(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

I wld like to meet u all but this cranky boy kept fussing & morning till now still don't wanna drink milk. Don't know what's wrong with him. He refuse water too. He slept a while cry, want to be carried to slp then cry, refusing to drink milk after so long.. Last night I tested his milk & ended up being allergic to it.


mummies, Ian,

My girl's BCG bump burst today. How I found out? She was cranky and tired but cldn't seem to fall asleep so I thought maybe change her diaper since I've bathed her, fed her and burped her well. I opened the diaper and saw thick, yellowish brown stain near the tape area. I checked her BCG bump and there was A LOT of pus because the bump was quite big. I tried to squeeze out as much as I can then it also bled a bit. How huh?? I just cleaned her with the alcohol swab and leave it. Shld get plaster (those soft type for sensitive skin)? Worried abt infection and abrasion if leave it 'open' like that..

Hi mummies, sorry i haven got time to login to post or respond thru facebook cos i have got a super hard to handle cranky boy for the past few days!

Keep on crying and crying , even with lots of TLC also can't pacify him. I suspect he might have colic?

Anyway for updates for Monday, 6 December gathering

Venue: Change to ORCHARD (Meet at Somerset, Marche)

Time: 11.30am

Attending (Confirmed)








Maybe Attending (Please try to confirm by Saturday so i can make reservations beforehand...)







SxxHxx Xx (sorry forgot what is ur nick here...)

I suggested meet up at Marche because it is big enough and have enough room to put all our strollers. And according to the staff from Marche, Monday is not very crowded and busy period for them so it is still quite a good place for mothers and babies to meet up at....

Starry: Logan's bcg burst the other day as well. Coz on his arm so I think wen bath time towel rubbed against it n burst. No pus but it bled. I jus clean with boiled water n keep the area dry but must b careful not to rub the healing scab.

Today got hope. I saw bb trying to suck his thumb wen he wanted to slp so I carried him n he was looking for something to suck so I gave him my breast n he sucked for a few mins then fell asleep! Even though its Comfort sucking at least he nvr scream wen my boob goes near! Better than nothing at least got hope that he will one day latch again. Jus gotta keep trying.

North side mummies, enjoy your gathering!


I remember u told me abt it yesterday. I'm wondering how come got pus and so much!! She's really cranky today.. Probably the BCG as she is seldom fussy/cranky. Sigh...

Glad to hear there's improvement with the latching![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

i just bought 900g Enfalac A+ AR (Anti -reflux)yesterday .

however my baby is rejecting the milk.I only used a it for 3 feeds(4 scoops).

Pls pm me if u would like to buy it from me @ $40 It is retailing at $43+.

@Snoopy: I'm sure we will still be around [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif], can have round 2 if some other mummies are feeling adventurous and dun mind staying longer. I will definitely be out till evening with Eldrick [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Starry: some bb bcg will hv pus, might b becoz it's always covered by diaper so humid n doesn't dry up? As long as no fever shdnt b an infection. Jus hv to keep the area as dry and clean as possible. It might b irritating her so she is fussy. Shd pass in a day or 2.

Hi all,

Wanted to pop in here but end up lots of things happen... my nephew got suspected hfmd and so we can't go over to my mum's place. So past few evenings went to my MIL place instead. Lots of ferrying here and there including fetching my #1 from school etc... then #1 also sick... hectic...

Plus this little Rhea hor, super light sleeper. Want to sleep will fuss... sleep liao, within few mins, eyes big big... aiyo...

Then, my work also last min got to rush coz deadline next week.

Going crazy liao...

envy you all who can meet up...

Aiya...Mon gathering I cannot leh... got meet-the-teacher session with my #1 cc teachers.


Back from the North side gathering!

Both mummy and baby so tired.It's was so fun to meet all the babies and the mummies all looked great!


I'm SxxHxx Xx in FB.

I'm not confident of travelling from Semb to town in MRT with baby leh...40mins journey on the train.


how was your outing? My bb finally pooped!! Like gold! Super mega poo! Lucky I didn't go out else I don't know how to manage!!


My girl's bump burst quite some time ago. But I didn't squeeze it. Just clean with water. Sometimes when I change her diaper I still notice some pus.

