(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

starry, ya lor, that's why I must give the tummy a cool "facial" wash before I apply the oil. No choice leh, I already have stretch marks for the previous pregnancy so my gfr swear that I must keep applying to prevent new stretch marks as well as the old ones may look better... hmmm so we shall see how my skin looks after this pregnancy haha! Ask my hubby to save money for me to go laser on our 10years anniversary le! Hehe...

I tried the prickly heat very temporary relieve but I believe the Calendular works wonders! Will go try it when it itches later!



don't expect the itch to immediately go away after using the calendula cream. took me like 2 days to see improvement. i use after i shower only. hope this helps!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ooo! Congrats to princess d & Irish!

And gambatte to all other mummies who are waiting! So exciting!!!

For myself, altho 2cm dilated w no regular contractions I'm oso feeling nervous cos dunno when or how! Funny my dr decided to send me home..hee hee but I don't mind.

Intend to do pedi later! But not gonna apply nail polish liao..still thinking of my B wax.. Hopefully tmr can do!

My next dr visit is this thurs & my hubby said he has a feeling bb will choose this thurs! Hmmm.. =p

I think I'm quite nervous abt the whole delivery still.. I even dreamt of my dr last nite & dat I was administered the epi! =_=. I'm definitely seeing myself lean more & more towards natural w epi. Cos I think I'll feel more relaxed & confident..

Congrats Irish!

I m pretty stressed at work. Suddenly, I realized tat I have alot of work still owing to my boss and I got no time to clear. Then haven do any handing over. I wonder will my boss kills me if I go into labour suddenly. Last night, I was making mental note of wat to do 1st today. Haiz. On one hand, I hope to deliver soon, ESP hearing so many good news from mummies. Yet, hope to buy some time and continue working n clear my work b4 I deliver. I think I just added white hairs to my existing flourishing collection. Lol. And I was so pissed with a colleague. Already short tempered n no time n she still not cooperating with me. Haiz.


congrats!! rest well, update us with your birth story later. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


could be anytime! maybe yours will be the first october baby!


Just enjoy the moment now and go pamper yrself ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Congrats! U muz be tired after the labour, rest well and enjoy Bb Josie! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lovely name for a bb gal! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wah... we already have 21 mummies popping ... very exciting ... I'm trying to be patient .. but really really really hope my lil one can pop soon ... when his size is still manageable .... 3.2 KG @ 37 weeks + 3 days ....

congrats all 28th sept babies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so many today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hahaha

Just came back from gynae visit and yep, me still have contractions but not regular.. Gynae scanned my baby and said baby has turned into breech position!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

10 days ago she said baby more or less engaged Liao... 10 days later my baby decided to turn back up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] faints.

Now I know why these 2 days I feel kicks constantly at my v area cos he is kicking... I tot it was his head...

Gynae says maybe my birth canal too narrow or what.. Baby head go in halfway den realize can't go further.. So desperately turning other directions to find way out... Aiyooo how can like that...

She asked me to continue with ventolin to tahan 1 more wk and see if bb will turn by next wk.. If not might need schedule c-section .... Hais hais hais... She say this wk very critical, must rest.. She hope waterbag won't break cos right now, baby's head won't be there to act as a plug... If umbilical cord drops out instead, very dangerous for baby.. So she ask me must be very careful...

My this little fellow really gimme surprise and headache sia!!

Congrats Irish and Groovy!! Yeah, update the birth stories later!

Emmie, i expressed the milk when my breasts got engorged. It helps!

Shin, do rest plenty and be very careful this week ok! Hope bb will turn back and engaged. Then he's ready to see you all soon!!!


i also still have a bit of handover to do. every morning wake up will think about the outstandings still owing the company. very sianz feeling lor.. then just now had a talk from HR that may have to work another week! was soooo looking forward to last day of work this friday then this bomb. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] bo bian lah, although starting ML later also means more leave left for me to use next year, but i am just so sick of travelling 3 hrs to and from work daily!


sorry to hear that baby turned to breech. like some of the mommies here say, babies are breeched for a reason, so maybe it's what your gynae speculated, no space so turn up. keep talking to him to turn down bah. i am also telling mine to be a good girl and turn! shared this concern with my colleague just now and she reassured that ultimately everything will turn out fine, be it c-sect or natural. once we see our baby, we will forget all the pain there is. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Also i would like to ask for c-section mummies, do you all wear the abdominal binder? I did not and my wound is healing after removing the stitch yesterday. However, i feel slightly painful at my tummy now. Why is this so? Is the area at the navel part there. The pain is very mild but i am wondering why i'm experiencing this?

