(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Stella: Hehe.. congrats on the success [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Vivian: Wah .. that's a lot of babies in one place ... so exciting ... but also SCARY :p LOL~ .. BTW Added you in FB ... my name is C.L.

Destonia: I was quite shock when I saw Alven's pic ... cos looks a lot like my boy ... HEHEHEHE ...

I also hope it is nothing serious.

Really sharp pain at the lower back.

Regret i did not go gp take pain killer just now. Too tired to go now. :,,,,,,(

am stuck on a chair now..

Cld not really move.


congrats...!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ya if u r going back to work isnt it bettrr of logan is used to bottle?

coz i heard they can go milk strike if thy r so used to breaat n then change to bottle?

Congrats Stella, you are making great improvement in getting your boy to latch. definitely worth getting him to latch even you are going back to work. 1 - 2 weeks before you go back to work, get someone else bottle feed him in the afternoon and you direct latch him in the evenings and on weekends. persevere and you can bf him all the way.


I have engaged Doris Fok before. she is the first and best lactation consulatant in Singapore. she sits in international lactation board or something where she invigilates LC on their exams. I am not sure if she will go to your home. that time, i went to NUH to look for her. i must say she is very good.


the picture of babies is sooooooo cute. when we have gathering in somebody's house, we should take a pictures of all the babies.

Zuen, Desitonia,

very envy that your baby can sleep through the nite. I also direct latch on demand. my bb still wakes up 2 times.

any mummies train your bb sleep through the nite?

Why everytime when i remove or wear clothes for my boy, he will cry hysterically whereras when others bathe and change for him, he remain so silent & let them finish the job? Is it because i m too slow or i'm not experienced, hence make him frustrated. I feel so sad whenever i see my boy reacting to me like this..i m trying my best each day to make him comfortable.


Hooray! Happy for u and logan! Don't worry abt what may happen 2 months down the road lah. Take these 2 mths as a chance to bond with him. The bond over this perioday last a lifetime, or so I've read from breastfeeding books. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Take care of ur back and really don't aggravate it. Hope u get better soon! Wow, it hubby knows how to use sleepywrap?

Re: breastfeeding pillow

Not using any now but can feel the strain on the arms le. Tried to use normal pillow but mine are kinda bulky and too high.


Are u using boppy pillow? Think I saw from your FB.


U managed to pacify baby already? Hope not fussy anymore and can have a good night's sleep.

Hubby running 41km stanchart marathon tmr.. Think he will be totally wiped out by the time he comes back. As a treat, I booked my post natal massage lady to give him a good massage session at home. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks mummies! Hopefully I will succeed in retraining him to latch.

Shireen: how much does Doris charge per consult? Think might wana c if she can help me w Logan.


Your hubby running marathon tomorrow. My hubby also. I will be taking my 2 boys to finishing line to support him.


I can't remember how much I pay. Think 80 for an hour. That was 3 years ago.


Just finished feeding my boy n he is sleeping soundly. Luckily he managed to sleep at 7pm n did not fuss anymore. Usually he's quite ok at night. Will wake up for milk but eyes closed n fall asleep after drinking.

My boy is still waking up every 2-3 hourly for night feeds leh. He can't seem to sleep thru. Haiz. How abt jadelyn?


Wow! So nice of u! I don't think I have the heart face the crowds there. :p


Jadelyn has been pretty fuss-free lately. She will "ehh ehh" a bit when sleepy though but I think she's jut being whiny, wanting paci and yaolan in the day. At night is okay, nothing much. In fact she just surprised me by having her last feed (partial BF + FM) at 9.40pm last night and just woke up at 4.40am!

Jac, shireen,

Isaac woke up at 1am, 4am n now for milk. Duno wat happened. N his jiejie who usually slps thru has to join in and ask for milk at 1am n 5am. -.o" I m so tired now.

Caris, I think babies have quite similar look ;)

Shireen, my bb yet to sleep thru the nite. Hope he can soon. Last nite wake up 1am, 2am, 3am, 5am and now drinking milk again. So shag..


Help! My ameda died on me! U mentioned sending urs for repair. Where huh? And how long it takes? Otherwise, I hv to get a new set liao. I hope my boi can latch properly until my pump is repaired or when I get my new pump.

good morning mommies n daddy


i cant remember where cos hb is the one that brought it there..think is toh guan road...i will have to ask him..he is in Europe now[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

within 15mins the pump is repaired


Looks like I have to get a new set then. Contacted mumsfairy n waiting for them to reply. My pump is already 2.5yo liao, better for it to die on me now then when I go back to work. But do let me noe if when u manage to check wif ur hb hor. If can repair, I will leave 1 pump in office n 1 at home.


my ameda had a problem 3 weeks ago and my hubby sent it to the local distributor for repair (belt alignment). Solved in 15 min too.

