(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


I read from preg books tt induced can be 3 ways:

- drip for oxytocin (not sure if I got the name rite)

- breaking water bag

- combo of above

Dun worrie, I think can still ask for epidural though induce ri??



jac- my hubby have been craving for my cooking for a long time and he just recovered from a very bad cold so I just decide to cook something for him before I pop lor... Momotan- I think the weight should be ok ba cos mine at 36 weeks only 2.5kg only... That day when I went out, a aunty ask me if my due date is next year during chinese new year, when I told her I am due in a few weeks timen , she was shock, say that my stomach look small for 36 weeks... Maybe my fats evenly spread? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yes,week38 can induced liao....My friend 2 girls delivered by the same gyane as you too!Dr Ho wasn't pleased with the bb's progress and both pregnancies she was induced at week38[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

She also no dilation or any indication,just bb's weight was too low and wasn't putting on weight at all..but her labor was pretty ok..not too long nor short!

Ater induced staright away asked for epi lor...then won't feel the pain!

To me the pain only during the Induction which takes few min only la...then shortly after that i felt the contractions...

week 37 bb weight 3.5kg ..heavy for docs lor..i asked my gyane yesterday...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]But he wasnt too concerned over bb's weight le....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


waht vivian said is quite true lor...cos from the machine it could only indicate the estimation!THese docs are so experienced,im sure they want best for us unless we have doubt la....

Mine yest said was about 3.2kg but he said to him it's definitely above 3.5kg after feeling my tum tum with his hands!!!*gulp*

With your history of GD,it's good to listen to him and DON"T WORRY !!!!JIA YOU!!!EPIDURAL WILL BE THERE!!!hyiak hyiak..


you are right on that the facts on induction[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I had both!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i see the hook i wanna faint liao!But doc can laugh somemore...asked me don't see so much!!!hahahhaa....but Hb said he when he saw ..he felt the pain too.....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Princess D/ Vivian

what you girls said are true...i am also gng ahead with gynae's sggestion...he has my interest at heart [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yeah lor weight is an estimation...that's why gynae scared bb may be big though scan shows 3.5kg lor...


then i think my #2 was also induced though i already have contraction and dilated at 4cm. Cuz i was put on drip and water bag burst by gynae also...

okie tuesday it shall be then!!!!


my induction starts with inserting tablet at 8am n strap on ctg but not much progress. So doct order drip at 230 pm but advise me to take epidural before they start drip... Cos he say induced contractions more painful. I don't remember he burst waterbag.. N I was in painless state n full dilation by 8pm...


i asked the midwife from gleneagles what they do with the placenta, they said they discard them or burn them.


u third timer lei still so scared? heheheee.. induction is so common nowadays it might very well be a norm now. they might/might not insert cytotec into your vagina first to speed up dilation. then burst your waterbag and the put u on drip. your body will handle the rest. i find that the thigh jab pethidine also helps to speed up dilation. u can try that if you're not taking epidural. i'm pretty optimistic that your labour will be faster this time.


Whoa! U are going to see yr No 3 veri fast!!

Irish is oso undergoing c-sect that day! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Slurps, just had an overdose of sushi for dinner! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


jia you! U can do it! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oh? Not small huh.

Die lah, I hv been feeding bb durian mooncakes & beef for the past 2 wks!

Duno now will be too big mah?

I always tot my tummy looks small but those aunties in offc said my tummy is v big loh.

But I think I can nvr surpass Princess/Irish. Hahaha!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Basically as with all hospitals, once you choose a ward, they do not allow downgrade. In exceptonal cases, like severe complications and you say you cannot afford, then they will access whether its true before they allow downgrade - i.e. not at whim and fancy else very hard to administrate.

Your package should include 2 packs of maternity pads and 1 pack of disposable panties. Extra they will likely charge you but it should be enough. Else can ask husband to go downstairs and buy.


I will wake baby up to feed.

They wil throw away the placenta.


Don't be too gentle. Use modified cradle method for more control. Else both you and baby suffer. Is there a lactation consultant to teach you?


