(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Cherry, I open and see, and did a water test with both nuk and avent teat. nuk got water drip wor. avent I test a few times dun have. Funny....

So I want to ask those who buy avent teat is it we must cut the hole ourselves?

I got 2 diff size avent bottles which comes with the teat and both teats on the bottles no hole...funny......


pigeon also has a teat name 'y teat' , it means non-leak teat or anti-milk leak teat. that's mean if BB dun suckle, the milk will not flow out automatically, milk will only flow out only when BB sucks. this way, BB is e one controlling the suction n milk flow. While e other one is milk will flow automatically even without BB suckle. Some flow is too fast for BB to manage, in e end newborn BB will choke or milk will overflow out of BB mouth during BB milk feeding.

hmmmm.... I found tt today is a lil quiet eh...

Welcome Claudia n congrats !

Your gynae practices in both hospitals? Choosing on hospital is personal choice , you must go for a visit before deciding !

Sounds like a lil late to arrange for a visit ... But no harm trying .

Most if us here is either at MAH or TMC!

My gynae only practices in between these 2 mountains which is MEH n MAH! I chose MAH because I felt extremely comfortable when I went there for a visit ! Rooms are new n clean n food are good! Sisters, nurses n midwives are experienced n nice n most of all ... I was very well taken care of the last time when I had my first child [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Traffic around tt area is not tt bad n it was kinda convenient for me to travel there the last time!

Though I ve since moved to the East, I will still go bk to MAH as I had a wonderful experienced there!

Will leave TMC to some mommy to share with you.

Your Gynae gave u a choice on these 2 hospitals? Most private hospitals are v competitive in services n prices wise is not much a different.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi every1!

been a loooooong time since i've posted but have been reading. sometimes the thread goes so fast I don't know what I last stopped!

The twins are doing well. I am 32 weeks today and will be seeing my gynae on Monday. We booked 10/10 to have my C-section, when I'll be 37w2d. My next "milestone" to cross is to have both of them hit 2kg. Then I can heave another sigh of relief. Getting heavy & hard to walk around!

Kudos to all mummies who've made it this far! For those mummies who need to rest please rest as much as u can!


Wow! I was thinking about how you n ur twins is doing? Great to hear from you again!!!

Glad to know u guy are doing well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]you must be tired by now as your load infront is double of wat we have...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Take care....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mummies and ian!

pinky, good to hear that you are doing well too. Does your gynae charge extra for operating on a sunday?

going for my gynae check later today. last night, my pelvic pain was horrendous... heard a loud cracking sound as i turned. sigh... think I walked too much yesterday.

cincin, i did my strep B test last week at week 34. just a swab at the vagina. Don't think she did the rectum swab. Can't see anyway. :p

Breech position

Last week i went to gynae bb was in breech position then this week 34wks i went bb head down already bt not engaged yet...so want to tell mummies whose babies are currently breech there is hope for turning. Prayer, talk to baby it really works!!!!


i also have GD and i know it when iw as about 30 weeks. Then yeah my bb at current 34 wks estimate to be 2.4kg. I have lost 5kg since i started on the GD diet. Think u can eat more pork, chicken and fish to beef up baby...those durians and high fat food cannot...sad to say...drink milk? Maybe u can consult gynae then what can u eat to beef up bb...but dun stress urself to much on the weight...maybe eat sleep eat sleep can help =)


yeah i also did my strep b and the process somewhat similar to doing papa smear...not to worrie...very fast one...

Had a bad night. Keep waking up n checking baby's movement. I think I super paranoid now. Must calm myself. I think I will go crazy if this goes on. -.o" jia you, jia you.

Hi gals, I am still on MC. Nose still stuffy and still coughing. I thk I better skip the lunch today, dont want to pass u girls the virus. Was looking forward to the lunch [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Good morning mummies and ian!

Thanks all for the concerns! Im already back home last nite for bed rest [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yes i have contraction every 10mins whick may leads to threatened preterm labour as my mucus plug has already disloged, doctor has given 2 painful steriod injection to muture baby lungs just incase really preterm. Am fine now already under control with nifedipine, so now cross fingers to tahan till 28 Sep for my scheduled c-sect.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Avent teats are all means for non-leak teat, milk will only flow out when BB sucks, if not it will not flow out automatically, this is to prevent BB with milk overflow or choke when during feeding.