But my girl doesn't seem to be affected by it. I pressed on it when I clean the BCG site and she didn't react.

So should I squeeze out all the pus or just leave it? Worried that it might get infected, especially when it's gg to come into contact with poo.


It was good, sharing face-to-face with the other mummies. Haha it's funny to see the babies together. One crying after another, because having same feeding time.

Groovy's Josie can get the most well-behaved award. She slept through the entire gathering.

Join us for next gathering!

Btw you have FB account?

Zuen: ya for like less than 5 min but it's better than screaming. But it was a 1 off thing lei. Aft that can't seem to get him to latch again. Haiz...

anyone lets their baby sleep on their front at night? my baby naps quite well on his front during the day but i'm not sure whether i should attempt that at night.


Jia you! I m struggling with bottle. Isaac is screaming his head off whenever he's bottle fed n he takes forever. Only willing to suck if he's super hungry. I just shut my ear n pretend not to hear, let my mum/ helper struggle with him. Lol!

My baby only slept abt 2 hrs nap today. N he is very active during the day. Keep wanting me to talk to him. If he is bired he will want me to carry him. But never fuss at all except when he wants to poo.

Im zombified.

Gas in stomach,

just went to pd for hep b jab today. She said my noy have lots of gas in stomach.

True, he farts quiet a lot when he sleeps.

I have burped him everytime i carry him n always have sound one. I never let him cry till very loud n long too. But still a lot of gas??? latching also nv make any funny sounds....

Where did the gass come from?!?!

Jia you stella. Maybe u latch him like 5 mins bfore feeding ime so he still in la la land...?

N jia you zuen's mom/helper. Lol.


told my hubby about ur vacation with ur daughter n ur next vacation with ur son... He did not seem to be "moved" to offer vacation to anywhere.. Hahahaha.


i let my son sleep on stomach at night. At first still checking on him. But now he can move his head smoothly n never stuck so at night i will check if i wake up only.

If u r scared then do not do it coz it is not reccommended by many pds due to sids.

Me n my brothers, we slept on stomach since we were born.

Northern gathering:

Nice meeting you gals & bb up! Hope to have another session ^^

Groovy's baby really very guai! Sleep throughout!

And thanks for sharing on how to use the MIM sling. I think i'm not a sling person! Regretted gotten the pupsik sling too! Wonder can exchange with other stuff! I checked with the SA before can change if size not right. But not sure can change other stuffs. Will go check out!

Think carrier better. Saw Tiffy using the carrier. I've one brand new passed-down carrier. Will try using that instead next time!

Trish, i dun think i've added you in FB. Let me know your email ya!

It was pouring just now. So i walked around after we all left.

Iris, next time bring Lujayne out! Alexus also very cute!


Everyone bb has got their bb BCG on the buttock right? My boy has it on his arm. I bot him to Polyclinic took the jab cos he din have it after birth. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Now big bump on his arm, not burst yet. Hope he wont get ugly scar after bursting.

Zuen: mayb I shd let him get very hungry then see if he latches... Hmmm idea but it wun be a pretty sight or sound...

Bblin: my boy's bcg on his arm. Actually didn't burst, wen I carried him in his towel must hv rubbed the skin. But I thought it already healed coz 8 wks already. Apprently not. But I dun think all babies bcg site will burst.


The carrier I using just now not so gd, shoulder will ache when carry for long hrs. I lazy to bring my ergo cos still need to bring along the insert. Saw the pic, aiyah in the end I still feed him cos he really hungry n can finish up the milk so fast n aft drinking he sleep. So in the end I put him back in the stroller n go hm by mrt. Reach woodlands cover the stroller with the rain cover n umbrella for myself but I have to walk hm by near the GNC exit cos more shelter.


Think I also haven't add u in my fb. Add me ok. My email [email protected]


sure, let me know when u all have gathering again! Baby feeling better now, finally finish whole bottle of milk ! Else 150ml , alway drink 60ml then drink another 60ml after 3 hrs. Seem to lost his appetite & he has lost weight. No more drumstick. Do u all hang any mobile for 2 mths old baby?

Stella, oh your boy has the bcg on his arm too? My boy's one very big bump leh. Think most likely will burst de cos so big wor.