Sorry to say this hor. But if you are worried about baby needing NICU, then shouldn't you choose KK? KK's NICU facilities and expertise is much better than most private hospitals.


rest well girl, u must be very tired.. regarding the bill... at least bb is safe and sound.


okie...thanks for the info. i was told they let you sign something such that if u do not want your placenta, they will do whatever they deem fit, donate maybe?


dont worry, im sure you will be well dilated before induction. by then no need much induction liao =) 2nd/3rd time mummies much faster de..

re: gynae visit

my bb is 3kg at 38w... hmmm, gynae also say might induce in case bb get too big (she thinks it is at least 3.2kg) or i'm past 40 wk. in any case, seeing gynae next fri to decide. hopefully i'm past first stage of labour by then or bb decides to come out herself! =D

ladies n Ian

I ve just received a msg from Vivian that she Is going to deliver tonight! Her BP is high! Let's us all pray for her to have a smooth, safe n fast delivery [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yah etelle,

I think its her. She mentioned just now gog for chkup.


u noe wat happen mah?

I rem her Edd was end of oct.

Hope she hv a smooth delivery!!

Vivian, jia you!!


Yes!!!!!!!! I was shocked lor!!! It came too fast eh???? Think she was at her gynae's clinic la.. Not sure either .. She msg me to say she delivering later!! I was like watt?????

princess d,

Thanks for informing! She's only 35 weeks now I think! Hope she and baby will both be fine and baby won't need to go nicu.


Jia you!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Princess D

oh my oh my oh my...haha everyone popping before EDD....jitters jitters jitters!!! Wish her all the best! But how many wks is she nw?


Think I should let you guys know n cheer for her!!! It came too suddened to me too! Cos etelle , she n I was chatting about inductions just few mins ago n then I received her msg !![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] bb Rhea cant wait [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Dunno le? Lets wait for her! Think she must be not prepared too, Cos it came too suddened ! her BP was v high n was on bedrest n meds! Think it s still quite high ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

28 oct not a good date ah? Why so many mummies who're due on 28 all experiencing early contraction? Including myself. Aiyo our babies dun like that date.

I'm now at normal ward still monitoring contractions. If tml ok, I can go hm. Hope baby dun give me anymore surprise n guai guai. I dun feel the contraction but everytime they strap me to CTG the contraction will start.

After hearing Shin's hospital bill, I'm quite worried. But all 3 nights im staying in 4-bedded so hopefully not too costly.

Pearlyn, u ok now? Can share yr bill? Btw I checked with my insurence agent about preterm labour. Apparantly it's not considered complications so cannot claim. Even if baby need to stay nicu, they only pay 1% of the cost per day. But that's for prudential. I bought the maternity risk rider. U check with yr agent.


hope u n baby are ok. Update us when u r better. Jiayou


I got Internet cameras at home from D link to monitor maid while I m in e office. I view via netbook with mobile boardband. Can also view from my iPhone. But can lose connectivity at times and can b lag. E worse part s e setup. I pulled hair so many times liao. Once up, everything still acceptable.


I am very xian abt set up.. both me n hub are not IT inclined...

Actually my house 3 storey, i also duno how many cameras i need to get all the views!!

BTW, an update, i just confirm 1 maid today... dun pin high hopes, just get her in n see how.. she is married with 3 kids never work overseas b4.. willing to go without off day for $20 extra... just hate the 6 weeks wait again!!

think u must prep your maid on the new BB arrival so she knows life will be different after bb comes... your DD will stick to u even more.. so the maid need to be even more on the ball with NB.

abit bored, went to youtube to watch c section video.... quite gruesome.. i am not scared but just cant help pitying myself being cut open so many layers then kana push n tug.... no wonder the recovery is so so painful....

hopefully my gynae and the cute anethetist can humor me during the op...wonder if gynae will dim the lights this time round to help relax me...

Seabreeze, let off your frustration here and be calm. Cos you already so busy so much on your plate, cannot get agitated. Hope your dad is better now. Your boss not looking forward to the handover isn’t? 1 week before EDD if you pop earlier how? 37 weeks consider full term liao.

Princess Diamond, hope you are not hurt by the accident. That man just unlucky to bump your car.. he he he. Thanks for sharing about Vivian, will cheer and pray for her.

