(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


I am having weight loss 1.3kg over a day le...called up the delivery suite in hospital and they said as long as baby is moving then not a concern....gynae clinic closed...any advice form mummies here??? MY baby movement is alright...


Helloooooo everyone!!! Im back from babymoon! went to bintan for a short getaway to relax my contractions before the D-day! hahaha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

WOW..didnt log in for few days and so many mommies had popped!! Congrats mommies! This is getting exciting!


u r fast and im shocked! really jumpppppppp Q leh! Hope u rest well..baby Rhea is pretty and cute really dont look like a preemie leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Just to check with u, u mean level 6 have single, 2 and 4 bedded all in this ward level? u opted for 4 bedded did your gynae auto upgraded u to 2 bedded?

hello ladies

thanks for all the well-wishes!

baby daphne is doing well and she chose the date herself.

cos last friday i just went for check up and there was no sign of her coming out. who knows. sat morning wake up and go toilet and found the mucous plug dropped out while wiwiping so quickly packed up and ask hubby to go to the clinic.

reached gynae's clinic ard 9am. the nurse say mucous plug drop might still have a few days.. just before they slot me in m gynae went for a delivery! so we went down for breakfast, after tat, did ctg, and there were 2 contractions with 30min, then saw gynae she did the VE and found out to be 3cm dilated. so straightaway went to delivery ward. but i still dun feel pain yet.

at the observation ward, did the usual clearing bowel and the nurse shaved a bit. while the hb sent the elder home. asked for epidural and at 1pm plus, the gynae came to burst the water bag and still 3cm dilated and she said should be deliver by 5-6pm(cannot believe it)

well, was pushed to the delivery ward at around 140pm. can feel my legs are numb cos of the epi. at 2plus can feel the pain but not much think the epi was too strong. the nurse came in to check and say was ready to push, but i might be too numb to push! after a while the gynae came, once she saw, she said the baby 's head is half way out. and i didn't even push. well after 2-3 pushes, the little gal was out at 1505!!

still can't believe it's so short, and most of the credits go to my little gal who chose to push herself out. hahaha

well after tat, super pissed with my CL, ken played out.. she said she can only come for one week, then need to take one week off to attned some family stuff and asked her fren to cover. wah piangz then i said might as well ask ur fren to do the full confinement for me. so she said she will call her fren.. hmmm. now i am not sure whether the fren will appear tmr after i discharge.


yeah cry let him suckle. the hospital will remind me to let him feed for every 3 hours. it's only valid if you're in the hospital, first 3 days, baby only feed colostrum, hence he tends to be full and sleepy so that schedule works. once you get him home, the feeding on demand starts, especially when he starts to poo frequently. there will be times when he kuai-kuai will sleep 4 hours straight, some nights he will wake up every hour. first of all must check if his diapers are full or if he poo, otherwise he just wants to feed. the reason he wakes up every hour is because he needs more milk and is training your body to produce more milk. and your body will learn from that. so next day, the body will produce enough milk and baby will wake up every 2-3 hourly. haiyah used to this drill already. that's why it's important for confinement mommy to be well-rested and get enough help whenever possible. but of couse, confinement mommy with children will suffer a little bit haha. but u'll get used to it eventually. my boy oso has a habit of crying till his face is red, even when i change his diapers. he's scared of cold lah. i just ignore lah. just to avoid him from crying like that means i dun change his diapers meh? siao.. lol.

princess d,

soon it will be your turn haha. those nightly feeds is nightmare all over again. give FM oso same mah. still must prepare FM, pour hot water, wash/sterilize bottle. lagi leceh. so direct latching is still easier. i didn't even bother to pump. unless really engorged and he's really sleepy.


it's normal to lose weight at the last stage of pregnancy. i lost weight too before i deliver. it's normal. means not long after this you'll deliver lor. kekeke.. excited for u lei!


no need to pump at all in the hospital yeah. baby will take in approximately half teaspoon of colostrum in each feeding! hahaa.. believe it or not. the nurse will teach you, latch for 15 minutes each breast. it's mainly for you to practise. once milk comes in, that's your drill.


