(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Hi Mummies! Past few days i have been very busy! Attended a wedding in my platform shoes and manage to go for a lunch gathering yesterday with my-classmates who were July mummies. I also went to BHG to check out nursing bra and manage to buy 2 more.

Here's a pic of the nursing bra i bought - very comfy! Cost $12.90 only!


All of you are so active here, i'm gonna take some time to go thru all the archives before i know what is going on!


princess D

My mummy lor!! She had this one box from bakerzin so I ate a few small pcs... Den the other day she bought frm another hotel and I ate 1/4 pcs... My MIL brought back 1 box from tung lok and now I don't dare eat Liao!!!!!! Hahahhaah didn't know mooncakes can do such wonders [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] scary!!


Your girl very cute [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hello!! Still have energy to go out woh.. Good good!!!

I nv buy a lot of nursing bras leh... Only 2 and 2 tube ones.. But I have 6 normal without padding and no wire ones... I reckon since I will wear at home den it should be alright lah... Anw will be inside room when BFg.. Hehehe


young looking, gd mah!

I oso want! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: PJ

thks shin & princess for ur replies.

If i tell my hb I want to buy smore PJ, he sure flip. Hahaha

think those prev dress type I bot are too tight to wear le!

Hi cyn,

long time no see! Hahah.

Hey, hv dr woody done any VE for u yet? I'm v stress with this. Hahhaha!!

I duno want to ask him abt the abdominal binder mah.

He looks so serious all the time!

Shin, actually i got no energy to go out liao but because the wedding invitation came 2 years ago, i had to attend! And i am a vainpot mummy and dun have any nice flats to match the black dress i wore, so i end up wearing my platform heels. I took a MRT to City hall and when i walk past those people, they just have to take a second glance to check if i am pregnant or just fat.....so funny!

Yesterday, catch up with my ex classmates for one last gathering before i pop, they were 1st time mums too but pop in july, so i get to hear them share their birth stories and of course stories about their much terrible confinement done by MIL! Highlight was the koi bubble tea i bought home! I had a great week!

Momotan - i was also thinking of getting more PJ but cannot find nice one leh...yesterday saw a nice satin one at BHG - $59.90 , wanted to buy but then....too small for me! How are you? Did ur hubby manage to get another letter from Dr. Woody?

Jac, baby started crying very badly when dad wan to change her soiled diaper. Scare thé dad n hé panic.

Whim, Think she wan to press thé blood out? Anyway hère got some very gd nurse n some very tradition ones.

Btw, my feets look very normal since yesterday. Nô more swollen. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Haha that was then! Now I feel like aunty leh.. Duno why.. Hahaha


Everytime I wanna buy, my hb will say "so ugly! So aunty!" hahaha he say since I will be wearing at home, normal tshirt and shorts can Liao... Which is true! Hehe

momotan - my appt with him is on next tuesday, think i will ask him about the binder and whether can do b-wax! Next week is my 36 weeks, hopefully he won't do VE yet la....messy down there leh! *blush*


Hahaha the way u said it was funny!!! Of cos u look pregnant lah!!! But becareful wo... Good to look pretty but not advisable to wear platform shoes when u are 35wks pregnant! Haha!! Ur baby also very impt leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hehhe

Rest well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] anyway u r already on HL den gonna continue straight with ML right? No need go back see ur disgusting boss right??? Hehee

tomato, agree w/ the ladies. Can get the binder from hospital, but sure not free. One brand that we were talking abt previously is Dale (medical brand) and sold at hospital pharmacy. Guardian sells other brands of binders and there are mummy brands who sell binders too (my is from one of the mummy brand).

Anyone got experience whether if there is any price difference if the nurses give stuff to u vs u buy from hospital pharmacy urself? Am thinking if normal maternity napkin costs $6 at the pharmacy, does the hospital charge me >$6 (do they mark up)??

Teoong, I agree w/ princess d, I've heard that to be effective, must wear the binder immediately (I plan to wear 1 from day 1). Just dunno whether I shd buy another binder for spare when during washing.