Shin, glad that you are home now. Rest and sleep well.

Apple, if they have a lactating consultant try to get her to help. If you need a break, just pump and feed by bottle and try again later. Don’t get stress over it.

Jadefeet, hope your new maid will be ok. Not easy to mange 2 maids in the house though.

ZuEn, very difficult to set up. I managed to set up once thereafter got problem, uninstall and reinstall doesn’t work. Got frustrated I just leave it turn on but no recording but told the maid that it is recording.

Green lemon

I bought from market, not sure it is the correct lemon or not. It looks like the yellow lemon but smaller a little bit. It is seedless and has more juice than the mid size green lemon. I asked if it is from Thailand, he said no. Ask another shop the owner says yes. So I just buy to try lah.

Hi, I am from the Jan 2010 mummy. Would like to let go of the following items. Please call/sms me at 9184 6259..


Letting go of the blue rocker (used less than 3 times) at $20, and the orange infant car seat (in very good condition) at $45.

Went out shopping alone today, looking for nursing bra. Went to JL and saw the eternity ones, and I’m surprised that their largest cup only comes in B! In the end, got 2 from maternity exchange. I realized I can no longer walk for more than 10mins w/o resting. So breathless, and I wonder how Princess D managed to go shopping with her big tum tum! Pei fu! No more shopping for me already, the moment i reached home, got to lie on bed to rest. Like machim went for marathon. Too tired to even handle my boy.

Princess D,

Thanks a lot for the website on the nursing shawl! I received mine today, love the material. Thank god no one was injured at the accident!


Wow, able to see your bb next week! So exciting! U better listen to gynae and rest more. Dun be too stress & worried too much. Let nature takes its course and things will just fall in place.

Shin, Pearlyn,

Glad that you girls can discharged! Rest well!


You saw me? Aiyo, I very blur, dunno how to reg. Nope, Woody didn’t do a VE, only scan my stomach and gave me admission letter to standby. My next appt will be next tues. Did Woody tell u how many weeks u r now? Nvm, if you think u wanna b on the safe side, just go and c him next week. He won’t say anything wan lah. Yes, just make sure bb kicks u at least 10x a day. He also din mentioned booking of room to me. My #1 also dun have. But never mind lah, so long go in give birth got room can ald. Even booked, bb might not come out on the day itself.


What nonsense lah, ur MIL! Using the same character will ‘ke’ your bb? Where did she heard that from? It’s your own bb, dun care what she said. You have a right to name whatever you wan.


Your bb is of a good weight! I hate the feeling of breaking the waterbag! Like kena ‘raped’ by my doc liddat! This time round, I hope my waterbag will just break by itself.

Vivian, Jia you! Update us soon!


Reporting live from mt. A delivery suite.

And nope, baby Rhea not out yet.

Here's wat happen:

Me went for my 35 weeks checkup just now at 7.30pm.

Bp shot up as high as 160/110.

Scan baby and luckily head still down, and she is 2.8kg liao. She facing inwards somemore which doc say good for natural delivery.

Doc say maybe can wait till next week. Then she measure my bp again.

Still very high at 160. So she decided to do VE. And i am 1.5cm dilated liao. So she say better admit NOW coz bp too high plus my rashes which might be due to some liver problems. So told to admit at 11pm.

Totally never expected that but Bo bian lah. Went back settle my boy, bathe, packed and admit. During the period, I start to experience contraction too.

Once reached, bp still high, contraction is 3-5mins apart which most likely triggered by the VE, draw lots of blood for tests and given enema to poo.

Just insert the pill to soften cervix and now wait wait wait liao.

Contractions getting stronger now and hopefully managable bah.

End of report. Hopefully next report in will be news on arrival of little Rhea. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks for all the cheering!!!

Vivian, wishing eveything smooth smooth for u.

Finally got discharged and everything a mess back at home. Two young parents trying to cope, feel a bit scare n etc.

On naming, feel a bit scare I will really ke her... Ask my dad If he heard before he say got .... Haiz, ask him how he also no ans. We b z settle Down also din really talk. Thinking of changing the Chinese character with same sound but I a bit sian. I also dunno.

