(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Congratulations Groovy! Thats quite a feat without epidural. love reading ur birth story. I really hope I could deliver end of this week instead of waiting til EDD. My third weekly check up this Thursday, hope my gynae will say ready.


Congrats to Groovy & Trish who have popped! I do enjoy reading birth stories altho' sometimes e stories make me go "ehhhhh".

Apple, I think no matter whether u choose to carry e bb or not after crying, it's ur personal choice... but ultimately, dun take it personally to heart if bb still continue to cry. Coz one of my close gfs kept blaming herself after she had given birth... say things like bb cry becoz she never do ABC during pregnancy etc. Was v depressed for a long time...As her fren, I heart pain to see her so depressed, talk to her also no use.

empress, I pm-ed u on fb abt e binder pics... u go check ur fb inbox, yah?

Congrats trish n grovvy.


Good gal, no epidural ah. I salute you. I will raise hand for epi before I even lie down on e hospital bed, hehe.


I m gg for my apptm tmr n I m also hoping that my gynae will tell me tat it is soon. I m starting my 37th week tomorrow. Woohoo! No signs yet.

Whim I won be depress. Think now baby arrive, Hb been helping out alot. I think I can cope. Just hope my dd guai guai and cooperate to drink milk. Hope that she will come to understand milk is good for her. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I wan to ask you all hor, my pump is very very loud the motor. If I go out wan or need to pump how? Will pple give me super big stare or even in toliet hear Liao also think very weird? Then hor if I on plane wan to pump how huh? cos is very loud, I scare pple will think bomb or wat. The sound like lawn mover like that.

Gd morning

Congrats Trish!

Groovy, well done natural without epi! U hv high pain treshold.

Claudia, all the best for fri. It's never easy to make decision. Since u hv decided, stay by it and prepare for it. Jus ignore what others say.

Apple, whether to cuddle/carry. It is really up to u. Cos it is difficult for us to know y they cry. I know it is stressful and heart pain, jus try different method and see what works best. For dd, she cried quite a bit during 2 wk and we narrow down to that she wants to suck for comfort even though she is full. So we give in to pacificer. Initially we suspect stomach wind, etc.

Morning mummies & Ian.

COngrats Trish!

Princess, me still waiting leh.

Cannot sleep well last night wor, keep waiting up every 1-1.5hrs due to tummy pain, dunno if it's BHC or contractions. hurhurhur.. NOw i can't differentiate liao. Hai..

Elle, same here too.. waiting for the 'Sign'!

Congrats all new mummies! So happy for all of you.

I am still waiting and waiting and waiting... Doctor say if baby is still not out by Sat, then will suggest induction next week.

I can't sleep nowadays, always waking up in the middle of the night, thinking about when baby will come out... so tired..

Morning Mummies & Ian!

Congrats Trish!

Went for my checkup yesterday, bb is not gaining weight at all. Still at the 3kg mark. Doc asked me to induce. Will be checking in to TMC tmr night for induction. Now a bit worried coz gynae didn't do any VE, dunno whether cervix open or not. If not open, i'm worried it will be a long labour. After checkup ytd, kept having contractions. I kept telling bb to stay in till tmr night, coz hb is on training these few days and won't be able to take leave at all. Though this is my 2nd birth, still feeling a bit jitter about the whole birthing process. I hope i will have the strength to do it w/o epi.

Woops just realized I wrote wrongly.. after 11.30 pm my doctor come, it should be 4 AM, 5 AM etc. hehehe.. Writing in sleepiness after baby being brought to my room to try to latch but she still doesn't want..

But this morning quite good, at 6 AM she latch and suck 3-4 times, and still want to latch again and suck 3-4 times.. Until she fall asleep looking very satisfied. hehehe..

Morning, I m at the delivery ward. Have my epidural at 745, Water bag burst at 8am. Dilated 1.5cm. Feel no pain... Just had my sandwich for breakfast. Now waiting waiting for full dilation. Epidural is an amazing invention. Dr said avg 1cm 1 hr. Hope everything clear by 6pm


U so funny. I m having soft stools n tummy was so tight e whole afternoon + night + backache yday. Is tat e sign? Hohoho. I m paranoid now, kept reading into every sign n checking if my mucus plug came put. Hoho.


No epi also? Jia you!


I won't tell you that there's no pain, depending on one's threshold for pain.

