading on and off the forum. Err.. Nxt Monday meetup, where is Marche located huh? Been cage up too long at home wth bb n setting her routine. How's everyone doing?

Nice to meet you guys too. Josie still asleep even though hubby has tried to wake her up to at least drink some milk before go home. Huhu. In the end we rush home even though raining. Everytime we bring Josie out she really can tahan hunger leh. 4-5 hours also sleep. Last time when we go church + causeway point it took 0.5 hours just to wake her inside the food court to drink milk.

Zuen: ur boy n my boy exact opposites! If our boys can give each other half their characters will b perfect no prob for breast n bottle haha!


I'm direct latching my bb but I dunno if he is drinking enough leh. He'll drink until fall asleep everytime n only drink from 1 side.

It's quite hard to determine his feeding time cos I dunno whether is he hungry or not leh. What sld I do? So far he is peeing n pooing normally so I assume he is drinking enough?

thanks Ann and Shireen, i'm still considering cos of the 2 schools of thoughts.

Stella, before you visited the LC, did u feel any lumps in your breasts? I'm wondering if I have blocked ducts too... but I don't feel anything while massaging the breast with extremely low yield.

This morning, kenna engorgement! Haven't had that for so long. So painful!

Hello mommies and dadddy!

Nice meeting with all pretty mommies yesterday!


Yeah your baby really very guai! no fuss and sleep throughout! I really love her hair so soft and her hair colour is natural hightlighed brown..hahah save money no need go salon for hair colouring!


U still look slim la! no worries u are looking good! Claudia is so sweet, i love her big eyes! Thank god that there is kind soul helping u with the stroller.


have added u on fb too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Your Denzel is a handsome boy! Hopefully can bring Lujayne out provided Alexus is not sticky like a leech!


BB born in MA and TMC have BCG on the buttock and KKH has it on the arm.


Enjoy your trip! ya ya no excuse next time must bring your boys out!


Hi Five! Im also not a sling person haha i also prefer carrier and stroller [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] must peifu u la..with all the barang barang can tell that u are really a hands on mummy!

Hello Vivian!

long time no 'see'! Oh u already back to work? How is Rhea? Has her oral thrush getting better?

Iris, my boy had his BCG on his arm cos bot him to polyclinic took the jab. TMC told me din give him the jab cos he's too small when born wor.

Tiffy has a doraemon bag! Everything also hv!

nycmum, u dun look fat. But i also the same, cant wear my pre pregnancy bottom still & i'm really fatter than b4 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Groovy, good when bb can slp when outside. At least can peacefully doing your stuff.


Ya lor. Now my mum using the slpy-not-fully-awake state to bottle feed him but he drink so slowly. Lol.


They shld hv enuff if they soiled enuff diapers. It could be the case that you have too much milk. Hehe. I usually latch both sides, 10mins each then I dun have to spend extra time to express out.

Starry: comfort sucking shdnt increase supply coz baby isn't drinking to empty ur breast. To increase supply baby gotta drink up then continue awhile so ur body knows she doesn't hv enough. Comfort sucking she's kinda only playing with ur nipple.

Zuen: I'm trying to use that state to bf him haiz. Apparently I'm a human pacifier. So far he seems to accept my boob only wen he wana sleep. Or if he is gonna wake up. Both also very short time will let go.


My CL mentioned before that certain food will cause wind in e milk, so she told me to avoid spicy food, food w coconut like curry etc. Also, dun direct latch bb aft u bath, wait for at least 10 to 15mins cos milk is 'cold' - i didnt q believe the bathing one but so far my bb has been ok n no issue of wind.


Latching is the best way to maintain supply. Need take warm fluid n lots of rest to keep good supply. For me, i just latch all the way heehee

Now me at my mum's place n its like an extension of confinement haha cos my mum cooks confinement-style lunch for me n still provides me w 2 flask of red date drink. Luckily I love confinement food heehee

Cant stand my #2 at times though cos he is super sticky now ... cry n scream at the smallest thing! He still loves yx but demanding alot of attention fr ME! My mum says that he was ok when i wasnt around but eversince Yx n me comes over aft my confinement, its BAD!! Guess its the terrible 2 stage + peak of separation anxiety combined n worse still - cant talk n tell us wat he wants.