well come back! so you went to babymoon!! no wonder didn't c u these few days! :p

irish, u mean tmc 6 floor,

yes got single , double and 4 bedders. and some premier ward too! i am staying at 605. think the nurse are better than the 3rd floor one.

yesterday think a lot of pple gave birth. had to wait for the labor ward. and the normal ward. most are taken up!

for TMC LC they are off on sat afternoon and sunday.. so now only the ward nurse will help with the latching. so far ok. they will push the baby to the room. think u have to insist on them helping and press the bell to call them in.

mommies who have popped (and discharged)..

care to share what's your hospital bill size? mine is Gleneagles double bedder. cost is 3k++ for normal delivery without epi 3d2n stay. after medisave cut is 1.3k.


Cant advise u about the weight loss at last stage of pregnancy cos i keep putting on weight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Think if can feel constant baby movement its not a concern ba..hey anyway u left with 2 more days to go...just saw your scheduled c-sect, we are on the same day! Jia you k! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks! U must be coping real well with #3! Cant imagine the nightly feeds are coming to haunt me again!! hohoho [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Wah...well done u have a short and smooth delivery! Post your baby pic! Are u still in hospital, when will u be discharged? Thanks for the info on ward level, did u request to have the room in level 6? hopefully i can get a room in L6 upon request on tuesday.


Looks like you are starting off very well! So fast breasts will start to feel hard already?


How was bintan? So nice that you can have a short getaway Si close to your popping date! Did you pamper yourself with spa treatments, get your hair done, trim your nails etc?


Thanks for sharing your experience. I'm still a bit clueless abt what to expect from bfing on demand. Guess need to trial and error when baby's here.


Heard that the wards are mostly full. My friend was supposed to stay in single bedded but no more rooms so had to pay extra and upgrade to premier room. Otherwise next choice is 2-bedded.

I bought a tin of similac to stand by also already! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yes. Full deposit. Then after discharge and after Medisave deductions, the hospital will credit back whatever balances into my credit card.


the first time i gave birth and first time breastfeeding, i purposely did not standby any FM or breastpump and that proved to work b'cos i'm left with no other choice but latch and make sure that breastfeeding works for me! but of course, i'm a hard core person lah. might not work for some who needed help. in times i'm desperate for help, I called up the LC from Gleneagles and ask from other experienced mommies in the forum and I went to http://www.kellymom.com for guidance.

Really lots of trial and error but once you get used to it, it can be second nature. Good luck [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi morning ladies! Had a busy and lazy week so no time to pop in... Wow so many of have delivered! Now I m getting the jitters still dun feel very ready.

Congratulations everyone!!! Enjoy the newcomer and the confinement!

Can I check with u ladies If u have a lot of discharges now? Do they smell wierd? I dun really remember for my first one if I had hehe... So wanna ask.


It was actually a last minute kind of thing to decide going banyan tree..HB and me were having pillow talk one of the night before and he was suggesting then i said why not!! haha and off we go the next day! Never do hair leh..just did my medi/pedi and also to remove nail colour only. We were there just to relax and merely to pig out! took a few pixs and my boy dropped the camera into the pool, thats gone with all the pixs but luckily its an old camera!

Thanks Melissa. Dun know how much would be the damage for my hospital bill..


I have alot of thick yellowish fairly runny discharge eversince my mucus plug has already partly dislodged. It may have a distinctive odor but not an unpleasant smell is ok. Check with gynae before that this quite common and is caused by combination of increase blood supply, softening of cervix and viginal wall plus stimulation from baby's head presses against the cervix ready for labor. Just monitored and be aware of the changes to your discharge, highlight to your gynae if feeling uncomfortable. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks for updating but ermmm there's an error leh...baby daphne is yanling's princess not etelle. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jac, princess d, Irish

Level 6 have 4 bedded, 2 bedded n 1 bedded but I'm not sure abt those premium suite. I opted for 4 bedded n this time have place for 4 bedded. Better than 2 bedded cos more spacious than 2 bedded. Last time they upgrade me to 2 bedded free but v cramp, if push bb in then not much pl to walk.