Like what cherry suggested, try out the test again by press and release the teat a few times, im sure u will see water flow out of the hole [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Also babe, u r just worrying too much le. Pls do take your medicine regularly for the contractions as avised by your gynae. Even my doctor keep telling me to take regularly for the dosages given and dun try to skip even once. SO be good girl k...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

To ladies for the gathering later...

Too bad i cant joun u all le..think we can only meet up again only next year! Nevertheless..enjoy the big feast! Cheers!

Gosh so scary to hear the stories abt pre term. I have been having tummy tightening a few times in an hour,not continuously only like a few times a day.gynae gave me some med cos he says might lead to preterm. I have not been taking them,but now I think I better take them!

My Edd is 10 oct but doc also say expect late sept..and my tum tum is very very low unlike my first.quite scare that I will deliver in office. My colleague delivered the day b4 and only took 2 hrs!!it's her 2nd baby too.

Morning all mummies and Ian [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


great to hear that u r back home. Do rest more at hm and don't carry ur boy fr now.


U take care n rest well too

welcome all new mummies here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning Mummies!

Finally Friday lor!

Irish, glad that you are home. Yeah, Do take care and rest more, minimise movement & carrying #1 for now. **HUGs*

Babydes, you too also rest more! We are at the last lap liao! wait till bb comes, even more bo eng to rest.


Good to hear that your bb has finally turn down! way to go! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning everyone!

Finally Friday! Yay!

Mummies mtg later, enjoy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


great to hear tt u r at home now. JY!

28 sep will come b4 u knew it!

Strep b test:

is this compulsory?

So far my doc hv not mention it.

Ytd I had a nitemare!

Dreamt tt bb come out 34wks, tts next wk?!

Touch wood!! Choi choi!!!

Ohayo Minasan!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

It's the end of the wk again finally! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Drink more fluids and rest as much as possible, rest before your bundle of joy arrives [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Good to know that you've been discharged, minimise carrying your son for now and bed rest! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Take Care!


Good news [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] It's counting down now...


Dun get too uptight relax!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes its compulsory de...cuz the infection can be harmful to bb when they deliver through the birth canal...so if discovered that u have this infection can put on anti biotics drip during delivery....

lilbluey/ teoong

thanks...haha hope that bb engaged soon and dun turn turn again...LOL


take care hor....rest rest rest


think u too stress?

Thanks girls! Ya I have been sleeping a lot.. Maybe due to the medicine. Today woke up early coz the cleaner came in to clean the house.

I have been having this very bad pain at the right butt too. Anyone having the same prob? Sharp pain at certain angle. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi mummies and Ian! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yesterday was buzy and didn't log in to chat.


Please rest well! Glad that you are back home le. Take care! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


You feeling better today? Hope to see you at the lunch later!


Hope you get better soon. Nvm, we will have another outing in a couple of weeks time. You can join us then!


Woohoo! Baby turned down already! I'm still waiting for mine to do that. Will continue talking to her. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks for updating the table. Looking forward to meriting nicole later on!

Mummies attending lunch later, see you all at the Chef Daniel's restaurant! It's reserved under my name at 12.30pm, for party of 14. I'm going to get my gel nails soaked off at heeren first. See u all hot mommas later!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Am sure your baby will listen to you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hee


Me Me!! Baby muz be sitting on one of the nerve thus the pain [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Juz hv to bear with it and wait for them to shift to relieve the pain...

Mummies going for the gathering, enjoy & indulge! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning Ladies & Ian,

Whim, i'm not sure leh but when i went to get the bra at wk 29, the salesgirl told me not to buy so soon as sure will get bigger. not just the circumference but also the cup size. so prob will get when ard wk 36 ba. hopefully bb guai guai stay instead till term.

Irish Coffee, do take care and rest well at home[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Babydes, have a gd rest and drink plenty of fluid

Etelle, glad to know that your bb has turn head down and he's at a gd wt too even though u have lost quite abit of wt. let's continue to keep up the gd diet. our last lap liao.