Think Melissa's binder already super loose on her coz she lost so much weight. Dunno if I can be so lucky to have the same 'problem'.

Princess Diamond, maybe next monday, tuesday or wednesday Can go Home. Feel a bit surreal to me but I din cry. When baby first pût on m'y breast, she open her eyes n look at me. So surreal.

Emmie, yar to help with thé shrinking of thé uterus n blood discharged. M'y discharge like not alot.

Btw, these few days nô milk n i only ever saw 2 drops or 3 of colostrum n they been making baby suckle then pût a thin straw with milk when baby suckle n fake milk fr me to baby. A bit sian 2 days liao not a drop. Hope tomolo at least CAn see milk.

I thot aft deliver thé brain Will receviez signal n shortly aft ask breasts to start at least a bit. But nothing at all wor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Shin - yup, it is leave all the way for me already! Hip, Hip, Hurray! I feel so much happier resting at home!!!! Still had contractions on, off and hardening of my belly but at least i get to lie down and have a good rest. I find it hard to walk now, belly so heavy... wonder if baby is engage already cos i can feel him being lower...the answer will only be revealed next tuesday -can't wait!

Princess diamond, i noe they trying to help but pain pain when presséd. Most pain is thé stiches la. I thinking if they Can Côme out with hapidural for thé delivery, they sûre sonore or later CAN come out hapidural for stitched n etc. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Apple, I tot the epidural equivalent for stitches is local anaesthic (wrong sp, I know) when being sewn and painkillers for when LA wears off?


Good for you!!! Happy mummy = happy baby... Hehe

I'm also having contractions on and off and when I told my gynae, she say not painful it's ok cos it's BH and the muscles are just preparing for real labour! Now that u can rest, it will be good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope to hear good news from you after ur checkup on Tuesday!

To all mummies and ian: Enjoy the rest of the weekend! Soon we will be all bz with our little ones [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hello Cyn

hee...best ah!now can rest n relax all the way!!!good for you!hey,the bra sure looks comfy!


i wanted to asked you earlier if 2pc scared incovenient,go find some excuse to shop again le!!!wahahahahahahah....


no nice ah?Dun wear lor...sure Nice!!!!lol

but there are really nice n simple one around...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i advised my gf not to buy those expensive and nice nursing bra that comes w/o slot for bra pads simply because,if it doesn't comes with the bra pads,it will show your perky nipples for sure!!Cos with the suckling n expressing,your nipples will tend to be longer and bigger thatn usual!Unless you ladies don't mind showing off la...but i mind as it's gross!!So those w/o pads can wear at home......[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


WoW!Good,please take this few days to rest as much as you can while in the hospital...Take care..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I'm seeing him on 27/9 @ 37wks.

T/a it's once a wk liao!! Count down! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

he gv my hb another ltr bu he said saf v rigid one, so most likely cnt defer.

His words turn out to be true loh.

Hb can only get off-pass & still hv to go for outfield during my 36wks!

Hope bb guai guai stay inside loh.


yes, shin! Sm really look auntie loh.

But actually those type of pj quite comfortable!


u want to buy which type?

If it's 2 pc button downs, I saw sm at tpy central.

I will chk it out next wk when i visit my dad.

I u interested, let u noe the px later.

I oso bot some long oversize tees online < $10/pc.

V comfy & the huge size will definitely fit our huge tummies.

But bi so much for convenient bf though..


Hahha...happidural does the work DURING chilbirth!After that cannot help lor..huhuhuhuh,i oso wished if they happidural so that u won't hear ppl sitting on a float for that!LOL[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so must bear with the pain dwn there lor..that's why must rest..few more days,it should be ok wan...do they give you pain killer for that?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Wah!!You are defintely showered with lots of nice yummy mooncake ah!!hahah..

i told HB if only gynae said must go in tmrw..then today die die must whack on mooncake!wahhaha ....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


when my hb called me just now,

I alr report to him those prev ones canot wear liao!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so no choice, later he has to go shopping with me!! Hahahhaa!!


I craving for santouka ramen!! Slurps!

momotan, santouka is excellent choice!