Address is:

23 Tagore Lane

#03-04 Tagore 23 Warehouse

Singpapore 787601

in the meantime you can use the manual option?


thats the add given by emma..ia tagore lane..hahah....not toh guan road la!oopppss[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ok. Will pop by sometime next week. I m still gg ahead with e new pump. Worried that e old one will die on me when I go back to work. I dun want my nehnehs to burst in e office. Lol!

Hi ZuEn - Just send you a PM. I have given up bf. May be you want to consider taking over my Ameda Lactaline - quite new as I only used it lightly.

My boy sleeps very little, less than 8 hrs on bad days.. i wonder why cos the whole family loves sleeping a lot.. anyone with same problem? It is very tiring cos we don't get to rest in the day and it is night duty as usual in the night....quite frustrating sometimes when he screams cos already very tired. He is 2 months and still i dont see any improvement in sleeping pattern

Mummies, update for TOMORROW's gathering

Meeting Place: Marche @ 313 Somerset

Time: 11.30am


1. PrincessD







8.Cherry Neo



Maybe Attending:

1. Seabreeze




5.Snoopy (for coffee session later)

Anyone that i have missed out?


Replied ur email. Pls check, waiting for ur reply. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Mine is best friend one? No good meh? I like it. I have another one bought in kiddy palace with no buckle, will easily slight down. Anyway, i have given that pillow away already.

She thought that my mum is taking care of Maeve. Maybe my hubby told her.

My mum can take care but i want them to take care of the kids alternate weeks. So that its fair. But mil refused, insisted want the elder one.


Yes, maybe the elder one easier to take care.


Yes, so qiao, our daughters the same name? When was she borned?

*See who older*


I didnt receive your mobile no. What time your meeting for coffee session?

I maybe bring my elder gal instead of the bb...

mummies, help!!! For the past 2 days, Ayden had been rejecting the bottle, only want to latch. If doesn't give him the breast, he will cry the whole house down. He can be really stubborn and cry for hours. Am so stressed up over it. My supply definitely cannot meet his demand now. Cried when there is no milk, but still refused the bottle. What should i do?

Ade: try a different teat? U bottlefeed urself? Mayb get some1 else to feed? I had a colleague who had a similar prob, he fed his kid with syringe. Extreme case scenario coz bb didn't wana drink at all.


Think u miss my post.

Can I ask wat u mean when u say u feed in demand in the day? 2hourly or wat? So far my boy roughly 2 hourly. Only occasionally if he sleeps I'll let him be until he wakes up. Not more than 4 hours though.


So good that jadelyn doesn't fuss much. Hope my boy can fuss less. Will they be better as they grow older?

I tried using the pupsik sling today. Seems liked a bit low after putting bb in. Isit supposed to be so? Bb fell asleep the moment inside the sling. Do u still need to carry or support at all? I still need to support the head leh.

Well, think the best is if bb can take the stroller than no need to carry. Hehe.

ZuEn, once in a while he does tt.

Mummies, now I take about 10-15min to finish pumping both breasts using manual pump. Is it normal ? Of cos my ss not alot, at most 100ml. I pump till no milk. Or is it should continue?

Then also my ss stagnant. But my bb apetire increasing like nobodys bizness. Now he drinks 140ml every 2.5h. So even if I get 100ml still need top up. Sometimes 70ml only then need top up half with fm.

Destitonia: u shd continue to pump aft no milk. Wen u continue aft a while shd hv let down again. Helps to increase supply. Alternatively u can squeeze out the remainder milk by hand. Pump not as effective in clearing milk so will hv leftover. N massage ur breasts as u pump. It helps as well. Tried fenugreek? I find it effective.

stella, i had ald change the bottle from playtex 2 pigeon. He is quite ok with the teat, milk flow just nice 4 him. But i have no idea why suddenly he reject the bottle even if it's other who is feeding him. Am so tired today. Since mor kept on latching him till now, my neh neh very sore liao lor. He seems 2 be not drinking enuff. Give him FM, he willl scream the whole house dw. I'm going crazy soon, just now broke down and cry, felt like giving up bf. Haiz, i tot he will b an easy baby as compared 2 ethan, didn't expect him to be the opposite.