Zuen, I was like u last night. woke up in the middle of the night poking my tummy to feel the little one movement. so paranoid after knowing the dr diagnosis. whatever it is, God is in control. we must trust that He's watching and guarding our little ones safely. Kao Zu Xi Le okie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


just for your information, Dr Adrian doesnt do strep b test unless you request. He will usually put us on anti-botics drip during birth

morning mummies

is the lunch on today?

i dun think i can go join u gals... cos just got an email fr boss that she wants me to call her at 2pm for a discussion. if i go for the lunch i may not be back in time for the call.

sorry~~ enjoy ur lunch... hope to meet up next time!!

Boohoo I want to go for the lunch leh.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

U girls help me eat my share... enjoy! Take more pics!

Lilbluey, this one is really a pain in the ass. =P i got to move slowly and gently. No big movement. Wish baby will move off that nerve soon..


not easy hor keeping up with the diet....food u crave for cnanot eat...haiz....i want to eat chocolate le...haha durian..haha but yet think of bb's health then say just bite the bullet and hang on bah....we jia you together!!! When did u start ur GD diet? Are u required to prick ur own fingers to monitor the bloodsugar too before and after meal??


I had this severe pain on the left bottom part of my back ytd, no matter how I shift, the pain just doesn't go away, it was so bad that I had to hobble -_-""


Bibizai, Etelle

Juz hang in there for the sake of your babies, most importantly they come out healthy!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning all ...

Looking forward to the lunch later!! Just finishd a morning meeting and so irritated with it ... anyway its Friday!! Dun care abt work liao ...

re: Strep B

My gynae does it for me and for both round I have the infection. Have to go on anti-biotics and they will inject anti-biotcis before the delivery. After that they will either give the bb a jab or they will look out for some signs ...

Wondering if I should tell my gynae to just skip the test since my last delivery was March last yr ... dun think there will be any difference right hahaha

re: nursing bra

Finally got an email from MIM and that they are processing my order. They are now having a sale for nursing bra and nursing wear.


Alo ladies + Ian,

oooo.. today you all meeting for lunch hor...

Have fun!! Gynae say I can only go shopping after i reached 35weeks... keke... can we meet again then?? haha... 3 more weeks to go! Counting down...counting down...

Anyway, after checkup yesterday, sneaked out with hubby to buy some yarns to crochet, managed to drink my coffee bean, got my library books, buy my jelly beans... haha... super deprived sia...

The moment I stepped into chinatown point and saw shops, my god, I was like... "wow... it has been so long since I last saw SHOPS!!" haha... hubby was laffing away...

After walking "a little bit MORE" than usual yesterday (actually it is more like my 2 mths of walking quota), last night was total shack out... now here pain there pain liao... jialat... BUT DEFINITELY WORTH IT!!! haha... me sound so desperate! *blush*

Thks ladies for ur replies on strep b.

D day is coming & I'm still feeling queasy abt showing my bits to my male gynae! *blush


I oso got butt pain but it's on the the left.

It comes & goes off fast. Not sure if same as ur exp?


u so funny! Hahaha.

Nowadys I dun enjoy shopping anymore!!

Morning mummies and ian,

It's Friday!! and my last day in school.. hurray!! My holidays officially starts next week before bb pop. Hope that can finally have a good rest and not so much aches and pain.

Re: How to beef up baby

I think probably drinking milk and eating red meat helps? I have been drinking the Annum Maternal milk ever since preggy till now. And also hv been trying to eat more beef cos of the iron content also.

I did not put on much weight. So far abt 8kg. So think most of the weight went to baby.

Re: pain

I'm also having pelvic pain and it is a torture trying to turn in bed every night. I usually need to get up from the right to go pee, so got to turn from the left to the right. That is so painful!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Good morning mummies & daddy

Mummies who are ordered by doc to rest, Cyn, Vivian, Irish, Apple (hope didn’t miss anyone out cos the list is very long to track back). Please rest well and guai guai listen to doc, just a few more weeks to go only.

Mummies going for the gathering have a great time and enjoy yourself. Do take photo and upload on FB for sharing, ok?