I want to whack crabs & prawns as much as possible now before confinement!

Marrissa, ur Hb so cute.

Mélissa, a little disappointing In bf but i know it might not Côme so fast but i scare i really nô milk how. Baby been drinking cold milk leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

princess d, wat do u mean by nursing bra have those slots for nursing pads?

The ones I have now are the drop down cups (double-'layer' w/ the clip), I didn't see any slot anywhere... can advise?



yes! I love santouka! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Last time I cna hv it for 3-4x per mth! Hahah!

But aft I had the santouka in tokyo in feb, I hv not hv it since!

I just had oysters, crabs & lotsa seafood recently too!!

We sure need our comfort food for all these physical discomfort! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Jiayou on bf!

Can tk fenugreek mah?

Read tt it can help to kick start supply.

hello princess! Yeah, now i can relax and sleep all i want, rest more before baby pop!

Momotan - hope ur bb guai guai stay inside until his daddy finishes his reservist! Actually i have 3 Pjs already , those button down type but then now when i tried it on, the button keep on opening by itself cos my belly is so big...so i wonder after birth if i can fit into it?

Anyway, if u see any good buys, do update me ya! I'll go check it out!

woah i left the PC for a few hours already so many posts!


sometimes milk comes in as latest as 5 days. it's possible that your baby has so many reserves in her tummy that's why she's not suckling a lot. no worries, in due time the milk will come in. keep an open mind. most mothers fail at breastfeeding simply because they don't even trust themselves. must learn to love and respect yourself lei..

and you were talking about episiotomy stiches right? before episiotomy is performed gynae usually inject you with anesthetic to numb it, then stitch u up. the pain killers are not really for the stitches, but the contractions of the uterus post-delivery. i was on pain killers for 3 days straight b'cos the contraction is really quite intense. as for the stiches pain, now, as of 10 days post partum, no more pain. yay.


i put on the binder myself. if nurse and gynae wants to check and poke poke it took it off lor. anyway this is Singapore hospital. my gynae is a married woman with children and so are the nurses. they understand completely. when my gynae saw my binder, she even commented i put on too high, should be a bit lower.. hahaha.. so i adjusted lor. and no it won't cut into your pants. you should be concerned that it might cut into your pads! but actually it's not that bad. it's purely psychological. i been stitched 3 times once you get used to it, it's ok actually. just don't think much about it. and keep your legs together.


better put on binder lor, you won't regret. it's a tried and tested suggestion mah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


better bring your own pads. when the nurses checked on me and noted that i have soaked my maternity pads, they asked if i brought my own pads. i said i did and they help to ransack my bag for me, put it on and put on my sticky pad in disposable panties for me. they say if you expect hospital to supply all, can be quite expensive. mine is gleneagles lor. private hospital always like to mark up prices.

i am in hospital gown on first night anyway b'cos first night is when doctors and nurses will come bother you a lot so with hospital gown it's easier for them to check on you. it's only on the next day that i changed to my own clothes. bring a jacket it could get really cold.


Wha i meant is those non padded nursing bra,which Mothercare and Thriumph or Marks n Spencers type....ensure that they do have slot for nursing pads or bra pads..

Some drop down bra like some of them bought from Eternity are slightly padded which is good enough.However,some nursing bra are not padded at all..but doesn't comes with a slot for pads!

These are the ones that i encourage to wear at home!

Some non padded bra does comes with a slot for bra pads!Those are the ones tat is good to buy cos when at home you don't need to put on the pads,but when you are out,at least the slots are able to keep the pads in place...

Melissa, thanks for e advice! Think i'll pack some pads in e hospital bag. How many did u bring/use during hospital stay? Should i be ks and bring 20 for 2 nite stay??

Princess d, so so... think i understand. Will go check out more diff brands of nursing bras, so i can buy e right ones after delivery.

