(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


Tired, but brain like in overdrive and baby is kicking my bladder rather vigorously. Her head bopping against my diaphragm, making me a bit breathless. How to sleep? Haha!! Anyway tmr Sunday. Shall sleep in..


No wonder. The sizes there more suitable for smaller boobs like mine. LOL!

Cyn Ya I thk I got to check out the online sites. Buy 1 or 2 to try first. Mothercare ones are quite ex.

Anyone getting a baby monitor?

Now not just energy low. I walk a bit I got to breathe hard. Tummy also heavy. But my hubby keep saying must walk more so that delivery will be easier. But really not easy leh

babydes, my friend who is very busty recommended the site to me, she say we should go to mothercare to try the size first before ordering online....so you might want to do just that... but then, the other 2 mummies whom i have met for lunch yesterday told me not to get too much nursing bra, cos when we do confinement at home, can dun wear bra! just have 2-3 pieces good enough...

As for baby monitor, i bought a philips baby monitor because baby is gonna be sleeping in a separate room since there's no room to put a cot in my bedroom now.

Jac - the lil one inside us just love to kick us so we find it hard to sleep ya? I can't find a comfortable position to lie down anymore, when i try to turn, my belly will hurt!

Jac I wish mine are smaller. Smaller sizes are easier to find n prettier. Those big ones usually look very auntie![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

That time I went BKK my fren asked me to help her buy DKNY(di ku nen yi). I so happy coz her size got so many pretty n sweet ones. I helped her get a lot of sets. Haha…

Ok girls I turning in. Got to go church tmr! Will try n catch u gals tmr! Nitey!

didn't buy baby monitor..

K, I'll try to sleep too! Night... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wah u three still up?

Think I'm the only one here still![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just got up to pee n now wide awake[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] HB not around n my heart is palpilating [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] dunno y seems to be racing in faster pace ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Trying to stay calm.............,,.,


I bougt bb monitor!

Kiddy palace n mothercare are selling this philips brand monitor for $150 up:$299!

We grab it tt day cos we ve seen the same model n it's selling $299 the most with 20% off only[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

It was a good buy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Now I'm thinking wat to do ???

hi princess...

i also got up to pee and now wide awake....... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] been like this for a while liao ... sigh...

Talking abt float, m'y Hb contemplating to buy for me because m'y butt hurts. I Think he help me see thé butt got 1 pimple. Hé say is simple not piles but i Think i feel thé stiches pain because of thé butt pimple. Or i Think is thé butt pimple that is painful.

Jac,thé first Time i pee, thé nurse help to spray water down under. So now everytime i pee, i Will spray and change also. Now i Dun pee as much. Dun havé thé urge also. But i do pee like that n it doesn't really hurt that much. I Think is thé pimple or wat that hurts alot, that is causing thé hurt.

Babydes, thanks. Baby looks like me alot alot. Kekke. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Princess Diamond, hope u Will feel better soon.

Cin Cin, hope u Can sleep well too.

Good morning All.....

Happy Sunday!!!!!

Cin Cin

hey,Im actually been awake since then...still cannot sleep....surprisingly i m not tired at all...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But maybe i should take a nap later[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Going out for breakfast!


Pimple from before or just developed?The pimple must be very close to your stitches izit that's why you are feeling that much pain?

Wah..the nurse so good,help you to spray water while you pee?Will it be better to sit on a pail of warm water with salt?This was thought by a doc and some massage lady for fast recovery of wound!

Please take care and rest well...

YOur baby really looks like you....

Enjoy your Sunday everybody![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Do u guys pee alot at night? i have to get up to pee every 2 hour at least! I'm trying to convince that there's not much to pee but i still feel the urge and cannot tahan.

princess d,

the philip brand monitor have video or just sound? I'm not sure if to get one too, dunno if it's rude to be monitoring baby when he's in the confinement lady's room during the first month.


good to know ur legs no more swelling. I've standby a float already just in case coz my friend told me she happened to have some piles and hurt badly when she sit up to breastfeed all the time.

morning all! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

talking abt floats... i better go check if the float that we still have is still working... no holes anywhere :p

Morning ladies,

Can I check with experienced mummies is it of any concern that my gynae say I got the strep B bacteria leh. That day went for the checkup then he say got. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

He say will inject antibiotics on the day of delivery.