Some bb are more pantang then the others. My #1 was like that too! Whatever comment u make in front of him - either the opp will happen or get worse but all in the bad way. Now that he is 5yr old, i realise that he is more sensitive towards our comments oso. Maybe thats why he was the 'pantang' bb.

I tend to play safe so I forbid ppl to make too much unnecessary comments in front of them. Even if bb v good like can zzz thr out the night etc, i dun rave abt it in front of bb cos the next night CFM wake up 100x to torture me haha so even my MIL or SIL ask those questions, i will reply by saying - dun ask can, cos answer liao the opp will happen. V pantang haha

stella, thanks! sounds like i might have some hope of balancing out the yield then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will make an appt next week.

ian, must be too good a deal. I can't open the website!


I dunno if I gt too much milk. So far bb drinks from 1 breast n seem satisfied already. So I alternate sides lor. Previously will feel engorged but these 2 days nt really leh.

How u managed to get ur bb to feed both sides? Never fall asleep? I can't gt my boy to wake up for the other side leh.

How long ur intervals betwn feeds? My bb so far nt fixed leh. Very random. The moment wake up wanna drink lor. Haiz. So worried he's nt drinking enough so keep waking up to drink. Or isit another growth spurt?


I also think Yao LAN is so good. Haha. My boy sleeps longer in Yao LAN compared to bed in the day. Before we gt the Yao LAN, he always startled n wake up easily. Ever since gt Yao LAN, he can sleep better.

But at night still put him on bed cos dun wan him to be addicted. Hehe. He also managed to take the pacifier now. Still training him.

Hi everyone,

Re: Blocks

You need to check part by part and not by pressing inwards. If you press inwards, even if you have blocks, you are not gonna feel it (unless its super bad). Need to kneed part by part to feel it.

Re: Bottle Feeding

Try to get another person to feed. Or take a walk and feed. My #1 had this problem previously. Took a while for her to get used to the bottle. For my #2, he took to bottle easily... but now showing signs of rejecting breast instead (since I went back to work). Sianz.

Hi Irish,

no lah, haven go back to work. Going back next mth when school reopen though. Before that, my boss need my help desperately to handle the timetabling for all the classes for coming Jan coz the last time when I am not there, the whole 10+ classes timetable all screwed up.

Actually I can tell him I dun have time to do lah, he wun force it on me but I know I will also suffer big time when I go back if I dun handle it personally lor... so bo bian got to die die do something. Now kena stuck, sigh, dun know how...

Too bad din get to meet up with you mummies... maybe next round, we fixed it at someone's place?? easier leh...


Jealousy play a part too. Happening to my girl. Sometime when my hb play or hug didi, she will tell daddy " daddy cannot ah, jaren pain pain ok" then she will go n hug didi but don't allow my hb to do cos she is daddy's girl. For me she never forbid me hugging n carrying didi

Mommies u all love dis pupsik sling so much ah? Ive got a brand new sling in xl size to sell away. Bought for hubby but he dun like to wear it. Colour is caramel starwberry. Anyone interested? Email me at [email protected] ya.

Hi mummies

How do u gauge wet diapers n decide when to change? Very heavy or just gel-like? Cos I'm trying to count the no of diaper change just to make sure my girl is drinking enuff. Any advice is appreciated. Tks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I also very scared when ppl comment abt my boy, go hm sure turn opp, like u said torture 100 times. He fuss non stop these days. I tried to ignore him & let him cry till he stops but I gave in as I saw how pitiful he looks, cry until the tears flow out, face red red & out of breath.


u were the one who stayed blk 350 right? Can't rem

anyone have this problem! Baby keep falling asleep while feeding.. put him down awhile then wake up cry for milk again! and not sleeping for the whole afternoon, basically one day only sleep 8 hours same as adult.. aduh.. really dunno how.


Hello mommies and daddy!