Currently pump n try to latch. Even ebm she also dun wan to drink. I think she has difficulty with drinking.

woke up several times to wee wee! Finally now... Wide awake!!!!!!


Your case, better ask some professional to do for you lor?

What most of friends did was only at the area where they spent most time like kitchen, back yard, living hall n nursery/Childs room only!

But some of my friends who went All the way like setting it up In all corners of their house oso got problem!! Their maids buay tahan being watched all the time n got worried then resign![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My friend who is very good in setting up all these is one of them! They are extremely nice couple but bcos both leaves their house at certain time n bb still young... They have to leave the child alone with the maid sometimes but only for few mins!initially they had it in every corner ofvtgeir house even in all bedrooms but not hers la... 2 of her maids resigned! Said it was difficult if the owner watched them like dat??? Then we were saying ... Well, if they do nothing wrong, why worried???? Haaa...

Up to you lor, to me... I ll put one in the hall n the girls room! Tt should be sufficient as I'm a SaHM! I dun need the maid to handle tgr kids! My dd is very independent .. N the maid dun sleeps with her!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks for your concerned! Yea! Thank god nonone wScinjured n he is just unlucky la..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] heeee

Yup yup! That's the lemon! The seedless Thai green lemon !![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]^.^


You are welcome! Glad that you also like the material ! So soft rite ?

You were at marina square ? U saw their Size at JL???? How funny was that rite? So small!!! I'm

Not a big busty mommy but the bra size try left really pathetic lor leave no room fir expansion !!lol


Thanks for the updated table ..^.^


Keep us inform when possible ! U really jumped Q le!!.... Hahahaha...

Need help, what to do when leaking milk? Cannot be always pump out right?

Came back to see if Vivian has popped. Jia you!


No need to pump as this might increase your milk supply and make your engorgement worse. You can try to stop the leaking by pressing hard on your nipples or use the breast pads to soak the leak. If you intend to store milk you can get those milk shells to contain your milk.

Morn all,

Woke up to pee and saw vivian's post. So excited for her! Wa.. So far all those who popped are before edd leh.


Jia you! Keep us updated.


Jia you! My bp measured 170/110 when I was wheeled into the delivery ward 2+ years ago. Once baby out, everything will be alright le. Now that bb already 2.8kg, should be good enuff liao!


The cameras can only deter. Cos loads of blind spots and connectivity comes on and off. Hb and I also not IT savvy, spent so much time trying to install the cameras, so much shouting at the IT guy over the phone. Haha. I used the cameras when my girl used to spend time alone with maid, now dun dare liao, so cameras also sitting there collecting dust niah.


Haven used the cams for awhile liao. Duno if it still works. ;p I brought 3 cams lor. If cannot work, I think I heartache.

Re: Plan to get to Hospital

Was discussing with hb what to do if I suddenly need to pop. Hb still innocently asked me if he can take a shower in the office (he's in hard labour job) before fetching me to hospital. -.o" He really think that his son will guai guai wait for him. My 1st labour only 6+ hours. I will laugh if I can make it to hospital in time lor. Hohoho.

Has Vivian popped? Hope smooth delivery for her!

Nycmum: I'm on the CTG machine right now..and same when I'm the machine I get a few contractions.. But they are definitely not as regular as tuesday's. So I'm hoping to b discharged later on! But slight dilemma cos in hospital got professional care..go home haf to b more alert..& careful myself.

I'm now in 2 bedder ward..not too sure abt eventual costs but I'll b doing my claims anyway.. Hee..

So if u ok today can discharge too? Hope for the best!

morning mummies~

hi pearlyn, hope u can be discharged today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Manually bursting water bag

When i had my #2, i as on epidural when water bag was burst by gynae so no feeling le...but hor tis time round wonder will epidural come first or water bag burst first...abit scared...

water bag burst without epidural pain or not ah??


yeah keep us posted...the inserting of the pill to soften cervix pain??? gynae burst ur water bag put on drip yet?


Princess D, glad that your accident was a minor one & no one was injured.

Apple, you must be glad to be home. As for baby's chinese name, just go with what you & hubby have decided. Like what has been said, the surname has been passed down for generations.....never heard of anyone being 'ke' by the surname which is handed down many generations.