Wow ... just disappeared for a few days and so many people popped!! Congrats to all the mummies who have popped over the last few days!!

Finally settled the gifts the my 2 boys ... bought a transformer toy for my #1 and a peek-a-poo puppet for #2 ... hope that they like it =)


When I was engorged, I let it be. First time when milk come in, the body has no idea how much baby needs and your milk ducts will swell and you can feel lumps in your boobs yeah? I tried pumping because I couldn't stand it but only come out to be like 10-20ml. So I stopped and just endure (this is much like how I refused epidural) because I know that with time, the supply will regulate itself. True enough, after two days, my breast starts to become soft and the supply adjusted itself according to baby's needs. I am confident that baby has enough milk because he wets his diapers like mad. Even prefer to latch before he goes to sleep, for fun! So if you could, just endure [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lilbluey, snoopy,

Thanks for updating the table so diligently! I call my baby, Huzz so you can update the name for me. Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I think it's quite easy to guess baby's position. IF you feel pressure around your v-area, it's the baby's head. IF you feel kicks around your v-area, baby is breech. IF you feel ticklish around the pelvic area, baby's head is engaged. That's what my boy has been doing. I can feel his little fingers tickling my pelvic area. My gynae advised that in order for baby to change position, you can stand on all fours and try to talk to baby to rotate or go swimming. Do this a few times. It seems that when your tummy is down, its' easier for baby to go head down. That's the idea. Good luck.

Congrats Groovy on the arrival of bb Joise.

Lilbluely, my nxt appmt wth Dr Lim is this Sat, by then I'll be 40wks le. Now I'm hoping tht bb will pop one if these days before Sat. Scare tht her head is too big for natural birth now. Was wondering if I shld go to see him earlier, if no choice need to induce at least bb's head is still nice for natural.


yeah! many unexpected cases!! getting more and more exciting everyday. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and snoopy has to like update the table like on a daily basis lor.


i've often heard about engorgement. from the way you describe, it sounds like your pain threshold is very high! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how does it feel like? it is very painful?? not the same as mastitis right??


for first timers, engorgement is very painful! some even develop fever from engorgement. some use cold cabbage for relief, others use cold pack. i think i did use the cabbage method but try to avoid it from touching the nipples, means you have to cut a hole where the nipples should be. it's a relief but it's temporary. subsequently, in other pregnancies, i just choose to focus on something else and just ignore the pain. yeah i think my threshold of pain is high too. but i think i have also mastered the art of ignoring the pain.. hahaa.. (actually when you have other kids they will keep you distracted or occupied).

Hi all,

Just came back from Mt. A after bringing Rhea for juandice review. PD say she seems ok so just go home and wait for his call on the blood test results. And Rhea also put on back the weight loss she had when discharge... so happy!!

Oh and I brot baby Rhea to see auntie princess D too!! keke... Princess D looked great and radiant! haha... Saw baby Meghan too in nursery... so chubby and cute...

Hi mummies,

Congrats to princess d, irish and groovy.

Princess d:

I hope i can also have a short and smooth delivery leh.

Going for my gynae appt tmr. Will try to ask when baby will most likely come out.


I also feeling itchiness ard the belly button area. Suddenly got some stretchmarks there. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Hubby so funny, quickly ask me to apply more of the stretchmark spray. Haha..

Congrats to Irish and Groovy. As of now we have 4 bb today. Wonder will there be more?

Shin, jus keep talking to bb to turn and take good care and rest well as per Dr advice. Then hor if birth canal really too small, you might need to prepare mentally for C-Sec. Hope you can keep the option open.