Wow!The northern mommies are just as beautiful!!Saw the pics...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

NEXT........JEng jeng jeng!!!MON is the next batch!!hahhaha...Confirmed i wont be bringing Meghan or Jade!No car that day!So gotta take cab...huhuhuhu....Anyway,can't wait to see all of you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


have a good rest and continue to drink hot fluids/soup......your ss should come back[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

About comfort sucking,Sometimes they DO drink..but sometimes not..usually they will drink for the few mins then the she ight not be drinking but overall i personally thinks they do stimulate the milk glands somehow....No harm trying but don't let her suck for too long[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


How are you ah?Really MIA ah!!hahhaahha

Yea,next round will do it in someones house instead that will be easier for many!LOL


Glad that Aedan is liking the YAo lan and let's cross our fingers that he stays that way...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]He will be a good boy!^^


Even if he is fully awake during feeding time?

He will still dozed off half way....is that wat you meant?try to let him finish his milk...cannot??

Empress. My girl also. Only Zz abt 10 hrs a day. For me I think is due to low bm ss. BB not full so can't zzz long. How's ur ss? If good then maybe BB is tired for the day?

princess d!! help!!

no.. i mean he only drink half a bottle and fall asleep, the moment i put him back to cot he started scream, so i continue feeding but he fall asleep again, hav to do it a few times until finish,,

and sometimes not feeding time yet he cried awaken from sleep, put finger at his lips he wants to eat, should i feed as long he wants? but not feeding time yet.. do u guys juz give when he wants? i only worry over feed, but he keeps crying and refuse to sleep in cot. goin insane..


Has he been sleeping in somewhere else b4?sometimes bb do know what they want...do you co-sleep with hi b4?

I feed meghan in demand in the day and night is EBM.. And for night i feed according to her feeding time...

One of the reason ,he might not be eating enough during his feed[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

therefore he is asking for more each time..and also,try to soothe him b4 conclude that he is crying due to hunger...try all means like rocking or carrying him....see if he can calm...

its ok for a bb to cry loud and fretful..they need adjustment..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

try to drag till he reach his feeding time...

Hi mummies,

I am a July mummy and have bought too much breastfeeding products and wished to sell them off at a discounted price due to stopping breastfeeding soon.

All items are brand new.

Pls sms at 92328946 to deal

All items payable in cash only at Eunos or East Line.

Selling the below items:

- Qty: 8 Medela Pump and Save (25pc) at SGD 19.50 each, Buy all at SGD 150.00

- Qty: 3 Medela Quick Clean Micro-Steam Bag (5 pc) at SGD 13, Buy all at SGD 36.00

- Qty: 2 Lansinoh Breast Milk Storage Bag (25 pc) at SGD 10.00 each

- Qty: 2 Breastshield (24mm) at SGD 12.00

- Qty: 1 Medela Ice Pack for Breast Milk Storage at SGD 15.00

- Qty: 2 First Years Easy Milk Storage Bags (25pc) at SGD 12.00 each

hi everyone... Reporting from chalet.. Wondering why I can log in? My boy sleeping soundly beside me and I'm the "watcher" cum nanny when everyone enjoyin themselves downstairs. Boo hoo

Anyway I've similar prob as empress.. Can any mummy advise?

When it's feeding time in the afternoon and evening, he cries for milk and when we feed, he will drink halfway and then start crying! When I pacify him, which takes vv long, he stops and dozes off... Den awhile later cry again cos he wanna drink milk. It's like a battle feeding him in the afternoons and evenings. Weird thing is no problem during morning and night feeds... So it should not be the prob with teats right?? But he shows signs of frustrations!!! Sighs


I also very scared when ppl comment abt my boy, go hm sure turn opp, like u said torture 100 times. He fuss non stop these days. I tried to ignore him & let him cry till he stops but I gave in as I saw how pitiful he looks, cry until the tears flow out, face red red & out of breath.


u were the one who stayed blk 350 right? Can't rem

princess d,

yes, co sleep with him before during one afternoon and he slept really long! After that another night coz he kept crying until i put him on our bed. Dun tell me he wants to sleep with us! Our bed is queen size and really too small for 3!

i'm the opposite, i feed him every 2 hourly during day coz even if i dun he will cry for it 2 hourly, at night feed on demand coz sometimes he cried at the 4th hour, sometimes 6th, i've no idea why every night is different. desperately wanted to set a routine but find that's not within our control.

i guess he's not having enough, but it's not that i refuse to feed him, it's that he keep falling asleep half way.. sometimes one feed can drag till 1 hour to finish..

half of the time when i lift him up from his cot, he stopped crying IMMEDIATELY, then adjusted his position in my arm, then close his eyes and sleep!!! If it's that he wants to be carried, how should i deal with that? He didn't sleep from 8am today and just fall asleep after last feed at 10pm.. i'm goin crazy already.


i've nvr change his teats, in fact he is quite cin-cai one, sometimes latch sometimes medela bottles, sometimes pigeon bottles, he just test test awhile then will start sucking. Sometimes i give him water he also take.