I wake up early to pump milk. Jaren was admitted in Mt A on fri for jaundice, this morning just discharge. Was admitted to Mt A cos his PD is at Mt A.


Did u request fr Dr Eunice that u want level 6? Kekeke I request fr her that I want level 6 n she told the nurse to arrange a bed for me at level 6.

So u also agree level 6 nurses is better hor?

Iris, thanks for pointing out the error. wow....short getaway to Banyan Tree......nice.....I likie!! Hehehe. Was there any problem with you taking the ferry since you are so big?? Did they ask you for a doctor's letter?? Just curious. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies... It's been very long I've posted here. But been reading this post. I've delivered my bb way early leh!!! Suppose edd 15 oct leh! (initially same as Irish Coffee de!) Way too early cos my water bag burst! Bb only 36wks and he's juz 2.1kg. So tiny. I've opt for csect last min due to not taking risk that my bb will get infected though I've given antibiotic when tested GBS/strep b positive. Gynae said if induce n labour shd be fine. But I dare not take the possible chance of bb got infected.

BB now 1 week old already! His name is Denzel! =)

All the best to oct mummies and Congrats to mummies whom have already given birth too!!!

Last i would like to say TMC service is really very good there. Except there's a fierce lactation nurse whom checked on your breast for milk/engorgement. I even made friend with my neighbor bed mummy! Haha... I stayed in 2 bedded ward.


I bought to standby in case need urgently then can't find. Of course hoping that baby won't need to use it at all and end up I can give it away. Hee hee!! Come to think of it, bfing will really need whatever hardcore determination I have. I'm a person who loves her sleep. To wake up ever 2-3 hrs to nurse will prove to be a huge challenge.


You an your hubby are so ON!! Talked abt it at night then next day shoot off. No wonder didn't see your familiar purple text in the forum till this morning. Glad you had good family bonding time! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Princess d,

I managed to find the Osim hot/cold breast compress from kiddy palace. Cheaper than I thought, $15.90 only. Thought would be like $29.90 or somewhere close. Hope they will really come to good use! The gel is changed to green colour now though.


Glad baby Jaren's jaundice is cleared now. Was it expensive for a baby's 2 nights' stay there?


Congrats to you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Post up baby Denzel's pic if you can? We mummies who are still waiting to pop wanna ogle at those who have popped! Haha!! 2.1kg is quite tiny! Did he have to stay in the nicu? Think it's very brave of you to go for c-sect instead of induced labour. Hope you're enjoying every bit of being a mommy now! Oh your TMC experience is way different from my friend's even though she stayed at the most expensive ward (not by choice). Guess it's by chance also which nurse is assigned to you. Good for you!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I only started expressing on day 3 for dd cos I was in icu for observation n dd in nicu. I totally forgot about bf-ing until e nurse asked me on day 2 n I only tried to squeeze e colostrum out once. Then expressing only starts day 3. I also got bk but eventually got to supplement with fm lah.


I tot after 30 weeks cannot board ferry liao. But anyway, I dun dare to go anywhere Liao, Kip tinking tat I might pop anytime. Hehe.

Jac, snoopy

Thanks. Fri I totally no mood lor. Had to left him there. I cried when we leave Mt A without him on my arm. Yest I feel much better n we bring frozen bm to him so I can see him again.

Congrats to all those who pop. Just finished doing the routine. Now I can even fall asleep surfing the forum.

Jac, yar I am i shared n really hope ur friand CAN be encourage. Angry with dd. Try to latch her but she seem to be force to take medicine like tt. Keep struggling. Then givre her bottle, she finish v fast. Thé rest reply later. I m dead tired.


congrats! does baby Denzel need to be admitted to NICU? he's so tiny! pictures?


great to know baby jaren is out. my bub was also admitted due to high jaundice. was on phototherapy with 3 lights instead of normal 2 lights. after deduction from medisave, i only need to pay 90+ lei.


yeah i hope you don't have to open that tin of Similac! jia you in your BF attempt! and keep an open mind when having baby in your life. my first time with interrupted sleep due to baby feeding is a culture shock too but your body will adjust to this and you'll be alright.