Vivian, happy to hear that Rhea has no juandice and have gained back the weight. Rhea and Meghan probably the first babies to meet each other.


does engorgement mean there is milk production in the breasts already or only means that the ducts are swelling but no milk? i always read/hear engorge, engorge, but no milk come out. keep thinking engorge = got milk then how come nothing is coming out. sorry for my many qns. :p


the area below my belly button now looks like watermelon with all the stretchmark stripes! haha!! kinda funny to look at. initially the stretchmarks are flat and red, then itchy, after scratching got worse, bumpy and very red. calendula cream saved me!! now the marks are flat and no longer red. a bit brownish and not itchy le. if yours start getting red and itchy, stop using the stretchmark cream/oil.


looks like your turn is coming soon! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


glad to know that baby rhea is okay! hope her blood tests come back good also. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: mummies & babies meeting up

i'm sure this will happen more along the way since there are only the handful of hospitals in singapore. and our EDD's all near each others'! wondering if i will meet mummies who are delivering at MAH also. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


There's still chance that your bb will turn, meanwhile just rest ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Normally it's recommended to wear the binder after C-sect, apart from healing, it's also help in posture and etc [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Who knows I will get to see you ard at TMC over the wkend keke, I will PM you my HP no [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jac ...

Yar man ... just disappeared a few days and already missed so much action heehee

I keep telling my bb to pop aft 9 Oct cos thats when she turns 37 week and not forgetting to tell her to get into the correct position QUICK!! Even thought this is my #3 ... I still cant q figure out if she is head down or breech hahaha

Had coconut juice at lunch and now eating Yami yogurt while reading the forum heehee

Shin - Talk to your baby. I kept nagging at my baby and asked him how I am to deliver if he doesn't cooperate and turn around. Also got the jiejie to "scold" her didi. And it works. At gynae check yesterday, bb has turned from breech to head down liao! So happy.

I asked if gynae cld induce me since completed 36 weeks and I have history of super fast labor (<2hrs), she refused cos baby is too small - only 2.1kg. She said better let everything be natural so me and hubby have to be prepared for another drama rush to hospital like last time... no choice...i also very nervious cos my labor really really very very fast de.

Read in the earlier post abt zzz with MIL ... oh man ... even when we travel with her we zzz seperate room lor!!

Anyway they say dun let kids zzz with the older folks (aka Grandparents generation type) too often cos the 'qi' not good for kids.

That day when we visited my MIL ... wow 2 classic conversation took place.

1st conversation

My sis is getting married in Feb 2011. So my MIL was asking where is the wedding dinner and how to get there and stuff. My hubby told her its at Raffles Town Club, no bus/MRT nearby so better to just take cab down. (by then we would have 3 kids so no way for us to fetch her + we would be busy with the wedding). And guess what's her classic reply: 'Wow, so far, I dun wan to go liao!'

Cant stand it!! My sis ler!! Then my hubby oso v classic - 'Oh you dun wan to go then say earlier, I tell them tat no need to invite you'.

Then my MIL shut up.

2nd Conversation

SH is teething ... 6 teeth at 1 go so drolling like MAD. My MIL told my hubby:'When you go to your fren's place, take their kitchen towel (i.e those towel that you use to clean the table/kitchen/stove etc) to clean his mouth. Like that the drolling will stop! My fren teach one.'

Wow ... I was to stunned to reply and my hubby scolded my MIL. 'You dun tell me that you did this to me when I was young ... its so GROSS!! And you dun go and listen to all this nonsense from your so called fren! And you dun ever think of doing this to my kids!!'

Hahahahaha I just keep quiet lor ... at least my hubby know when to speak up.

SeaBreeze, ur hubby good job! He can say it out but as DILs, we cannot be so direct....

BBlin, if u're looking for binders, Guardian/normal pharmacy have quite a few for sale. I took pics of some of them & shared before, if u want, I can pm u w/ the fb album which i posted.

Grrrrlll suffering engorgement and blocked ducts!!! But I dun want to pump out yet since it's only 2 hrs away from my last pump. Afraid of over stimulating! How how, any mommy got such prob?


Talking about abdominal binder, is it advisable to use it after c-sect as i'm gg c sect this fri. The guardian brand is good enough right. I went to watsons, they only have Elben.

Whim ...