Shin, hope you recover soon.

Cheery, how are you, your due date is soon right?

Zuen, try to eat more fatty food like ice cream and durian? BB also a little light during my 31 weeks visit, he is 1.6kgs. so I eat more ice cream – magnum plus appetite also increase so bb put on 800gms in 4 weeks. Will your new maid arrive in time? One of the agent I enquire has increased their fee to $600+ due to the shortage.

Etelle, hang in there for bb, only a few more weeks to go 

Babydes, take care.

Cin Cin, I did the strep b test on wed too.

Suwaiwai, you take care and rest well too. Cos doc gave me the same adv if I don’t want to have early delivery. I’m still hoping for Oct to deliver.

Trish10, try not to walk or overwork, must take more rest. That’s what doc adv me too.

Xin2, I have pelvic pain too, especially when turning during sleeping. Sometime can’t even turn must wait for a while. Good on you no need to work liao. Have a good rest then.

Been really busy at work thus only got time to read and no time to post. Hope to get past next week smooth sailing. Have a trade/consumer event next week and I’m the organizer so super busy lor. But hor I need to learn to slow down and take it easy, cos doc said on Wed that bb head is low and engaged liao. I also panic cos many things not done, I’m fortunate to have an understanding boss and he said to have a meeting today or Monday with the team to split my job. Aiyoh, I very paiseh to go on maternity during the current peak period. Hubby also panic a little and manage to clear the store room and wardrobe for bb. I have to start packing my hospital bag this weekend.

Today 1st day of 35th week. BB weights 2.4kgs on 34w/6 days. I put on 2 kgs last 4 weeks and total gain is already 12 kgs.

Hi Mummies,

Congratulations on your upcoming arrival of your child.

I am from June 2010. I had this confinement nanny for 40 days and booked her again for late Oct/Nov to help me introduce solids to my son. But I found out from paediatrician that I should wait till February 2011 to introduce solids.

So this nanny is available now from late Oct till late Nov. She's a very good cook and really loves babies, took care of my baby very well that's why I re-hired her.

I feel bad delaying her by a few months, so I told her I will try to find another employer for her.

Pls email me at [email protected] if you are interested to speak to her.

momotan: me too! so far, there hasn't been much "showing" to my gynae but with due date looming closer, i think we'll be doing lots of checks. =_= so pai say! hahaha! and not to mention the actual delivery. sigh!

but when i selected my gynae, i did not let gender play a factor in my choice.. i thot i will be "da fang" enuf.. hahaha.. now gettin more shy even tho giving birth is a very natural process. =p

Hi Mummies,

Congratulations on your upcoming arrival of your child.

I am from June 2010. I had this confinement nanny for 40 days and booked her again for late Oct/Nov to help me introduce solids to my son. But I found out from paediatrician that I should wait till February 2011 to introduce solids.

So this nanny is available now from late Oct till late Nov. She's a very good cook and really loves babies, took care of my baby very well that's why I re-hired her.

I feel bad delaying her by a few months, so I told her I will try to find another employer for her.

Pls email me at [email protected] if you are interested to speak to her.

Momotan my pain also comes n goes fast but sharp pain at duno which angles. Really hope it will go away soon. Affecting my movements. Trying not to move ard too much.

Now got stuffy nose, cough plus painful butt.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Lilbluey, Etelle,

The woes of internet lor. I got so stressed up after reading about about low amniotic fluid off the net. Ignorant may really be bliss in this case. Hoho. Dun worry, I feel better today already. :p Trying hard to take things easy as well.


Yes, I agreed. Felt more at peace after praying about it this morning. Hopefully I get better sleep tonight, hehe.


So your maid come in liao? I haven call my agent today. If the maid will be stuck, then only God will noe if she can make it in time. Not even sure when my little fella will come out.

As for fod intake, I had chocolate ice cream last night liao but I dun think it is bcos I am not eating enuff. I already put on 11kg liao but bb not absorbing. As per my last pregnancy, if I continue ti anyhow whack food, I think high chance that the weight will go to me instead of baby. Will see what the gynae says next week after the detail scan lor. Hopefully, I can keeo the baby to full-term. Boohoo, I want to have natural birth leh.

good afternoon mommies n Ian

Waiting for the rest to turn up! Haaa... I'm early !