I have a lot of discharge lately, like getting more and more! It's that kind yellowish sticky type. Everyday use up a lot of pantyliners.


How much colostrum can be squeezed out? And so sticky, how did you manage to collect?


Oh, I forgot can claim medisave. Then not do bad just top up $100++ cash.


Rest well!! Think you'll get used to the routine in no time, maybe can even do it in your sleep! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks for the encouragement! Time will tell if I can really do it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] info and tips given by experienced mummies like yourself definitely help tons!

Hello! Wow, plenty of good news this weekend.

Bblin, congrats to the arrival of your prince Denzel. How’s he now?

Yanling, congrats to the arrival of your princess Daphne and that is sure a smooth, fast and painless delivery. Your CL is right to play you out like that, hope her friend is good and able to start as soon as possible.

Gsm, congrats to the arrival of your princess and good that she is latching on well and trust you enjoying the bonding through bf.

Ann, congrats to the arrival of your prince.

Emmie, congratulations.

Irish, trust you enjoyed the Bintan getaway. Nice to have quality family bonding before the bb is born.

Melissa, why is it necessary to 40-day confinement? When engaging CL it is usually 28-day, isn’t that sufficient?

Cherry, 2 more weeks to go, jia you! Thereafter you can eat whatever you want!

Vivian, hope you can get some help for the first week till your CL comes. BB Rhea looks so cute.

Tiffy, happy to hear Jaren’s has been discharged.


my mom listened to the mass sage lady! the massage lady scare her if i don't follow properly, i will suffer not now, but when i'm old. so my mom insisted that i follow her advice. she been brewing herbal tea for me to drink 2-3 times a day too! but when she's not looking, i drink cold milk! i am constantly thirsty! but must have some taste in my drink lah. and would you believe i have friends from malaysia who went through 100-days confinement?!! now that's brutal! btw, i still go out occasionally to buy baby products! lol. b'cos i dun trust my hubby to choose the items i want. he often buy the wrong type or wrong size!


U veri steady leh!! keke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But most importantly, it was great family bonding time before your gal arrives [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats Bblin! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Most imptly bb is healthy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thou' it's tough with 2 other tods in the hse, but try your best..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

100 days of confinement?! -_-""


Good to know that Jaren is doing well and discharged [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Irish and starry!!!ya lor the discharges are irritating, gotta keep changing panty liners... Ya like what you guys are describing... has a wierd smell but not too gross, coz i cant remember hehe!

today had lotsa braxton hicks and achy achy below... but no feeling of delivering yet hehe... gg 37 weeks next week.

Irish I love Banyan tree leh! Its where me and hubby first went on a holiday as a couple! but we didn't travel out this time for our babymoon instead just a 4 days 3 nights at our local hotel hehe...

Hello Ladies...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Woow!!!Left since morning and surprisingly the thread is running even its SUNDAY!!LOL[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


The gel pads for the OSIM is green adn the one i got is Blue...but think is different brands la.but heck la,so long it helps hahhahahahhaha[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]HOw's your friend?


COngrats once again!

Wow!Daphne surely a good gal huh....such a short labor!!

Unbelieveable with this CL !Why theya re so irresponsible?Sigh,....i hope whoever she is getting to replaced her can do a good job!!!Mean time,let your HB do the job while you rest first k..


Yup!My turn next!wahhaha..actually i will do the same fot he first few weeks when the CL is here to help!HOnestly it is so convenient to jsut latch the bb on than to wake up and pump la..or even fix FM!hahahhaa.....But i m determined to try to pump out this time jsut to ensure my #2 gets enough for her night feed and by 3 mths she can sleep throughout the night!

I do have the intention to let the sisters to sleep together!Will see how it goes....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Fuyoooooh...you damn steady ah..tummy big big stil can travel ah?