Any mummies also like that?


Totally agreed! Those nice print bras look so nice in small sizes but when the same prints are blown up in big size bras, they look bad liao. I had been sticking to one colour bra for a long time Liao.


I m gg to use one of my dd's spare float. Hope she doesn't scream at ms for sitting on her float. Hehe.

Re: weight gain

Tummy not feeling well recently and haven been eating much but was so surprised to see my weight jumped by 1kg this am. -.o" wat happened? I no water retention leh. Sian.

Zuen, better make sure that's not her fav float! think i deflated one during my last confinement... the current one we have is probably my son's. :p

good morning mummies,

re: leg swelling

realy had elephant feet last week, yesterday miraculously, it subsided. my feet returned to normal!

Countdown to begin: my Swelling no. 1, 2 more to go to prove the old wives tale right/wrong =D

Enjoy this lazy Sunday Mummies!!


i also have strep B during my #1. As long as detetced then during delivery they inject the antibiotics inside the drip then everything be fine. It's quite common, so dun worry too much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


tell me about it. Me also keep peeing at least twice a night. cannot dun go type le..bb head like pressing hard on bladder...


no video,got music n talk back function.....

cos i have already have an installed camera tha links to all the phones and computer incld my iPad..

But will only used this when the CL leave..i agreed that it is not nice to turn it on when she is in the room..

The camera is in my DD's room![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


maybe i anxious, and bored, and restless =D

old wives tale, my mom say must swell and return to normal 3 times. yesterday i went facial, a lady also said the exact same thing!! wow, you bought your bb monitor at good price lei.. i spent $200 =(

re: maternity leave

mine starts on wednesday! will be very free liao!! any mummies intend to work all the way? my colleagues all ask me dont go office, say i look dangerous! ask me not to pop in office! keeee

re: nursing bra

except for 3 tube bras, my 4 drop cup nursing bras all no padding. cos i thought like that then can put the breast pads? if not breast pads plus padding too padded??


The results from my swap test(dunno whether its strep B cos the doc called it swap test) also showed that I've bacteria. It's yeast infection. Quite common for pregnant women.

The doc didn't mention about antibiotic drips. He gave me two pills to be inserted into V once a week.

Hiya ladies...

Sigh... my rashes are getting from bad to worse...

They are so itchy that I can't even sleep.

Got to rely on taking med to stop the itch but it dun last long. Sigh... 4 more weeks leh... cannot imagine. Argh...


your girl so sweet!! Ya, looks like you leh..

btw, your girl called Hebe??


My gynae says very common for us to have that bacteria.. It's harmless to us but why we test cos if have, need to treat cos if baby comes out naturally, baby will get infection... That's why must treat with antibiotics.. For baby's sake

Re: float

Wahhhhh so kua zhang must use float ah??? Omg!! Although it sounds funny but now I can imagine how painful it might be [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] lol


Take care! Doc got let u apply medicine?

Anyway I know this topic might be discussed before but I was just worrying abt it ytd [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mummies who r working, who's gonna take care of your bb after your ML ends?? I'm really fretting over it now... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Initially I thought of hiring maid and leave him with MiL, but my MIL quite old Liao and seeing some of you have "horror" stories abt having to change maids made me think twice... Hehe.. Also like 不放心 leh... Is there like a childcare centre who helps take care of babies 6mos and above?? And it's reliable??[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Also thinking of being a SAHM but have to help out financially at home too... So headache ah!!!

ok mommy of boys..

i'm trying to apply Desitin to my baby's bum but was wondering if i should apply it on the baby's ball? so far i applied it around the anus area b'cos he poops a lot and it's turning red. i spared the ball. but will there be any harm if i got that covered as well?

princess d,

the float u used for what ah? you got piles?

teeheee.. just updated my username [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/biggrin.gif]


Doc only gave oral med which is for allergy. Supposed to stop the itch but once the med's effect is over, the itchiness starts all over again... sigh... She din give me anything to apply except a skin cleanser. Din really help much. Most likely will ask for some cream or what again when i see her this thurs for checkup... just hope I can endure until then.