My hubby got no choice cos he knows that if he dun shut his mum up in time (i.e. before I do) ... my face is going to start changing and maybe I will kick him to say something hahahaha


U can just get from Guardian Pharmacy/Watsons, not bad most imptly it acts as a support [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

It costs ard $30-$100++ for those more 'branded' ones [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


U are delivering at TMC?

Normally for C-sect, the nurse will put the binder on after the ops [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The guardian brand is gd enuf for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif], I got it as an extra after I was discharged so i can wash and use it on alternately.

thank you all mummies for ur messages and concern... Yah, right now it's all rest for me and I will sayang sayang him.... Talk to him nicely to ask him to turn.. Haha.. Meanwhile have to keep options open Liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I've been trying to get a good slp since just now but failed.. Hahaha...

Tmr till fri I'll have to go over my mum's plc so someone can "supervise" me.. Doc says shouldn't be left alone at home [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] feel like a patient now.. Hahaha... Lie down all the way except go toilet and eat... Even so I also walk slowly... The doc's description abt the umbilical cord dropping out really scares me.. So now I keep reassuring myself everything is gonna be ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


How to wear binder after c-sect?? Wear it over the wound? Wouldn't it be painful? Or it won't touch wound at all??


Your hubby and MIL conversation is ultimate funny!!! Wahahahahhahaha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


There will be a big bandage over the stitched area. I remember the other time when I'm more conscious the binder is alrd put on over the bandaged part. Pain definitely there will be after the epi wears off... but the binder help to reinforce some form of support [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

maybe u wanna check with your gynae if u need to provide your own binder else the nurse will put on for you one after the surgery

melissa, i could tahan it...but baby wasnt havent much wet diapers. Just had my first massage session. ML says I have very blocked ducts. was tearing while she tried to clear out as much as possible. Finally settled my pump. Now trying to see how much i can pump out or at least clear more of the milk ducts.

congrats irish and groovy!

seabreeze, your MIL really classic! but good that your hubby stand up to her.

Just had time to go into FB to check out the baby's photo ...

babybes ...

Just saw ur bb's photo ... OMG she is so pretty ... esp her eyes heehee ... wonder if I can CHOP her for my 2 boys ... your gal can choose hahahaha

Just realise that besides the forum mummy ... we got 2 more common fren - L** W*i and R*i =)

Princess Dia ...

Your bb look EXACTLY like Jade ... esp the moment when she was born. Like photocopy one heehee ... I love the photos of Jade carrying the mei mei ... v sweet and steady!

Groovy ...

Congrats!! Only 4 photos of your NB and havent clean up somemore so cant tell exactly bb look like who =)

Shin & Emmie ...

Yap I am v thankful that my hubby is not the 'mummy's boy' type and keep asking me to give in! Usually I keep my mouth shut and just show face (unless she keep repeating until I burst).

Then again its to a point where my MIL and SIL feel that my hubby side my family and me TOO MUCH! But to me ... it really depends on who is putting in more effort maintain the relationship and who is 'correct'.


of course engorged means there's milk but it's not as much as you think. if nothing comes out means there's no let-down reflex. for first week (after your real milk comes in) you'll get at most 10-20ml from both breasts b'cos that's roughly how much baby will take in during the first week. i basically leave it as it is because the breasts is still in learning mode. the only way for me to clear my breast is to let baby latch. only baby can really empty the breast and within seconds of suckling, they can drain the milk unlike pumps, takes a few minutes before you feel the let-down reflex.


wow i can't believe those things your MIL said! obviously she never think before she speaks! the 2nd one is classic! so downright gross! i'm glad your hubby speak up so you don't have to!


I think it's ard $30++ price still reasonable [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yes, even for natural birth still can be used [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


SeaBreeze, at least ur hubby will know ur face change.... My SO very 'blur' one, plus v filial, so he always ask me to give in to my MIL, which I used to do in my yrs of marriage before I'm preggers. Nowadays, dun really care so much... u say anything against my bb, I shoot u back, dun care u MIL, FIL or etc.

empress, yah, the guardian house brand binder is $35.95 (at least e one that I took the pic of). But Guardian has a few.... the house brand is their cheapest.