Tiffy, is ergo better? How come? Where did you feed Jaren? So heavy rain u took the train ah.

Hi mummies,

just finished packing my luggage for bkk trip early tml morning! Tired!

Really enjoyed the outing this afternoon with the northern mummies,you all really slim down very fast [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] all mummies looking good. Babies are cute too..I'm the only lazy one who went alone..opps!

Tiffy,you really made the carrier looks very easy and stressfree..Peifu ni that you brought both stroller and carrier along.

My email is [email protected] do add me on fb!


Ergo have thick padding on shoulder strap so won't ache at all. I feed him at nursing rm lor. Yah I took mrt back cos I really forgot how to fold the stroller so cannot take cab. I shld have ask hb to demo for me yest. That's the result on depending on hb too much lor


Hahaha still have stroller rain cover in my stroller too. Hahaha

Yalor that's why I find carrier better n user friendly. I am not a sling person.


Jia You. keep persisting in latching. you can win over Logan


cool mummy. I'm sure Issac will give in to bottle soon.

Went out shopping without Darius the whole day and express outside. I can feel my boobs get engorged easily. rushing to find nursing room every 3 hours. can feel milk flow affected. that is the downside of latching and depend too much on baby. I will have tough time when i start working. Think have to prepare before i go back to work.

Nevertheless, still enjoy my ME time. shopping in orchard. very happy after encaged in Jurong for 2 months. SALE SALE everywhere


it is possible to nurse 20min on each breast especially if you have low milk supply. for the elder boy, i gone through what you are facing now. i nurse very long. sometimes as long as 1 hour. just keep latching. and if you want to increase your milk supply, pump after each feed. pump at least 10 min each breast. don''t worry if there isn't much milk when you pump. basically you want to tell your body to produce more milk. you will see increase in milk supply after 2 -3 weeks.

mummies who are latching/tbfing,

I'm finding my supply dropping agin these couple of days. Initially can yield at least 120ml both sides combined, now only getting 80ml-100ml. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] How come drop suddenly? Pumping as per normal leh..

Just now I latched my girl on again, after like 2 weeks of not doing so. Thankfully she still remembers how to latch! And I remember Shireen and Zuen sharing the other day at the gathering on direct latch to make the body produce more BM. I've a few qns here..

1. I'm supplementing with FM now and for sure BM supply won't be enough with direct latch. So after latching I wait for her to cry for more milk then give FM or once she unlatches then give FM without waiting for her to demand?

2. How long does it take for supply to be built up again?

3. I'm constantly thirsty, will affect supply? Trying to drink a lot of fluids already.

Thanks mummies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


just saw ur reply on 2-3 weeks to see increase. That day u said u pumped 50% out then let baby latch on to get the remaining 50%. Do you still pump once more after that?


Are you refering to sleeping on tummy? try not to let baby sleep on tummy without supervison. in US, some reports associate SID with baby sleeping on tummy. only let baby sleep on tummy when you are around to supervise

Hi Starry,

Replies to your question:

Reasons for reduce in SS could be lack of sleep, lack of water, stress, body tired etc.

1. i would advise if possible, don't offer Jadelyn FM unless she cries down the wall after long period of latching. When your milk supply is low, all the more you want her to keep latching. is tough for her cos she needs to keep sucking and draw milk out. Baby has this natural power to make our body produce milk even as we are direct latching. keep changing sides if one breast can't produce enough. if you can pump out 120ml normally, means your baby can draw out more than 120ml. cos pumping will not fully drain your ss.

2. if through direct latch, you can feel increase in ss as early as 1 week. if by pumping, will take longer 2 -3 weeks. i know some mummies take 1 month.

3. i m not sure if that will affect supply. drink more water, milk, milo, take oat will help in SS. eat well, rest well and sleep well will help too.

if i pump before latch, i don't pump after baby's feed.


Really peifu! I must go get stroller rain cover. The taxi stand at NP was so crowded so I walked to the taxi stand at MRT station. Luckily there;s no ppl there. But the taxi driver didn't help me with stroller leh. Fortunately the man behind me helped. Haha thank you for the kind souls. The taxi uncle did help with the stroller when I alighted though.