I remember last time i went Bintan almost kana rejected wor...how come they allowed for your case?LOL[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But glad you did enjoyed yourself b4 the arrival of your princess..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I do have the discharged yesterday..last week was all cleared nad clean but yesterday came again and i gotta changed my liners like almost everytime i got toilet[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

The thing is i dare not go w/o liner also afraid if i might see "red" and im not aware cos my undies all black!WHAHAHHAHHAHHAHAHA[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


It must be tiring for you!Glad that JAren boy is out from hospital now....it's a good choice to leave him there to SUN TAN cos he will be in good care![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Please rest well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Hugs...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


COngrats congrats!!Hope you are coping well...How's danzel now???Any pics of him[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Glad that Rhea and you are home!!REst Well!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


you lost weight?How?You have not been eating well or too tired?I didn't put on any since the last check up!hahhahaha.but i doubt i lost any la...

Don't worry....bb will be good...i only realized my bb can't kick much but tummy is alwys strtching and looks SQUARE!!!???????????Anyone?Yes!SQUARE!!weird!!!:

Jac, when baby cry, face Will turn red and Will cry stop cry stop, they just wan pple to hug sometimes when they cry.

Snoopy, Zuen

Actually we also not sure whether can board ferry or not but we just try our luck. We were thinkng if really cant board then just check in any local hotel. Infact the check-in at tanah merah terminal was so smooth they didnt even bother to ask about my pregnancy but noticed they were more concern on checking baggages for those going on board the ferry.


Thanks, i will request upon admission and remind my gynae before he starts the ops. BTW, I will be on epidural instead of GA [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

*Hugs* I can understand how u feel to part baby Jaren even though just only 2 days [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Glad that he is fine and already discharged [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ya lor..we are so used to being like that anyway. Before when i got married i could worked for half year and backpack travel another half year, until no money left then got to come back home and started working to accumulate travel expenses all over again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I also missed all the colourful texts and mommies here!!!

Diveera, lilbluey

Thanks. Yup have to enjoy leh knowing that our sleepless night is coming soon!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Wow..long time no see! that is fast! u another one jumping Q leh! baby denzel cant wait to see the world [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Baby is real tiny leh does he needs to go NICU? Did u go for 4 bedded ward and Dr Ang upgraded u to 2 bedded ward? How much cash u need to pay when discharge?


we also been there for holiday as couple but dont think its our first holiday..haha! Anyway it doesnt matter where as long to enjoy quality family bonding time together [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Princess D

Aiyo! missed your bubbly green text leh!!!!

like i mentioned to snoopy and zuen, i just heck la if cant board then go local hotel! Scarly they didnt even bother to ask anything and they just concentracting busy doing thorough checks on baggages.

Me! Me! my tummy also always stretching and looks square! haha Am constanly feeling all the forceful kicks too! OUCH!

hellooo ladies, still chatting away? I just woke up from nap. Damn shiok! Didn't feel like waking up. Now going to mum's place for dinner with hubby.

My master bedroom's toilet light blew itself out and we realized the connectors inside are spoilt like beyond repair so no light in the toilet for the next few nights!

Princess d,

Not sure how she is now, probably discharged and home already. Hoping things go well for her.


Same! BH more and achy down there.


You said u gonna pump and ensure #2 gets enough feed for night so that within 3 mths she can slp throughout the night... How to achieve that?? Pls teach me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies, i want to ask if baby did not eat much but din want to eat, put back baby cot, start crying shld try to feed her again? Carry her she Dun cry..... Dunno wat she wan. Just change diaper. Dunno if she is hungry or not. Force her eat, she Dun wan to eat yet pût her back In cot she is crying.


ya lor princess... then my gf kept scaring me la, say i shld keep watch of the braxton hicks. anything more than 4 per hr must go see gynae le... i still haven calculate yet. will start calculating this hr. my hubby at my in laws now, he a bit paranoid too haha...

starry ya lor, mine the achy achy feeling only started today... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] BH was more from yest then today a bit more. my first baby i didnt feel much BH de leh... this time i know how it feels like le...