However, painkillers will be given [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dun worry too much, in another 2 days u will see your babe le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


No epidural! Whoa! Well done [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Congrats on the birth of your bb boy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Teoong ...

Hahahaha I know how you feel cos thats what happen for my #1 ... he was born 2 days before EDD only!! And worse I started my ML 1 week earlier so the whole week stay at home and WAIT!!

Claudia ...

Since you already agreed to go for c-section then dun look back. Rest well and get ready for the big day =)

Ade & Tinggy ...

Good luck!! Have a smooth delivery =)

Tinggy & Ade

Best wishes for a smooth delivery! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jia You! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ZuEN, I feel a lot of pressure from bb at my V area whenever i lie down, as though he is trying to push himself out. Also getting some backache nowadays. Last Friday, gynae said bb is engaged and i 1.5cm dilated but she still think not that fast for me. Maybe I impatient... don't understand, how can i be dilated yet dun have feeling of giving birth.

morning, mummies and ian!


congrats on the birth of your boy!

tinggy and ade,

jia you! looking forward to good news from you both! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

teoong, elle,

both of you very soon le. hang in there! maybe will get to see your babies this weekend? won't be surprised if baby choose to come out earlier. hee hee!

good morning mommies n daddies

Tinggy: all de best!! Wishing you a smooth delivery [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ade : wow! Don't worry, it will be smooth n fast for you!

Did I missed out anyone? Kinda lazy to scroll dwn the page !

Will do so when I ve got a chance!

Who's next?


Rest n rest n rest for you! If bb wanna be Un breech then let him be. Dun stress over it ESP now that u are on meds[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Take care n jia you k!

DiveerA, are you next?? How are you?carryingbyour BB well huh? He must b very comfy inside ^.^


Bb out??? Wru ? Heeee.... Few more days to hit your full term!! Jia you

And to all mommies that Is going for labor n soon ,

Wishing u guys a fast n smooth delivery !!!

I'm given a green light to go home later! Had Meghan with me whole of last nite![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

She is very cooperative !! I latched her as much as possible like every 2hrs! And doing alright ! This morning nurses pushed her bk to nursery so tt I can rest ... She slept for 4hrs continuosly w/o waking up till now! Haaaaaa...

Gotta go.. Big sista is waiting at home anxiously !

Lilbluey, ya Dr Lim, told me if whole stomach pain might be contractions, but i monitor the interval, still not that regular wor plus no show or mucus plug leh.. Till not still monitoring at home lor.

Jacq, actually i hope bb comes out mayb like today or tomorrow lor. Heehee..

Princess, I'm still here. Waiting for the 'SIGN', hvnt seen sundrops since yesterday leh, probably she went into labour already??


you very funny, say your pump sounds like lawn mower. haha! that bad meh? what brand you using? any possibility that it can fit in a bag or what to hide the noise a bit?


very soon it will be your turn. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] your wife how many weeks pregnant now?


i'm a whole lot better! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just still feeling tired out at work even though so early in the day. wanna zzzz...


i know how it feels! i am very, very looking forward to baby coming out even though now like still a bit early. :p every day need to monitor her movements, worry about her being breech, worry that umbilical cord goes around her neck etc. can't wait to have her out! haha!

princess d,

what time you going to discharge? guess you will be expecting quite a number of visitors for the next few days at home right?

Teoong ...

If the interval is regular like 15mins apart for 1 to 2hr then its time to get ready and call your gynae. If not regular then its still back to the waiting game heehee

Apple ...

Every baby is different and if she is taking better to bottle ... you might want to consider expressing out and just feed her thr bottle. I have frens who TBF using EBM all the way too!

Which pump are you using?

sundrops, teoong,

looks like we are all waiting till neck long long! hahah~!!

which reminds me, i really must speak to my boss later about working next week. hopefully he will allow me to work from home instead.

re: baby movement

i'm 36wks3d today and baby seems to be a bit 'lazy'?? don't really feel her movement as much as per normal leh. there's still the occasional movement and light kick from her but not very much. shld i be worried?


recently, my wife have alot of ache.

Back ache, especially.

Is this normal during first Trim?

our appt wif gynae is next wed.

My wife dont want to bring forward the appt. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


it's normal, don't worry about it. first trimester is usually the most tiring, uncomfortable and stressful period. likely the body is 'adjusting' to the pregnancy hormones. your wife may have aches in the abdomen like menstrual cramps also, but it's just the uterus stretching to make way for the growing baby.