Even my hubby saw my butt's rashes also scared... I can scratch until bleed one lor... argh...


I din apply on my boy's balls unless they are red or got rash. Usually only apply on the anus area. Dun think you need to cover that area if it is not affected bah.


I'm also having a case of the itch! Can totally understand what you are going through.. Mine are underneath my belly button only, red and bumpy, caused by the damn stretch marks. Gynae didn't give me anything for them. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Hang in there bah. For instant relieve I am using the prickly heat powder cos got cooling sensation. Keep forgettin to get the olive oil to try out.


My baby will be with my mum after I return to work. Haven't decide/finalize finer details but it's definite she will be taking care of baby. There are infant care centers in Singapore but I don't know much about them so can't recommend. Hope you sort out something! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


im anxious too!hehe..also looking at the swelling..hehehe..eevryday check whether my ankles still there onot?lol


think is a good buy too cos,we saw at other departmental store.....the most give 20% on the smae model however,mothercare n kiddy palace offer a staright sgd150!so must grab!Intend to put bb sleep with Jade...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So need a monitor..the camera we had no sound!So need the Monitor!.....^.^


iyoo...but jsut normal rashes rite?must tak care hor..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Don't worry too much!

before the swap i did asked doc what if contacted the bacteria..he said,usually will go on antibiotics drip during labor![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So don't worry..is veyr common i guess....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Not kua zhang lor...

my mother's day oso kena sat on float!LOLjsut tat their float no cartoon characters!!!wahahhaha...

it helps many mother after birth lor!!!LOL[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

experienced mummies, wanna know how an infant should sleep.. Yesterday I was talking to a mummy friend. She has a boy (8yo) and a girl (11yo). Told me don't bother trying to swaddle baby 'cos it is difficult. Just put baby in the cot on their tummy so that they will sleep better. Any feedback on this? I thought tummy sleeping is not so good and will have higher occurrence of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome)?

Then she also mentioned abt drinking coconut water.. This is a bit strange, not sure if you ladies heard before... When drinking with straw, you have to drink as much as you can from one gulp, 'cos once you let go your straw, the liquid will flow back into the coconut and air will enter the water and next time baby will have persistent cough, asthma etc.. Heard of this before??


No piles,I had another surgery after labor then got pressure n pain whenever im seated...there is this Prof i saw,said sit on a float might help!To me it doesnt help la..but last time my mother's day,they do actually sit on the float to have less pain lor!


To swaddle or not is up to you and bb actually,some babies loved it some don't like it...if the swaddling is correct and to tight enuf for them to feels comfortable,they will like it!But if you swaddle them and leave then undera a fan n no aircon...guess it will be too war for them!

To sleep on their tummy!Apparently many mommies swear by it and says bb sleeps better but PD will not advised to le..so i didn't let Jade sleeps that way because afraid of SID!Somehow when they are 3-4mths when they know how to flip,you will be more consious not to let them sleep on their tummy cos their neck is not strong enough to move!

they might struggled n ended up facing down!Dangerous!!!


Yah I was abt to say maybe you can use prickly heat powder?? Don't scratch anymore until bleed cos got germs ah... Hang in there!!


Thanks for ur reply [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yah I must really go work smth out

Princess D

Yah I told my hb if the time comes and I need a float, ask him go buy.. Hahaha!!!