Strep B test

Ermmmm... According to my doc, it is not compulsory but because there are too many patients requested for the test over the years, therefore certain hospitals changed the requirements that it will be part of ore natal check!

If in doubt , check with your gynae![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I'm glad that you are resting at home now!

Please rest well n rest assured some of us will meet next time with our lil ones![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Snoopy/ lilbluey

Thank you for updating the chart all this while! Appreciate it![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Have a good rest! We will think of u while eating later! Muahaha....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] dun worry , I'm sure we will meet next time! Think Vivian oso can't wait for next gathering! Hopefully we are not too heavy to go out by then !

I'm already panting badly lately with the Slightest movement! HB warned me just Now tt starting next week, no going out alone anymore[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

But i told him, watabout with jade n maid? Hectolled his eyes! Haaaaa.....bang !!!!!

Last nite couldn't sleep well too! After having the soup HB made..... Fwahhhh..... Feeling extremely hot n restless ! Because he insisted tt I must drink, n I can't sleep because after drinking! I make him awake too! Wahaha ... Play games loudly on the bed! This morning both zombie![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Arrgghh.. Princess dont make me drool... this time round I really plan for this lunch lor.. Block my calendar to work from home then ask the cleaner come in today super early so that she can be done by the time i want to get out... sian.. now I at home eat cup noodle instead of Chef Daniel's lunch! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


get well soon!

Our immunity really low now loh, easily sick.

I gv up trying to control my MCs liao.


yes! When I booked my gynae, i oso tot no prob.

Now the more I think abt it, the more "worried" i feel! Haha

but I think even if it's female gynae, I will feel paiseh too!!


just lie on the bed & recd princess treatment loh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I oso feel like hving a wheelchair aft walking a few steps onli!

Zuen, my maid not here yet. The agent is waiting for the ban to lift. Not really trying. I source for other agent and select a new gal. Agent say will try but cannot promise though. So still praying and keeping finger crossed. Maybe you need to rest more for bb to grow?

Hospital bag

I am packing my bag finally!!!! I put in my PJ, disposable undies and pads, my gng home clothes, baby romper + receiving blanket. File(containing essential documents). Will be putting in facial products, make up products in in another 2 weeks time. Then camera all that...wow..must pack carefully and meticulously in case missed out. CAMERA! most impt hor...haha


yeah hanging in...haha by a thin line...LOL...


oooh can opt out from the strep b test???usually gynae say do then i do LOL

momotan/ pearlyn


yeah its natural to feel awkward and paiseh at your first birth when u ahve to bare everything to the gynae of the opposite gender. But gynaes are professional. They have seen so mannnnnnnnnny Vs haha..to them it's just their job and they wun be string at it the whole time. wahahaha...so just focus on delivering can le..hee hee

Cherry, Irish, thanks for the tips on the teat. Think mine is anti something system so maybe that is why no hole. Will test later again.

Irish, glad to Noe u r back home, count down count down Liao, ask ur girl guai guai very soon can see mummy, daddy, brother n all the love one le.

Etelle, so happy to hear that for u. Ur baby love n listen to you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Babydes n Shin, jia you drink more water, hope speedy recovery for you both.

Snoopy, thanks thanks will take care.

Most likely induce on 22nd or 23rd Sept for me. But now I keep thinking I m 34 or 35th weeks. Cos my mid wife thot if base on dates I m 34th weeks.Base on what they predict on the conceive date I shld be 34. Base on scan my due date is 7oct n I shld be 35th. Can anyone help me on this?



My agent got an air tix for e maid to fly in tomorrow but not sure if will be stuck at immigration. My agent says tat after this batch, they will also stop getting in phl maids until e ban is lifted. I can only keep my fingers n toes crossed n pray n hope tat she can clear e custom.

Who will help u if u deliver b4 ur maid comes in?

I also want to rest but have to take care of dd after work n also take care of her if I m on leave. I tink I will b more tired if I take care of her on my own so I rather work. Hehehez.