Hey starry, on baby movements, there are days when my baby will move less and days when she will be really active. I think it should be fine as long as you feel some movement each day, since space is getting less and less inside and esp if baby is already engaged. But it is good to mention this to your gynae on your next visit so that he will be aware and can monitor with you.

That's what my gynae advised me when I asked him about it a week or two back.

Jac ...

Q normal so what I do is that when I zzz ... I purposely press on 1 side to make her uncomfy and she will start to move hahah so after she move until I myself cant tahan then I change side to make space for her hahahaha

I can actually feel the difference in movement bet her and my boys ... the 2 boys used to kick and punch me more when they are in the stomach but this gal is movement only. I can feel her move but its not the kicking or punching type - just move.

Thats why ... till now I still dunno she head down or not hahaha cos cant tell where is the hand and leg. Just feel 1 big round thing and my hubby always ask me ... is this her head or her butt hahahah

starry, my baby dun move much also since 36 weeks.. but i found our baby's head engaged dats y. she cannot move as vigorously. her head fixed already down there

sundrops, teoong.. me also wait long long until grow white hair.. haha. but in the meantime ive been happily gorging myself.. takeover Princess_d.. i love buffets!

Trish, groovy, congrats!

Tinggy, all the best!

shin, haha baby saboh u ah, last min go breech.. talk to baby often k.

wah, so many mummies have delivered. Congrates to all.


i also 2 cm dilated since last tuesday, till now i'm still here waiting. Also quite amazed that i can walk around with below opened for past 1 week but nothing happen, he he.. guess just not time yet.

Princess D,

you so fast deliver and going home already. Enjoy your confinement. You very ON lei, latch megan even during the 1st night.

all mummies, Jia You!!

Tinggy- Jia you! Hope you have a good delivery!

Ade- Am sure all will go smoothly!! =D Believing that altho u are not taking epidural, that you won't feel pain. When the contractions come, relax and don't fight them. Apparently when we fight the contractions it hurts more. Mummies who did not feel pain during contractions recommend relaxing, walking about and stooping in positions that your body "signals" you to. Natural induction techniques- nipple stimulation, orgasms and lovemaking (if you haven't gone to hospital ward yet can try them out). =)

Don- Just give her all the love and support she needs. She might feel very sleepy and tired too. First tri is the time to rest and rest and rest as much as you can. Second tri will be a honeymoon period where she will feel more energetic and less sick. =)

Seabreeze & lilbluey,

Thanks! Since I've made up my mind, I shld just follow my heart.

Whole stomach pain means contraction? It happen to me in the middle of last night till I cannot sleep well & wake up intermittently to rub my tummy.

groovy! enjoy reading ur story, wondering how mine would be like after reading all the sharings.. at least for a first timer i now know that it's not so dramatic like those in movie where ppl sit on the floor and immediately have to deliver on the spot.. LOL!

tinggy, wish u have a smooth delivery!

Water retention after delivery?


Can i check with those mummies who have swollen feet before delivery, wanted to know if it goes away after delivery?

Morning Mummies and Daddies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats to those who have delivered [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Went for check-up yday and baby is 2.6kg @ 38weeks. No signs yet...

Guess i'm playing the waiting game together with other mummies as well

Groovy, congrats and thanks for ur birth story...rest well...

Note that you mention the Philippine nurse(in delivery rm) at Mt A nite shift not gd...oh i never know that...me first timer,opt for Mt A.

I notice alot of mummies here chose TMC , why is that so...any specific reasons?

Empress- Yea the water retention will go off. =) Also any other pigmentation some ppl get during pregnancy will also fade off. Stretch marks won't totally disappear but will become light streaks on the skin. =)

Zebra- I had my #1 at MAH, becoz my Mum had me there, but opting for KKH with #2 after a gd hospital experience with them when #1 was hospitalised for a viral and bacterial infection when he was 6. I've realised a lot of mummies choose TMC too and I think it is because the gynaes they chose deliver exclusively at TMC. =) My gynae, that a doctor friend and her mum who is a retired nurse recommended, for #2 delivers only at KKH too so I will be at KKH.



I tried expressing in plane toilet before but mine was night flight n I have to express at those hrs where everybody is dead asleep. My pump is not tat noisy. I used to express n have short discussion with colleagues in e past. They can also hear e pump but it is not so loud until distracting lah. Hehe.