Now your family complete with 3 kids!!! Any intention to have the fourth one?? Hahahaha


you go ask other mommies of 3 like Seabreeze or Etelle or Cherry.. i'm sure they'll say NO hahaha that's my answer too!

princess d,

i think i remember my aunts sitting on the float too. seems popular in the last generation.


i wouldn't let baby sleep on tummy as well. precisely due to SIDS. in fact no pillows whatsoever.

princess d, Melissa,

Thanks for the feedback on tummy sleeping. This friend of mine said the baby will automatically know how to turn their neck when sleeping face down le... Don't quite believe and don't think I'll try either.. although she swears by this method.


many mother's indeed swear by it!Babies neck will still be soft till at least 6mths!Some still need to be held properly!

Some CL does too!Mine asked me but i refused!They claim that bb sleeps better...i said still said no!...Better be safe bah![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hahaha....hope you don

t need la,i felt better sitting on my pillow hahahaa!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


no, never heard of it, coconut only dont eat the flesh. and i think bb sleeping on tummy quite scary. unless when they much older bah...

re: itch

i have belly itch too. quite unbearable. when i itch i put aloe vera gel and fan it so got cool cool feeling. SM all deep and dark red, quite sad... when i show my friends can see their facial expression. i know it looks ugly... =(

re: lump at armpit

finally found a friend with same case as me, confirmed it's to do with breast milk tissue production. gynae told me not to worry and not to freak out if while pumping, armpit will leak some milk...hmmmm


im very happy with the baby monitor, the lullaby very nice and soothing =D


my mom will be tking care of bb FT. i would think for a year.. then she can go playschool or childcare plus i'll get a FT maid. i think you are referring to infantcare? yes have, only that the babies always fall sick... but i think it is unevitable.

re: sterilize breast pump first time

any mummies do liao? i dunno where to start...


Think I will go research more abt infant care.. But the thing abt babies falling sick, yah I know it's inevitable.. It's to build up their immune sys right? But also like so young to leave them at infant care centers... Haiyo

I also haven't sterilize the BP.. Maybe next week will try out.. Hehe


My dd is so possessive now. If she dun allow, then I buy new float Liao.


E float is not kwa zhang, you will Noe soon. Hehe.

My mum will b helping mr with 2 kids, but I have a maid. I

dun dare to leave my kids alone with maid liao. Bad



When dd in nicu, the nurses always put them on their tummies n they are all nicely wrapped up. supposed to b very comfortable. They all looked like little cacoons. But of course, their incubator is slated n the nurses monitor the babies very closely


Haha yah hopefully mine won't be so painful [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I'm not gonna think abt it and make myself scared.. Hehehe

Anyway my MIL has her own shop so everyday need to bring baby to shop if I leave him with her... So if hire maid also make her follow my mil.. I also don't dare leave him alone with a maid... But my hb not very keen to have a helper around... Haha


only sterlise pump before you use it. Too early now. Sterilization is useful if u use the parts within 6 hours.


I had very bad itch for #1, California bb calendula cream saved me. All the prickly powder or whatever all no use. Try to shower with cold water. Hot water make it worse.


my gynae told me to put 2 layers of pad to have more cushion on the wound while sitting. And he says try to lie down more. Drink more plain water if u can cos those red date tea or other drink will make urine very salty n acidic hence will hurt the wound...last time everytime I pee I sure stand by a small pail of tap water n as i pee i pour water at pee area to prevent stinging...

That day u asked abt breakfast, my mil say bread can eat.. Ham n egg n cheese also can. Just make sure the ham is heated up... No orange juice cos bb will get tummy upset with bf..

oohhhhhh mummies... I think tiffy has given birth!!! Saw her photo on fb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] another baby!!!!! Congrats!!!


my CL told me cannot eat liver as it will reduce bm!!! So no choice this time round I will skip!!!

I m out for last min shopping!! Bought night gowns from mothercare exp!! But comfy no choice...

Oh Yeah! Saw her status and Bb Jaren in fb!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Who's next??

Bb jaren so cute ! Covers his mouth !!!

Glad tt tiffy had a smooth delivery ! Waiting for her birth story ![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