Jadefeed: You can try my fortune teller tel. 67417377 call jin Zhi long. Used him since my wedding. The charges r $120 n the delivery date also calculated base on u n yr hubby. He will give u 2 dates to chose in case gynae cannot made it. You can also call him if both dates gynae r not available no extra charges he will check another date for u.


wah 20 ah? too much liao. i brought a whole pack of 20 but it has been half used. so it's 10. but i only used 3-4 during my 2 nights stay there. maybe 10 will ok lah just in case you bleed a lot.

Whim, yes u r right. When sew, nô feeling so happy, but when nô more épidural, image thé wound trying to heal, got pain killer but still hurts like hell. Pain killer does not kill thé pain engh sometimes or most of thé Time.

Mélissa, yar thanks. I trying to havé more confidence with myself. I Think u are right abt thé pain killer is for contraction but m'y stitches hurt more act and if without pain killer i really Will feel even more jia lat jia lat.

I already got épidural so Dun need anesthetic.

Momotan, yes I got thé ferngreek at Home. Will see how it goes tomolo....

Momotan, i miss all e food in japan... agree w u on once u've tried e food in japan, even when e shop opens in Singapore, not as nice as in Japan.

Melissa, 20 is too many? Did/or are u using normal pads also? My fren told me can use normal pads once e lochia lessens

Apple, huh, even e painkillers dun dull e pain enuff? I think i better ask e doc for super strong painkillers beforehand.

Re: hb see delivery of baby

When I was delivering dd, hb didn't want to see but gynae asked him to see. After delivery, he told me tat e blood smell was overwhelming, like in one of those old time wet market. Hohoho.


I rem tat e swimming float n nipple cream were my best friends for awhile after I delivered. Hoho.


Haaaa... Yea man! I oso kena a Winnie the pooh float kor!!! Wahhaaaaaaaa... But didn't help much cos plus the pain in my womb n surgery ! I'm better off be a dead man lying on the bed ... Wahhaaaaaaaa .. Eh, my float still around le!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] heeeeeeee....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi ladies, still up? Just came home from whole day out. Was in church then went for looong dinner and drinks. Body super tired plus ankles swollen.


The bra you have is the same one I bought from John Little. Bought 2 pcs. Super comfy!!


Hope the pain down under there goes away soon. How you handling the peeing though? Read in pregnancy mags that some women press a pad against the stitch area when peeing/pooing to avoid agitation to the wound. Is it necessary to do that?

hi jac! I am still here...suffering from insomnia, must be too upset over my haircut [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Go rest early since you were out the whole day, will soaking ur leg in warm water help to relieve the swollen ankles abit?

actually i just wanted to trim the split ends on my hair, end up the hairstylist chomp off the whole chunk of my hair, now my hair is shorter than shoulder length....feel so ugly! And she cut my fringe too, did some layering...make my hair look so frizzy!

Hubby says he like my new hairstyle cos look more energetic and young but....i am hating it!

Hihi mummies n Ian

Jac me also still up. Just now went to take a nap before dinner. But shd have no prob sleeping again hehe…

Nowadays energy very low.

Go take a hot shower then ask ur hubby to massage ur feet for u. =)

Been busy last few days. Today also got to work.

Went Gynae this morn n check water level, water level still normal. Did VE also. *shy* Gynae said cervix still close, so still got some time b4 delivery.

Went John little to check out the bras but can't find suitable one. In the end got a 2 pack nursing bras from mothercare.

Cyn u don't like ur new haircut?

Apple ur baby is such a cutie! Do rest well!

give it some time to 'season', should get better in a few days. Sometimes I will hate my new haircut esp if new style, but will start liking more once seasoned in a week or so. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] you have round face so I think short styles look cute on you!

hihi babydes! Ya, dun really like my haircut now, but like what jac says, hope my hair will look better by next week. Otherwise, i look like a aunty lor!

Jac - yeah, i use to have alot of aunties who like to pinch my face when i was working in retail the last time!


Hubby in lalaland already! Think the swelling will go off by morning and anyway not bothering me so just leave it. How come can't find suitable nursing bras from JL? What types were you looking for?

Cyn don't worry ur hair will grow out in a while esp now our hair n nails all growing very fast.

Wow the thread is really going very fast even on a Sat! Hard to keep up!