My boy also the same only gets cranky in the afternoon onwards, usually after bath, he fall asleep easily half way feeding.. but during midnight when he demand, usually he can finish the milk in 10 mins!

But my boy dun cry half way drinking, he only sleep half way drinking. The only time he cry which i dun understand is the time i put him in his cot, the moment his butts touch the mattress his eyes opened wide and started wailing! OMG!

thanks mummies for the rely on comfort sucking.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Good hubby and daddy! Hope your wife and son love the sling pouch.

Re: northern mummies gathering

I also wanna see the pic! On whose wall?


I just bought a bottle of fenugreek and started taking already. Hopefully will see improvement over the next few days. You taking it also right?


Haha your boy also likes yaolan! Jadelyn can literally 'stone' in the yaolan. She will be wide awake and eyes big big but not moving and can tell she is really enjoying the calming motion. When did u start him on yaolan? Jadelyn was 3 weeks old when we started.


You are back!! Very bz with the kids? Think next time meet at someone's house best also. No need to worry abt changing, bfing etc.


I change diaper every 3-4 hrs unless baby is asleep and not waking up for feed. Diaper will feel full and soft to the touch, as if it is full of gel/jelly inside.


Baby is gassy that's why don't wanna finish the milk and keeps crying? Jadelyn also fussy and won't want her milk if she has gas in the tummy. Gotta get her to burp/fart out then she will drink more.


If baby gets cranky at ard the same time everyday, it cld be colic. Are u giving him any medication like ridwind, gripe water etc.?


i give him rid wind once a day, just 5ml in one of the feed per day. Dun think he is gassy, will bb fall asleep half way drinking if gassy? He only make noise when i put him in cot, that's when he cry and wanted to continue his unfinished milk. If i didn't put him down i think he will continue to sleep in my arm for another hour without crying for milk. I hope it's not attitude! he is only 2 mth, hard to believe but there's nothing else i can think of. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] upset


Sometimes it could b because you have had a string binding with him while during the co sleeping .. Bb can smells us from 1m apart!it is no surprise that hr just Wang comfort from you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Have you tried changing the teat to a faster flow? If he shows sign of struggling during his feed this could n one if the reason ..

When he is not crying , try to calm him by giving him a massage .. Your bb might oso crank cos if overtireness ..if he falls asleep in your hands .. Try to carry him a lil longer till he falls into deep sleep, then gently out him dwn ?

Have you tried sleeping with him again on your bed n c if he is ok? If it's so, then u can confirmed that it'd due to co sleeping that he refuses to sleep alone in his cot!

You must slowly tackle one problem by one problem!

Help him to juggle with his crankiness..

Setting a routine involves lotsa crying, sometimes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jac suggest ridwind , c if he is uncomfortable ? Is his tummy bloated ? Too hot? Too cold! There are many factor why the baby fuss!

Massage his calves n back ! Keep bed time quiet n serene! Dark room with minimal lighting !binding can help but if he refuses , bind from chest downwards with his hands free.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Slowly ... Dun pick him up too often when he cries ....try to bind then carry him.. N put dwn .. Jia you! Sorry can't help much but hope above all can help a lil...hug


My boy starts to have longer night sleep now! I'm latching him now and his last feed was last nite 1020pm! Is it normal ah? He missed 1 feed @ 1am!

Starry, u can check my fb on the photo. Tool it with iPhone. So not very clr. Quite idea to gather at someone house! Someone house which is big enough.. Hee..

By the way, where are the nursing room in jurong point? I'm going there later with my family! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Then u gotta keep him awake during feeding. Did u try feeding him in a more upright position instead of baby in the cradle position? I saw some bottles at kiddy palace that are bent at the top to allow more upright feeding.


Thanks for sharing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