Lc told me to pump every 4 hrs the slowly increase to 6 hrs coz I will b gg back to work. Previously was pumping every 3 hrs. But bb drinks every 2-3 hrs so if I can get him to latch then wun there b not enough milk wen he wants to drink? Now every 4 hrs can get abt 200mls but if 2.5 hrs only abt 100. Tried jus now... Shd I continue 4 hourly then??

starry> Yes I'm using the nursing pillow that can be used for the baby to sit.. It's the Baby Love nursing pillow


The price is quite cheap only $29.90..

Initially when the baby is small, it cannot be used at all! Since the height will not be at breast level. huhu.. But right now if I'm not wrong since Josie weigh 4+ kg, I can use it easily. And some more I can use it to sit her after feeding since she has reflux problem. So I find it pretty useful.. But we need to use it in cradle position, cannot for football position..

During my consultation in Mt A, the LC is using Best Friend nursing pillow, very useful if baby is small, since we can move her easily from right breast football position to cradle position for left breast..


I didn't miss your post just that i thought was kinda clear that feed on demand means feed when the baby demand for milk???.TBF DONT LOOK AT THE CLOCK

NO TIMING NO ROUTINE just latch and latch the baby whenever bb asked for it...total latch on bb will asked for milk as n when they like.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]and that's what im doing in the day with my child[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Pat pat!!I dare not changed teats as it might cause nipples confusion[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I think every baby will go through it somehow esp for those who partial feed the bb with EBM and TBF...Meghan's too struggled for couple of days last week..My Hb was away for a week and when he comes bk,he tried to feed her EBM..she struggled and refused to drink!Just want to latch..we waited for another day and starts again...

because in the day i FEED ON DEMAND,i decided not to latch her for that day!

Mdm Siti was massaging me and can hear Meghan wailing outside....no choice,but to let her wail...after wailing the whole morning...she is tired and hungry and then finally take the btl!but only for 50ml...better than nothing la..then i latch her....just to let her know that btl feed oso milk!Is a headahce sometimes but because we total latch them...they feels more comfortable and can have us cuddle and latch them as n when they like!That's why they are rejecting btl.I suggest that don't changed the teat too often ...afraid that he might confused!

Afternoon mummies n ian,

I was so sad today. Feel could not do a thing. I cn walk n sit down but transfering from one position to another is a very dificult task for me.

I wanna cry but seeing baby n hubby who is willing to handle him make me strong. I think as mum we are given extra mental n physicql strength.

Today i only sit down or lie down n hubby will bring baby to me for feeding. He has been bathing, changing nikolas' diaper n help me hang laundry n wash dishes.

I really thank god nikolas has been really cooperative. Whem i went to gp alone to take pain killers he just sleep coz i wasnt able to pump. Only managed to get abt 60 ml. Thats how sad my pump experince is. While when u see my baby u can know for sure he is well fed.

I am with baby alone now while hubby get dinner for us. I cldnt really move much. At least he is now sleeping on my lap n i can feed if he fuss in this position.

Need suggestion,

should i engage massage lady for this problem?

Or continue with physiotreaphy?

Or go to dr specialised in bone? coz the gp said need to take mri scan of the bone make sure no nerve is trapped.

The diagnosis is that i have slipped disc (at low back bone)


dont be sad if ur bby fuss when u change him. Maybe he just not used to it. Try to maintain eye contact n keep talking to him?


yes he know how to use sleept wrap.. Hehe..

Actually my hubby really handa on. When ba y was born to be honest i dare not carry him!!! hubby just do it naturally.

For the first few weeks i only hold bby during feeding gahahahaha. The rest mum n hubby will hold.. Lol. First child so i found him really fragile, i am a rough person!!!!

Ade: try using nipple shield? Protect ur nipples n close to teat. He might b wanting comfort frm being close to u? Has he jus fallen sick or had a jab? Dun give up n dun cry. It may jus b a phase, but monitor his urine n poo for dehydration if u think he's not drinking enough. There's a reason he's rejecting bottle now, jus hv to try to figure out wat it is. u might wana try another brand of fm? Or mix some ebm w e formula?

Also u can try reading this: http://www.babycentre.co.uk/baby/formula/refusebottleexpert




I suffered by pelvis injury after delivery (my pelvic bone did not join back after delivery, there was a big gap) and I had to rest on bed for a mth. Now, I am able to walk but only for short periods of time.

I would suggest you consult a orthopedic dr if you have not already done so. And also, the painkillers that you are taking, are they suitable for breastfeeding? In my case, I chose to take painkillers at night and discard all milk that I express within a 12 hr time frame.

I also went to see a tcm dr to tui na. It was very effective for me. I also met patients there with slipped disc problems.

Hang on there! You will recover!