Enjoy your trip with hubby! Me so envy envy...haha

Yah! The mummies really slim down v fast!I'm standing furthest away from the camera and my face still look so big is the photo...hohoho.

You didn't bring baby out this time so the next time no excuse liao ah...haha MUST bring. My Claudia wanna know more boy boy...


Me! I hang cot mobile and Yao Lan mobile. heehee...you can have a look at my FB pic. When I put my girl in her Yao Lan, her eyes will open big big and stare upwards for quite sometime. So I placed a mobile there for her to see instead of just looking at the ceiling.


have added u on fb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

had a long day!

i finally gave in to the yao lan temptation cos my boy just kept fussing and so poor thing i see that he wanna sleep but always cant get to sleep properly so i finally bought a yao lan for him and he slept in it soundly! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

had a great day with my bestie.. we went shopping for my clothes.. baby's stuffs.. mani/pedi.. wah shiok ah!!!!!!! its been a long time man! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

just finished packing for chalet this weekend... hope baby Aedan gonna be guai guai throughout the stay there! so much things to pack just for him alone so i ended up packing our stuffs together in a small luggage bag!!! machiam going overseas but its only a 3d2n stay at a chalet! wahahhahaahhaaa...

totally drained and brain dead now.. have a great weekend mummies and daddies!!! nights [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I think the Yao Lan is really a saviour.A baby with good sleep is a happy baby =) When my girl fuss or cries till inconsolable, I'll put her in Yao Lan and immediately she;ll shut up. Seems like the Yao Lan has a calming effect for them.

But of cos cannot let them get 'addicted' to Yao Lan as well if not they will cry for it when gg out.

Shopping for clothes

Been vvv long since I went shopping. Thought I can buy nice nice clothes after giving birth...BUT everytime I went into the fitting room, I came out demoralised. Either cannot fit or the tummy will show. Not to mention the flabby arms...boo hoo~

I give up and will just stick to my flare dresses which I wore during preggie and tights


Thanks for the reply. I will try the direct latch on method over the next few days and see if there is any improvement or not. Hopefully it works and my supply comes back. Can't keep latching her all the way though. Otherwise when ML over my mum gonna be having major headache!


Wow! Aedan calmed down by the yaolan? That's great! Hope he will fuss less and sleep more then wake up a happier and more cheerful baby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Oh yah, enjoy the chalet k?


Yaolan is my savior too.. My girl loves it. I put her in when she's whining esp during the day. Night time I've managed to train her to sleep in her own little bed. Initially she was addicted and day and night will sleep yaolan. And we let her be as she was startling a lot. Yaolan kept her from startling. When she was like 5-6 weeks old, her startling reduced and we put her in the cot at night.

Re: clothes

Won't be thinking abt getting anything for the next couple of mths although I need a new wardrobe! Can't fit into my pre-pregnancy pants lor. Damn sad.. Flare dresses for me too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Better stand by e bottle, definitely not a pretty sight. Maybe u shld wear ear plug too. :p


Will let u noe when my mum/ helper wins.


Ur boi so cute, always so alert but not fussy. Does he fuss if u let him lie down? When my bb alert but not fussing, I put him down beside me n steal power naps. Hoho.

Re: night feed

I think my boi cuts down to 1 feed liao. Last feed at 10pm n just woke up. But my breasts bursting. He is slping at my breast after 1 side. -.o" I hope he slps until morning time.

Bblin: does e bcg look like there's pus or liquid in it? I rmb wen I got my childhood bcg. My bump got bigger then deflated without bursting. Dunno if babies the same anot.

Shireen & zuen: I managed to bluff bb for his night feed w e lc method haha but I stand by bottle. He latch abt 5 min den unlatch. Give him bottle wen he cry but he only drank 30mls out of usual 120. Got hope got hope!


thanks to mummies who replied on the BCG bump bursting issue. Jadelyn just mega-pooed and her BCG bump was covered with poo lor! -_-!! While cleaning her she could still coo at me and give me the I-wanna-play look. Sigh... But I guess it doesn't hurt otherwise she'd have screamed murder.

Now latching her hoping she will fall asleep. But she's like a little frustrated with the lack of milk. Suck suck, wriggle, pull nipple, suck suck, doze, wriggle..

